Overview of changes in libayatana-appindicator 0.5.5

  - Drop Python2 support.

Overview of changes in libayatana-appindicator 0.5.4

  - Drop deprecated g_type_class_add_private Glib-2.0 API calls.

Overview of changes in libayatana-appindicator 0.5.3

  - src/app-indicator.c: Type cast assignments from g_object_ref().
  - Drop distcheck features

Overview of changes in libayatana-appindicator 0.5.2

  - python2 bindings: Finally avoid implicit declaration for
    (_ayatana)_appindicator_add_constants() function symbol.
  - API documentation: Suppress some warnings being thrown.
  - src/app-indicator.c: Avoid usage of PATH_MAX macro. Fixes
    FTBFS on Debian GNU/Hurd.
  - bindings/mono/Makefile.am: Don't run tests on all targets,
    only on check target. Fixes FTBFS when built parallely.
  - bindings/python: Yet another 'ayatana' namespace fix for the
    Python2 bindings.

Overview of changes in libayatana-appindicator 0.5.1

  - Python2 bindings: Fix import ayatana_appindicator failure by
    correctly adding the ayatana namespace.
  - docs/reference/Makefile.am: Drop option --nogtkinit from
  - AppIndicator: fix icon and theme paths when running in $SNAP
  - Handle watcher service appearing and disappearing.
  - Make test-simple-app really working.
  - src/dbus-shared.h: Fix copy+paste flaw for

Overview of changes in libayatana-appindicator 0.5.0

  - Fork from Ubuntu's libappindicator project.