/* This service primarily controls PulseAudio and is driven by the sound indicator menu on the panel. Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd. Authors: Conor Curran This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ using Gee; public class MprisController : GLib.Object { private DBus.Connection connection; public dynamic DBus.Object mpris_player{get; construct;} public PlayerController owner {get; construct;} public string mpris_interface {get; construct;} struct status { public int32 playback; //public int32 shuffle; // Not used just yet //public int32 repeat; //public int32 endless; } public MprisController(PlayerController ctrl, string inter="org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer"){ Object(owner: ctrl, mpris_interface: inter); } construct{ try { this.connection = DBus.Bus.get (DBus.BusType.SESSION); } catch (Error e) { error("Problems connecting to the session bus - %s", e.message); } this.mpris_player = this.connection.get_object ("org.mpris.".concat(this.owner.name.down()) , "/Player", this.mpris_interface); debug("just attempting to establish an mpris connection to %s, %s, %s", "org.mpris.".concat(this.owner.name.down()) , "/Player", this.mpris_interface); this.mpris_player.TrackChange += onTrackChange; this.mpris_player.StatusChange += onStatusChange; initial_update(); } private void initial_update() { status st = this.mpris_player.GetStatus(); int play_state = st.playback; debug("GetStatusChange - play state %i", play_state); (this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.TRANSPORT] as TransportMenuitem).change_play_state(play_state); this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA].update(this.mpris_player.GetMetadata(), MetadataMenuitem.attributes_format()); this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.SCRUB].update(this.mpris_player.GetMetadata(), ScrubMenuitem.attributes_format()); // temporary fix ScrubMenuitem scrub = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.SCRUB] as ScrubMenuitem; scrub.update_position(this.mpris_player.PositionGet()); } private void onTrackChange(dynamic DBus.Object mpris_client, HashTable ht) { debug("onTrackChange"); this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA].reset(MetadataMenuitem.attributes_format()); this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.SCRUB].reset(ScrubMenuitem.attributes_format()); this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA].update(ht, MetadataMenuitem.attributes_format()); debug("about to update the duration on the scrub bar"); this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.SCRUB].update(this.mpris_player.GetMetadata(), ScrubMenuitem.attributes_format()); // temporary fix ScrubMenuitem scrub = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.SCRUB] as ScrubMenuitem; scrub.update_position(this.mpris_player.PositionGet()); } public void transport_event(TransportMenuitem.action command) { debug("transport_event input = %i", (int)command); if(command == TransportMenuitem.action.PLAY_PAUSE){ status st = this.mpris_player.GetStatus(); bool play_state = st.playback == 1; debug("toggle_playback - initial play state %i", (int)play_state); bool new_play_state = !play_state; debug("toggle_playback - new play state %i", (int)new_play_state); if(new_play_state == true){ debug("about to play"); this.mpris_player.Play(); } else{ debug("about to pause"); this.mpris_player.Pause(); } } else if(command == TransportMenuitem.action.PREVIOUS){ this.mpris_player.Prev(); } else if(command == TransportMenuitem.action.NEXT){ this.mpris_player.Next(); } } public void set_position(double position) { //debug("Set position with pos (0-100) %f", position); HashTable data = this.mpris_player.GetMetadata(); Value? time_value = data.lookup("time"); if(time_value == null){ warning("Can't fetch the duration of the track therefore cant set the position"); return; } uint32 total_time = time_value.get_uint(); //debug("total time of track = %i", (int)total_time); double new_time_position = total_time * position/100.0; //debug("new position = %f", (new_time_position * 1000)); this.mpris_player.PositionSet((int32)(new_time_position * 1000)); } public bool connected() { return (this.mpris_player != null); } private void onStatusChange(dynamic DBus.Object mpris_client, status st) { debug("onStatusChange - signal received"); status* status = &st; unowned ValueArray ar = (ValueArray)status; int play_state = ar.get_nth(0).get_int(); debug("onStatusChange - play state %i", play_state); HashTable ht = new HashTable(str_hash, str_equal); Value v = Value(typeof(int)); v.set_int(play_state); ht.insert("state", v); this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.TRANSPORT].update(ht, TransportMenuitem.attributes_format()); } }