* -*- Mode:Vala; indent-tabs-mode:t; tab-width:4; encoding:utf8 -*-
* Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Authors:
* Alberto Ruiz
using PulseAudio;
using Gee;
[CCode(cname="pa_cvolume_set", cheader_filename = "pulse/volume.h")]
extern unowned PulseAudio.CVolume? vol_set (PulseAudio.CVolume? cv, uint channels, PulseAudio.Volume v);
[DBus (name="com.canonical.UnityGreeter.List")]
interface GreeterListInterface : Object
public abstract async string get_active_entry () throws IOError;
public signal void entry_selected (string entry_name);
public class VolumeControl : Object
/* this is static to ensure it being freed after @context (loop does not have ref counting) */
private static PulseAudio.GLibMainLoop loop;
private uint _reconnect_timer = 0;
private PulseAudio.Context context;
private bool _mute = true;
private bool _is_playing = false;
private double _volume = 0.0;
private double _mic_volume = 0.0;
/* Used by the pulseaudio stream restore extension */
private DBusConnection _pconn;
private Gee.ArrayList _sink_input_list = new Gee.ArrayList ();
private HashMap _sink_input_hash = new HashMap ();
private bool _pulse_use_stream_restore = false;
private uint32 _active_sink_input = -1;
private string[] _valid_roles = {"multimedia", "alert", "alarm", "phone"};
private string? _objp_role_multimedia = null;
private string? _objp_role_alert = null;
private string? _objp_role_alarm = null;
private string? _objp_role_phone = null;
private DBusProxy _user_proxy;
private GreeterListInterface _greeter_proxy;
private Cancellable _mute_cancellable;
private Cancellable _volume_cancellable;
private uint _local_volume_timer = 0;
private uint _accountservice_volume_timer = 0;
private bool _send_next_local_volume = false;
private double _account_service_volume = 0.0;
public signal void volume_changed (double v);
public signal void mic_volume_changed (double v);
/** true when connected to the pulse server */
public bool ready { get; set; }
/** true when a microphone is active **/
public bool active_mic { get; private set; default = false; }
public VolumeControl ()
if (loop == null)
loop = new PulseAudio.GLibMainLoop ();
_mute_cancellable = new Cancellable ();
_volume_cancellable = new Cancellable ();
setup_accountsservice.begin ();
this.reconnect_to_pulse ();
~VolumeControl ()
if (_reconnect_timer != 0) {
Source.remove (_reconnect_timer);
_reconnect_timer = 0;
/* PulseAudio logic*/
private void context_events_cb (Context c, Context.SubscriptionEventType t, uint32 index)
switch (t & Context.SubscriptionEventType.FACILITY_MASK)
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.SINK:
update_sink ();
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.SINK_INPUT:
switch (t & Context.SubscriptionEventType.TYPE_MASK)
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.NEW:
c.get_sink_input_info (index, handle_new_sink_input_cb);
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.CHANGE:
c.get_sink_input_info (index, handle_changed_sink_input_cb);
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.REMOVE:
remove_sink_input_from_list (index);
stdout.printf ("Sink input event not known\n");
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.SOURCE:
update_source ();
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.SOURCE_OUTPUT:
switch (t & Context.SubscriptionEventType.TYPE_MASK)
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.NEW:
c.get_source_output_info (index, source_output_info_cb);
case Context.SubscriptionEventType.REMOVE:
this.active_mic = false;
private void sink_info_cb_for_props (Context c, SinkInfo? i, int eol)
if (i == null)
if (_mute != (bool)i.mute)
_mute = (bool)i.mute;
this.notify_property ("mute");
var playing = (i.state == PulseAudio.SinkState.RUNNING);
if (_is_playing != playing)
_is_playing = playing;
this.notify_property ("is-playing");
if (_pulse_use_stream_restore == false &&
_volume != volume_to_double (i.volume.values[0]))
_volume = volume_to_double (i.volume.values[0]);
volume_changed (_volume);
private void source_info_cb (Context c, SourceInfo? i, int eol)
if (i == null)
if (_mic_volume != volume_to_double (i.volume.values[0]))
_mic_volume = volume_to_double (i.volume.values[0]);
mic_volume_changed (_mic_volume);
private void server_info_cb_for_props (Context c, ServerInfo? i)
if (i == null)
context.get_sink_info_by_name (i.default_sink_name, sink_info_cb_for_props);
private void update_sink ()
context.get_server_info (server_info_cb_for_props);
private void update_source_get_server_info_cb (PulseAudio.Context c, PulseAudio.ServerInfo? i) {
if (i != null)
context.get_source_info_by_name (i.default_source_name, source_info_cb);
private void update_source ()
context.get_server_info (update_source_get_server_info_cb);
private void update_active_sink_input (uint32 index)
if (index != _active_sink_input && (index == -1 || index in _sink_input_list)) {
string sink_input_objp = _objp_role_alert;
if (index != -1)
sink_input_objp = _sink_input_hash.get (index);
_active_sink_input = index;
uint32 type = 0;
uint32 volume = 0;
try {
var props_variant = _pconn.call_sync ("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry",
sink_input_objp, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get",
new Variant ("(ss)", "org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry", "Volume"),
null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
Variant? tmp = null;
props_variant.get ("(v)", out tmp);
VariantIter iter = tmp.iterator ();
iter.next ("(uu)", &type, &volume);
_volume = volume_to_double (volume);
volume_changed (_volume);
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to get volume for active role %s (%s)", sink_input_objp, e.message);
private void add_sink_input_into_list (SinkInputInfo i)
/* We're only adding ones that are not corked and with a valid role */
var role = i.proplist.gets (PulseAudio.Proplist.PROP_MEDIA_ROLE);
if (role != null && role in _valid_roles) {
if (i.corked == 0 || role == "phone") {
_sink_input_list.insert (0, i.index);
switch (role)
case "multimedia":
_sink_input_hash.set (i.index, _objp_role_multimedia);
case "alert":
_sink_input_hash.set (i.index, _objp_role_alert);
case "alarm":
_sink_input_hash.set (i.index, _objp_role_alarm);
case "phone":
_sink_input_hash.set (i.index, _objp_role_phone);
if (_sink_input_hash.get (_active_sink_input) != _objp_role_phone)
update_active_sink_input (i.index);
private void remove_sink_input_from_list (uint32 index)
if (index in _sink_input_list) {
_sink_input_list.remove (index);
_sink_input_hash.unset (index);
if (index == _active_sink_input) {
if (_sink_input_list.size != 0)
update_active_sink_input (_sink_input_list.get (0));
update_active_sink_input (-1);
private void handle_new_sink_input_cb (Context c, SinkInputInfo? i, int eol)
if (i == null)
add_sink_input_into_list (i);
private void handle_changed_sink_input_cb (Context c, SinkInputInfo? i, int eol)
if (i == null)
if (i.index in _sink_input_list) {
if (i.corked == 1)
} else {
if (i.corked == 0)
private void source_output_info_cb (Context c, SourceOutputInfo? i, int eol)
if (i == null)
var role = i.proplist.gets (PulseAudio.Proplist.PROP_MEDIA_ROLE);
if (role == "phone" || role == "production")
this.active_mic = true;
private void context_state_callback (Context c)
switch (c.get_state ()) {
case Context.State.READY:
if (_pulse_use_stream_restore) {
c.subscribe (PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SINK |
PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SINK_INPUT |
PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SOURCE |
} else {
c.subscribe (PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SINK |
PulseAudio.Context.SubscriptionMask.SOURCE |
c.set_subscribe_callback (context_events_cb);
update_sink ();
update_source ();
this.ready = true;
case Context.State.FAILED:
case Context.State.TERMINATED:
if (_reconnect_timer == 0)
_reconnect_timer = Timeout.add_seconds (2, reconnect_timeout);
this.ready = false;
bool reconnect_timeout ()
_reconnect_timer = 0;
reconnect_to_pulse ();
return false; // G_SOURCE_REMOVE
void reconnect_to_pulse ()
if (this.ready) {
this.context.disconnect ();
this.context = null;
this.ready = false;
var props = new Proplist ();
props.sets (Proplist.PROP_APPLICATION_NAME, "Ubuntu Audio Settings");
props.sets (Proplist.PROP_APPLICATION_ID, "com.canonical.settings.sound");
props.sets (Proplist.PROP_APPLICATION_ICON_NAME, "multimedia-volume-control");
props.sets (Proplist.PROP_APPLICATION_VERSION, "0.1");
reconnect_pulse_stream_restore ();
this.context = new PulseAudio.Context (loop.get_api(), null, props);
this.context.set_state_callback (context_state_callback);
if (context.connect(null, Context.Flags.NOFAIL, null) < 0)
warning( "pa_context_connect() failed: %s\n", PulseAudio.strerror(context.errno()));
void sink_info_list_callback_set_mute (PulseAudio.Context context, PulseAudio.SinkInfo? sink, int eol) {
if (sink != null)
context.set_sink_mute_by_index (sink.index, true, null);
void sink_info_list_callback_unset_mute (PulseAudio.Context context, PulseAudio.SinkInfo? sink, int eol) {
if (sink != null)
context.set_sink_mute_by_index (sink.index, false, null);
/* Mute operations */
bool set_mute_internal (bool mute)
return_val_if_fail (context.get_state () == Context.State.READY, false);
if (_mute != mute) {
if (mute)
context.get_sink_info_list (sink_info_list_callback_set_mute);
context.get_sink_info_list (sink_info_list_callback_unset_mute);
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void set_mute (bool mute)
if (set_mute_internal (mute))
sync_mute_to_accountsservice.begin (mute);
public void toggle_mute ()
this.set_mute (!this._mute);
public bool mute
return this._mute;
public bool is_playing
return this._is_playing;
/* Volume operations */
private static PulseAudio.Volume double_to_volume (double vol)
double tmp = (double)(PulseAudio.Volume.NORM - PulseAudio.Volume.MUTED) * vol;
return (PulseAudio.Volume)tmp + PulseAudio.Volume.MUTED;
private static double volume_to_double (PulseAudio.Volume vol)
double tmp = (double)(vol - PulseAudio.Volume.MUTED);
return tmp / (double)(PulseAudio.Volume.NORM - PulseAudio.Volume.MUTED);
private void set_volume_success_cb (Context c, int success)
if ((bool)success)
volume_changed (_volume);
private void sink_info_set_volume_cb (Context c, SinkInfo? i, int eol)
if (i == null)
unowned CVolume cvol = vol_set (i.volume, 1, double_to_volume (_volume));
c.set_sink_volume_by_index (i.index, cvol, set_volume_success_cb);
private void server_info_cb_for_set_volume (Context c, ServerInfo? i)
if (i == null)
warning ("Could not get PulseAudio server info");
context.get_sink_info_by_name (i.default_sink_name, sink_info_set_volume_cb);
private void set_volume_active_role ()
string active_role_objp = _objp_role_alert;
if (_active_sink_input != -1)
active_role_objp = _sink_input_hash.get (_active_sink_input);
try {
var builder = new VariantBuilder (new VariantType ("a(uu)"));
builder.add ("(uu)", 0, double_to_volume (_volume));
Variant volume = builder.end ();
_pconn.call_sync ("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry",
active_role_objp, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Set",
new Variant ("(ssv)", "org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1.RestoreEntry", "Volume", volume),
null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
volume_changed (_volume);
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to set volume for stream obj path %s (%s)", active_role_objp, e.message);
bool set_volume_internal (double volume)
return_val_if_fail (context.get_state () == Context.State.READY, false);
if (_volume != volume) {
_volume = volume;
if (_pulse_use_stream_restore)
set_volume_active_role ();
context.get_server_info (server_info_cb_for_set_volume);
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void set_volume (double volume)
if (set_volume_internal (volume))
void set_mic_volume_success_cb (Context c, int success)
if ((bool)success)
mic_volume_changed (_mic_volume);
void set_mic_volume_get_server_info_cb (PulseAudio.Context c, PulseAudio.ServerInfo? i) {
if (i != null) {
unowned CVolume cvol = CVolume ();
cvol = vol_set (cvol, 1, double_to_volume (_mic_volume));
c.set_source_volume_by_name (i.default_source_name, cvol, set_mic_volume_success_cb);
public void set_mic_volume (double volume)
return_if_fail (context.get_state () == Context.State.READY);
_mic_volume = volume;
context.get_server_info (set_mic_volume_get_server_info_cb);
public double get_volume ()
return _volume;
public double get_mic_volume ()
return _mic_volume;
/* PulseAudio Stream Restore logic */
private void reconnect_pulse_stream_restore ()
unowned string pulse_dbus_server_env = Environment.get_variable ("PULSE_DBUS_SERVER");
string address;
/* In case of a reconnect */
_pulse_use_stream_restore = false;
if (pulse_dbus_server_env != null) {
address = pulse_dbus_server_env;
} else {
DBusConnection conn;
Variant props;
try {
conn = Bus.get_sync (BusType.SESSION);
} catch (GLib.IOError e) {
warning ("unable to get the dbus session bus: %s", e.message);
try {
var props_variant = conn.call_sync ("org.PulseAudio1",
"/org/pulseaudio/server_lookup1", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
"Get", new Variant ("(ss)", "org.PulseAudio.ServerLookup1", "Address"),
null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
props_variant.get ("(v)", out props);
address = props.get_string ();
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to get pulse unix socket: %s", e.message);
stdout.printf ("PulseAudio dbus unix socket: %s\n", address);
try {
_pconn = new DBusConnection.for_address_sync (address, DBusConnectionFlags.AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT);
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
/* If it fails, it means the dbus pulse extension is not available */
/* Check if the 4 currently supported media roles are already available in StreamRestore
* Roles: multimedia, alert, alarm and phone */
_objp_role_multimedia = stream_restore_get_object_path ("sink-input-by-media-role:multimedia");
_objp_role_alert = stream_restore_get_object_path ("sink-input-by-media-role:alert");
_objp_role_alarm = stream_restore_get_object_path ("sink-input-by-media-role:alarm");
_objp_role_phone = stream_restore_get_object_path ("sink-input-by-media-role:phone");
/* Only use stream restore if every used role is available */
if (_objp_role_multimedia != null && _objp_role_alert != null && _objp_role_alarm != null && _objp_role_phone != null)
_pulse_use_stream_restore = true;
private string? stream_restore_get_object_path (string name) {
string? objp = null;
try {
Variant props_variant = _pconn.call_sync ("org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1",
"/org/pulseaudio/stream_restore1", "org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1",
"GetEntryByName", new Variant ("(s)", name), null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
/* Workaround for older versions of vala that don't provide get_objv */
VariantIter iter = props_variant.iterator ();
iter.next ("o", &objp);
stdout.printf ("Found obj path %s for restore data named %s\n", objp, name);
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to find stream restore data for: %s", name);
return objp;
/* AccountsService operations */
private void accountsservice_props_changed_cb (DBusProxy proxy, Variant changed_properties, string[] invalidated_properties)
Variant volume_variant = changed_properties.lookup_value ("Volume", new VariantType ("d"));
if (volume_variant != null) {
var volume = volume_variant.get_double ();
if (volume >= 0) {
_account_service_volume = volume;
// we need to wait for this to settle.
Variant mute_variant = changed_properties.lookup_value ("Muted", new VariantType ("b"));
if (mute_variant != null) {
var mute = mute_variant.get_boolean ();
set_mute_internal (mute);
private async void setup_user_proxy (string? username_in = null)
var username = username_in;
_user_proxy = null;
// Look up currently selected greeter user, if asked
if (username == null) {
try {
username = yield _greeter_proxy.get_active_entry ();
if (username == "" || username == null)
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to find Accounts path for user %s: %s", username, e.message);
// Get master AccountsService object
DBusProxy accounts_proxy;
try {
accounts_proxy = yield DBusProxy.create_for_bus (BusType.SYSTEM, DBusProxyFlags.DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES | DBusProxyFlags.DO_NOT_CONNECT_SIGNALS, null, "org.freedesktop.Accounts", "/org/freedesktop/Accounts", "org.freedesktop.Accounts");
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to get greeter proxy: %s", e.message);
// Find user's AccountsService object
try {
var user_path_variant = yield accounts_proxy.call ("FindUserByName", new Variant ("(s)", username), DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
string user_path;
user_path_variant.get ("(o)", out user_path);
_user_proxy = yield DBusProxy.create_for_bus (BusType.SYSTEM, DBusProxyFlags.GET_INVALIDATED_PROPERTIES, null, "org.freedesktop.Accounts", user_path, "com.ubuntu.AccountsService.Sound");
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to find Accounts path for user %s: %s", username, e.message);
// Get current values and listen for changes
_user_proxy.g_properties_changed.connect (accountsservice_props_changed_cb);
var props_variant = yield _user_proxy.get_connection ().call (_user_proxy.get_name (), _user_proxy.get_object_path (), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "GetAll", new Variant ("(s)", _user_proxy.get_interface_name ()), null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
Variant props;
props_variant.get ("(@a{sv})", out props);
accountsservice_props_changed_cb(_user_proxy, props, null);
private void greeter_user_changed (string username)
setup_user_proxy.begin (username);
private async void setup_accountsservice ()
if (Environment.get_variable ("XDG_SESSION_CLASS") == "greeter") {
try {
_greeter_proxy = yield Bus.get_proxy (BusType.SESSION, "com.canonical.UnityGreeter", "/list");
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to get greeter proxy: %s", e.message);
_greeter_proxy.entry_selected.connect (greeter_user_changed);
yield setup_user_proxy ();
} else {
// We are in a user session. We just need our own proxy
var username = Environment.get_variable ("USER");
if (username != "" && username != null) {
yield setup_user_proxy (username);
private async void sync_mute_to_accountsservice (bool mute)
if (_user_proxy == null)
_mute_cancellable.cancel ();
_mute_cancellable.reset ();
try {
yield _user_proxy.get_connection ().call (_user_proxy.get_name (), _user_proxy.get_object_path (), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Set", new Variant ("(ssv)", _user_proxy.get_interface_name (), "Muted", new Variant ("b", mute)), null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1, _mute_cancellable);
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to sync mute to AccountsService: %s", e.message);
private async void sync_volume_to_accountsservice (double volume)
if (_user_proxy == null)
_volume_cancellable.cancel ();
_volume_cancellable.reset ();
try {
yield _user_proxy.get_connection ().call (_user_proxy.get_name (), _user_proxy.get_object_path (), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Set", new Variant ("(ssv)", _user_proxy.get_interface_name (), "Volume", new Variant ("d", volume)), null, DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1, _volume_cancellable);
} catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("unable to sync volume to AccountsService: %s", e.message);
private void start_local_volume_timer()
// perform a slow sync with the accounts service. max at 1 per second.
// stop the AS update timer, as since we're going to be setting the volume.
if (_local_volume_timer == 0) {
sync_volume_to_accountsservice.begin (_volume);
_local_volume_timer = Timeout.add_seconds (1, local_volume_changed_timeout);
} else {
_send_next_local_volume = true;
private void stop_local_volume_timer()
if (_local_volume_timer != 0) {
Source.remove (_local_volume_timer);
_local_volume_timer = 0;
bool local_volume_changed_timeout()
_local_volume_timer = 0;
if (_send_next_local_volume) {
_send_next_local_volume = false;
start_local_volume_timer ();
return false; // G_SOURCE_REMOVE
private void start_account_service_volume_timer()
if (_accountservice_volume_timer == 0) {
// If we haven't been messing with local volume recently, apply immediately.
if (_local_volume_timer == 0 && !set_volume_internal (_account_service_volume)) {
// Else check again in another second if needed.
// (if AS is throwing us lots of notifications, we update at most once a second)
_accountservice_volume_timer = Timeout.add_seconds (1, accountservice_volume_changed_timeout);
private void stop_account_service_volume_timer()
if (_accountservice_volume_timer != 0) {
Source.remove (_accountservice_volume_timer);
_accountservice_volume_timer = 0;
bool accountservice_volume_changed_timeout ()
_accountservice_volume_timer = 0;
start_account_service_volume_timer ();
return false; // G_SOURCE_REMOVE