path: root/nx-X11/extras/ttf2pt1/FONTS.html
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+The ttf2pt1 font installation guide
+Sergey A. Babkin
+<A HREF="mailto:babkin@users.sourceforge.net">
+&lt;babkin@bellatlantic.net&gt;</A> or <A HREF="mailto:sab123@hotmail.com">&lt;sab123@hotmail.com&gt;</A>
+(Do not edit this file, it is generated from FONTS.html!!!)
+<!-- =defdoc cv ttf2pt1_convert 1 -->
+<!-- =defdoc gs ttf2pt1_x2gs 1 -->
+for the TTF to Type1 converter and fonts generated by it
+There is historically a number of problems with the support of the 8-bit
+character encodings. This installation guide pays a lot of attention
+to the 8-bit issues, because these issues are responsible for the
+most of troubles during the installation of fonts. But they are
+not the only things covered in this guide, so it's worth reading
+even if all you need is plain ASCII. For convenience of reading
+I have marked the paragraphs dealing solely with 8-bit problems
+with characters <FONT COLOR="#3333FF"><FONT SIZE=-1>*8*</FONT></FONT>.
+To simplify this installation the distribution package of the
+converter contains a number of scripts written in shell and
+Perl. So, to run them you will need a shell interpreter (Bourne-shell,
+POSIX-shell, Korn-shell are OK, ba-shell is probably also OK but not
+tested yet). The Perl scripts were tested with Perl5 but probably
+should work with Perl4 too. All the scripts are located in the
+`scripts' subdirectory.
+This guide considers the following issues of installation of the
+<li> <A HREF="#X11">X11</A><br>
+<li> <A HREF="#gs">Ghostscript</A><br>
+<li> <A HREF="#win">MS Windows</A><br>
+<li> <A HREF="#netscape">Netscape Navigator/Communicator</A><br>
+<li> <A HREF="#rpm">Linux RPM package</A><br>
+<li> <A HREF="#framemaker">FrameMaker</A><br>
+<li> <A HREF="#soffice">StarOffice</A><br>
+<A NAME="X11"></A>
+<!-- =section cv NAME -->
+<!-- =text B&lt;ttf2pt1_convert&gt; - convenience font conversion script -->
+<!-- =stop -->
+To simplify the conversion a set of scripts is provided with <b>ttf2pt1</b>.
+They are collected in the `<TT>scripts</TT>' subdirectory.
+<!-- =section cv DESCRIPTION -->
+`<b>Convert</b>' is the master conversion script provided with ttf2pt1.
+When installed into a public directory it's named `<b>ttf2pt1_convert</b>'
+to avoid name collisions with the other programs.
+<!-- =stop -->
+It's called as:
+<!-- =section cv SYNOPSIS -->
+<!-- =text ttf2pt1_convert B&lt;[config-file]&gt; -->
+<!-- =stop -->
+ convert <i>[config-file]</i>
+<!-- =section cv DESCRIPTION -->
+If the configuration file is not specified as an argument then the file
+`<TT>convert.cfg</TT>' in the current directory is used. This file contains
+a set of configuration variables. The distribution contains a sample file
+file `<TT>convert.cfg.sample</TT>'. Please copy it to `<TT>convert.cfg</TT>',
+look inside it and change the configuration variables. The more stable
+configuration variables, such as the path names of the scripts and
+encoding files are located in `<TT>convert</TT>' itself, they are
+automatically updated when installing <b>ttf2pt1</b>.
+Put all the TTF fonts you want to convert into some directory (this
+may be just the directory that already contains all the Windows
+fonts on a mounted FAT filesystem). If you have fonts in different
+source encoding then put the fonts in each of the encodings
+into a separate directory. Up to 10 source directories are
+supported. If you (in a rather unlikely case) have more source
+directories then you can make two separate runs of the converter,
+converting up to 10 directories at a time.
+The variables in the configuration file are:
+<!-- ==over 2 -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<B><tt>SRCDIRS</tt></B> - the list of directories (with absolute paths) with
+ TTF fonts. Each line contains at least 3 fields: the name of the directory,
+ the language of the fonts in it (if you have fonts for different
+ languages you have to put them into the separate directories) and the
+ encoding of the fonts. Again, if you have some of the TTF typefaces in
+ one encoding, and some in another (say, CP-1251 and KOI-8), you have
+ to put them into the separate source directories. Some lines may contain
+ 4 fields. Then the fourth field is the name of the external map to
+ convert the Unicode fonts into the desirable encoding. This map is
+ used instead of the built-in map for the specified language.
+<FONT COLOR="#3333FF"><FONT SIZE=-1>*8*</FONT></FONT>
+An interesting thing is that some languages have more than one
+widely used character encodings. For example, the widely used
+encodings for Russian are IBM CP-866 (MS-DOS and Unix), KOI-8
+(Unix and VAX, also the standard Internet encoding), IBM CP-1251 (MS Windows).
+That's why I have provided the means to generate the converted fonts
+in more than one encoding. See the file <A HREF="encodings/README.html">encodings/README</A> for
+details about the encoding tables. Actually, if you plan to use
+these fonts with Netscape Navigator better use the aliases
+cp-866 instead of ibm-866 and windows-1251 instead of ibm-1251
+because that's what Netscape wants.
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>DSTDIR</tt></b> - directory for the resulting Type1 fonts. Be careful!
+ This directory gets completely wiped out before conversion,
+ so don't use any already existing directory for this purpose.
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>DSTENC<i>{language}</i></tt></b> - the list of encodings in which the destination
+ fonts will be generated for each language. Each font of that
+ language will be generated in each of the specified
+ encodings. If you don't want any translation, just specify both
+ <tt>SRCENC</tt> and <tt>DSTENC</tt> as iso8859-1 (or if you want any other encoding
+ specified in the fonts.dir, copy the description of 8859-1 with
+ new name and use this new name for <tt>SRCENC</tt> and <tt>DSTENC</tt>).
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>FOUNDRY</tt></b> - the foundry name to be used in the fonts.dir file. I have
+ set it to `fromttf' to avoid name conflicts with any existing font for
+ sure. But this foundry name is not registered in X11 standards and
+ if you want to get the full standard compliance or have a font server
+ that enforces such a compliance, use `misc'.
+<!-- ==back -->
+The next few parameters control the general behavior of the converter.
+They default values are set to something reasonable.
+<!-- ==over 2 -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>CORRECTWIDTH</tt></b> - if the value is set to <b><tt>YES</tt></b> then use the
+ converter option <tt><b>-w</b></tt>, otherwise don't use it. See the description of
+ this option in the <A HREF="README.html">README</A> file.
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>REMOVET1A</tt></b> - if the value is set to <b><tt>YES</tt></b> then after
+ conversion remove the un-encoded <tt>.t1a</tt> font files and the
+ intermediate <tt>.xpfa</tt> font metric files.
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>INSTALLFONTMAP</tt></b> - a Ghostscript parameter, if the value is set to
+ <b><tt>YES</tt></b> then install the entries for the new fonts
+ right into the main <tt>Fontmap</tt> file. Otherwise just leave
+ the file <tt>Fontmap.ttf</tt> in the Ghostscript configuration
+ directory.
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>HINTSUBST</tt></b> - if the value is set to <b><tt>YES</tt></b> use the option
+ <tt><b>-H</b></tt>, otherwise don't use it. This option enables the
+ hint substitution technique. If you have not installed the X11 patch
+ described above, use this option with great caution. See further
+ description of this option in the <A HREF="README.html">README</A> file.
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>ENFORCEISO</tt></b> - if the value is set to <b><tt>YES</tt></b> then
+ disguise the resulting fonts as the fonts in ISOLatin1 encoding. Historically
+ this was neccessary due to the way the installer scripts created the
+ X11 font configuration files. It is not neccessary any more for this
+ purpose. But if you plan to use these fonts with some other application
+ that expects ISOLatin1 encoding then better enable this option.
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>ALLGLYPHS</tt></b> - if the value is set to <b><tt>YES</tt></b> then
+ include all the glyphs from the source fonts into the resulting fonts, even
+ if these glyphs are inaccessible. If it's set to <b><tt>NO</tt></b> then
+ include only the glyphs which have codes assigned to them. The glyphs
+ without codes can not be used directly. But some clever programs,
+ such as the Type 1 library from XFree86 3.9 and higher can change
+ the encoding on the fly and use another set of glyphs. If you have not
+ installed the X11 patch described above, use this option with great
+ caution. See further description of the option option <tt><b>-a</b></tt> in the
+ <A HREF="README.html">README</A> file.
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>GENUID</tt></b> - if the value is set to <b><tt>YES</tt></b> then use
+ the option <tt><b>-uA</b></tt> of the converter to generate UniqueIDs for
+ the converted fonts. The standard X11 Type 1 library does not use
+ this ID, so it may only be neccessary for the other applications.
+ The script is clever enough to generate different UniqueID for the
+ same font converted to multiple encodings. Also after conversion it
+ checks all the fonts generacted during the session for duplicated
+ UniqueID and shows those. Still, this does not quarantee that these
+ UniqueIDs won't overlap with some other fonts. The UniqueIDs are
+ generated as hash values from the font names, so it's guaranteed
+ that if the `<tt>convert</tt>' script runs multiple times it will
+ generate the same UniqueIDs during each run. See further description
+ of this option in the <A HREF="README.html">README</A> file.
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>GENUID</tt></b> - if the value is set to <b><tt>YES</tt></b> then create
+ the <tt>.pfb</tt> files, otherwise the <tt>.pfa</tt> files. The <tt>.pfb</tt>
+ files are more compact but contain binary data, so you may experience some
+ troubles when transferring them through the network.
+<!-- ==back -->
+The following parameters are used to locate the other scripts and
+configuration files. By default the scripts do a bit of guessing for them:
+they search in the <b>ttf2pt1</b> installation directory if <b>ttf2pt1</b>
+was installed or otherwise suppose that you are running `<tt>convert</tt>' with
+`<tt>scripts</tt>' subdirectory being the current directory.
+<!-- ==over 2 -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>ENCDIR</tt></b> - directory containing the descriptions of encodings
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<b><tt>MAPDIR</tt></b> - directory containing the external map files
+<!-- ==back -->
+Besides that a few parameters are built into the `<tt>convert</tt>' script itself.
+You probably won't need to change them:
+<!-- ==over 2 -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<tt><b>T1ASM</b></tt>, <tt><b>TTF2PT1</b></tt>, <tt><b>TRANS</b></tt>, <tt><b>T1FDIR</b></tt>, <tt><b>FORCEISO</b></tt> - paths to the other script
+<!-- ==back -->
+Also there are a few parameters controlling the installation of
+fonts for Ghostscript. Please look at their description in the
+<A HREF="#gs">Ghostscript</a> section of documentation or in the <b>ttf2pt1_x2gs(1)</b>
+manual page before running `<tt>convert</tt>'. If these parameters are
+set, `<tt>convert</tt>' will call the `<tt>x2gs</tt>' script automatically
+to install the newly converted fonts in Ghostscript.
+After creating the configuration file run the `<tt>convert</tt>' script. Look at
+the result and the log file in <tt>DSTDIR</tt>.
+Add the directory with newly converted fonts to the configuration
+of X server or font server. For most of the systems this step is
+very straightforward. For HP-UX it's rather tricky and poorly
+documented, so the file <A HREF="FONTS.hpux.html">FONTS.hpux</A> gives a short description.
+If you don't have the privileges of the root user, you still can
+configure your private font server. Just use some non-standard
+port number (see <A HREF="FONTS.hpux.html">FONTS.hpux</A> for an example, exept that you won't
+need all the HP-related stuff on any other system).
+<!-- =stop -->
+Known Problems
+<!-- =section cv BUGS -->
+<!-- ==head2 Known problems -->
+<li> One catch is that the X11 Type 1 font library has a rather low limit
+ on the font size. Because of this the fonts with more complicated
+ outlines and the enabled hint substitution may not fit into
+ this limit. The same applies to the fonts with very complicated
+ outlines or with very many glyphs (especially the fonts with
+ over 256 glyphs). So you will need to excercise caution with
+ these options if you plan using these fonts with X11. Some vendors
+ such as HP provide the Type 1 implementation licensed from Adobe
+ which should have no such problem.
+ But there is a solution even for the generic X11. A patch located
+ in the subdirectory `<tt>app/X11</tt>' fixes this problem as well
+ as some other minor problems. Its description is provided in
+ <A HREF="app/X11/README.html">app/X11/README</A>.
+ To fix the X11 font library, you have to get the X11 sources. I
+ can recommend the ftp sites of the XFree86 project <A HREF="ftp://ftp.xfree86.org">ftp://ftp.xfree86.org</A>
+ or of the Open Group <A HREF="ftp://ftp.x.org">ftp://ftp.x.org</A>. This patch was made on the sources
+ of XFree86 so you may have better success with applying it to the
+ XFree86 distribution. After you have got the sources, make sure
+ that you can compile them. Then apply the patch as described.
+ Make sure that it was applied properly. Compile the sources again
+ (actually, you need only the fonts library, the fonts server, and
+ possibly the X server). It would be prudent now to save your old
+ font library, font server and, possibly, X server. Then install
+ the new recently compiled versions of these files. Of course,
+ if you know someone who already has compiled these files for the
+ same OS as yours, you can just copy the binary fles from him.
+ Alas, building the X11 system from the source code is not the
+ easiest thing in the world and if you have no experience it
+ can be quite difficult. In this case just avoid the aforementioned
+ features or check each converted font to make sure that it
+ works properly.
+<li> The Type1 font library from the standard X11 distribution
+ does not work on HP-UX (at least, up to 10.01). The font server
+ supplied with HP-UX up to 10.01 is also broken. Starting from
+ HP-UX 10.20 (I don't know about 10.10) they supply a proprietary font
+ library and the converted fonts work fine with it, provided that
+ they are configured properly (see the file <A HREF="FONTS.hpux.html">FONTS.hpux</A>).
+<li> The <tt>fonts.scale</tt> files created by the older versions of the
+ <tt>ttf2pt1</tt> installation program (up to release 3.1) have conflicted
+ with the language definitions of the <tt>Xfsft</tt> font server and
+ parts of it included into XFree86. To overcome this incompatibility
+ the never versions creats the <tt>fonts.scale</tt> file describing all the
+ fonts as belonging to the <tt>adobe-fontspecific</tt> encoding and
+ the <tt>fonts.alias</tt> file with the proper names. The drawback of
+ this solution is that <tt>xlsfonts</tt> gives the list of twice more
+ fonts. But as a side effect the option <tt><b>ENFORCEISO</b></tt> in
+ `<tt>convert.cfg</tt>' is not required for X11 any more.
+<li> The conversion script has no support for Eastern multi-plane fonts.
+ Contribution of such a support would be welcome.
+<!-- =stop -->
+<!-- =section cv FILES -->
+<!-- ==over 2 -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/scripts/convert.cfg.sample -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/scripts/* -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/README -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/FONTS -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/* -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_BINDIR/ttf2pt1 -->
+<!-- ==back -->
+<!-- =stop -->
+<!-- =section cv SEE ALSO -->
+<!-- ==over 4 -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text L&lt;ttf2pt1(1)&gt; -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text L&lt;ttf2pt1_x2gs(1)&gt; -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text L&lt;t1asm(1)&gt; -->
+<!-- ==back -->
+<!-- =stop -->
+<A NAME="gs"></A>
+<!-- =section gs NAME -->
+<!-- =text B&lt;ttf2pt1_x2gs&gt; - font installer for Ghostscript -->
+<!-- =stop -->
+<!-- =section gs DESCRIPTION -->
+The fonts generated with <b>ttf2pt1</b> work fine with Ghostscript by
+themselves. The script `<b>x2gs</b>' (or `<b>ttf2pt1_x2gs</b>' when installed
+into a public directory, to avoid name conflicts with other
+programs) links the font files from the X11 direcotry into the Ghostscript
+directory and automatically creates the description file (<tt>Fontmap</tt>)
+in Ghostscript format.
+<!-- =stop -->
+It's called as:
+<!-- =section gs SYNOPSIS -->
+<!-- =text ttf2pt1_x2gs B&lt;[config-file]&gt; -->
+<!-- =stop -->
+ x2gs <i>[config-file]</i>
+<!-- =section gs DESCRIPTION -->
+If the configuration file is not specified as an argument then the file
+`<TT>convert.cfg</TT>' in the current directory is used, just like the
+`<tt>convert</tt>' script does. Indeed, this configuration file is used for
+both scripts.
+The Ghostscript-related parameters in the configuration file are:
+<b><tt>DSTDIR</tt></b> - the X11 font directory used by `<tt>x2gs</tt>' as the
+ source of the fonts. This parameter is common with the X11
+ configuration.
+<b><tt>GSDIR</tt></b> - the base directory of Ghostsript. If this
+ parameter is set to an empty string then `<tt>convert</tt>' won't
+ call `<tt>x2gs</tt>'. So if you want to get only the X11 fonts
+ installed then set this parameter to an empty string. This
+ directory may vary on various system, so please check your
+ system and set this value accordingly before running the script.
+<b><tt>GSFONTDIR</tt></b> - the font directory of Ghostscript. In the standard
+ Ghostscript installation it's a subdirectory of <tt>GSDIR</tt>
+ but some systems may use completely different directories.
+<b><tt>GSCONFDIR</tt></b> - the configuration subdirectory of Ghostscript
+ that contains the <tt>Fontmap</tt> file.
+<b><tt>INSTALLFONTMAP</tt></b> - if the value is set to <b><tt>YES</tt></b> then
+ install the entries for the new fonts right into the main
+ <tt>Fontmap</tt> file. Otherwise just leave the file <tt>Fontmap.ttf</tt>
+ in the Ghostscript configuration directory.
+After preparing the configuration file run the script. It symbolicaly links
+all the font files and creates the description file <tt>Fontmap.ttf</tt> in
+<tt>GSCONDFIR</tt>. After that there are two choices.
+If the option <tt>INSTALLFONTMAP</tt> was set to <tt>YES</tt> then
+the font descriptions are also automatically installed into the
+master <tt>Fontmap</tt> file. The script is clever enough to
+detect if it was run multiple times with the same directories
+and if so it replaces the old <tt>Fontmap</tt> entries with
+the new ones instead of just accumulating all of them. You
+may also run it multiple times for multiple X11 directories
+and all the results will be properly collected in the <tt>Fontmap</tt>.
+But it's your responsibility to watch that the names of the
+font files don't overlap. If the X11 font directory gets
+renamed then you have to remove its font entries from the
+<tt>Fontmap</tt> and only after that re-run `<tt>x2gs</tt>'
+for the new directory.
+On the other hand if the option <tt>INSTALLFONTMAP</tt> was set to
+<tt>NO</tt> then go to the <tt>GSCONFDIR</tt> directory and insert the
+contents of <tt>Fontmap.ttf</tt> into the <tt>Fontmap</tt> file
+manually. This step may be left manual to make the installation
+a little bit more safe.
+After that you may also want to redefine some of the aliases in
+<tt>Fontmap</tt> to refer to the newly installed fonts.
+But the redefinition of the aliases may be dangerous if the width of
+characters in the new font will be different from the old font.
+Alas, there is no visible solution of this problem yet.
+<!-- =stop -->
+<!-- =section gs FILES -->
+<!-- ==over 2 -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/scripts/convert.cfg.sample -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/scripts/* -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/README -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/FONTS -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR/* -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text TTF2PT1_BINDIR/ttf2pt1 -->
+<!-- ==back -->
+<!-- =stop -->
+<!-- =section gs SEE ALSO -->
+<!-- ==over 4 -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text L&lt;ttf2pt1(1)&gt; -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text L&lt;ttf2pt1_convert(1)&gt; -->
+<!-- ==item * -->
+<!-- =text L&lt;t1asm(1)&gt; -->
+<!-- ==back -->
+<!-- =stop -->
+<A NAME="win"></A>
+MS Windows
+<b>Ttf2pt1</b> can be built on Windows either with native compiler or in
+POSIX emulation mode.
+Native MS Windows compilers require a different way to build the converter
+instead of the Makefile (their <tt>make</tt> programs commonly are quite weird
+and limited in capabilities). An example of batch file <tt>winbuild.bat</tt>
+is provided for MS Visual C/C++. Probably it can be easily adapted for other
+32-bit Windows and DOS compilers. The important part is to define the
+preprocessor symbol WINDOWS during compilation.
+Cygnus <tt>make</tt> almost supports full Makefiles but not quite. Seems
+like its POSIX support is also of the same quality "almost but not quite".
+So another command file <tt>cygbuild.sh</tt> is provided for Cygnus GNU C, also
+with the preprocessor symbol WINDOWS defined. It is intended to be run from
+the Cygnus BASH shell. To run the programs produced by the Cygnus compiler
+the Cygnus library file <tt>CYGWIN1.DLL</tt> should be copied first into
+To run the accompanying scripts Perl for Windows will be required as well as
+other tools from the Cygnus set.
+The Windows support was not particularly tested, so in case of problems with
+building or running the converter please let us know.
+The pre-built code (possibly of an older version) of ttf2pt1 for MS Windows is
+available from the GnuWin32 project from
+<A HREF="http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/ttf2pt1.htm">http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/ttf2pt1.htm</A>
+<A NAME="netscape"></a>
+Netscape Navigator/Communicator
+Basically, the biggest problem with Netscape Navigator is that
+it has built-in fixed PostScript font names and built-in fixed
+glyph tables for them. Oh, no, that's two! Let's start over:
+basically the two biggest problems of Netscape Navigator are
+that (one)it has built-in fixed PostScript font names and (two)
+built-in fixed glyph tables for them and (three) it always
+assumes that the fonts have ISOLatin1 encoding. OK, let's
+start over again: basically the three biggest problems of Netscape
+Navigator are that (one) it has built-in fixed PostScript font names,
+(two) built-in fixed glyph tables for them and (three) it always
+assumes that the fonts have ISOLatin1 encoding and (four) it
+does not remember the scaled font size between the sessions.
+You did not expect such a Spanish Inquisition, did you ? (<A HREF="#nsfn1">*</a>)
+Luckily, we have solutions for all of these problems. They are
+located in the subdirectory `<tt>app/netscape</tt>' and described
+in <A HREF="app/netscape/README.html">app/netscape/README</a>.
+<A NAME="nsfn1"></a>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT SIZE=-1>*) See Monty Python's Flying Circus, episode 15</FONT></FONT>
+<FONT COLOR="#3333FF"><FONT SIZE=-1>*8*</FONT></FONT>
+Netscape and cyrillic fonts<br>
+(courtesy of Zvezdan Petkovic)
+If you use TrueType fonts in your X, as I do, and you always get
+KOI8-R encoded pages, then your Netscape does not recognise windows-1251
+encoding. Microsoft TrueType fonts simply declare all encodings they
+can support including KOI8-R. For some reason, KOI8-R always wins over
+ISO-8859-5 in Netscape under X. If you are reading other cyrillic
+languages besides Russian, you might want to either erase KOI8-R entries
+from the fonts.dir and fonts.scale files, or alternatively fix Netscape.
+I put this line in my .Xdefaults.
+ Netscape*documentFonts.charset*koi8-r: iso-8859-5
+Notice that you can still read Russian sites without trouble because
+Netscape translates KOI8-R to ISO-8859-5 on the fly. I read both Russian
+and Serbian sites with no trouble.
+<b>Note:</b> <i>If anybody knows the way to tell Netscape under Unix how to
+recognise {windows,ibm,cp}-1251 encoded fonts, I'd like to hear about that.</i>
+<A NAME="rpm"></a>
+Linux RPM package
+The spec file for the creation of a Linux RPM package is located in
+<tt>app/RPM</tt>. It has been contributed by Johan Vromans. When
+<tt>make all</tt> is ran in the main directory it among the other
+things creates the version of itself adapted to Linux in <tt>app/RPM</tt>,
+you may want to copy that version back to the main directory.
+<B>Warning:</B> Please note that the install section is incomplete, and
+the installed scripts won't work until the paths inside them
+are corrected.
+<A NAME="framemaker"></a>
+The fonts and AFM files generated by the version 3.2 and higher
+should work with Framemaker without problems. The AFM files
+generated by the previous versions of the converter require a
+line added to them:
+&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>EncodingScheme FontSpecific</tt>
+And the underscores in the font names of the font and AFM files
+generated by the older versions may need to be changed to dashes.
+<B>NOTE by Jason Baietto:</B> Ignore the directions in the Frame on-line docs
+that say to put a "serverdict begin 0 exitserver" line in the pfa files.
+Doing this caused both my printer and ghostscript to choke on the resulting
+output from FrameMaker, so I would not advise doing this (though your
+mileage may vary).
+<A NAME="soffice"></a>
+StarOffice 5.1x has been reported to crash if the <tt>.afm</tt> file contains
+spaces in the values of such statements as <b>Version</b>, <b>Weight</b> etc.
+These spaces are permitted by the Adobe spec, so this is a problem of
+StarOffice. The easiest way to fix these <tt>.afm</tt> files for StarOffice
+is to remove spaces in these strings or remove these strings (in case if
+they are optional) at all. This can be done automatically with a <tt>sed</tt>
+script. It seems that StarOffice 5.2 has this problem fixed, so we decided to
+spend no efforts on providing workarounds for 5.1 with <tt>ttf2pt1</tt>.