A list of applications blacklisted from the sound menu [] Each media player which abides by the MPRIS2 spec will automatically appear in the menu. This array should contain the desktop file names (minus .desktop suffix) of applications which do not want to be included in the sound menu. A list of applications which at some point have registered with the sound menu [ 'rhythmbox' ] Each media player which abides by the MPRIS2 spec will automatically appear in the menu. This array should contain the desktop file names (minus .desktop suffix) of applications which have at some point appeared in the menU. This allows the menu remember and display offlined applications. false Initial setting for global mute (mute all) on the menu On start up volume should not be muted. true Initial setting for showing notify-osd notification on scroll volume-change When using the mouse scroll-wheel over the indicator-sound icon, the volume changes. Enabling this setting, every scroll volume-change a notify-osd bubble with the updated volume value will be shown (if supported by your notification daemon).