/* Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd. Authors: Conor Curran This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ using Dbusmenu; [DBus (name = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")] public interface FreeDesktopProperties : Object{ public signal void PropertiesChanged (string source, HashTable changed_properties, string[] invalid ); } /* This class will entirely replace mpris-controller.vala hence why there is no point in trying to get encorporate both into the same object model. */ public class Mpris2Controller : GLib.Object { public MprisRoot mpris2_root {get; construct;} public MprisPlayer player {get; construct;} public MprisPlaylists playlists {get; construct;} public FreeDesktopProperties properties_interface {get; construct;} public PlayerController owner {get; construct;} public Mpris2Controller(PlayerController ctrl) { GLib.Object(owner: ctrl); } construct{ try { this.mpris2_root = Bus.get_proxy_sync ( BusType.SESSION, this.owner.dbus_name, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" ); this.player = Bus.get_proxy_sync ( BusType.SESSION, this.owner.dbus_name, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" ); this.playlists = Bus.get_proxy_sync ( BusType.SESSION, this.owner.dbus_name, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" ); this.properties_interface = Bus.get_proxy_sync ( BusType.SESSION, "org.freedesktop.Properties.PropertiesChanged", "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" ); this.properties_interface.PropertiesChanged.connect ( property_changed_cb ); } catch (IOError e) { error("Problems connecting to the session bus - %s", e.message); } } public void property_changed_cb ( string interface_source, HashTable changed_properties, string[] invalid ) { debug("properties-changed for interface %s and owner %s", interface_source, this.owner.dbus_name); if ( changed_properties == null || interface_source.has_prefix ( Mpris2Watcher.MPRIS_PREFIX ) == false ){ warning("Property-changed hash is null or this is an interface that doesn't concerns us"); return; } Variant? play_v = changed_properties.lookup("PlaybackStatus"); if(play_v != null){ // Race condition sometimes appears with the playback status // 200ms timeout ensures we have the correct playback status at all times. string state = this.player.PlaybackStatus; //debug("in the property update and the playback status = %s and update = %s", state, (string)play_v); Timeout.add ( 200, ensure_correct_playback_status ); TransportMenuitem.state p = (TransportMenuitem.state)this.determine_play_state(state); (this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.TRANSPORT] as TransportMenuitem).change_play_state(p); } Variant? meta_v = changed_properties.lookup("Metadata"); if(meta_v != null){ GLib.HashTable changed_updates = clean_metadata(); PlayerItem metadata = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA]; metadata.reset ( MetadataMenuitem.attributes_format()); metadata.update ( changed_updates, MetadataMenuitem.attributes_format()); metadata.property_set_bool ( MENUITEM_PROP_VISIBLE, metadata.populated(MetadataMenuitem.attributes_format())); } Variant? playlist_v = changed_properties.lookup("ActivePlaylist"); if ( playlist_v != null && this.playlists_support_exist() ){ this.fetch_active_playlist(); } } public bool playlists_support_exist() { if (this.playlists == null) return false; uint32? count = this.playlists.PlaylistCount; if ( count == null || count <= 0 ) return false; return true; } private bool ensure_correct_playback_status(){ debug("TEST playback status = %s", this.player.PlaybackStatus); TransportMenuitem.state p = (TransportMenuitem.state)this.determine_play_state(this.player.PlaybackStatus); (this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.TRANSPORT] as TransportMenuitem).change_play_state(p); return false; } private GLib.HashTable? clean_metadata() { GLib.HashTable changed_updates = this.player.Metadata; Variant? artist_v = this.player.Metadata.lookup("xesam:artist"); if(artist_v != null){ string[] artists = (string[])this.player.Metadata.lookup("xesam:artist"); string display_artists = string.joinv(", ", artists); changed_updates.replace("xesam:artist", display_artists); debug("artist : %s", (string)changed_updates.lookup("xesam:artist")); } Variant? length_v = this.player.Metadata.lookup("mpris:length"); if(length_v != null){ int64 duration = this.player.Metadata.lookup("mpris:length").get_int64(); changed_updates.replace("mpris:length", duration/1000000); } return changed_updates; } private TransportMenuitem.state determine_play_state(string? status){ if(status != null && status == "Playing"){ return TransportMenuitem.state.PLAYING; } return TransportMenuitem.state.PAUSED; } public void initial_update() { TransportMenuitem.state update; if(this.player.PlaybackStatus == null){ update = TransportMenuitem.state.PAUSED; } update = determine_play_state(null); (this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.TRANSPORT] as TransportMenuitem).change_play_state(TransportMenuitem.state.PAUSED); GLib.HashTable? cleaned_metadata = this.clean_metadata(); this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.METADATA].update(cleaned_metadata, MetadataMenuitem.attributes_format()); /*if ( playlists_support_exist() == true ){ debug ("it thinks that there is a valid playlist interface"); this.fetch_playlists(); this.fetch_active_playlist(); }*/ } public void transport_update(TransportMenuitem.action command) { debug("transport_event input = %i", (int)command); if(command == TransportMenuitem.action.PLAY_PAUSE){ this.player.PlayPause.begin(); } else if(command == TransportMenuitem.action.PREVIOUS){ this.player.Previous.begin(); } else if(command == TransportMenuitem.action.NEXT){ this.player.Next.begin(); } } public void fetch_playlists() { PlaylistDetails[] current_playlists = this.playlists.GetPlaylists(0, 10, "Alphabetical", false); if( current_playlists != null ){ debug( "Size of the playlist array = %i", current_playlists.length ); PlaylistsMenuitem playlists_item = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.PLAYLISTS] as PlaylistsMenuitem; playlists_item.update(current_playlists); } return; } private void fetch_active_playlist() { if (this.playlists.ActivePlaylist.valid == false){ debug("We don't have an active playlist"); } PlaylistsMenuitem playlists_item = this.owner.custom_items[PlayerController.widget_order.PLAYLISTS] as PlaylistsMenuitem; playlists_item.update_active_playlist ( this.playlists.ActivePlaylist.details ); } public bool connected() { return (this.player != null && this.mpris2_root != null); } public void expose() { if(this.connected() == true){ this.mpris2_root.Raise.begin(); } } public void activate_playlist (ObjectPath path) { if ( playlists_support_exist() == false ){ return; } try{ this.playlists.ActivatePlaylist.begin(path); } catch(IOError e){ debug("Could not activate playlist %s because %s", (string)path, e.message); } } }