# Build and installation instructions ## Compile-time build dependencies - cmake (>= 3.13) - cmake-extras - glib-2.0 (>= 2.58) - gobject-introspection - vala (>= 0.16) - gtk+-3.0 (>= 3.24) - libayatana-ido (>=0.8.2) - gtest (>= 1.6.0) - gcovr (>= 2.4) - lcov (>= 1.9) ## For end-users and packagers ``` cd libayatana-indicator-X.Y.Z mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install ``` ## For testers - unit tests only ``` cd libayatana-indicator-X.Y.Z mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DENABLE_TESTS=ON make make test ``` ## For testers - both unit tests and code coverage ``` cd libayatana-indicator-X.Y.Z mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DENABLE_COVERAGE=ON make make test make coverage-html ``` **The install prefix defaults to `/usr`, change it with `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/path`** **You can build a Gtk 2 version using `-DFLAVOUR_GTK2=ON`** **You can build a version without Ayatana IDO support using `-DENABLE_IDO=OFF`**