#include #include "libindicator/indicator-desktop-shortcuts.h" /* Basic object creation and destruction. Stop big f*** ups here. */ void test_desktop_shortcuts_creation (void) { IndicatorDesktopShortcuts * ids = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_new(SRCDIR "/test-well-formed.desktop", "France"); g_assert(ids != NULL); g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(ids), (gpointer *)&ids); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(ids)); g_assert(ids == NULL); return; } /* Tests that the NotShowIn the desktop group is watched for */ void test_desktop_shortcuts_globalnoshow (void) { IndicatorDesktopShortcuts * ids = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_new(SRCDIR "/test-well-formed.desktop", "Germany"); g_assert(ids != NULL); const gchar ** nicks = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_get_nicks(ids); g_assert(nicks[0] == NULL); g_object_unref(ids); return; } gboolean nicks_contains (const gchar ** nicks, const gchar * search) { if (nicks[0] == NULL) return FALSE; if (g_strcmp0(nicks[0], search) == 0) return TRUE; return nicks_contains(&nicks[1], search); } /* Checking that the local show OnlyIn works. */ void test_desktop_shortcuts_localfilter (void) { IndicatorDesktopShortcuts * ids = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_new(SRCDIR "/test-well-formed.desktop", "France"); g_assert(ids != NULL); const gchar ** nicks = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_get_nicks(ids); g_assert(nicks_contains(nicks, "bob")); g_assert(nicks_contains(nicks, "alvin")); g_assert(!nicks_contains(nicks, "jim")); g_object_unref(ids); return; } /* Nick names -- checks to see they all have names */ void test_desktop_shortcuts_nicknames (void) { IndicatorDesktopShortcuts * ids = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_new(SRCDIR "/test-well-formed.desktop", "France"); g_assert(ids != NULL); const gchar ** nicks = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_get_nicks(ids); gint i = 0; while (nicks[i] != NULL) { gchar * expectedstr = g_strdup_printf("%s's shortcut", nicks[i]); gchar * name = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_nick_get_name(ids, nicks[i]); g_assert(name != NULL); gboolean same = (g_strcmp0(expectedstr, name) == 0); g_free(name); g_free(expectedstr); g_assert(same); i++; } g_object_unref(ids); return; } /* Try executing a shortcut which will touch a file */ void test_desktop_shortcuts_launch (void) { IndicatorDesktopShortcuts * ids = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_new(SRCDIR "/test-well-formed.desktop", "TouchTest"); g_assert(ids != NULL); const gchar ** nicks = indicator_desktop_shortcuts_get_nicks(ids); g_assert(nicks != NULL); g_assert(indicator_desktop_shortcuts_nick_exec(ids, "touch")); g_assert(g_file_test("test-desktop-shortcuts-touch-test", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)); g_object_unref(ids); return; } /* Build our test suite */ void test_desktop_shortcuts_suite (void) { g_test_add_func ("/libindicator/desktopshortcuts/creation", test_desktop_shortcuts_creation); g_test_add_func ("/libindicator/desktopshortcuts/globalnosho", test_desktop_shortcuts_globalnoshow); g_test_add_func ("/libindicator/desktopshortcuts/nicknames", test_desktop_shortcuts_nicknames); g_test_add_func ("/libindicator/desktopshortcuts/launch", test_desktop_shortcuts_launch); return; } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { g_type_init (); g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL); gtk_init(&argc, &argv); test_desktop_shortcuts_suite(); g_log_set_always_fatal(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL); return g_test_run(); }