# Introduction dbusmenu-bench measures the time it takes to call various DBusMenu methods and print the results on stdout. A test dbusmenu application must be started before running dbusmenu-bench. A GLib test application is included in this archive. libdbusmenu-qt provides an equivalent Qt test application. They both can load the same menu hierarchy from a JSON file. # Using it 1. Start dbusmenu-testapp: dbusmenu-testapp 2. Run dbusmenu-bench dbusmenu-bench --count 1000 1000 is the number of times each DBusMenu method is called. Calling them 1000 times helps getting meaningful average values. 3. Stop dbusmenu-testapp For debugging purpose, you can also run dbusmenu-bench with the "--dump" parameter, which will dump the output of the called methods.