path: root/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfd0d10b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# helpers for "install" target
+INSTALL_DIR=install -d -m 755
+INSTALL_FILE=install -m 644
+INSTALL_PROGRAM=install -m 755
+# helpers for "build" target
+SYMLINK_FILE=ln -f -s
+# helpers for "clean" and "uninstall" targets
+RM_FILE=rm -f
+RM_DIR=rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty
+ETCDIR_NX ?= /etc/nxagent
+PREFIX ?= /usr/local
+BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin
+LIBDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/lib
+INCLUDEDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/include
+CONFIGURE ?= ./configure --prefix=$(PREFIX)
+# use Xfont2 if available in the build env
+FONT_DEFINES ?= $(shell pkg-config --modversion xfont2 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "-DHAS_XFONT2")
+XFONTLIB ?= $(shell pkg-config --modversion xfont2 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "-lXfont2" || echo "-lXfont")
+NX_VERSION_MAJOR=$(shell ./version.sh 1)
+NX_VERSION_MINOR=$(shell ./version.sh 2)
+NX_VERSION_MICRO=$(shell ./version.sh 3)
+NX_VERSION_PATCH=$(shell ./version.sh 4)
+ Xlib.h \
+ Xresource.h \
+ Xutil.h \
+ cursorfont.h \
+ Xlibint.h \
+ Xcms.h \
+ Xlocale.h \
+ XKBlib.h \
+ XlibConf.h \
+ Xregion.h \
+ ImUtil.h \
+ $(NULL)
+ transport.c \
+ Xtrans.c \
+ Xtrans.h \
+ Xtransint.h \
+ Xtranslcl.c \
+ Xtranssock.c \
+ Xtransutil.c \
+ $(NULL)
+ if test -f nxcomp/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcomp "$@"; fi
+ if test -f nxproxy/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxproxy "$@"; fi
+ if test -d nx-X11; then \
+ if test -f nx-X11/lib/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nx-X11/lib "$@"; fi; \
+ if test -f nxcompshad/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcompshad "$@"; fi; \
+ if test -f nx-X11/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nx-X11 "$@"; fi; \
+ fi
+ # clean auto-generated files
+ if [ "x$@" == "xclean" ] || [ "x$@" = "xdistclean" ]; then \
+ if [ -x ./mesa-quilt ]; then ./mesa-quilt pop -a; fi; \
+ rm -Rf nx-X11/extras/Mesa/.pc/; \
+ rm -f nx-X11/config/cf/nxversion.def; \
+ rm -f nx-X11/config/cf/date.def; \
+ ${MAKE} clean-env; \
+ fi
+ ${MAKE} build
+ echo "No testing for NX (redistributed)"
+ # prepare nx-X11/config/cf/nxversion.def
+ sed \
+ nx-X11/config/cf/nxversion.def.in \
+ > nx-X11/config/cf/nxversion.def
+build-env: version
+ # prepare Makefiles and the nx-X11 symlinking magic
+ ${MAKE} -C nx-X11 BuildIncludes FONT_DEFINES=$(FONT_DEFINES)
+ # set up environment for libNX_X11 build (X11 header files)
+ mkdir -p nx-X11/exports/include/nx-X11/
+ for header in $(NX_X11_HEADERS); do \
+ ${SYMLINK_FILE} ../../../lib/include/X11/$${header} nx-X11/exports/include/nx-X11/$${header}; \
+ done
+ # set up environment for libNX_X11 build (Xtrans header/include files)
+ mkdir -p nx-X11/exports/include/nx-X11/Xtrans/
+ for header in $(NX_XTRANS_HEADERS); do \
+ ${SYMLINK_FILE} ../../../../lib/include/xtrans/$${header} nx-X11/exports/include/nx-X11/Xtrans/$${header}; \
+ done
+clean-env: version
+ for header in $(NX_X11_HEADERS); do \
+ ${RM_FILE} nx-X11/exports/include/nx-X11/$${header}; \
+ done
+ for header in $(NX_XTRANS_HEADERS); do \
+ ${RM_FILE} nx-X11/exports/include/nx-X11/Xtrans/$${header}; \
+ done
+ [ -d exports/include/nx-X11/Xtrans ] && $(RM_DIR) exports/include/nx-X11/Xtrans/ || :
+ [ -d exports/include/nx-X11/ ] && $(RM_DIR) exports/include/nx-X11/ || :
+ cd nxcomp && autoreconf -vfsi && (${CONFIGURE}) && ${MAKE}
+ cd nxproxy && autoreconf -vfsi && (${CONFIGURE}) && ${MAKE}
+build-full: build-env
+# in the full case, we rely on "magic" in the nx-X11 imake-based makefiles...
+ # build nxcomp first
+ cd nxcomp && autoreconf -vfsi && (${CONFIGURE}) && ${MAKE}
+ # build libNX_X11 second
+ cd nx-X11/lib && autoreconf -vfsi && (${CONFIGURE} --disable-poll) && ${MAKE}
+ mkdir -p nx-X11/exports/lib/
+ $(SYMLINK_FILE) ../../lib/src/.libs/libNX_X11.so nx-X11/exports/lib/libNX_X11.so
+ $(SYMLINK_FILE) ../../lib/src/.libs/libNX_X11.so.6 nx-X11/exports/lib/libNX_X11.so.6
+ $(SYMLINK_FILE) ../../lib/src/.libs/libNX_X11.so.6.3.0 nx-X11/exports/lib/libNX_X11.so.6.3.0
+ # build nxcompshad third
+ cd nxcompshad && autoreconf -vfsi && (${CONFIGURE}) && ${MAKE}
+ # build nxagent fourth
+ ./mesa-quilt push -a
+ ${MAKE} -C nx-X11 BuildDependsOnly FONT_DEFINES=$(FONT_DEFINES)
+ # build nxproxy fifth
+ cd nxproxy && autoreconf -vfsi && (${CONFIGURE}) && ${MAKE}
+ if ! test -d nx-X11; then \
+ ${MAKE} build-lite; \
+ else \
+ ${MAKE} build-full; \
+ fi
+ $(MAKE) install-lite
+ [ ! -d nx-X11 ] || $(MAKE) install-full
+ # install nxcomp library
+ $(MAKE) -C nxcomp install
+ # install the nxproxy executable and its man page
+ $(MAKE) -C nxproxy install
+ $(MAKE) -C nxcompshad install
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) nx-X11/programs/Xserver/nxagent $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/pixmaps
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) nx-X11/programs/Xserver/hw/nxagent/nxagent.xpm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/pixmaps
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) nx-X11/programs/Xserver/Xext/SecurityPolicy $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/nx
+ # FIXME: Drop this symlink for 3.6.0. Requires that third party frameworks like X2Go have become aware of this...
+ $(INSTALL_SYMLINK) $(BINDIR)/nxagent $(DESTDIR)$(NXLIBDIR)/bin/nxagent
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) nx-X11/programs/Xserver/hw/nxagent/man/nxagent.1 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/
+ gzip $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/*.1
+ # create a clean nx-X11/.build-exports space
+ rm -Rf nx-X11/.build-exports
+ mkdir -p nx-X11/.build-exports/include
+ mkdir -p nx-X11/.build-exports/lib
+ # copy headers (for libnx-x11-dev)
+ cp -aL nx-X11/exports/include/* nx-X11/.build-exports/include
+ # copy libs (for libnx-x11), we want the targets of the links
+ . replace.sh; set -x; find nx-X11/exports/lib/ | grep -F ".so" | while read libpath; do \
+ libfile=$$(basename $$libpath); \
+ libdir=$$(dirname $$libpath); \
+ link=$$(readlink $$libpath); \
+ \
+ mkdir -p "$$(string_rep "$$libdir" exports .build-exports)"; \
+ cp -a "$$(string_rep "$$libpath" "$$libfile" "$$link")" "$$(string_rep "$$libdir" exports .build-exports)"; \
+ done;
+ $(INSTALL_SYMLINK) ../../libNX_X11.so.6 $(DESTDIR)$(USRLIBDIR)/libX11.so.6
+ $(INSTALL_SYMLINK) ../../libNX_X11.so.6.3.0 $(DESTDIR)$(USRLIBDIR)/libX11.so.6.3.0
+ . replace.sh; set -x; find nx-X11/.build-exports/include/{nx*,GL} -type d | \
+ while read dirname; do \
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$$(string_rep "$$dirname" nx-X11/.build-exports/include "$(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/")"; \
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) $${dirname}/*.h \
+ "$$(string_rep "$$dirname" nx-X11/.build-exports/include "$(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/")"/ || true; \
+ done; \
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) etc/keystrokes.cfg $(DESTDIR)/$(ETCDIR_NX)/
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) etc/nxagent.keyboard $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR_NX)/
+ $(MAKE) -C nx-X11/lib install
+ $(MAKE) uninstall-lite
+ [ ! -d nx-X11 ] || $(MAKE) uninstall-full
+ if test -f nxcomp/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcomp "$@"; fi
+ if test -f nxproxy/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxproxy "$@"; fi
+ $(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/nx/VERSION.nxproxy
+ $(RM_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/nx/
+ if test -f nxcompshad/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nxcompshad "$@"; fi
+ if test -f nx-X11/lib/Makefile; then ${MAKE} -C nx-X11/lib "$@"; fi
+ $(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/nxagent
+ $(RM_FILE) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/nx/VERSION.nxagent
+ $(RM_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/nx/
+ if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(NXLIBDIR); then rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(NXLIBDIR); fi
+ if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/nx; then rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/nx; fi