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authorTed Gould <>2009-10-19 14:11:58 -0500
committerTed Gould <>2009-10-19 14:11:58 -0500
commitbf1efc1c4c15401798a7d3a3b8ebb9533a9e79a5 (patch)
parent6da6b6b7cef68a66cfd0b382e68df462d7b4eb8d (diff)
Header comments and a new signal that we'll need to deal with.
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libcustomindicator/custom-indicator.h b/src/libcustomindicator/custom-indicator.h
index 0ac8808..a311c63 100644
--- a/src/libcustomindicator/custom-indicator.h
+++ b/src/libcustomindicator/custom-indicator.h
@@ -52,12 +52,46 @@ typedef enum { /*< prefix=CUSTOM_INDICATOR_STATUS >*/
typedef struct _CustomIndicator CustomIndicator;
typedef struct _CustomIndicatorClass CustomIndicatorClass;
+ CustomIndicatorClass:
+ @parent_class: Mia familia
+ @connection_changed: Slot for #CustomIndicator::connection-changed.
+ @custom_indicator_reserved_1: Reserved for future use.
+ @custom_indicator_reserved_2: Reserved for future use.
+ @custom_indicator_reserved_3: Reserved for future use.
+ @custom_indicator_reserved_4: Reserved for future use.
+ The signals and external functions that make up the #CustomIndicator
+ class object.
struct _CustomIndicatorClass {
+ /* Parent */
GObjectClass parent_class;
+ /* Signals */
+ void (* connection_changed) (CustomIndicator * indicator,
+ gboolean connected,
+ gpointer user_data);
+ /* Reserved */
+ void (*custom_indicator_reserved_1)(void);
+ void (*custom_indicator_reserved_2)(void);
+ void (*custom_indicator_reserved_3)(void);
+ void (*custom_indicator_reserved_4)(void);
+ CustomIndicator:
+ @parent: Parent object.
+ A custom indicator represents the values that are needed to show a
+ unique status in the panel for an application. In general, applications
+ should try to fit in the other indicators that are available on the
+ panel before using this. But, sometimes it is necissary.
struct _CustomIndicator {
GObject parent;
+ /* None. We're a very private object. */
/* GObject Stuff */