/* * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Authors: * Lars Uebernickel */ /* Icon.serialize() is not yet in gio-2.0.vapi; remove this when it is */ extern Variant? g_icon_serialize (Icon icon); public class IndicatorSound.Service { public Service () { this.settings = new Settings ("com.canonical.indicator.sound"); this.volume_control = new VolumeControl (); this.volume_control.notify["active-mic"].connect (active_mic_changed); this.players = new MediaPlayerList (); this.players.player_added.connect (this.player_added); this.players.player_removed.connect (this.player_removed); this.actions = new SimpleActionGroup (); this.actions.add_entries (action_entries, this); this.actions.add_action (this.create_mute_action ()); this.actions.add_action (this.create_volume_action ()); this.actions.add_action (this.create_mic_volume_action ()); this.menu = create_menu (); this.root_menu = create_root_menu (this.menu); this.players.sync (settings.get_strv ("preferred-media-players")); this.settings.changed["preferred-media-players"].connect ( () => { this.players.sync (settings.get_strv ("preferred-media-players")); }); } public int run () { if (this.loop != null) { warning ("service is already running"); return 1; } Bus.own_name (BusType.SESSION, "com.canonical.indicator.sound", BusNameOwnerFlags.NONE, this.bus_acquired, null, this.name_lost); this.loop = new MainLoop (null, false); this.loop.run (); return 0; } const ActionEntry[] action_entries = { { "root", null, null, "{ 'icon': <'audio-volume-high-panel'> }", null }, { "settings", activate_settings, null, null, null }, }; MainLoop loop; SimpleActionGroup actions; Menu root_menu; Menu menu; Settings settings; VolumeControl volume_control; MediaPlayerList players; uint player_action_update_id; void activate_settings (SimpleAction action, Variant? param) { var env = Environment.get_variable ("DESKTOP_SESSION"); string cmd; if (env == "unity") cmd = "gnome-control-center sound-nua"; else if (env == "xubuntu" || env == "ubuntustudio") cmd = "pavucontrol"; else cmd = "gnome-control-center sound"; try { Process.spawn_command_line_async (cmd); } catch (Error e) { warning ("unable to launch sound settings: %s", e.message); } } static Menu create_root_menu (Menu submenu) { var root = new MenuItem (null, "indicator.root"); root.set_attribute ("x-canonical-type", "s", "com.canonical.indicator.root"); root.set_submenu (submenu); var menu = new Menu (); menu.append_item (root); return menu; } static Menu create_menu () { var volume_section = new Menu (); volume_section.append (_("Mute"), "indicator.mute"); var slider = new MenuItem (null, "indicator.volume"); slider.set_attribute ("x-canonical-type", "s", "com.canonical.unity.slider"); slider.set_attribute_value ("min-icon", g_icon_serialize (new ThemedIcon ("audio-volume-low-zero-panel"))); slider.set_attribute_value ("max-icon", g_icon_serialize (new ThemedIcon ("audio-volume-high-panel"))); slider.set_attribute ("min-value", "d", 0.0); slider.set_attribute ("max-value", "d", 1.0); slider.set_attribute ("step", "d", 0.01); volume_section.append_item (slider); var menu = new Menu (); menu.append_section (null, volume_section); menu.append (_("Sound Settingsā€¦"), "indicator.settings"); return menu; } void active_mic_changed () { var volume_section = this.menu.get_item_link (0, "section") as Menu; if (this.volume_control.active_mic) { if (volume_section.get_n_items () < 3) { var slider = new MenuItem (null, "indicator.mic-volume"); slider.set_attribute ("x-canonical-type", "s", "com.canonical.unity.slider"); slider.set_attribute_value ("min-icon", g_icon_serialize (new ThemedIcon ("audio-input-microphone-low-zero-panel"))); slider.set_attribute_value ("max-icon", g_icon_serialize (new ThemedIcon ("audio-input-microphone-high-panel"))); slider.set_attribute ("min-value", "d", 0.0); slider.set_attribute ("max-value", "d", 1.0); slider.set_attribute ("step", "d", 0.01); volume_section.append_item (slider); } } else { if (volume_section.get_n_items () > 2) volume_section.remove (2); } } void update_root_icon () { double volume = this.volume_control.get_volume (); string icon; if (this.volume_control.mute) icon = "audio-volume-muted-panel"; else if (volume <= 0.0) icon = "audio-volume-low-zero-panel"; else if (volume <= 0.3) icon = "audio-volume-low-panel"; else if (volume <= 0.7) icon = "audio-volume-medium-panel"; else icon = "audio-volume-high-panel"; var root_action = this.actions.lookup ("root") as SimpleAction; root_action.set_state (new Variant.parsed ("{ 'icon': <%s> }", icon)); } Action create_mute_action () { var mute_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("mute", null, this.volume_control.mute); mute_action.activate.connect ( (action, param) => { action.change_state (!action.get_state ().get_boolean ()); }); mute_action.change_state.connect ( (action, val) => { volume_control.set_mute (val.get_boolean ()); }); this.volume_control.notify["mute"].connect ( () => { mute_action.set_state (this.volume_control.mute); this.update_root_icon (); }); return mute_action; } void volume_changed (double volume) { var volume_action = this.actions.lookup ("volume") as SimpleAction; volume_action.set_state (volume); this.update_root_icon (); } Action create_volume_action () { var volume_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("volume", null, this.volume_control.get_volume ()); volume_action.change_state.connect ( (action, val) => { volume_control.set_volume (val.get_double ()); }); this.volume_control.volume_changed.connect (volume_changed); this.volume_control.bind_property ("ready", volume_action, "enabled", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); return volume_action; } Action create_mic_volume_action () { var volume_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("mic-volume", null, this.volume_control.get_mic_volume ()); volume_action.change_state.connect ( (action, val) => { volume_control.set_mic_volume (val.get_double ()); }); this.volume_control.mic_volume_changed.connect ( (volume) => { volume_action.set_state (volume); }); this.volume_control.bind_property ("ready", volume_action, "enabled", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); return volume_action; } void bus_acquired (DBusConnection connection, string name) { try { connection.export_action_group ("/com/canonical/indicator/sound", this.actions); connection.export_menu_model ("/com/canonical/indicator/sound/desktop", this.root_menu); } catch (Error e) { critical ("%s", e.message); } } void name_lost (DBusConnection connection, string name) { this.loop.quit (); } Variant action_state_for_player (MediaPlayer player) { var builder = new VariantBuilder (new VariantType ("a{sv}")); builder.add ("{sv}", "running", new Variant ("b", player.is_running)); builder.add ("{sv}", "state", new Variant ("s", player.state)); if (player.current_track != null) { builder.add ("{sv}", "title", new Variant ("s", player.current_track.title)); builder.add ("{sv}", "artist", new Variant ("s", player.current_track.artist)); builder.add ("{sv}", "album", new Variant ("s", player.current_track.album)); builder.add ("{sv}", "art-url", new Variant ("s", player.current_track.art_url)); } return builder.end (); } bool update_player_actions () { foreach (var player in this.players) { SimpleAction? action = this.actions.lookup (player.id) as SimpleAction; if (action != null) action.set_state (this.action_state_for_player (player)); } this.player_action_update_id = 0; return false; } void eventually_update_player_actions () { if (player_action_update_id == 0) this.player_action_update_id = Idle.add (this.update_player_actions); } void update_preferred_players () { var builder = new VariantBuilder (VariantType.STRING_ARRAY); foreach (var player in this.players) builder.add ("s", player.id); this.settings.set_value ("preferred-media-players", builder.end ()); } void player_added (MediaPlayer player) { var player_item = new MenuItem (player.name, "indicator." + player.id); player_item.set_attribute ("x-canonical-type", "s", "com.canonical.unity.media-player"); player_item.set_attribute_value ("icon", g_icon_serialize (player.icon)); var playback_item = new MenuItem (null, null); playback_item.set_attribute ("x-canonical-type", "s", "com.canonical.unity.playback-item"); playback_item.set_attribute ("x-canonical-play-action", "s", "indicator.play." + player.id); playback_item.set_attribute ("x-canonical-next-action", "s", "indicator.next." + player.id); playback_item.set_attribute ("x-canonical-previous-action", "s", "indicator.previous." + player.id); var section = new Menu (); section.append_item (player_item); section.append_item (playback_item); this.menu.insert_section (this.menu.get_n_items () -1, null, section); SimpleAction action = new SimpleAction.stateful (player.id, null, this.action_state_for_player (player)); action.activate.connect ( () => { player.launch (); }); this.actions.insert (action); var play_action = new SimpleAction.stateful ("play." + player.id, null, player.state); play_action.activate.connect ( () => player.play_pause () ); this.actions.insert (play_action); player.notify.connect ( (object, pspec) => { if (pspec.name == "state") play_action.set_state (player.state); }); var next_action = new SimpleAction ("next." + player.id, null); next_action.activate.connect ( () => player.next () ); this.actions.insert (next_action); var prev_action = new SimpleAction ("previous." + player.id, null); prev_action.activate.connect ( () => player.previous () ); this.actions.insert (prev_action); player.notify.connect (this.eventually_update_player_actions); this.update_preferred_players (); } void player_removed (MediaPlayer player) { this.actions.remove (player.id); this.actions.remove ("play." + player.id); this.actions.remove ("next." + player.id); this.actions.remove ("previous." + player.id); int n = this.menu.get_n_items (); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var section = this.menu.get_item_link (i, Menu.LINK_SECTION); string action; section.get_item_attribute (0, "action", "s", out action); if (action == player.id) { this.menu.remove (i); break; } } this.update_preferred_players (); } }