
Types — Types that are used by both client and server.

Stability Level

Unstable, unless otherwise indicated


#include <libdbusmenu-glib/types.h>

#define             DBUSMENU_TYPE_STATUS
enum                DbusmenuStatus;
enum                DbusmenuTextDirection;
const gchar *       dbusmenu_status_get_nick            (DbusmenuStatus value);
GType               dbusmenu_status_get_type            (void);
DbusmenuStatus      dbusmenu_status_get_value_from_nick (const gchar *nick);
const gchar *       dbusmenu_text_direction_get_nick    (DbusmenuTextDirection value);
GType               dbusmenu_text_direction_get_type    (void);
DbusmenuTextDirection  dbusmenu_text_direction_get_value_from_nick
                                                        (const gchar *nick);


Enums that are used to describe states of the server across the bus. They are sent over dbus using their nicks but then turned back into enums by the client.



#define DBUSMENU_TYPE_STATUS (dbusmenu_status_get_type())

Gets the GType value for the type associated with the DbusmenuStatus enumerated type.


#define DBUSMENU_TYPE_TEXT_DIRECTION (dbusmenu_text_direction_get_type())

Gets the GType value for the type associated with the DbusmenuTextDirection enumerated type.

enum DbusmenuStatus

typedef enum { /*< prefix=DBUSMENU_STATUS >*/
	DBUSMENU_STATUS_NORMAL,   /*< nick=normal >*/
	DBUSMENU_STATUS_NOTICE    /*< nick=notice >*/
} DbusmenuStatus;

Tracks how the menus should be presented to the user.


Everything is normal


The menus should be shown at a higher priority

enum DbusmenuTextDirection

typedef enum { /*< prefix=DBUSMENU_TEXT_DIRECTION >*/
	DBUSMENU_TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR,  /*< nick=ltr  >*/
	DBUSMENU_TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL   /*< nick=rtl  >*/
} DbusmenuTextDirection;

The direction of text that the strings that this server will be sending strings as.


Unspecified text direction


Left-to-right text direction


Right-to-left text direction

dbusmenu_status_get_nick ()

const gchar *       dbusmenu_status_get_nick            (DbusmenuStatus value);

Looks up in the enum table for the nick of value.

value :

The value of DbusmenuStatus to get the nick of

Returns :

The nick for the given value or NULL on error

dbusmenu_status_get_type ()

GType               dbusmenu_status_get_type            (void);

Builds a GLib type for the DbusmenuStatus enumeration.

Returns :

A unique GType for the DbusmenuStatus enum.

dbusmenu_status_get_value_from_nick ()

DbusmenuStatus      dbusmenu_status_get_value_from_nick (const gchar *nick);

Looks up in the enum table for the value of nick.

nick :

The enum nick to lookup

Returns :

The value for the given nick

dbusmenu_text_direction_get_nick ()

const gchar *       dbusmenu_text_direction_get_nick    (DbusmenuTextDirection value);

Looks up in the enum table for the nick of value.

value :

The value of DbusmenuTextDirection to get the nick of

Returns :

The nick for the given value or NULL on error

dbusmenu_text_direction_get_type ()

GType               dbusmenu_text_direction_get_type    (void);

Builds a GLib type for the DbusmenuTextDirection enumeration.

Returns :

A unique GType for the DbusmenuTextDirection enum.

dbusmenu_text_direction_get_value_from_nick ()

DbusmenuTextDirection  dbusmenu_text_direction_get_value_from_nick
                                                        (const gchar *nick);

Looks up in the enum table for the value of nick.

nick :

The enum nick to lookup

Returns :

The value for the given nick