/* Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd. Authors: Conor Curran This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "active-sink.h" #include "slider-menu-item.h" #include "mute-menu-item.h" #include "pulseaudio-mgr.h" typedef struct _ActiveSinkPrivate ActiveSinkPrivate; struct _ActiveSinkPrivate { SliderMenuItem* volume_slider_menuitem; MuteMenuItem* mute_menuitem; SoundState current_sound_state; SoundServiceDbus* service; gint index; gchar* name; pa_cvolume volume; pa_channel_map channel_map; pa_volume_t base_volume; }; #define ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE(o) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), ACTIVE_SINK_TYPE, ActiveSinkPrivate)) /* Prototypes */ static void active_sink_class_init (ActiveSinkClass *klass); static void active_sink_init (ActiveSink *self); static void active_sink_dispose (GObject *object); static void active_sink_finalize (GObject *object); static SoundState active_sink_get_state_from_volume (ActiveSink* self); static pa_cvolume active_sink_construct_mono_volume (const pa_cvolume* vol); static void active_sink_volume_update (ActiveSink* self, gdouble percent); static void active_sink_mute_update (ActiveSink* self, gboolean muted); G_DEFINE_TYPE (ActiveSink, active_sink, G_TYPE_OBJECT); static void active_sink_class_init (ActiveSinkClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (ActiveSinkPrivate)); gobject_class->dispose = active_sink_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = active_sink_finalize; } static void active_sink_init (ActiveSink *self) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); priv->mute_menuitem = NULL; priv->volume_slider_menuitem = NULL; priv->current_sound_state = UNAVAILABLE; priv->index = -1; priv->name = NULL; priv->service = NULL; // Init our menu items. priv->mute_menuitem = g_object_new (MUTE_MENU_ITEM_TYPE, NULL); priv->volume_slider_menuitem = slider_menu_item_new (self); } static void active_sink_dispose (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (active_sink_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void active_sink_finalize (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (active_sink_parent_class)->finalize (object); } void active_sink_populate (ActiveSink* sink, const pa_sink_info* update) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE(sink); priv->name = g_strdup (update->name); priv->index = update->index; // Why the double negative !? active_sink_mute_update (sink, !!update->mute); priv->volume = active_sink_construct_mono_volume (&update->volume); priv->base_volume = update->base_volume; priv->channel_map = update->channel_map; pa_volume_t vol = pa_cvolume_max (&update->volume); gdouble volume_percent = ((gdouble) vol * 100) / PA_VOLUME_NORM; active_sink_volume_update (sink, volume_percent); active_sink_mute_update (sink, !!update->mute); g_debug ("Active sink has been populated - volume %f", volume_percent); } void active_sink_update (ActiveSink* sink, const pa_sink_info* update) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (sink); active_sink_mute_update (sink, update->mute); priv->volume = active_sink_construct_mono_volume (&update->volume); priv->base_volume = update->base_volume; priv->channel_map = update->channel_map; pa_volume_t vol = pa_cvolume_max (&update->volume); gdouble volume_percent = ((gdouble) vol * 100) / PA_VOLUME_NORM; active_sink_volume_update (sink, volume_percent); active_sink_mute_update (sink, update->mute); } // To the UI static void active_sink_volume_update (ActiveSink* self, gdouble percent) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); slider_menu_item_update (priv->volume_slider_menuitem, percent); SoundState state = active_sink_get_state_from_volume (self); if (priv->current_sound_state != state){ priv->current_sound_state = state; sound_service_dbus_update_sound_state (priv->service, priv->current_sound_state); } } // From the UI void active_sink_update_volume (ActiveSink* self, gdouble percent) { pa_cvolume new_volume; pa_cvolume_init(&new_volume); new_volume.channels = 1; pa_volume_t new_volume_value = (pa_volume_t) ((percent * PA_VOLUME_NORM) / 100); pa_cvolume_set(&new_volume, 1, new_volume_value); ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); pa_cvolume_set(&priv->volume, priv->channel_map.channels, new_volume_value); pm_update_volume (priv->index, new_volume); } static void active_sink_mute_update (ActiveSink* self, gboolean muted) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); mute_menu_item_update (priv->mute_menuitem, muted); SoundState state = active_sink_get_state_from_volume (self); if (muted == TRUE){ state = MUTED; } if (priv->current_sound_state != state){ priv->current_sound_state = state; sound_service_dbus_update_sound_state (priv->service, state); } } void active_sink_ensure_sink_is_unmuted (ActiveSink* self) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); if (mute_menu_item_is_muted (priv->mute_menuitem)){ pm_update_mute (FALSE); } } static SoundState active_sink_get_state_from_volume (ActiveSink* self) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); GVariant* v = dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_variant (DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(priv->volume_slider_menuitem), DBUSMENU_VOLUME_MENUITEM_LEVEL); gdouble volume_percent = g_variant_get_double (v); SoundState state = LOW_LEVEL; if (volume_percent < 30.0 && volume_percent > 0) { state = LOW_LEVEL; } else if (volume_percent < 70.0 && volume_percent >= 30.0) { state = MEDIUM_LEVEL; } else if (volume_percent >= 70.0) { state = HIGH_LEVEL; } else if (volume_percent == 0.0) { state = ZERO_LEVEL; } return state; } static pa_cvolume active_sink_construct_mono_volume (const pa_cvolume* vol) { pa_cvolume new_volume; pa_cvolume_init(&new_volume); new_volume.channels = 1; pa_volume_t max_vol = pa_cvolume_max(vol); pa_cvolume_set(&new_volume, 1, max_vol); return new_volume; } void active_sink_determine_blocking_state (ActiveSink* self) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); if (mute_menu_item_is_muted (priv->mute_menuitem)){ /** We don't want to set the current state to blocking as this is a fire and forget event. */ sound_service_dbus_update_sound_state (priv->service, BLOCKED); } } gint active_sink_get_index (ActiveSink* self) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); return priv->index; } gboolean active_sink_is_populated (ActiveSink* sink) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (sink); return (priv->index != -1); } void active_sink_deactivate (ActiveSink* self) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); priv->current_sound_state = UNAVAILABLE; sound_service_dbus_update_sound_state (priv->service, priv->current_sound_state); priv->index = -1; g_free(priv->name); priv->name = NULL; } SoundState active_sink_get_state (ActiveSink* self) { ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (self); return priv->current_sound_state; } ActiveSink* active_sink_new (SoundServiceDbus* service) { ActiveSink* sink = g_object_new (ACTIVE_SINK_TYPE, NULL); ActiveSinkPrivate* priv = ACTIVE_SINK_GET_PRIVATE (sink); priv->service = service; sound_service_dbus_build_sound_menu (service, mute_menu_item_get_button (priv->mute_menuitem), DBUSMENU_MENUITEM (priv->volume_slider_menuitem)); pm_establish_pulse_connection (sink); return sink; }