/* A library to communicate a menu object set accross DBus and track updates and maintain consistency. Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd. Authors: Ted Gould This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either or both of the following licenses: 1) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation; and/or 2) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the applicable version of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of both the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 and version 2.1 along with this program. If not, see */ #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "menuitem.h" #include "menuitem-marshal.h" #include "menuitem-private.h" #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING #define LABEL(x) dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(x), DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_LABEL) #define ID(x) dbusmenu_menuitem_get_id(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(x)) #endif /* Private */ /** DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate: @id: The ID of this menu item @children: A list of #DbusmenuMenuitem objects that are children to this one. @properties: All of the properties on this menu item. @root: Whether this node is the root node These are the little secrets that we don't want getting out of data that we have. They can still be gotten using accessor functions, but are protected appropriately. */ typedef struct _DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate; struct _DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate { gint id; GList * children; GHashTable * properties; gboolean root; gboolean realized; }; /* Signals */ enum { PROPERTY_CHANGED, ITEM_ACTIVATED, CHILD_ADDED, CHILD_REMOVED, CHILD_MOVED, REALIZED, SHOW_TO_USER, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; /* Properties */ enum { PROP_0, PROP_ID, }; #define PROP_ID_S "id" #define DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(o) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), DBUSMENU_TYPE_MENUITEM, DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate)) /* Prototypes */ static void dbusmenu_menuitem_class_init (DbusmenuMenuitemClass *klass); static void dbusmenu_menuitem_init (DbusmenuMenuitem *self); static void dbusmenu_menuitem_dispose (GObject *object); static void dbusmenu_menuitem_finalize (GObject *object); static void set_property (GObject * obj, guint id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void get_property (GObject * obj, guint id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec); static void g_value_transform_STRING_BOOLEAN (const GValue * in, GValue * out); static void g_value_transform_STRING_INT (const GValue * in, GValue * out); static void handle_event (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * name, const GValue * value, guint timestamp); /* GObject stuff */ G_DEFINE_TYPE (DbusmenuMenuitem, dbusmenu_menuitem, G_TYPE_OBJECT); static void dbusmenu_menuitem_class_init (DbusmenuMenuitemClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate)); object_class->dispose = dbusmenu_menuitem_dispose; object_class->finalize = dbusmenu_menuitem_finalize; object_class->set_property = set_property; object_class->get_property = get_property; klass->handle_event = handle_event; /** DbusmenuMenuitem::property-changed: @arg0: The #DbusmenuMenuitem object. @arg1: The name of the property that changed @arg2: The new value of the property Emitted everytime a property on a menuitem is either updated or added. */ signals[PROPERTY_CHANGED] = g_signal_new(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_SIGNAL_PROPERTY_CHANGED, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(DbusmenuMenuitemClass, property_changed), NULL, NULL, _dbusmenu_menuitem_marshal_VOID__STRING_POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_POINTER); /** DbusmenuMenuitem::item-activated: @arg0: The #DbusmenuMenuitem object. @arg1: The timestamp of when it was activated Emitted on the objects on the server side when they are signaled on the client side. */ signals[ITEM_ACTIVATED] = g_signal_new(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_SIGNAL_ITEM_ACTIVATED, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(DbusmenuMenuitemClass, item_activated), NULL, NULL, _dbusmenu_menuitem_marshal_VOID__UINT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_NONE); /** DbusmenuMenuitem::child-added: @arg0: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which is the parent. @arg1: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which is the child. @arg2: The position that the child is being added in. Signaled when the child menuitem has been added to the parent. */ signals[CHILD_ADDED] = g_signal_new(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_SIGNAL_CHILD_ADDED, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(DbusmenuMenuitemClass, child_added), NULL, NULL, _dbusmenu_menuitem_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_UINT, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_TYPE_UINT); /** DbusmenuMenuitem::child-removed: @arg0: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which was the parent. @arg1: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which was the child. Signaled when the child menuitem has been requested to be removed from the parent. This signal is called when it has been removed from the list but not yet had #g_object_unref called on it. */ signals[CHILD_REMOVED] = g_signal_new(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_SIGNAL_CHILD_REMOVED, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(DbusmenuMenuitemClass, child_removed), NULL, NULL, _dbusmenu_menuitem_marshal_VOID__OBJECT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_OBJECT); /** DbusmenuMenuitem::child-moved: @arg0: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which is the parent. @arg1: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which is the child. @arg2: The position that the child is being moved to. @arg3: The position that the child is was in. Signaled when the child menuitem has had it's location in the list change. */ signals[CHILD_MOVED] = g_signal_new(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_SIGNAL_CHILD_MOVED, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(DbusmenuMenuitemClass, child_moved), NULL, NULL, _dbusmenu_menuitem_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_UINT_UINT, G_TYPE_NONE, 3, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_UINT); /** DbusmenuMenuitem::realized: @arg0: The #DbusmenuMenuitem object. Emitted when the initial request for properties is complete on the item. If there is a type handler configured for the "type" parameter that will be executed before this is signaled. */ signals[REALIZED] = g_signal_new(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_SIGNAL_REALIZED, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(DbusmenuMenuitemClass, realized), NULL, NULL, _dbusmenu_menuitem_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0, G_TYPE_NONE); /** DbusmenuMenuitem::show-to-user: @arg0: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which should be shown. @arg1: Timestamp the event happened at Signaled when the application would like the visualization of this menu item shown to the user. This usually requires going over the bus to get it done. */ signals[SHOW_TO_USER] = g_signal_new(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_SIGNAL_SHOW_TO_USER, G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(DbusmenuMenuitemClass, show_to_user), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_NONE); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ID, g_param_spec_int(PROP_ID_S, "ID for the menu item", "This is a unique indentifier for the menu item.", -1, 30000, -1, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); /* Check transfer functions for GValue */ if (!g_value_type_transformable(G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { g_value_register_transform_func(G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, g_value_transform_STRING_BOOLEAN); } if (!g_value_type_transformable(G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT)) { g_value_register_transform_func(G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT, g_value_transform_STRING_INT); } return; } /* A little helper function to translate a string into a boolean value */ static void g_value_transform_STRING_BOOLEAN (const GValue * in, GValue * out) { const gchar * string = g_value_get_string(in); if (!g_strcmp0(string, "TRUE") || !g_strcmp0(string, "true") || !g_strcmp0(string, "True")) { g_value_set_boolean(out, TRUE); } else { g_value_set_boolean(out, FALSE); } return; } /* A little helper function to translate a string into a integer value */ static void g_value_transform_STRING_INT (const GValue * in, GValue * out) { g_value_set_int(out, atoi(g_value_get_string(in))); return; } static gint menuitem_next_id = 1; /* A small little function to both clear the insides of a value as well as the memory it itself uses. */ static void _g_value_free (gpointer data) { if (data == NULL) return; GValue * value = (GValue*)data; g_value_unset(value); g_free(data); return; } /* Initialize the values of the in the object, and build the properties hash table. */ static void dbusmenu_menuitem_init (DbusmenuMenuitem *self) { DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(self); priv->id = -1; priv->children = NULL; priv->properties = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, _g_value_free); priv->root = FALSE; priv->realized = FALSE; return; } static void dbusmenu_menuitem_dispose (GObject *object) { DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(object); GList * child = NULL; for (child = priv->children; child != NULL; child = g_list_next(child)) { g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(child->data)); } g_list_free(priv->children); priv->children = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS (dbusmenu_menuitem_parent_class)->dispose (object); return; } static void dbusmenu_menuitem_finalize (GObject *object) { /* g_debug("Menuitem dying"); */ DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(object); if (priv->properties != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy(priv->properties); priv->properties = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (dbusmenu_menuitem_parent_class)->finalize (object); return; } static void set_property (GObject * obj, guint id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(obj); switch (id) { case PROP_ID: priv->id = g_value_get_int(value); if (priv->id > menuitem_next_id) { menuitem_next_id = priv->id + 1; } break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(obj, id, pspec); break; } return; } static void get_property (GObject * obj, guint id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) { DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(obj); switch (id) { case PROP_ID: if (priv->id == -1) { priv->id = menuitem_next_id++; } if (dbusmenu_menuitem_get_root(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(obj))) { g_value_set_int(value, 0); } else { g_value_set_int(value, priv->id); } break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(obj, id, pspec); break; } return; } /* Handles the activate event if it is sent. */ static void handle_event (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * name, const GValue * value, guint timestamp) { if (g_strcmp0(name, "clicked") == 0) { g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[ITEM_ACTIVATED], 0, timestamp, TRUE); } return; } /* Public interface */ /** dbusmenu_menuitem_new: Create a new #DbusmenuMenuitem with all default values. Return value: A newly allocated #DbusmenuMenuitem. */ DbusmenuMenuitem * dbusmenu_menuitem_new (void) { return g_object_new(DBUSMENU_TYPE_MENUITEM, NULL); } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_new_with_id: @id: ID to use for this menuitem This creates a blank #DbusmenuMenuitem with a specific ID. Return value: A newly allocated #DbusmenuMenuitem. */ DbusmenuMenuitem * dbusmenu_menuitem_new_with_id (gint id) { DbusmenuMenuitem * mi = g_object_new(DBUSMENU_TYPE_MENUITEM, PROP_ID_S, id, NULL); /* g_debug("New Menuitem id %d goal id %d", dbusmenu_menuitem_get_id(mi), id); */ return mi; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_get_id: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to query. Gets the unique ID for @mi. Return value: The ID of the @mi. */ gint dbusmenu_menuitem_get_id (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), -1); GValue retval = {0}; g_value_init(&retval, G_TYPE_INT); g_object_get_property(G_OBJECT(mi), PROP_ID_S, &retval); gint ret = g_value_get_int(&retval); #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Getting menuitem ID: %d", ret); #endif return ret; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_realized: @mi: #DbusmenuMenuitem to check on This function returns whether the menuitem has been realized or not. This is significant mostly in client implementations that can use this additional state to see if the second layers of the implementation have been built yet. Return value: Returns whether or not the menu item has been realized yet or not. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_realized (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); return priv->realized; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_set_realized: @mi: #DbusmenuMenuitem to realize Sets the internal variable tracking whether it's been realized and signals the DbusmenuMenuitem::realized event. */ void dbusmenu_menuitem_set_realized (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi) { g_return_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); if (priv->realized) { g_warning("Realized entry realized again? ID: %d", dbusmenu_menuitem_get_id(mi)); } priv->realized = TRUE; g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[REALIZED], 0, TRUE); return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to query. Returns simply the list of children that this menu item has. The list is valid until another child related function is called, where it might be changed. Return value: A #GList of pointers to #DbusmenuMenuitem objects. */ GList * dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), NULL); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); return priv->children; } /* For all the taken children we need to signal that they were removed */ static void take_children_signal (gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Menuitem %d (%s) signalling child removed %d (%s)", ID(user_data), LABEL(user_data), ID(data), LABEL(data)); #endif g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(user_data), signals[CHILD_REMOVED], 0, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(data), TRUE); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(data)); return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_take_children: @mi: The #DbusmenMenuitem to take the children from. While the name sounds devious that's exactly what this function does. It takes the list of children from the @mi and clears the internal list. The calling function is now in charge of the ref's on the children it has taken. A lot of responsibility involved in taking children. Return value: A #GList of pointers to #DbusmenuMenuitem objects. */ GList * dbusmenu_menuitem_take_children (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), NULL); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); GList * children = priv->children; priv->children = NULL; g_list_foreach(children, take_children_signal, mi); dbusmenu_menuitem_property_remove(mi, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_CHILD_DISPLAY); return children; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_get_position: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to find the position of @parent: The #DbusmenuMenuitem who's children contain @mi This function returns the position of the menu item @mi in the children of @parent. It will return zero if the menu item can't be found. Return value: The position of @mi in the children of @parent. */ guint dbusmenu_menuitem_get_position (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, DbusmenuMenuitem * parent) { #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING if (!DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)) g_warning("Getting position of %d (%s), it's at: %d (mi fail)", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), 0); if (!DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(parent)) g_warning("Getting position of %d (%s), it's at: %d (parent fail)", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), 0); #endif /* TODO: I'm not too happy returning zeros here. But that's all I've got */ g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), 0); g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(parent), 0); GList * childs = dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children(parent); if (childs == NULL) return 0; guint count = 0; for ( ; childs != NULL; childs = childs->next, count++) { if (childs->data == mi) break; } if (childs == NULL) return 0; #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Getting position of %d (%s), it's at: %d", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), count); #endif return count; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_get_position_realized: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to find the position of @parent: The #DbusmenuMenuitem who's children contain @mi This function is very similar to #dbusmenu_menuitem_get_position except that it only counts in the children that have been realized. Return value: The position of @mi in the realized children of @parent. */ guint dbusmenu_menuitem_get_position_realized (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, DbusmenuMenuitem * parent) { #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING if (!DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)) g_warning("Getting position of %d (%s), it's at: %d (mi fail)", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), 0); if (!DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(parent)) g_warning("Getting position of %d (%s), it's at: %d (parent fail)", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), 0); #endif /* TODO: I'm not too happy returning zeros here. But that's all I've got */ g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), 0); g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(parent), 0); GList * childs = dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children(parent); if (childs == NULL) return 0; guint count = 0; for ( ; childs != NULL; childs = childs->next, count++) { if (!dbusmenu_menuitem_realized(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(childs->data))) { count--; continue; } if (childs->data == mi) { break; } } if (childs == NULL) return 0; #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Getting position of %d (%s), it's at: %d", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), count); #endif return count; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_child_append: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which will become a new parent @child: The #DbusmenMenuitem that will be a child This function adds @child to the list of children on @mi at the end of that list. Return value: Whether the child has been added successfully. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_child_append (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, DbusmenuMenuitem * child) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(child), FALSE); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); g_return_val_if_fail(g_list_find(priv->children, child) == NULL, FALSE); if (priv->children == NULL && !dbusmenu_menuitem_property_exist(mi, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_CHILD_DISPLAY)) { dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set(mi, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_CHILD_DISPLAY, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_CHILD_DISPLAY_SUBMENU); } priv->children = g_list_append(priv->children, child); #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Menuitem %d (%s) signalling child added %d (%s) at %d", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), ID(child), LABEL(child), g_list_length(priv->children) - 1); #endif g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(child)); g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[CHILD_ADDED], 0, child, g_list_length(priv->children) - 1, TRUE); return TRUE; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_child_prepend: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which will become a new parent @child: The #DbusmenMenuitem that will be a child This function adds @child to the list of children on @mi at the beginning of that list. Return value: Whether the child has been added successfully. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_child_prepend (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, DbusmenuMenuitem * child) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(child), FALSE); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); g_return_val_if_fail(g_list_find(priv->children, child) == NULL, FALSE); if (priv->children == NULL && !dbusmenu_menuitem_property_exist(mi, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_CHILD_DISPLAY)) { dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set(mi, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_CHILD_DISPLAY, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_CHILD_DISPLAY_SUBMENU); } priv->children = g_list_prepend(priv->children, child); #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Menuitem %d (%s) signalling child added %d (%s) at %d", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), ID(child), LABEL(child), 0); #endif g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(child)); g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[CHILD_ADDED], 0, child, 0, TRUE); return TRUE; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_child_delete: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem which has @child as a child @child: The child #DbusmenuMenuitem that you want to no longer be a child of @mi. This function removes @child from the children list of @mi. It does not call #g_object_unref on @child. Return value: If we were able to delete @child. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_child_delete (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, DbusmenuMenuitem * child) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(child), FALSE); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); priv->children = g_list_remove(priv->children, child); #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Menuitem %d (%s) signalling child removed %d (%s)", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), ID(child), LABEL(child)); #endif g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[CHILD_REMOVED], 0, child, TRUE); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(child)); if (priv->children == NULL) { dbusmenu_menuitem_property_remove(mi, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_CHILD_DISPLAY); } return TRUE; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_child_add_position: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem that we're adding the child @child to. @child: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to make a child of @mi. @position: Where in @mi object's list of chidren @child should be placed. Puts @child in the list of children for @mi at the location specified in @position. If there is not enough entires available then @child will be placed at the end of the list. Return value: Whether @child was added successfully. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_child_add_position (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, DbusmenuMenuitem * child, guint position) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(child), FALSE); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); g_return_val_if_fail(g_list_find(priv->children, child) == NULL, FALSE); if (priv->children == NULL && !dbusmenu_menuitem_property_exist(mi, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_CHILD_DISPLAY)) { dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set(mi, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_PROP_CHILD_DISPLAY, DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_CHILD_DISPLAY_SUBMENU); } priv->children = g_list_insert(priv->children, child, position); #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Menuitem %d (%s) signalling child added %d (%s) at %d", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), ID(child), LABEL(child), position); #endif g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(child)); g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[CHILD_ADDED], 0, child, position, TRUE); return TRUE; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_child_reorder: @base: The #DbusmenuMenuitem that has children needing realignment @child: The #DbusmenuMenuitem that is a child needing to be moved @position: The position in the list to place it in This function moves a child on the list of children. It is for a child that is already in the list, but simply needs a new location. Return value: Whether the move was successful. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_child_reorder(DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, DbusmenuMenuitem * child, guint position) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(child), FALSE); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); gint oldpos = g_list_index(priv->children, child); if (oldpos == -1) { g_warning("Can not reorder child that isn't actually a child."); return FALSE; } if (oldpos == position) { return TRUE; } priv->children = g_list_remove(priv->children, child); priv->children = g_list_insert(priv->children, child, position); #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Menuitem %d (%s) signalling child %d (%s) moved from %d to %d", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), ID(child), LABEL(child), oldpos, position); #endif g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[CHILD_MOVED], 0, child, position, oldpos, TRUE); return TRUE; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_child_find: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem who's children to look on @id: The ID of the child that we're looking for. Search the children of @mi to find one with the ID of @id. If it doesn't exist then we return #NULL. Return value: The menu item with the ID @id or #NULL if it can't be found. */ DbusmenuMenuitem * dbusmenu_menuitem_child_find (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, gint id) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), NULL); GList * childs = dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children(mi); if (childs == NULL) return NULL; for ( ; childs == NULL; childs = g_list_next(childs)) { DbusmenuMenuitem * lmi = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(childs->data); if (id == dbusmenu_menuitem_get_id(lmi)) { return lmi; } } return NULL; } typedef struct { DbusmenuMenuitem * mi; gint id; } find_id_t; /* Basically the heart of the find_id that matches the API of GFunc. Unfortunately, this goes through all the children, but it rejects them quickly. */ static void find_id_helper (gpointer in_mi, gpointer in_find_id) { DbusmenuMenuitem * mi = (DbusmenuMenuitem *)in_mi; find_id_t * find_id = (find_id_t *)in_find_id; if (find_id->mi != NULL) return; if (find_id->id == dbusmenu_menuitem_get_id(mi)) { find_id->mi = mi; return; } g_list_foreach(dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children(mi), find_id_helper, in_find_id); return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_find_id: @mi: #DbusmenuMenuitem at the top of the tree to search @id: ID of the #DbusmenuMenuitem to search for This function searchs the whole tree of children that are attached to @mi. This could be quite a few nodes, all the way down the tree. It is a depth first search. Return value: The #DbusmenuMenuitem with the ID of @id or #NULL if there isn't such a menu item in the tree represented by @mi. */ DbusmenuMenuitem * dbusmenu_menuitem_find_id (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, gint id) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), NULL); if (id == 0) { if (dbusmenu_menuitem_get_root(mi) == FALSE) { g_warning("Getting a menuitem with id zero, but it's not set as root."); } return mi; } find_id_t find_id = {mi: NULL, id: id}; find_id_helper(mi, &find_id); return find_id.mi; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to set the property on. @property: Name of the property to set. @value: The value of the property. Takes the pair of @property and @value and places them as a property on @mi. If a property already exists by that name, then the value is set to the new value. If not, the property is added. If the value is changed or the property was previously unset then the signal #DbusmenuMenuitem::prop-changed will be emitted by this function. Return value: A boolean representing if the property value was set. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property, const gchar * value) { GValue val = {0}; g_value_init(&val, G_TYPE_STRING); g_value_set_static_string(&val, value); return dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_value(mi, property, &val); } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_bool: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to set the property on. @property: Name of the property to set. @value: The value of the property. Takes a boolean @value and sets it on @property as a property on @mi. If a property already exists by that name, then the value is set to the new value. If not, the property is added. If the value is changed or the property was previously unset then the signal #DbusmenuMenuitem::prop-changed will be emitted by this function. Return value: A boolean representing if the property value was set. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_bool (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property, const gboolean value) { GValue val = {0}; g_value_init(&val, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); g_value_set_boolean(&val, value); return dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_value(mi, property, &val); } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_int: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to set the property on. @property: Name of the property to set. @value: The value of the property. Takes a boolean @value and sets it on @property as a property on @mi. If a property already exists by that name, then the value is set to the new value. If not, the property is added. If the value is changed or the property was previously unset then the signal #DbusmenuMenuitem::prop-changed will be emitted by this function. Return value: A boolean representing if the property value was set. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_int (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property, const gint value) { GValue val = {0}; g_value_init(&val, G_TYPE_INT); g_value_set_int(&val, value); return dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_value(mi, property, &val); } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to set the property on. @property: Name of the property to set. @value: The value of the property. Takes the pair of @property and @value and places them as a property on @mi. If a property already exists by that name, then the value is set to the new value. If not, the property is added. If the value is changed or the property was previously unset then the signal #DbusmenuMenuitem::prop-changed will be emitted by this function. Return value: A boolean representing if the property value was set. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_value (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property, const GValue * value) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(property != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(G_IS_VALUE(value), FALSE); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); /* g_debug("Setting a property. ID: %d Prop: %s Value: %s", priv->id, property, value); */ #if 0 gpointer lookup = g_hash_table_lookup(priv->properties, property); if (g_strcmp0((gchar *)lookup, value) == 0) { /* The value is the same as the value currently in the table so we don't really care. Just say everything's okay */ return TRUE; } #endif gchar * lprop = g_strdup(property); GValue * lval = g_new0(GValue, 1); g_value_init(lval, G_VALUE_TYPE(value)); g_value_copy(value, lval); g_hash_table_replace(priv->properties, lprop, lval); #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING gchar * valstr = g_strdup_value_contents(lval); g_debug("Menuitem %d (%s) signalling property '%s' changed to '%s'", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), property, g_utf8_strlen(valstr, 50) < 25 ? valstr : ""); g_free(valstr); #endif g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[PROPERTY_CHANGED], 0, lprop, lval, TRUE); return TRUE; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to look for the property on. @property: The property to grab. Look up a property on @mi and return the value of it if it exits. #NULL will be returned if the property doesn't exist. Return value: A string with the value of the property that shouldn't be free'd. Or #NULL if the property is not set or is not a string. */ const gchar * dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property) { const GValue * value = dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_value(mi, property); if (value == NULL) return NULL; if (G_VALUE_TYPE(value) != G_TYPE_STRING) return NULL; return g_value_get_string(value); } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_value: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to look for the property on. @property: The property to grab. Look up a property on @mi and return the value of it if it exits. #NULL will be returned if the property doesn't exist. Return value: A GValue for the property. */ const GValue * dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_value (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(property != NULL, NULL); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); return (const GValue *)g_hash_table_lookup(priv->properties, property); } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_bool: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to look for the property on. @property: The property to grab. Look up a property on @mi and return the value of it if it exits. Returns #FALSE if the property doesn't exist. Return value: The value of the property or #FALSE. */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_bool (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property) { const GValue * value = dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_value(mi, property); if (value == NULL) return FALSE; if (G_VALUE_TYPE(value) != G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { if (g_value_type_transformable(G_VALUE_TYPE(value), G_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { GValue boolval = {0}; g_value_init(&boolval, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); g_value_transform(value, &boolval); return g_value_get_boolean(&boolval); } else { return FALSE; } } return g_value_get_boolean(value); } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_int: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to look for the property on. @property: The property to grab. Look up a property on @mi and return the value of it if it exits. Returns zero if the property doesn't exist. Return value: The value of the property or zero. */ gint dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_int (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property) { const GValue * value = dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get_value(mi, property); if (value == NULL) return 0; if (G_VALUE_TYPE(value) != G_TYPE_INT) { if (g_value_type_transformable(G_VALUE_TYPE(value), G_TYPE_INT)) { GValue intval = {0}; g_value_init(&intval, G_TYPE_INT); g_value_transform(value, &intval); return g_value_get_int(&intval); } else { return 0; } } return g_value_get_int(value); } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_exit: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to look for the property on. @property: The property to look for. Checkes to see if a particular property exists on @mi and returns #TRUE if so. Return value: A boolean checking to see if the property is available */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_property_exist (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(property != NULL, FALSE); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); gpointer value = g_hash_table_lookup(priv->properties, property); return value != NULL; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_property_remove: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to remove the property on. @property: The property to look for. Removes a property from the menuitem. */ void dbusmenu_menuitem_property_remove (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * property) { g_return_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)); g_return_if_fail(property != NULL); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); g_hash_table_remove(priv->properties, property); return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_properties_list: @mi: #DbusmenuMenuitem to list the properties on This functiong gets a list of the names of all the properties that are set on this menu item. This data on the list is owned by the menuitem but the list is not and should be freed using g_list_free() when the calling function is done with it. Return value: A list of strings or NULL if there are none. */ GList * dbusmenu_menuitem_properties_list (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), NULL); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); return g_hash_table_get_keys(priv->properties); } static void copy_helper (gpointer in_key, gpointer in_value, gpointer in_data) { GHashTable * table = (GHashTable *)in_data; g_hash_table_insert(table, in_key, in_value); return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_properties_copy: @mi: #DbusmenuMenuitem that we're interested in the properties of This function takes the properties of a #DbusmenuMenuitem and puts them into a #GHashTable that is referenced by the key of a string and has the value of a string. The hash table may not have any entries if there aren't any or there is an error in processing. It is the caller's responsibility to destroy the created #GHashTable. Return value: A brand new #GHashTable that contains all of the properties that are on this #DbusmenuMenuitem @mi. */ GHashTable * dbusmenu_menuitem_properties_copy (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi) { GHashTable * ret = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), ret); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); g_hash_table_foreach(priv->properties, copy_helper, ret); return ret; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_set_root: @mi: #DbusmenuMenuitem to set whether it's root @root: Whether @mi is a root node or not This function sets the internal value of whether this is a root node or not. Return value: None */ void dbusmenu_menuitem_set_root (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, gboolean root) { g_return_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); priv->root = root; return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_get_root: @mi: #DbusmenuMenuitem to see whether it's root This function returns the internal value of whether this is a root node or not. Return value: #TRUE if this is a root node */ gboolean dbusmenu_menuitem_get_root (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi) { g_return_val_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi), FALSE); DbusmenuMenuitemPrivate * priv = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_PRIVATE(mi); return priv->root; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_buildxml: @mi: #DbusmenuMenuitem to represent in XML @array: (element-type utf8): A list of string that will be turned into an XML file This function will add strings to the array @array. It will put at least one entry if this menu item has no children. If it has children it will put two for this entry, one representing the start tag and one that is a closing tag. It will allow it's children to place their own tags in the array in between those two. */ void dbusmenu_menuitem_buildxml (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, GPtrArray * array) { g_return_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)); gint id = 0; if (!dbusmenu_menuitem_get_root(mi)) { id = dbusmenu_menuitem_get_id(mi); } GList * children = dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children(mi); if (children == NULL) { g_ptr_array_add(array, g_strdup_printf("", id)); } else { g_ptr_array_add(array, g_strdup_printf("", id)); for ( ; children != NULL; children = children->next) { dbusmenu_menuitem_buildxml(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(children->data), array); } g_ptr_array_add(array, g_strdup("")); } return; } typedef struct { void (*func) (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, gpointer data); gpointer data; } foreach_struct_t; static void foreach_helper (gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { dbusmenu_menuitem_foreach(DBUSMENU_MENUITEM(data), ((foreach_struct_t *)user_data)->func, ((foreach_struct_t *)user_data)->data); return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_foreach: @mi: The #DbusmenItem to start from @func: Function to call on every node in the tree @data: (closure): User data to pass to the function This calls the function @func on this menu item and all of the children of this item. And their children. And their children. And... you get the point. It will get called on the whole tree. */ void dbusmenu_menuitem_foreach (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, void (*func) (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, gpointer data), gpointer data) { g_return_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)); g_return_if_fail(func != NULL); func(mi, data); GList * children = dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children(mi); foreach_struct_t foreach_data = {func: func, data: data}; g_list_foreach(children, foreach_helper, &foreach_data); return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_handle_event: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to send the signal on. @name: The name of the signal @value: A value that could be set for the event @timestamp: The timestamp of when the event happened This function is called to create an event. It is likely to be overrided by subclasses. The default menu item will respond to the activate signal and do: Emits the #DbusmenuMenuitem::item-activate signal on this menu item. Called by server objects when they get the appropriate DBus signals from the client. If you subclass this function you should really think about calling the parent function unless you have a good reason not to. */ void dbusmenu_menuitem_handle_event (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, const gchar * name, const GValue * value, guint timestamp) { g_return_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)); #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Menuitem %d (%s) is getting event '%s'", ID(mi), LABEL(mi), name); #endif DbusmenuMenuitemClass * class = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_CLASS(mi); if (class->handle_event != NULL) { return class->handle_event(mi, name, value, timestamp); } return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_send_about_to_show: @mi: The #DbusmenuMenuitem to send the signal on. @cb: Callback to call when the call has returned. @cb_data: (closure): Data to pass to the callback. This function is used to send the even that the submenu of this item is about to be shown. Callers to this event should delay showing the menu until their callback is called if possible. */ void dbusmenu_menuitem_send_about_to_show (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, dbusmenu_menuitem_about_to_show_cb cb, gpointer cb_data) { g_return_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)); #ifdef MASSIVEDEBUGGING g_debug("Submenu for menuitem %d (%s) is about to be shown", ID(mi), LABEL(mi)); #endif DbusmenuMenuitemClass * class = DBUSMENU_MENUITEM_GET_CLASS(mi); if (class->send_about_to_show != NULL) { return class->send_about_to_show(mi, cb, cb_data); } else if (cb != NULL) { cb(mi, cb_data); } return; } /** dbusmenu_menuitem_show_to_user: @mi: #DbusmenuMenuitem to show @timestamp: The time that the user requested it to be shown Signals that this menu item should be shown to the user. If this is server side the server will then take it and send it over the bus. */ void dbusmenu_menuitem_show_to_user (DbusmenuMenuitem * mi, guint timestamp) { g_return_if_fail(DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)); g_signal_emit(G_OBJECT(mi), signals[SHOW_TO_USER], 0, timestamp, TRUE); return; }