The indicator service file format ================================= Modern desktop panels find out about indicator by looking at indicator service files in `/usr/share/ayatana/indicators`. These files have to have the same name as the well-known D-Bus name that the corresponding service owns. An indicator file is a normal key file (like desktop files). It must have an `[Indicator Service]` section, that must contain the service's name (`Name`) and the object path at which its action group is found (`ObjectPath`). For example: [Indicator Service] Name=indicator-example ObjectPath=/org/ayatana/indicator/example It should also contain a hint to where the indicator should appear in the panel: Position=70 The smaller the position, the further to the right (or left when RTL is enabled) the indicator appears. An indicator can only export one action group, but a menu for each profile ("desktop", "greeter", "phone") supports. There must be a section for each of those profiles, containing the object path on which the menu is exported: [desktop] ObjectPath=/org/ayatana/indicator/example/desktop [greeter] ObjectPath=/org/ayatana/indicator/example/desktop [phone] ObjectPath=/org/ayatana/indicator/example/phone Object paths can be reused for different profiles (the greeter uses the same menu as the desktop in the above example). There are no fallbacks. If a profile is not mentioned in the service file, the indicator will not show up for that profile.