# Galician translations for PACKAGE package.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Automatically generated, 2017.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-28 20:28+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 20.8.20-24 18:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Iván Seoane <ivanrsm1997@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/ayatana-"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 3.3-dev\n"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:1
msgid "A list of applications blacklisted from the sound menu"
msgstr "Unha listaxe das aplicacións rexeitadas do menú do son"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:2
msgid ""
"Each media player which abides by the MPRIS2 spec will automatically appear "
"in the menu. This array should contain the desktop file names (minus ."
"desktop suffix) of applications which do not want to be included in the "
"sound menu."
msgstr ""
"Tódolos reprodutores multimedia que se expoñan á especificación MPRIS2 "
"aparecerán no menú do son. Esta matriz debe conte-los nomes dos ficheiros ."
"desktop (sen a extensión) das aplicacións que non desexe que aparezan no "

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:3
msgid ""
"A list of applications which at some point have registered with the sound "
msgstr ""
"Unha listaxe das aplicacións que nalgún intre foron rexistradas no menú do "

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:4
msgid ""
"Each media player which abides by the MPRIS2 spec will automatically appear "
"in the menu. This array should contain the desktop file names (minus ."
"desktop suffix) of applications which have at some point appeared in the "
"menu. This allows the menu remember and display offlined applications."
msgstr ""
"Tódolos reprodutores multimedia que se expoñan á especificación MPRIS2 "
"aparecerán no menú do son. Esta matriz debe conte-los nomes dos ficheiros ."
"desktop (sen a extensión) das aplicacións que foron aparecidas algunha vez "
"no menú. Iso permítelle ó menú lembrar e amosa-las aplicacións sen conexión."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:5
msgid ""
"A list of applications that will have player controls visible all the time"
msgstr ""
"Unha listaxe das aplicacións as cales os seus controis da reprodución "
"amósanse sempre"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:6
msgid "Initial setting for global mute (mute all) on the menu"
msgstr "Axuste inicial para o silencio global (silenciar todo) no menú"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:7
msgid "On start up volume should not be muted."
msgstr "Ó iniciares, o volume non debe silenciarse."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Whether the volume slider allows setting the volume above 100%"
msgstr "Escolle se o control do volume permite exceder o 100%"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Whether or not to show the sound indicator in the menu bar."
msgstr "Escolle se amosar ou non o indicador do son na barra do menú."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:11
msgid "Whether or not to show high volume warnings."
msgstr "Escolle se amosar ou non advertenzas do volume alto."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:12
msgid ""
"If enabled on a device, a confirmation dialog will be presented to the user "
"if (a) something is plugged into the headphone jack (ie, no warnings for "
"speaker volumes) AND (b) media is playing (ie, no warnings for ringtone "
"volumes) AND (c) the user attempts to set the volume higher than warning-"
"volume-decibels AND (d) the user has not indicated approval in the last "
"warning-volume-approval-ttl seconds."
msgstr ""
"Se está activado nun dispositivo, un diálogo de confirmación será amosado ó "
"usuario se (a) algo está conectado á toma de auriculares (é dicir, non hai "
"advertenzas para os volumes altos) E (b) está a reproducirse (isto é, non "
"hai advertenzas para os volumes do ton da chamada) E (c) o usuario tenta "
"estabelece-lo volume máis alto que o advertenza-volume-decibelios E (d) o "
"usuario non indicou a aprobación nos derradeiros segundos da advertenza-"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:13
msgid "How many seconds a user's warning-volume approval should be remembered."
msgstr ""
"Cada cantos segundos debe lembrarse a aprobación da advertenza do volume "
"polo usuario."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:14
msgid ""
"How long to remember a user's approval of the confirmation dialog discussed "
"in the description of 'warning-volume-enabled'.\n"
"The default value (72,000 seconds) corresponds to the 20 hours suggested by "
"EU standard EN 60950-1/Al2: “The acknowledgement does not need to be "
"repeated more than once every 20 h of cumulative listening time.”"
msgstr ""
"Canto tempo lembra-la aprobación dun usuario do diálogo de confirmación que "
"se amosa na descrición da 'advertenza-volume-activado'.\n"
"O valor predeterminado (72.000 segundos) corresponde ás 20 horas propostas "
"pola norma UE EN 60950-1/Al2: \"O recoñecemento non debe repetirse máis "
"dunha vez cada 20 horas de tempo de audición amoreada.\""

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:17
msgid "Volume level that triggers a high volume warning."
msgstr "Nivel do volume que activa unha advertenza do volume alto."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:18
msgid ""
"Volume level that triggers a high volume warning. See warning-volume-enabled "
"for details."
msgstr ""
"Nivel do volume que activa unha advertenza do volume alto. Olle advertenza-"
"volume-activado para máis detalles."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:19
msgid "Normal output volume."
msgstr "Volume da saída normal."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:20
msgid ""
"The maximum volume when com.ubuntu.sound's 'allow-amplified-volume' setting "
"is disabled.\n"
"To conform with EU standard EN 60950-1/Al2, this value should never be set "
"to a dB that causes headphone sound output to exceed 100 dBA, nor electric "
"output to exceed 150 mV.\n"
"The default value (0) corresponds to PulseAudio's PA_VOLUME_NORM."
msgstr ""
"O volume máximo cando a configuración de \"permitir-amplificar-volume\" do "
"com.ubuntu.sound está desactivada.\n"
"Para cumprir ca norma EN 60950-1/Al2 da Unión Europea, este valor nunca debe "
"axustarse a uns dB que fagan da saída do son de auriculares superior a 100 "
"dBA, nin a potencia eléctrica superior a 150 mV.\n"
"O valor predeterminado (0) correspóndese con PA_VOLUME_NORM do \"PulseAudio"

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:25
msgid ""
"Output volume to use when com.ubuntu.sound's 'allow-amplified-volume' "
"setting is enabled."
msgstr ""
"O volume da saída a empregar cando a configuración de 'allow-amplified-"
"volume' do com.ubuntu.sound está activada."

#: ../data/org.ayatana.indicator.sound.gschema.xml:26
msgid ""
"The maximum volume when com.ubuntu.sound's 'allow-amplified-volume' setting "
"is enabled.\n"
"To conform with EU standard EN 60950-1/Al2, this value should never be set "
"to a dB that causes headphone sound output to exceed 100 dBA, nor electric "
"output to exceed 150 mV.\n"
"The default value (11) corresponds to PulseAudio's PA_VOLUME_UI_MAX."
msgstr ""
"O volume máximo cando está activada a configuración de \"permitir-amplificar-"
"volume\" do com.ubuntu.sound.\n"
"Para cumprir ca norma EN 60950-1/Al2 da Unión Europea, este valor nunca debe "
"axustarse a uns dB que fagan da saída do son dos auriculares superior a 100 "
"dBA, nin a potencia eléctrica superior a 150 mV.\n"
"O valor predeterminado (11) corresponde ó PA_VOLUME_UI_MAX do \"PulseAudio\"."

#: ../src/info-notification.vala:25 ../src/info-notification.vala:42
#: ../src/service.vala:302 ../src/service.vala:305 ../src/sound-menu.vala:57
#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:251 ../src/warn-notification.vala:31
#, c-format
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Volume"

#: ../src/info-notification.vala:55
msgid "Speakers"
msgstr "Altavoces"

#: ../src/info-notification.vala:57
msgid "Headphones"
msgstr "Auriculares"

#: ../src/info-notification.vala:59
msgid "Bluetooth headphones"
msgstr "Auriculares Bluetooth"

#: ../src/info-notification.vala:61
msgid "Bluetooth speaker"
msgstr "Altavoz Bluetooth"

#: ../src/info-notification.vala:63
msgid "Usb speaker"
msgstr "Altavoz USB"

#: ../src/info-notification.vala:65
msgid "Usb headphones"
msgstr "Auriculares USB"

#: ../src/info-notification.vala:67
msgid "HDMI speaker"
msgstr "Altavoz HDMI"

#: ../src/info-notification.vala:69
msgid "HDMI headphones"
msgstr "Auriculares HDMI"

#: ../src/service.vala:299
msgid "Volume (muted)"
msgstr "Volume (silenciado)"

#: ../src/service.vala:302
msgid "silent"
msgstr "silencio"

#: ../src/service.vala:310
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Son"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:50
msgid "Mute"
msgstr "Silenciar"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:52
msgid "Silent Mode"
msgstr "Modo silencio"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:66
msgid "Sound Settings…"
msgstr "Axustes do son…"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:123
msgid "Microphone Volume"
msgstr "Volume do micrófono"

#. NOTE: Action doesn't really exist, just used to find below when removing
#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:146 ../src/warn-notification.vala:32
msgid "High volume can damage your hearing."
msgstr "O volume alto pode facer dano á súa audición."

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:254
msgid "Volume (Headphones)"
msgstr "Volume (Auriculares)"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:257
msgid "Volume (Bluetooth)"
msgstr "Volume (Bluetooth)"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:260
msgid "Volume (Usb)"
msgstr "Volume (USB)"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:263
msgid "Volume (HDMI)"
msgstr "Volume (HDMI)"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:266
msgid "Volume (Bluetooth headphones)"
msgstr "Volume (Auriculares Bluetooth)"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:269
msgid "Volume (Usb headphones)"
msgstr "Volume (Auriculares USB)"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:272
msgid "Volume (HDMI headphones)"
msgstr "Volume (Auriculares HDMI)"

#: ../src/sound-menu.vala:445
msgid "Choose Playlist"
msgstr "Escoller listaxe de reprodución"

#: ../src/warn-notification.vala:49
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Feito"

#: ../src/warn-notification.vala:52
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Desbotar"