/* * Copyright © 2014 Canonical Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Authors: * Ted Gould */ #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { /* Super useful function that GLib has hidden from us :-( */ gboolean g_dbus_action_group_sync (GDBusActionGroup *group, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error); } class IndicatorFixture : public ::testing::Test { private: std::string _indicatorPath; std::string _indicatorAddress; std::shared_ptr _menu; std::shared_ptr _actions; DbusTestService * _test_service; DbusTestTask * _test_indicator; DbusTestTask * _test_dummy; GDBusConnection * _session; public: virtual ~IndicatorFixture() = default; IndicatorFixture (const std::string& path, const std::string& addr) : _indicatorPath(path) , _indicatorAddress(addr) , _menu(nullptr) , _session(nullptr) { }; protected: virtual void SetUp() override { _test_service = dbus_test_service_new(nullptr); _test_indicator = DBUS_TEST_TASK(dbus_test_process_new(_indicatorPath.c_str())); dbus_test_task_set_name(_test_indicator, "Indicator"); dbus_test_service_add_task(_test_service, _test_indicator); _test_dummy = dbus_test_task_new(); dbus_test_task_set_wait_for(_test_dummy, _indicatorAddress.c_str()); dbus_test_task_set_name(_test_dummy, "Dummy"); dbus_test_service_add_task(_test_service, _test_dummy); if (true) { DbusTestBustle * bustle = dbus_test_bustle_new("indicator-test.bustle"); dbus_test_task_set_name(DBUS_TEST_TASK(bustle), "Bustle"); dbus_test_service_add_task(_test_service, DBUS_TEST_TASK(bustle)); g_object_unref(bustle); } dbus_test_service_start_tasks(_test_service); _session = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, nullptr, nullptr); } virtual void TearDown() override { _menu.reset(); _actions.reset(); /* D-Bus Test Stuff */ g_clear_object(&_test_dummy); g_clear_object(&_test_indicator); g_clear_object(&_test_service); /* Wait for D-Bus session bus to go */ if (!g_dbus_connection_is_closed(_session)) { g_dbus_connection_close_sync(_session, nullptr, nullptr); } g_clear_object(&_session); } private: void waitForCore (GObject * obj, const gchar * signalname) { auto loop = g_main_loop_new(nullptr, FALSE); /* Our two exit criteria */ gulong signal = g_signal_connect_swapped(obj, signalname, G_CALLBACK(g_main_loop_quit), loop); guint timer = g_timeout_add_seconds(5, [](gpointer user_data) -> gboolean { g_warning("Menu Timeout"); g_main_loop_quit((GMainLoop *)user_data); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; }, loop); /* Wait for sync */ g_main_loop_run(loop); /* Clean up */ g_source_remove(timer); g_signal_handler_disconnect(obj, signal); g_main_loop_unref(loop); } void menuWaitForItems (const std::shared_ptr& menu) { auto count = g_menu_model_get_n_items(menu.get()); if (count != 0) return; waitForCore(G_OBJECT(menu.get()), "items-changed"); } void agWaitForActions (const std::shared_ptr& group) { auto list = std::shared_ptr( g_action_group_list_actions(group.get()), [](gchar ** list) { g_strfreev(list); }); if (g_strv_length(list.get()) != 0) { return; } waitForCore(G_OBJECT(group.get()), "action-added"); } protected: void setMenu (const std::string& path) { _menu.reset(); g_debug("Getting Menu: %s:%s", _indicatorAddress.c_str(), path.c_str()); _menu = std::shared_ptr(G_MENU_MODEL(g_dbus_menu_model_get(_session, _indicatorAddress.c_str(), path.c_str())), [](GMenuModel * modelptr) { g_clear_object(&modelptr); }); menuWaitForItems(_menu); } void setActions (const std::string& path) { _actions.reset(); _actions = std::shared_ptr(G_ACTION_GROUP(g_dbus_action_group_get(_session, _indicatorAddress.c_str(), path.c_str())), [](GActionGroup * groupptr) { g_clear_object(&groupptr); }); agWaitForActions(_actions); } bool expectActionExists (const std::string& name) { bool hasit = g_action_group_has_action(_actions.get(), name.c_str()); if (!hasit) { std::cout << " Action: " << name << std::endl << " Expected: " << "Exists" << std::endl << " Actual: " << "No action found" << std::endl; } return hasit; } bool expectActionStateType (const std::string& name, const GVariantType * type) { auto atype = g_action_group_get_action_state_type(_actions.get(), name.c_str()); bool same = false; if (atype != nullptr) { same = g_variant_type_equal(atype, type); } if (!same) { std::cout << " Action: " << name << std::endl << " Expected: " << g_variant_type_peek_string(type) << std::endl << " Actual: " << g_variant_type_peek_string(atype) << std::endl; } return same; } bool expectActionStateIs (const std::string& name, GVariant * value) { auto varref = std::shared_ptr(g_variant_ref_sink(value), [](GVariant * varptr) { if (varptr != nullptr) g_variant_unref(varptr); }); auto aval = std::shared_ptr(g_action_group_get_action_state(_actions.get(), name.c_str()), [] (GVariant * varptr) { if (varptr != nullptr) g_variant_unref(varptr); }); bool match = false; if (aval != nullptr) { match = g_variant_equal(aval.get(), varref.get()); } if (!match) { gchar * valstr = nullptr; gchar * attstr = nullptr; if (aval != nullptr) { attstr = g_variant_print(aval.get(), TRUE); } else { attstr = g_strdup("nullptr"); } if (varref != nullptr) { valstr = g_variant_print(varref.get(), TRUE); } else { valstr = g_strdup("nullptr"); } std::cout << " Action: " << name << std::endl << " Expected: " << valstr << std::endl << " Actual: " << attstr << std::endl; g_free(valstr); g_free(attstr); } return match; } bool expectActionStateIs (const std::string& name, bool value) { GVariant * var = g_variant_new_boolean(value); return expectActionStateIs(name, var); } bool expectActionStateIs (const std::string& name, std::string value) { GVariant * var = g_variant_new_string(value.c_str()); return expectActionStateIs(name, var); } bool expectActionStateIs (const std::string& name, const char * value) { GVariant * var = g_variant_new_string(value); return expectActionStateIs(name, var); } private: std::shared_ptr getMenuAttributeVal (int location, std::shared_ptr& menu, const std::string& attribute, std::shared_ptr& value) { if (!(location < g_menu_model_get_n_items(menu.get()))) { return nullptr; } if (location >= g_menu_model_get_n_items(menu.get())) return nullptr; auto menuval = std::shared_ptr(g_menu_model_get_item_attribute_value(menu.get(), location, attribute.c_str(), g_variant_get_type(value.get())), [](GVariant * varptr) { if (varptr != nullptr) g_variant_unref(varptr); }); return menuval; } std::shared_ptr getMenuAttributeRecurse (std::vector::const_iterator menuLocation, std::vector::const_iterator menuEnd, const std::string& attribute, std::shared_ptr& value, std::shared_ptr& menu) { if (menuLocation == menuEnd) return nullptr; if (menuLocation + 1 == menuEnd) return getMenuAttributeVal(*menuLocation, menu, attribute, value); auto clearfunc = [](GMenuModel * modelptr) { g_clear_object(&modelptr); }; auto submenu = std::shared_ptr(g_menu_model_get_item_link(menu.get(), *menuLocation, G_MENU_LINK_SUBMENU), clearfunc); if (submenu == nullptr) submenu = std::shared_ptr(g_menu_model_get_item_link(menu.get(), *menuLocation, G_MENU_LINK_SECTION), clearfunc); if (submenu == nullptr) return nullptr; menuWaitForItems(submenu); return getMenuAttributeRecurse(menuLocation + 1, menuEnd, attribute, value, submenu); } protected: bool expectMenuAttribute (const std::vector menuLocation, const std::string& attribute, GVariant * value) { auto varref = std::shared_ptr(g_variant_ref_sink(value), [](GVariant * varptr) { if (varptr != nullptr) g_variant_unref(varptr); }); auto attrib = getMenuAttributeRecurse(menuLocation.cbegin(), menuLocation.cend(), attribute, varref, _menu); bool same = false; if (attrib != nullptr && varref != nullptr) { same = g_variant_equal(attrib.get(), varref.get()); } if (!same) { gchar * valstr = nullptr; gchar * attstr = nullptr; if (attrib != nullptr) { attstr = g_variant_print(attrib.get(), TRUE); } else { attstr = g_strdup("nullptr"); } if (varref != nullptr) { valstr = g_variant_print(varref.get(), TRUE); } else { valstr = g_strdup("nullptr"); } std::string menuprint("{ "); std::for_each(menuLocation.begin(), menuLocation.end(), [&menuprint](int i) { menuprint.append(std::to_string(i)); menuprint.append(", "); }); menuprint += "}"; std::cout << " Menu: " << menuprint << std::endl << " Attribute: " << attribute << std::endl << " Expected: " << valstr << std::endl << " Actual: " << attstr << std::endl; g_free(valstr); g_free(attstr); } return same; } bool expectMenuAttribute (const std::vector menuLocation, const std::string& attribute, bool value) { GVariant * var = g_variant_new_boolean(value); return expectMenuAttribute(menuLocation, attribute, var); } bool expectMenuAttribute (const std::vector menuLocation, const std::string& attribute, std::string value) { GVariant * var = g_variant_new_string(value.c_str()); return expectMenuAttribute(menuLocation, attribute, var); } bool expectMenuAttribute (const std::vector menuLocation, const std::string& attribute, const char * value) { GVariant * var = g_variant_new_string(value); return expectMenuAttribute(menuLocation, attribute, var); } }; #define EXPECT_MENU_ATTRIB(menu, attrib, value) expectMenuAttribute(menu, attrib, value) #define ASSERT_MENU_ATTRIB(menu, attrib, value) \ if (!expectMenuAttribute(menu, attrib, value)) \ return;