/* * Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd. * Copyright 2021-2023 Robert Tari * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Authors: * Charles Kerr * Robert Tari */ using Notify; public class IndicatorSound.InfoNotification: Notification { private string sReaderSchema = "org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications"; private string sReaderKey = "screen-reader-enabled"; protected override Notify.Notification create_notification () { string sUser = GLib.Environment.get_user_name (); if (sUser == "lightdm") { this.sReaderSchema = "org.ArcticaProject.arctica-greeter"; this.sReaderKey = "screen-reader"; } return new Notify.Notification (_("Volume"), "", "audio-volume-muted"); } public void show (VolumeControl.ActiveOutput active_output, double volume, bool is_high_volume) { /* Determine Label */ string volume_label = get_notification_label (active_output); /* Choose an icon */ unowned string icon = get_volume_notification_icon (active_output, volume, is_high_volume); /* Reset the notification */ var n = _notification; volume_label += "\n"; int32 nValue = ((int32)((volume * 100.0) + 0.5)).clamp(0, 100); SettingsSchemaSource pSource = SettingsSchemaSource.get_default (); SettingsSchema pSchema = pSource.lookup (this.sReaderSchema, false); bool bOrcaActive = false; if (pSchema != null) { Settings pSettings = new Settings (this.sReaderSchema); bOrcaActive = pSettings.get_boolean (this.sReaderKey); } if (bOrcaActive) { string sValue = nValue.to_string (); volume_label += sValue + "%"; } else { uint nChars = ((int32)((volume * 20) + 0.5)).clamp(0, 20); for (uint nChar = 0; nChar < nChars; nChar++) { volume_label += "◼"; } } n.update (_("Volume"), volume_label, icon); n.clear_hints(); n.set_hint ("value", nValue); show_notification (); } private static unowned string get_notification_label (VolumeControl.ActiveOutput active_output) { switch (active_output) { case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.SPEAKERS: return _("Speakers"); case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.HEADPHONES: return _("Headphones"); case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.BLUETOOTH_HEADPHONES: return _("Bluetooth headphones"); case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.BLUETOOTH_SPEAKER: return _("Bluetooth speaker"); case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.USB_SPEAKER: return _("Usb speaker"); case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.USB_HEADPHONES: return _("Usb headphones"); case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.HDMI_SPEAKER: return _("HDMI speaker"); case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.HDMI_HEADPHONES: return _("HDMI headphones"); default: return ""; } } private static unowned string get_volume_notification_icon (VolumeControl.ActiveOutput active_output, double volume, bool is_high_volume) { if (!is_high_volume) return get_volume_icon (active_output, volume); switch (active_output) { case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.SPEAKERS: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.HEADPHONES: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.BLUETOOTH_HEADPHONES: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.BLUETOOTH_SPEAKER: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.USB_SPEAKER: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.USB_HEADPHONES: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.HDMI_SPEAKER: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.HDMI_HEADPHONES: return "audio-volume-high"; default: return ""; } } private static unowned string get_volume_icon (VolumeControl.ActiveOutput active_output, double volume) { switch (active_output) { case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.SPEAKERS: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.HEADPHONES: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.BLUETOOTH_HEADPHONES: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.BLUETOOTH_SPEAKER: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.USB_SPEAKER: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.USB_HEADPHONES: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.HDMI_SPEAKER: case VolumeControl.ActiveOutput.HDMI_HEADPHONES: if (volume <= 0.0) return "audio-volume-muted"; if (volume <= 0.3) return "audio-volume-low"; if (volume <= 0.7) return "audio-volume-medium"; return "audio-volume-high"; default: return ""; } } }