const char * _notification_item = 
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
"<node name=\"/StatusNotifierItem\">\n"
"	<interface name=\"org.kde.StatusNotifierItem\">\n"
"<!-- Properties -->\n"
"		<property name=\"Id\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"Category\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"Status\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"IconName\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"IconAccessibleDesc\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"AttentionIconName\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"AttentionAccessibleDesc\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<!-- An additional path to add to the theme search path\n"
"		     to find the icons specified above. -->\n"
"		<property name=\"IconThemePath\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"Menu\" type=\"o\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"XAyatanaLabel\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"XAyatanaLabelGuide\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"		<property name=\"XAyatanaOrderingIndex\" type=\"u\" access=\"read\" />\n"
"<!-- Methods -->\n"
"		<method name=\"Scroll\">\n"
"			<arg type=\"i\" name=\"delta\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
"			<arg type=\"s\" name=\"orientation\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
"		</method>\n"
"		<method name=\"SecondaryActivate\">\n"
"			<arg type=\"i\" name=\"x\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
"			<arg type=\"i\" name=\"y\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
"		</method>\n"
"		<method name=\"XAyatanaSecondaryActivate\">\n"
"			<arg type=\"u\" name=\"timestamp\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
"		</method>\n"
"<!-- Signals -->\n"
"		<signal name=\"NewIcon\">\n"
"		</signal>\n"
"		<signal name=\"NewIconThemePath\">\n"
"		    <arg type=\"s\" name=\"icon_theme_path\" direction=\"out\" />\n"
"	    </signal>\n"
"		<signal name=\"NewAttentionIcon\">\n"
"		</signal>\n"
"		<signal name=\"NewStatus\">\n"
"			<arg type=\"s\" name=\"status\" direction=\"out\" />\n"
"		</signal>\n"
"		<signal name=\"XAyatanaNewLabel\">\n"
"			<arg type=\"s\" name=\"label\" direction=\"out\" />\n"
"			<arg type=\"s\" name=\"guide\" direction=\"out\" />\n"
"		</signal>\n"
"	</interface>\n"