path: root/nx-X11/lib/Xxf86dga/XDGA.man
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diff --git a/nx-X11/lib/Xxf86dga/XDGA.man b/nx-X11/lib/Xxf86dga/XDGA.man
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index 000000000..9c7beefbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nx-X11/lib/Xxf86dga/XDGA.man
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+.\" $XFree86$
+.TH XDGA 3 __vendorversion__
+XDGA \- Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
+.B #include <X11/extensions/xf86dga.h>
+.BR XDGAQueryExtension (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int *" eventBase ,
+.RI "int *" errorBase )
+.BR XDGAQueryVersion (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int *" majorVersion ,
+.RI "int *" minorVersion )
+.RB * XDGAQueryModes (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "int *" num )
+.RB * XDGASetMode (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "int " mode )
+.BR XDGAOpenFramebuffer (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen )
+.BR XDGACloseFramebuffer (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen )
+.BR XDGASetViewport (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "int " x ,
+.RI "int " y ,
+.RI "int " flags )
+.BR XDGAInstallColormap (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "Colormap " cmap )
+.BR XDGACreateColormap (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "XDGADevice *" device ,
+.RI "int " alloc )
+.BR XDGASelectInput (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "long " event_mask )
+.BR XDGAFillRectangle (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "int " x ,
+.RI "int " y ,
+.RI "unsigned int " width ,
+.RI "unsigned int " height ,
+.RI "unsigned long " color )
+.BR XDGACopyArea (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "int " srcx ,
+.RI "int " srcy ,
+.RI "unsigned int " width ,
+.RI "unsigned int " height ,
+.RI "int " dstx ,
+.RI "int " dsty )
+.BR XDGACopyTransparentArea (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "int " srcx ,
+.RI "int " srcy ,
+.RI "unsigned int " width ,
+.RI "unsigned int " height ,
+.RI "int " dstx ,
+.RI "int " dsty ,
+.RI "unsigned long " key )
+.BR XDGAGetViewportStatus (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen )
+.BR XDGASync (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen )
+.BR XDGASetClientVersion (
+.RI "Display *" dpy )
+.BR XDGAChangePixmapMode (
+.RI "Display *" dpy ,
+.RI "int " screen ,
+.RI "int *" x ,
+.RI "int *" y ,
+.RI "int " mode )
+.BR XDGAKeyEventToXKeyEvent (
+.RI "XDGAKeyEvent *" dk ,
+.RI "XKeyEvent *" xk )
+.B XFree86-DGA
+extension is an X server extension for allowing client programs direct
+access to the video frame buffer. This is a brief description of the
+programming interface for version 2.0 of the
+.B XFree86-DGA
+.B XFree86-DGA
+is not intended as a direct rendering API, but rather, as a mechanism
+to "get the X Server out of the way" so that some other direct rendering
+API can have full access to the hardware. With this in mind, DGA does
+provide clients some direct access to the hardware without requiring a
+separate rendering API, but this access is limited to direct linear
+framebuffer access.
+Most of the reasons for the
+.B XFree86-DGA
+extension's existence are now better served in other ways. Further
+development of this extension is not expected, and it may be deprecated
+in a future release. The features that continue to be useful will either
+be provided through other existing mechanisms, or through an extension
+that address those needs more specifically.
+.B XFree86-DGA
+is initialized by passing a number corresponding to a valid
+.I XDGAMode
+.BR XDGASetMode ().
+Clients can get a list of valid modes from
+.BR XDGAQueryModes ().
+.I XDGAMode
+corresponds to a different framebuffer layout.
+.BR XDGAQueryModes ()
+returns a pointer to an array of
+.IR XDGAMode s
+which are valid for the given screen.
+.I num
+is the number of elements in the array. The returned array can be freed
+with XFree(3). The
+.I XDGAMode
+structure is as follows:
+.ta .5i 2i
+typedef struct {
+ int num;
+ char *name;
+ float verticalRefresh;
+ int flags;
+ int imageWidth;
+ int imageHeight;
+ int pixmapWidth;
+ int pixmapHeight;
+ int bytesPerScanline;
+ int byteOrder;
+ int depth;
+ int bitsPerPixel;
+ unsigned long redMask;
+ unsigned long greenMask;
+ unsigned long blueMask;
+ short visualClass;
+ int viewportWidth;
+ int viewportHeight;
+ int xViewportStep;
+ int yViewportStep;
+ int maxViewportX;
+ int maxViewportY;
+ int viewportFlags;
+ int reserved1;
+ int reserved2;
+} XDGAMode;
+.TP 8
+.I num
+A unique identifying number
+.RI ( num
+> 0) for the mode. This is the number referenced when initializing the mode.
+.TP 8
+.I name
+The name of the corresponding modeline as given in the __xconfigfile__ file.
+.TP 8
+.I verticalRefresh
+The vertical refresh rate for the modeline (in Hz).
+.TP 8
+.I flags
+Any of the following may be OR'd together:
+.RS 8
+.TP 4
+.B XDGAConcurrentAccess
+Indicates that concurrent client/server access to the framebuffer is
+possible. If this flag is not set it is very important to call
+.BR XDGASync ()
+before directly accessing the framebuffer if a call to
+.BR XDGAFillRectangle (),
+.BR XDGACopyArea ()
+.BR XDGACopyTransparentArea ()
+or any Xlib rendering function has been made prior to such accesses.
+.TP 4
+.B XDGASolidFillRect
+Indicates that
+.BR XDGAFillRectangle ()
+is supported.
+.TP 4
+.B XDGABlitRect
+Indicates that
+.BR XDGACopyArea ()
+is supported.
+.TP 4
+.B XDGABlitTransRect
+Indicates that
+.BR XDGACopyTransparentArea ()
+is supported.
+.TP 4
+.B XDGAPixmap
+Indicates that a Pixmap will be returned when the mode is initialized.
+This means that rendering with Xlib is possible for this mode.
+.TP 4
+.B XDGAInterlaced
+.TP 4
+.B XDGADoublescan
+Indicates that the mode is an interlaced or doublescan mode.
+.TP 8
+.I imageWidth
+.TP 8
+.I imageHeight
+The width and height of the framebuffer area accessible by the client.
+This rectangle is always justified to the upper left-hand corner.
+.TP 8
+.I pixmapWidth
+.TP 8
+.I pixmapHeight
+The width and height of the framebuffer area accessible by Xlib. This
+rectangle is always justified to the upper left-hand corner. These
+fields are only valid if the
+.B XDGAPixmap
+flag is set in the
+.I flags
+.TP 8
+.I bytesPerScanline
+The pitch of the framebuffer in bytes.
+.TP 8
+.I byteOrder
+.B MSBFirst
+.BR LSBFirst .
+.TP 8
+.I depth
+The number of bits in each pixel which contain usable data.
+.TP 8
+.I bitsPerPixel
+The number of bits taken up by each pixel.
+.TP 8
+.I redMask
+.TP 8
+.I greenMask
+.TP 8
+.I blueMask
+The RGB masks. These do not apply to color-indexed modes.
+.TP 8
+.I visualClass
+.BR TrueColor ,
+.BR PseudoColor ,
+.BR DirectColor ,
+.TP 8
+.I viewportWidth
+.TP 8
+.I viewportHeight
+The dimensions of the portion of the framebuffer which will be displayed
+on the screen.
+.TP 8
+.I xViewPortStep
+.TP 8
+.I yViewPortStep
+The granularity of the x,y viewport positioning possible with the
+.BR XDGASetViewport ()
+.TP 8
+.I maxViewportX
+.TP 8
+.I maxViewportY
+The maximum x and y positions possible with the
+.BR XDGASetViewport ()
+.TP 8
+.I viewportFlags
+Any of the following may be OR'd together
+.RS 8
+.TP 4
+.B XDGAFlipRetrace
+Indicates that the hardware can switch viewports during the vertical
+.TP 4
+.B XDGAFlipImmediate
+Indicates that the hardware can switch viewports immediately without
+waiting for the vertical retrace.
+.BR XDGASetMode ()
+initialises the
+.I XDGAMode
+corresponding to
+.IR num .
+To exit DGA mode and return to normal server operation, call
+.BR XDGASetMode ()
+.I num
+set to zero.
+.BR XDGASetMode ()
+returns a pointer to an
+.I XDGADevice
+if successful. The XDGADevice can be freed with XFree(3). The
+.I XDGADevice
+structure is as follows:
+.ta .5i 2i
+typedef struct {
+ XDGAMode mode;
+ unsigned char *data;
+ Pixmap pixmap;
+} XDGADevice;
+.TP 8
+.I mode
+.I XDGAMode
+structure, identical to the information returned by
+.BR XDGAQueryModes ().
+.TP 8
+.I data
+If direct framebuffer access is desired and possible, this field will
+contain a pointer to the mapped framebuffer memory. Generally, this
+field will be zero unless a call to
+.BR XDGAOpenFramebuffer ()
+is made prior to initialization of the mode.
+.TP 8
+.I pixmap
+If the mode supports Xlib rendering as indicated by
+.B XDGAPixmap
+in the
+.I flags
+field, this will contain a Pixmap handle suitable for passing as the
+drawable argument to Xlib functions. This field will be zero if Xlib
+rendering is not supported.
+.BR XDGAQueryExtension ()
+checks for the presence of the extension and returns the event and error bases.
+.BR XDGAQueryVersion ()
+returns the
+.B XFree86-DGA
+major and minor version numbers.
+.BR XDGAOpenFramebuffer ()
+maps the framebuffer memory. The client needs sufficient privileges to be
+able to do this.
+.BR XDGAOpenFramebuffer ()
+should be called prior to initializing a DGA mode if direct framebuffer
+access is desired for that mode.
+.BR XDGAOpenFramebuffer ()
+does not need to be called if direct framebuffer access is not required.
+If the framebuffer is opened,
+.BR XDGACloseFramebuffer ()
+should be called prior to client exit to unmap the memory.
+.BR XDGAChangePixmapMode ()
+can be used to change between two pixmap sizes in cases where a Pixmap is
+available for Xlib rendering. The following values for the
+.I mode
+parameter are available:
+.RS 8
+.TP 4
+.B XDGAPixmapModeLarge
+The pixmap size is defined by the
+.I pixmapWidth
+.I pixmapHeight
+fields in the
+.I XDGAMode
+structure. The
+.I x
+.I y
+values are ignored in this case.
+.TP 4
+.B XDGAPixmapModeSmall
+The pixmap size is defined by the
+.I viewportWidth
+.I viewportHeight
+fields in the
+.I XDGAMode
+structure. In this mode, the
+.I x
+.I y
+values specify where in the framebuffer this pixmap rectangle is located.
+It may be placed anywhere within the Xlib renderable region described
+by the
+.I pixmapWidth
+.I pixmapHeight
+fields in the
+.IR XDGAMode .
+.I x
+.I y
+values returned are the resultant location of the pixmap and may be
+different from the requested x,y location due to platform specific
+alignment constraints. All Xlib rendering is clipped to this pixmap
+.BR XDGASetViewport ()
+sets the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle of framebuffer that is
+to be displayed on the screen. Not all locations may be supported by
+the hardware and requested locations will be adjusted according to the
+.I xViewPortStep
+.I yViewPortStep
+fields in the
+.IR XDGAMode .
+.I flags
+can be
+.B XDGAFlipRetrace
+.B XDGAFlipImmediate
+to adjust the viewport location at the next vertical retrace or
+immediately. Values other than the supported values advertised in the
+.I viewportFlags
+field will result in hardware-specific default behavior.
+.B XDGAFlipImmediate
+will block until the flip is completed.
+.B XDGAFlipRetrace
+will generally NOT block so it is necessary to monitor the viewport
+status with
+.BR XDGAGetViewportStatus ().
+.B XDGAFlipImmediate
+requests during pending
+.B XDGAFlipRetrace
+requests will be ignored.
+.BR XDGAGetViewportStatus ()
+keeps track of the
+.BR XDGASetViewport ()
+requests still pending. The return value of the function will have
+consecutive bits set (LSB justified), each bit representing a pending
+viewport change. For example:
+ while(XDGAGetViewportStatus(dpy, screen));
+waits for all pending viewport changes to finish.
+ while(0x2 & XDGAGetViewportStatus(dpy, screen));
+waits until all but the last viewport changes have completed.
+.BR XDGACreateColormap ()
+is similar to the Xlib function XCreateColormap(3) except that it takes
+.I XDGADevice
+as an argument instead of a Window and Visual. Though XCreateColormap(3)
+may create usable colormaps in some cases,
+.BR XDGACreateColormap ()
+is the preferred method for creating colormaps in DGA since there may
+not be an advertised visual compatible with the DGA device.
+.BR XDGAInstallColormap ()
+must be used to install colormaps in DGA mode. XInstallColormap(3) will
+not work.
+.BR XDGASelectInput ()
+enables DGA's own event mechanism. This function is similar to
+XSelectInput(3), and all Xlib Key, Button and Motion masks are supported.
+The following DGA events are defined:
+.ta .5i 2i
+typedef struct {
+ int type; /\(** ButtonPress or ButtonRelease + the DGA event base*/
+ unsigned long serial; /\(** # or last request processed by the server */
+ Display *display; /\(** Display the event was read from */
+ int screen; /\(** The screen number the event came from */
+ Time time; /\(** milliseconds */
+ unsigned int state; /\(** key or button mask */
+ unsigned int button; /\(** detail */
+} XDGAButtonEvent;
+.ta .5i 2i
+typedef struct {
+ int type; /\(** KeyPress or KeyRelease + the DGA event base*/
+ unsigned long serial; /\(** # or last request processed by the server */
+ Display *display; /\(** Display the event was read from */
+ int screen; /\(** The screen number the event came from */
+ Time time; /\(** milliseconds */
+ unsigned int state; /\(** key or button mask */
+ unsigned int keycode; /\(** detail */
+} XDGAKeyEvent;
+.ta .5i 2i
+typedef struct {
+ int type; /\(** MotionNotify + the DGA event base*/
+ unsigned long serial; /\(** # or last request processed by the server */
+ Display *display; /\(** Display the event was read from */
+ int screen; /\(** The screen number the event came from */
+ Time time; /\(** milliseconds */
+ unsigned int state; /\(** key or button mask */
+ int dx; /\(** relative pointer motion */
+ int dy; /\(** relative pointer motion */
+} XDGAMotionEvent;
+.BR XDGAKeyEventToXKeyEvent ()
+is a helper function to translate
+.IR XDGAKeyEvent s
+.IR XKeyEvent s
+suitable for use with XLookupKeysym(3).
+.BR XDGAFillRectangle (),
+.BR XDGACopyArea (),
+.BR XDGACopyTransparentArea ()
+are included with some reservation since DGA is not intended as a
+rendering API. These are merely convenience routines and are optionally
+supported. The associated flags will be set in the
+.IR XDGAMode 's
+.I flags
+field if these functions are supported. These functions will be no-ops
+otherwise. they do not provide direct access to the hardware, but are
+simply context-less operations performed by the server.
+.BR XDGASync ()
+blocks until all server rendering to the framebuffer completes. If Xlib
+or the 3 rendering functions above are used,
+.BR XDGASync ()
+must be called before the client directly accesses the framebuffer as
+the server rendering is asynchronous with the client and may have not
+completed. This is especially important if the
+.B XDGAConcurrentAccess
+flag is not set in the
+.IR XDGAMode 's
+.I flags
+field since concurrent access by the server and client may result in a
+system lockup.
+__xservername__(__appmansuffix__), __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__)
+.B XFree86-DGA
+version 2 was written by Mark Vojkovich. Version 1 was written by Jon
+Tombs, Harm Hanemaayer, Mark Vojkovich.