]> AppIndicator 3 LIBAPPINDICATOR Library AppIndicator An object to put application information into the panel. Stability Level Unstable, unless otherwise indicated Synopsis #include <libappindicator/app-indicator.h> #define APP_INDICATOR_TYPE #define APP_INDICATOR (obj) #define APP_INDICATOR_CLASS (klass) #define IS_APP_INDICATOR (obj) #define IS_APP_INDICATOR_CLASS (klass) #define APP_INDICATOR_GET_CLASS (obj) #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ICON #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ATTENTION_ICON #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_STATUS #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_LABEL #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ICON_THEME_PATH #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_CONNECTION_CHANGED #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_SCROLL_EVENT enum AppIndicatorCategory; enum AppIndicatorStatus; AppIndicatorPrivate; AppIndicator; struct AppIndicatorClass; GType app_indicator_get_type (void); AppIndicator * app_indicator_new (const gchar *id, const gchar *icon_name, AppIndicatorCategory category); AppIndicator * app_indicator_new_with_path (const gchar *id, const gchar *icon_name, AppIndicatorCategory category, const gchar *icon_theme_path); void app_indicator_set_status (AppIndicator *self, AppIndicatorStatus status); void app_indicator_set_attention_icon (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_name); void app_indicator_set_attention_icon_full (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_name, const gchar *icon_desc); void app_indicator_set_menu (AppIndicator *self, GtkMenu *menu); void app_indicator_set_icon (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_name); void app_indicator_set_icon_full (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_name, const gchar *icon_desc); void app_indicator_set_icon_theme_path (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_theme_path); void app_indicator_set_label (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *label, const gchar *guide); void app_indicator_set_ordering_index (AppIndicator *self, guint32 ordering_index); void app_indicator_set_secondary_activate_target (AppIndicator *self, GtkWidget *menuitem); void app_indicator_set_title (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *title); const gchar * app_indicator_get_id (AppIndicator *self); AppIndicatorCategory app_indicator_get_category (AppIndicator *self); AppIndicatorStatus app_indicator_get_status (AppIndicator *self); const gchar * app_indicator_get_icon (AppIndicator *self); const gchar * app_indicator_get_icon_desc (AppIndicator *self); const gchar * app_indicator_get_icon_theme_path (AppIndicator *self); const gchar * app_indicator_get_attention_icon (AppIndicator *self); const gchar * app_indicator_get_attention_icon_desc (AppIndicator *self); GtkMenu * app_indicator_get_menu (AppIndicator *self); const gchar * app_indicator_get_label (AppIndicator *self); const gchar * app_indicator_get_label_guide (AppIndicator *self); guint32 app_indicator_get_ordering_index (AppIndicator *self); GtkWidget * app_indicator_get_secondary_activate_target (AppIndicator *self); const gchar * app_indicator_get_title (AppIndicator *self); void app_indicator_build_menu_from_desktop (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *desktop_file, const gchar *desktop_profile); Object Hierarchy GObject +----AppIndicator Properties "attention-icon-desc" gchar* : Read / Write "attention-icon-name" gchar* : Read / Write "category" gchar* : Read / Write / Construct Only "connected" gboolean : Read "dbus-menu-server" DbusmenuServer* : Read / Write "icon-desc" gchar* : Read / Write "icon-name" gchar* : Read / Write "icon-theme-path" gchar* : Read / Write / Construct "id" gchar* : Read / Write / Construct Only "label" gchar* : Read / Write "label-guide" gchar* : Read / Write "ordering-index" guint : Read / Write "status" gchar* : Read / Write "title" gchar* : Read / Write Signals "connection-changed" : Run Last "new-attention-icon" : Run Last "new-icon" : Run Last "new-icon-theme-path" : Run Last "new-label" : Run Last "new-status" : Run Last "scroll-event" : Run Last Description An application indicator is a way for an application to put a menu into the panel on the user's screen. This allows the user to interact with the application even though it might not be visible to the user at the time. In most cases this is not a good solution as there are other ways to inform the user. It should only be use if persistence is a desired feature for the user (not for your marketing purpose of having your logo in the panel). Details APP_INDICATOR_TYPE APP_INDICATOR_TYPE #define APP_INDICATOR_TYPE (app_indicator_get_type ()) Get the GType for a AppIndicator. APP_INDICATOR() APP_INDICATOR #define APP_INDICATOR(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), APP_INDICATOR_TYPE, AppIndicator)) Safely convert a GObject into an AppIndicator. obj : The object to convert APP_INDICATOR_CLASS() APP_INDICATOR_CLASS #define APP_INDICATOR_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), APP_INDICATOR_TYPE, AppIndicatorClass)) Safely convert a GObjectClass into a AppIndicatorClass. klass : GObjectClass based class to convert. IS_APP_INDICATOR() IS_APP_INDICATOR #define IS_APP_INDICATOR(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), APP_INDICATOR_TYPE)) Checks to see if obj is in the object hierarchy of AppIndicator. obj : An GObject to check IS_APP_INDICATOR_CLASS() IS_APP_INDICATOR_CLASS #define IS_APP_INDICATOR_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), APP_INDICATOR_TYPE)) Checks to see if klass is in the object class hierarchy of AppIndicatorClass. klass : An GObjectClass to check APP_INDICATOR_GET_CLASS() APP_INDICATOR_GET_CLASS #define APP_INDICATOR_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), APP_INDICATOR_TYPE, AppIndicatorClass)) Gets a pointer to the AppIndicatorClass for the object obj. obj : A GObject in the class hierarchy of AppIndicator. APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ICON APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ICON #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ICON "new-icon" String identifier for the "new-icon" signal. APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ATTENTION_ICON APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ATTENTION_ICON #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ATTENTION_ICON "new-attention-icon" String identifier for the "new-attention-icon" signal. APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_STATUS APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_STATUS #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_STATUS "new-status" String identifier for the "new-status" signal. APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_LABEL APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_LABEL #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_LABEL "new-label" String identifier for the "new-label" signal. APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ICON_THEME_PATH APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ICON_THEME_PATH #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_NEW_ICON_THEME_PATH "new-icon-theme-path" String identifier for the "new-icon-theme-path" signal. APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_CONNECTION_CHANGED APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_CONNECTION_CHANGED #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_CONNECTION_CHANGED "connection-changed" String identifier for the "connection-changed" signal. APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_SCROLL_EVENT APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_SCROLL_EVENT #define APP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL_SCROLL_EVENT "scroll-event" String identifier for the "scroll-event" signal. enum AppIndicatorCategory AppIndicatorCategory typedef enum { /*< prefix=APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY >*/ APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_STATUS, /*< nick=ApplicationStatus >*/ APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_COMMUNICATIONS, /*< nick=Communications >*/ APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_SYSTEM_SERVICES, /*< nick=SystemServices >*/ APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_HARDWARE, /*< nick=Hardware >*/ APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_OTHER /*< nick=Other >*/ } AppIndicatorCategory; The category provides grouping for the indicators so that users can find indicators that are similar together. APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_STATUS The indicator is used to display the status of the application. APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_COMMUNICATIONS The application is used for communication with other people. APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_SYSTEM_SERVICES A system indicator relating to something in the user's system. APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_HARDWARE An indicator relating to the user's hardware. APP_INDICATOR_CATEGORY_OTHER Something not defined in this enum, please don't use unless you really need it. enum AppIndicatorStatus AppIndicatorStatus typedef enum { /*< prefix=APP_INDICATOR_STATUS >*/ APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_PASSIVE, /*< nick=Passive >*/ APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ACTIVE, /*< nick=Active >*/ APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ATTENTION /*< nick=NeedsAttention >*/ } AppIndicatorStatus; These are the states that the indicator can be on in the user's panel. The indicator by default starts in the state APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_PASSIVE and can be shown by setting it to APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ACTIVE. APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_PASSIVE The indicator should not be shown to the user. APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ACTIVE The indicator should be shown in it's default state. APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ATTENTION The indicator should show it's attention icon. AppIndicatorPrivate AppIndicatorPrivate typedef struct _AppIndicatorPrivate AppIndicatorPrivate; Private Fields id: The ID of the indicator. Maps to AppIndicator:id. category: Which category the indicator is. Maps to AppIndicator:category. status: The status of the indicator. Maps to AppIndicator:status. icon_name: The name of the icon to use. Maps to AppIndicator:icon-name. attention_icon_name: The name of the attention icon to use. Maps to AppIndicator:attention-icon-name. menu: The menu for this indicator. Maps to AppIndicator:menu watcher_proxy: The proxy connection to the watcher we're connected to. If we're not connected to one this will be NULL. AppIndicator AppIndicator typedef struct _AppIndicator AppIndicator; A application indicator represents the values that are needed to show a unique status in the panel for an application. In general, applications should try to fit in the other indicators that are available on the panel before using this. But, sometimes it is necissary. Private fields parent: Parent object. priv: Internal data. struct AppIndicatorClass AppIndicatorClass struct AppIndicatorClass { /* Parent */ GObjectClass parent_class; /* DBus Signals */ void (* new_icon) (AppIndicator *indicator, gpointer user_data); void (* new_attention_icon) (AppIndicator *indicator, gpointer user_data); void (* new_status) (AppIndicator *indicator, const gchar *status, gpointer user_data); void (* new_icon_theme_path) (AppIndicator *indicator, const gchar *icon_theme_path, gpointer user_data); void (* new_label) (AppIndicator *indicator, const gchar *label, const gchar *guide, gpointer user_data); /* Local Signals */ void (* connection_changed) (AppIndicator * indicator, gboolean connected, gpointer user_data); void (* scroll_event) (AppIndicator * indicator, gint delta, GdkScrollDirection direction, gpointer user_data); void (*app_indicator_reserved_ats)(void); /* Overridable Functions */ GtkStatusIcon * (*fallback) (AppIndicator * indicator); void (*unfallback) (AppIndicator * indicator, GtkStatusIcon * status_icon); /* Reserved */ void (*app_indicator_reserved_1)(void); void (*app_indicator_reserved_2)(void); void (*app_indicator_reserved_3)(void); void (*app_indicator_reserved_4)(void); void (*app_indicator_reserved_5)(void); void (*app_indicator_reserved_6)(void); }; The signals and external functions that make up the AppIndicator class object. GObjectClass parent_class; Mia familia new_icon () Slot for "new-icon". new_attention_icon () Slot for "new-attention-icon". new_status () Slot for "new-status". new_icon_theme_path () Slot for "new-icon-theme-path" new_label () Slot for "new-label". connection_changed () Slot for "connection-changed". scroll_event () Slot for "scroll-event" app_indicator_reserved_ats () Reserved for future use. fallback () Function that gets called to make a GtkStatusIcon when there is no Application Indicator area available. unfallback () The function that gets called if an Application Indicator area appears after the fallback has been created. app_indicator_reserved_1 () Reserved for future use. app_indicator_reserved_2 () Reserved for future use. app_indicator_reserved_3 () Reserved for future use. app_indicator_reserved_4 () Reserved for future use. app_indicator_reserved_5 () Reserved for future use. app_indicator_reserved_6 () Reserved for future use. app_indicator_get_type () app_indicator_get_type GType app_indicator_get_type (void); Generates or returns the unique GType for AppIndicator. Returns :A unique GType for AppIndicator objects. app_indicator_new () app_indicator_new AppIndicator * app_indicator_new (const gchar *id, const gchar *icon_name, AppIndicatorCategory category); Creates a new AppIndicator setting the properties: "id" with id, "category" with category and "icon-name" with icon_name. id : The unique id of the indicator to create. icon_name : The icon name for this indicator category : The category of indicator. Returns :A pointer to a new AppIndicator object. app_indicator_new_with_path () app_indicator_new_with_path AppIndicator * app_indicator_new_with_path (const gchar *id, const gchar *icon_name, AppIndicatorCategory category, const gchar *icon_theme_path); Creates a new AppIndicator setting the properties: "id" with id, "category" with category, "icon-name" with icon_name and "icon-theme-path" with icon_theme_path. id : The unique id of the indicator to create. icon_name : The icon name for this indicator category : The category of indicator. icon_theme_path : A custom path for finding icons. Returns :A pointer to a new AppIndicator object. app_indicator_set_status () app_indicator_set_status void app_indicator_set_status (AppIndicator *self, AppIndicatorStatus status); Wrapper function for property "status". self : The AppIndicator object to use status : The status to set for this indicator app_indicator_set_attention_icon () app_indicator_set_attention_icon void app_indicator_set_attention_icon (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_name); app_indicator_set_attention_icon is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Use app_indicator_set_attention_icon_full() instead. Wrapper for app_indicator_set_attention_icon_full() with a NULL description. self : The AppIndicator object to use icon_name : The name of the attention icon to set for this indicator app_indicator_set_attention_icon_full () app_indicator_set_attention_icon_full void app_indicator_set_attention_icon_full (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_name, const gchar *icon_desc); Wrapper function for property "attention-icon-name". self : The AppIndicator object to use icon_name : The name of the attention icon to set for this indicator icon_desc : A textual description of the icon app_indicator_set_menu () app_indicator_set_menu void app_indicator_set_menu (AppIndicator *self, GtkMenu *menu); Sets the menu that should be shown when the Application Indicator is clicked on in the panel. An application indicator will not be rendered unless it has a menu. Wrapper function for property "menu". self : The AppIndicator menu : A GtkMenu to set. [allow-none] app_indicator_set_icon () app_indicator_set_icon void app_indicator_set_icon (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_name); app_indicator_set_icon is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Use app_indicator_set_icon_full() Wrapper function for app_indicator_set_icon_full() with a NULL description. self : The AppIndicator object to use icon_name : The icon name to set. app_indicator_set_icon_full () app_indicator_set_icon_full void app_indicator_set_icon_full (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_name, const gchar *icon_desc); Sets the default icon to use when the status is active but not set to attention. In most cases, this should be the application icon for the program. Wrapper function for property "icon-name" and "icon-desc". self : The AppIndicator object to use icon_name : The icon name to set. icon_desc : A textual description of the icon for accessibility app_indicator_set_icon_theme_path () app_indicator_set_icon_theme_path void app_indicator_set_icon_theme_path (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *icon_theme_path); Sets the path to use when searching for icons. self : The AppIndicator object to use icon_theme_path : The icon theme path to set. app_indicator_set_label () app_indicator_set_label void app_indicator_set_label (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *label, const gchar *guide); This is a wrapper function for the "label" and "guide" properties. This function can take NULL as either label or guide and will clear the entries. self : The AppIndicator object to use label : The label to show next to the icon. guide : A guide to size the label correctly. app_indicator_set_ordering_index () app_indicator_set_ordering_index void app_indicator_set_ordering_index (AppIndicator *self, guint32 ordering_index); Sets the ordering index for the app indicator which effects the placement of it on the panel. For almost all app indicator this is not the function you're looking for. Wrapper function for property "ordering-index". self : The AppIndicator ordering_index : A value for the ordering of this app indicator app_indicator_set_secondary_activate_target () app_indicator_set_secondary_activate_target void app_indicator_set_secondary_activate_target (AppIndicator *self, GtkWidget *menuitem); Set the menuitem to be activated when a secondary activation event (i.e. a middle-click) is emitted over the AppIndicator icon/label. The menuitem can be also a complex GtkWidget, but to get activated when a secondary activation occurs in the Appindicator, it must be a visible and active child (or inner-child) of the "menu". Setting menuitem to NULL causes to disable this feature. self : The AppIndicator menuitem : A GtkWidget to be activated on secondary activation. [allow-none] app_indicator_set_title () app_indicator_set_title void app_indicator_set_title (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *title); Sets the title of the application indicator, or how it should be referred in a human readable form. This string should be UTF-8 and localized as it expected that users will set it. In the Unity desktop the most prominent place that this is show will be in the HUD. HUD listings for this application indicator will start with the title as the first part of the line for the menu items. Setting title to NULL removes the title. self : The AppIndicator title : Title of the app indicator. [allow-none] app_indicator_get_id () app_indicator_get_id const gchar * app_indicator_get_id (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "id". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current ID app_indicator_get_category () app_indicator_get_category AppIndicatorCategory app_indicator_get_category (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "category". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current category. app_indicator_get_status () app_indicator_get_status AppIndicatorStatus app_indicator_get_status (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "status". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current status. app_indicator_get_icon () app_indicator_get_icon const gchar * app_indicator_get_icon (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "icon-name". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current icon name. app_indicator_get_icon_desc () app_indicator_get_icon_desc const gchar * app_indicator_get_icon_desc (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "icon-desc". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current icon description. app_indicator_get_icon_theme_path () app_indicator_get_icon_theme_path const gchar * app_indicator_get_icon_theme_path (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "icon-theme-path". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current icon theme path. app_indicator_get_attention_icon () app_indicator_get_attention_icon const gchar * app_indicator_get_attention_icon (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "attention-icon-name". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current attention icon name. app_indicator_get_attention_icon_desc () app_indicator_get_attention_icon_desc const gchar * app_indicator_get_attention_icon_desc (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "attention-icon-desc". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current attention icon description. app_indicator_get_menu () app_indicator_get_menu GtkMenu * app_indicator_get_menu (AppIndicator *self); Gets the menu being used for this application indicator. Wrapper function for property "menu". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :A GtkMenu object or NULL if one hasn't been set. [transfer none] app_indicator_get_label () app_indicator_get_label const gchar * app_indicator_get_label (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "label". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current label. app_indicator_get_label_guide () app_indicator_get_label_guide const gchar * app_indicator_get_label_guide (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "label-guide". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current label guide. app_indicator_get_ordering_index () app_indicator_get_ordering_index guint32 app_indicator_get_ordering_index (AppIndicator *self); Wrapper function for property "ordering-index". self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current ordering index. app_indicator_get_secondary_activate_target () app_indicator_get_secondary_activate_target GtkWidget * app_indicator_get_secondary_activate_target (AppIndicator *self); Gets the menuitem being called on secondary-activate event. self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :A GtkWidget object or NULL if none has been set. [transfer none] app_indicator_get_title () app_indicator_get_title const gchar * app_indicator_get_title (AppIndicator *self); Gets the title of the application indicator. See the function app_indicator_set_title() for information on the title. self : The AppIndicator object to use Returns :The current title. app_indicator_build_menu_from_desktop () app_indicator_build_menu_from_desktop void app_indicator_build_menu_from_desktop (AppIndicator *self, const gchar *desktop_file, const gchar *desktop_profile); This function allows for building the Application Indicator menu from a static desktop file. self : The AppIndicator object to use desktop_file : A path to the desktop file to build the menu from desktop_profile : Which entries should be used from the desktop file Property Details The <literal>"attention-icon-desc"</literal> property AppIndicator:attention-icon-desc "attention-icon-desc" gchar* : Read / Write If the indicator sets it's status to APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ATTENTION then this textual description of the icon shown. Default value: NULL The <literal>"attention-icon-name"</literal> property AppIndicator:attention-icon-name "attention-icon-name" gchar* : Read / Write If the indicator sets it's status to APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ATTENTION then this icon is shown. Default value: NULL The <literal>"category"</literal> property AppIndicator:category "category" gchar* : Read / Write / Construct Only The type of indicator that this represents. Please don't use 'Other'. Defaults to 'ApplicationStatus'. Default value: NULL The <literal>"connected"</literal> property AppIndicator:connected "connected" gboolean : Read Pretty simple, TRUE if we have a reasonable expectation of being displayed through this object. You should hide your TrayIcon if so. Default value: FALSE The <literal>"dbus-menu-server"</literal> property AppIndicator:dbus-menu-server "dbus-menu-server" DbusmenuServer* : Read / Write A way to get the internal dbusmenu server if it is available. This should only be used for testing. The <literal>"icon-desc"</literal> property AppIndicator:icon-desc "icon-desc" gchar* : Read / Write The description of the regular icon that is shown for the indicator. Default value: NULL The <literal>"icon-name"</literal> property AppIndicator:icon-name "icon-name" gchar* : Read / Write The name of the regular icon that is shown for the indicator. Default value: NULL The <literal>"icon-theme-path"</literal> property AppIndicator:icon-theme-path "icon-theme-path" gchar* : Read / Write / Construct An additional place to look for icon names that may be installed by the application. Default value: NULL The <literal>"id"</literal> property AppIndicator:id "id" gchar* : Read / Write / Construct Only The ID for this indicator, which should be unique, but used consistently by this program and its indicator. Default value: NULL The <literal>"label"</literal> property AppIndicator:label "label" gchar* : Read / Write A label that can be shown next to the string in the application indicator. The label will not be shown unless there is an icon as well. The label is useful for numerical and other frequently updated information. In general, it shouldn't be shown unless a user requests it as it can take up a significant amount of space on the user's panel. This may not be shown in all visualizations. Default value: NULL The <literal>"label-guide"</literal> property AppIndicator:label-guide "label-guide" gchar* : Read / Write An optional string to provide guidance to the panel on how big the "label" string could get. If this is set correctly then the panel should never 'jiggle' as the string adjusts through out the range of options. For instance, if you were providing a percentage like "54% thrust" in "label" you'd want to set this string to "100% thrust" to ensure space when Scotty can get you enough power. Default value: NULL The <literal>"ordering-index"</literal> property AppIndicator:ordering-index "ordering-index" guint : Read / Write The ordering index is an odd parameter, and if you think you don't need it you're probably right. In general, the application indicator try to place the applications in a recreatable place taking into account which category they're in to try and group them. But, there are some cases where you'd want to ensure indicators are next to each other. To do that you can override the generated ordering index and replace it with a new one. Again, you probably don't want to be doing this, but in case you do, this is the way. Default value: 0 The <literal>"status"</literal> property AppIndicator:status "status" gchar* : Read / Write Whether the indicator is shown or requests attention. Defaults to 'Passive'. Default value: NULL The <literal>"title"</literal> property AppIndicator:title "title" gchar* : Read / Write Provides a way to refer to this application indicator in a human readable form. This is used in the Unity desktop in the HUD as the first part of the menu entries to distinguish them from the focused application's entries. Default value: NULL Signal Details The <literal>"connection-changed"</literal> signal AppIndicator::connection-changed void user_function (AppIndicator *arg0, gboolean arg1, gpointer user_data) : Run Last Signaled when we connect to a watcher, or when it drops away. arg0 : The AppIndicator object arg1 : Whether we're connected or not user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected. The <literal>"new-attention-icon"</literal> signal AppIndicator::new-attention-icon void user_function (AppIndicator *arg0, gpointer user_data) : Run Last Emitted when "attention-icon-name" is changed arg0 : The AppIndicator object user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected. The <literal>"new-icon"</literal> signal AppIndicator::new-icon void user_function (AppIndicator *arg0, gpointer user_data) : Run Last when "icon-name" is changed arg0 : The AppIndicator object user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected. The <literal>"new-icon-theme-path"</literal> signal AppIndicator::new-icon-theme-path void user_function (AppIndicator *arg0, gchar *arg1, gpointer user_data) : Run Last Signaled when there is a new icon set for the object. arg0 : The AppIndicator object user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected. The <literal>"new-label"</literal> signal AppIndicator::new-label void user_function (AppIndicator *arg0, gchar *arg1, gchar *arg1, gpointer user_data) : Run Last Emitted when either "label" or "label-guide" are changed. arg0 : The AppIndicator object arg1 : The string for the label arg1 : The string for the guide user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected. The <literal>"new-status"</literal> signal AppIndicator::new-status void user_function (AppIndicator *arg0, gchar *arg1, gpointer user_data) : Run Last Emitted when "status" is changed arg0 : The AppIndicator object arg1 : The string value of the AppIndicatorStatus enum. user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected. The <literal>"scroll-event"</literal> signal AppIndicator::scroll-event void user_function (AppIndicator *arg0, gint arg1, guint arg2, gpointer user_data) : Run Last Signaled when the AppIndicator receives a scroll event. arg0 : The AppIndicator object arg1 : How many steps the scroll wheel has taken arg2 : (type Gdk.ScrollDirection) Which direction the wheel went in user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.