path: root/nx-X11/programs/Xserver/Xprint/etc/init.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nx-X11/programs/Xserver/Xprint/etc/init.d')
2 files changed, 1374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nx-X11/programs/Xserver/Xprint/etc/init.d/Imakefile b/nx-X11/programs/Xserver/Xprint/etc/init.d/Imakefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dedefb199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nx-X11/programs/Xserver/Xprint/etc/init.d/Imakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+XCOMM $Xorg: Imakefile,v 1.2 2003/01/20 17:02:01 gisburn Exp $
+all:: xprint
+#if BuildGISWxprintglue
+#elif BuildGISWxprint
+#elif BuildDebianXprintPackage
+#if defined(SunArchitecture)
+#elif defined(LinuxArchitecture)
+#elif defined(AIXArchitecture)
+#if NothingOutsideProjectRoot
+#define EtcDir ProjectRoot/etc
+#define EtcDir /etc
+ETCDIR = EtcDir
+#if defined(FreeBSDArchitecture)
+XCOMM Solaris, Linux, etc.
+XCOMM Create startup/shutdown links in /etc/init.d/ for Solaris
+#if defined(SunArchitecture) && (OSMajorVersion > 4)
+#define InstallStartupLink(rcdir,script,linkname) \
+ MakeDir($(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/rcdir) ; \
+ RemoveFile($(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/rcdir/linkname) ; \
+ ln -s ../init.d/script $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/rcdir/linkname
+ InstallStartupLink(rc0.d,xprint,K38xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc1.d,xprint,K38xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc2.d,xprint,S81xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rcS.d,xprint,K38xprint)
+#endif /* defined(SunArchitecture) && (OSMajorVersion > 4) */
+XCOMM Create startup/shutdown links in /etc/init.d/ for Linux
+#if defined(LinuxDistribution)
+# if (LinuxDistribution == LinuxSuSE) || \
+ (LinuxDistribution == LinuxDebian) || \
+ (LinuxDistribution == LinuxUnknown)
+XCOMM SuSE Linux(-like)
+#define InstallStartupLink(rcdir,script,linkname) \
+ MakeDir($(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/rc.d/rcdir) ; \
+ ln -sf ../script $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/rc.d/rcdir/linkname
+ echo "# Installing /etc/init.d links for SuSE Linux(-like)"
+ InstallStartupLink(rc2.d,xprint,K21xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc2.d,xprint,S21xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc3.d,xprint,K21xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc3.d,xprint,S21xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc5.d,xprint,K21xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc5.d,xprint,S21xprint)
+# elif LinuxDistribution == LinuxRedHat
+XCOMM RedHat Linux(-like)
+#define InstallStartupLink(rcdir,script,linkname) \
+ MakeDir($(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/rcdir) ; \
+ ln -sf ../init.d/script $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/rcdir/linkname
+ echo "# Installing /etc/init.d links for RedHat Linux(-like)"
+ InstallStartupLink(rc0.d,xprint,K61xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc1.d,xprint,K61xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc2.d,xprint,S61xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc3.d,xprint,S61xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc4.d,xprint,S61xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc5.d,xprint,S61xprint)
+ InstallStartupLink(rc6.d,xprint,K61xprint)
+# else
+ echo "WARNING: No links for /etc/init.d/xprint set."
+# endif /* LinuxDistribution == * */
+#endif /* defined(LinuxArchitecture) */
diff --git a/nx-X11/programs/Xserver/Xprint/etc/init.d/xprint.cpp b/nx-X11/programs/Xserver/Xprint/etc/init.d/xprint.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbfd1e139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nx-X11/programs/Xserver/Xprint/etc/init.d/xprint.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1277 @@
+XCOMM Copyright 2002-2004 by Roland Mainz <roland.mainz@nrubsig.org>.
+XCOMM This script manages the Xprint server side
+XCOMM Basic support for IRIX-style "chkconfig"
+XCOMM chkconfig: 2345 61 61
+XCOMM description: Startup/shutdown script for Xprint server(s)
+XCOMM Basic support for the Linux Standard Base Specification 1.0.0
+XCOMM (Note: The Should-Start/Stop lines are there so that this works in the
+XCOMM future, when the LSB adopts these. The X-UnitedLinux lines are there
+XCOMM so that it works right now.)
+XCOMM Provides: xprint
+XCOMM Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $network
+XCOMM Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog
+XCOMM Should-Start: cups lpd xfs
+XCOMM Should-Stop: cups lpd xfs
+XCOMM X-UnitedLinux-Should-Start: cups lpd xfs
+XCOMM X-UnitedLinux-Should-Stop: cups lpd xfs
+XCOMM Default-Start: 3 5
+XCOMM Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
+XCOMM Description: Startup/shutdown script for Xprint server(s)
+#undef sun
+#undef unix
+XCOMM This script has three main tasks:
+XCOMM 1. Start Xprint servers ("Xprt") at boot time.
+XCOMM 2. Shutdown Xprint servers when the machine is being shut down.
+XCOMM 3. Query the list of available printers.
+XCOMM Additional tasks are:
+XCOMM 4. Restart ('restart'|'force-reload') and conditional restart
+XCOMM ('condrestart'/'try-restart') for Linux support
+XCOMM 5. Wrapping of application call with setting XPSERVERLIST ('wrapper')
+XCOMM Usage:
+XCOMM - Start Xprint server(s) manually:
+XCOMM % /etc/init.d/xprint start
+XCOMM - Stop Xprint server(s) manually:
+XCOMM % /etc/init.d/xprint stop
+XCOMM - Populate $XPSERVERLIST env var (for example as part of a global
+XCOMM login script like /etc/profile or per-user login scripts like
+XCOMM $HOME/.profile (sh/ksh/bash))
+XCOMM % XPSERVERLIST="`/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist`"
+XCOMM Installation:
+XCOMM Copy this script to /etc/init.d/xprint and make sure that it is
+XCOMM executable. If your installation is LSB-compliant, then run
+XCOMM % /usr/lib/lsb/install_initd /etc/init.d/xprint
+XCOMM to start the service on startup. Otherwise, manually create links
+XCOMM to the matching run levels.
+XCOMM Examples:
+XCOMM - Solaris 2.7/2.8/2.9:
+XCOMM % cp xprint /etc/init.d/xprint
+XCOMM % chmod a+rx /etc/init.d/xprint
+XCOMM % ln /etc/init.d/xprint /etc/rc0.d/K38xprint
+XCOMM % ln /etc/init.d/xprint /etc/rc1.d/K38xprint
+XCOMM % ln /etc/init.d/xprint /etc/rc2.d/S81xprint
+XCOMM % ln /etc/init.d/xprint /etc/rcS.d/K38xprint
+XCOMM - SuSE Linux 7.3
+XCOMM % cp xprint /etc/init.d/xprint
+XCOMM % chmod a+rx /etc/init.d/xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /etc/init.d/rc3.d/K13xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /etc/init.d/rc3.d/S12xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /etc/init.d/rc5.d/K13xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /etc/init.d/rc5.d/S12xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /etc/init.d/rc2.d/K13xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /etc/init.d/rc2.d/S12xprint
+XCOMM - SuSE Linux 6.4:
+XCOMM % cp xprint /sbin/init.d/xprint
+XCOMM % chmod a+rx /sbin/init.d/xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /sbin/init.d/rc2.d/K20xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /sbin/init.d/rc2.d/S20xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /sbin/init.d/rc3.d/K20xprint
+XCOMM % ln -s ../xprint /sbin/init.d/rc3.d/S20xprint
+XCOMM Notes:
+XCOMM - The Xprint servers must be started _after_ the print
+XCOMM spooler or the server(s) may refuse to start
+XCOMM - The script should be readable by all users to ensure that they
+XCOMM can use the "get_xpserverlist"-option
+XCOMM Custom configuration:
+XCOMM - Edit the function setup_config() in this script to match your needs
+XCOMM Known bugs/ToDo/Notes:
+XCOMM - The shell script assumes that a Xserver can be reached via
+XCOMM "hostname:displaynum" where "hostname" is obtained from
+XCOMM "/usr/bin/hostname". It may happen that a kernel firewall
+XCOMM blocks an X connection on the same host (e.g. client && Xserver
+XCOMM are running on the same host).
+XCOMM Suggested fix: Fix the firewall config.
+XCOMM Suggested workaround: Edit this script and replace the use of
+XCOMM /usr/bin/hostname with "echo 'localhost'".
+ echo "${0}: ## FATAL ERROR: ${1}" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ echo "${0}: ## ERROR: ${1}" 1>&2
+ echo "${0}: ## WARNING: ${1}" 1>&2
+ echo "${0}: ${1}"
+ echo "${1}"
+#ifndef OS_LINUX
+XCOMM Force use of a POSIX conformant sh
+XCOMM (Solaris /sbin/sh is plain Bourne shell)
+[ "$1" != "posix_sh_forced" -a -x /bin/ksh ] && exec /bin/ksh "$0" posix_sh_forced "$@"
+[ "$1" != "posix_sh_forced" -a -x /bin/bash ] && exec /bin/bash --norc --noprofile "$0" posix_sh_forced "$@"
+[ "$1" != "posix_sh_forced" -a -x /usr/local/bin/ksh ] && exec /usr/local/bin/ksh "$0" posix_sh_forced "$@"
+[ "$1" != "posix_sh_forced" -a -x /usr/local/bin/bash ] && exec /usr/local/bin/bash --norc --noprofile "$0" posix_sh_forced "$@"
+if [ "$1" != "posix_sh_forced" ] ; then
+ echo "${0}: ## FATAL ERROR: No POSIX-shell found." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+shift # Drop "posix_sh_forced"
+#endif /* !OS_LINUX */
+XCOMM set -x
+XCOMM Change current dir to a location which is writeable by everyone
+cd /tmp
+XCOMM Clear some environment variables
+XCOMM Set search path for commands
+export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
+#ifdef OS_SOLARIS
+export PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:${PATH}
+XCOMM# Try to figure-out where X11 was installed
+#if defined(OS_SOLARIS)
+export OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin
+#elif defined(OS_AIX)
+#if defined(ProjectRoot)
+[ -d ProjectRoot/bin ] && XPROJECTROOT=ProjectRoot
+[ -d /usr/X11/bin ] && XPROJECTROOT=/usr/X11
+[ -d /usr/X11R6/bin ] && XPROJECTROOT=/usr/X11R6
+XPCUSTOMGLUE=DEF_XPCUSTOMGLUE # This is used for customizing this script
+if [ -z "${XPROJECTROOT}" ] ; then
+ fatal_error "Unknown XProjectRoot."
+XCOMM Set the location of the Xprt binary we want to use.
+XCOMM Set the location of the global file where we store the locations
+XCOMM of the system-wide servers
+if [ -d /var/run ] ; then
+ XP_GLOBAL_SERVERS=/var/run/Xprint_servers
+ XP_GLOBAL_SERVERS=/tmp/.Xprint_servers
+XCOMM ${LOGNAME} will not work if user su'ed into another account
+export CURRLOGNAME="$(id -u -n)"
+XCOMM Set location where we want to store the list of Xprint servers managed
+XCOMM by this user
+XCOMM - If we start as "root" use the global file
+XCOMM - If we start as normal user use a per-user file
+if [ "${CURRLOGNAME}" != "root" -a "${CURRLOGNAME}" != "" ] ; then
+ XP_PER_USER_SERVERS="/tmp/.Xprint_servers_${CURRLOGNAME}"
+XCOMM Set umask that owner can r/w all files and everyone else can read them
+umask 022
+XCOMM Bump limit for per-process open files to ensure that Xprt can open many many fonts
+ulimit -n 1024
+XCOMM Get list of fonts for a given display
+ ${XPROJECTROOT}/bin/xset -display "${1}" q |
+ awk "/Font Path:/ { i=1 ; next } i==1 { print \$0 ; i=0 }" |
+ fontpath2fontlist
+XCOMM Get list from a fontserver config
+ if [ ! -r "${1}" ] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ (
+ cat "${1}" |
+ while read -r i ; do
+ for val in $i; do
+ case $val in
+ \#*) break ;;
+ ?*=*) key="${val%%=*}" ;;
+ =*) key="${tok}" ;;
+ *) [ "${key}" = "catalogue" -a "${tok}" != "" ] && echo "${tok}" ;;
+ esac
+ tok="${val#*=}"
+ done
+ done
+ ) | tr "," "\n" | fontpath2fontlist
+ get_fontlist_from_xfs_config "/etc/openwin/fs/fontserver.cfg"
+ get_fontlist_from_xfs_config "/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fontserver.cfg"
+ get_fontlist_from_xfs_config "/etc/X11/fs-xtt/config"
+ get_fontlist_from_xfs_config "/etc/X11/fs/config"
+ get_fontlist_from_xfs_config "/etc/X11/xfs/config"
+ get_fontlist_from_xfs_config "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fs/config"
+ srcxconf=""
+ XCOMM see xorg.conf(5x) manual page for the list of locations used here
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ] && srcxconf="/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ] && srcxconf="/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4" ] && srcxconf="/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ] && srcxconf="/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/etc/xorg.conf" ] && srcxconf="/etc/xorg.conf"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf.${hostname}" ] && srcxconf="/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf.${hostname}"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4" ] && srcxconf="/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ] && srcxconf="/usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf.${hostname}" ] && srcxconf="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf.${hostname}"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf-4" ] && srcxconf="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf-4"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf" ] && srcxconf="/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xorg.conf"
+ XCOMM Xfree86 locations
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4" ] && srcxconf="/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"
+ [ "${srcxconf}" = "" -a -f "/etc/X11/XF86Config" ] && srcxconf="/etc/X11/XF86Config"
+ if [ "${srcxconf}" = "" ] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ currsection=""
+ cat "${srcxconf}" |
+ while read i1 i2 i3 i4 ; do
+ # Strip "\"" from I2
+ i2="${i2#\"}" ; i2="${i2%\"}"
+ case "${i1}" in
+ \#*)
+ continue
+ ;;
+ 'Section')
+ currsection="${i2}"
+ ;;
+ 'EndSection')
+ currsection=""
+ ;;
+ 'FontPath')
+ [ "$currsection" = "Files" ] && echo "${i2%:unscaled}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done | egrep -v -i "tcp/|tcp4/|tcp6/|unix/"
+ return 0
+ # Include Debian defoma font directory where relevant
+ if [ -d "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs" ] ; then
+ find "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs" -name fonts.dir |
+ while read i ; do echo "${i%/fonts.dir}" ; done
+ fi
+XCOMM Get list of system fonts
+#if defined(OS_SOLARIS)
+ ## List the standard X11 fonts
+ # echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/F3/"
+ # echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/F3bitmaps/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/outline/"
+ # We cannot use /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/sun/ - see
+ # http://xprint.mozdev.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=5726
+ # ("Xprint doesn't start under Solaris 2.9 due *.ps files in /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/sun/fonts.dir")
+ #echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/sun/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
+ ## List all fonts in all locales installed on this machine
+ cat /usr/openwin/lib/locale/''*/OWfontpath | tr "," "\n" | sort -u
+#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
+ (
+ get_fontlist_from_defoma
+ get_fontlist_from_xf86config
+ # Getting font paths from XFS is mainly required for compatibilty to RedHat
+ get_fontlist_from_all_xfs_configs
+ ## List all fonts in all locales installed on this machine
+ (
+ [ -d "/usr/share/fonts" ] && find /usr/share/fonts -name fonts.dir
+ find "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts" -name fonts.dir
+ ) |
+ while read i ; do echo "${i%/fonts.dir}" ; done
+ ) | sort -u
+ ## List the standard X11 fonts
+ # (AIX should be handled like Solaris but I did not found a way to
+ # enumerate all fonts in all installed locales without scanning the
+ # dirs manually)
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
+ echo "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/"
+XCOMM Filter fonts per given extended regular expressions
+XCOMM (and make sure we filter any model-config fonts - they are managed by Xprt internally)
+ egrep -- "${1}" | fgrep -v "/models/" | egrep -v -- "${2}"
+XCOMM Filter font paths with unsupported font types
+XCOMM (such as CID fonts)
+ egrep -v -i "/cid(/$|$)|/csl(/$|$)"
+XCOMM Validate fontpath
+XCOMM Only return valid font path entries (note that these entries may
+XCOMM include non-file stuff like font server references)
+ while read i ; do
+ case "${i}" in
+ # Check if font path entry is a font server...
+ tcp/''*|tcp4/''*|tcp6/''*|unix/''*)
+ echo "${i}"
+ ;;
+ # ... if not check if the path is accessible
+ # and has a valid "fonts.dir" index
+ *)
+ [ -f "${i}/fonts.dir" ] && echo "${i}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+XCOMM Build a comma-seperated list of fonts (font path) from a list of fonts
+ fp=""
+ read fp;
+ while read i ; do
+ fp="${fp},${i}"
+ done
+ echo "$fp"
+XCOMM Build a list (one item per line) of fonts from a font path
+ while read i ; do
+ echo "${i}" | tr "," "\n"
+ done
+XCOMM Sort scaleable fonts (PS Type1 and TrueType) first in a font list
+ i="$(fontlist2fontpath)"
+ # First list PS Type1 fonts...
+ echo "${i}" | fontpath2fontlist | fgrep "/Type1"
+ # ... then TrueType fonts ...
+ echo "${i}" | fontpath2fontlist | egrep -i "/TrueType|/TT(/$|$)|/TTF(/$|$)"
+ # ... then all others
+ echo "${i}" | fontpath2fontlist | egrep -v -i "/Type1|/TrueType|/TT(/$|$)|/TTF(/$|$)"
+XCOMM Check if a X display is used by a Xserver or not
+XCOMM Known bugs:
+XCOMM - there is no way in plain bourne shell or bash (see comment about ksh93
+XCOMM below) to test if a Xserver sits only on a socket and not on a pipe
+XCOMM - some Xserver's don't cleanup their stuff in /tmp on exit which may end
+XCOMM in the problem that we don't detect possible free display numbers
+XCOMM (one problem is that only ksh93 can do stuff like
+XCOMM "cat </dev/tcp/")
+ id=$1
+ [ -r "/tmp/.X${id}-lock" ] && return 0;
+ [ -r "/tmp/.X11-unix/X${id}" ] && return 0;
+ [ -r "/tmp/.X11-pipe/X${id}" ] && return 0;
+ return 1;
+XCOMM Try to find a free display number
+ if [ -r "${lastdisplaynumreturned_store}" ] ; then
+ i="$(cat "${lastdisplaynumreturned_store}")"
+ else
+ i=32 # start at display 32
+ fi
+ while [ $i -lt 127 ] ; do
+ i=$(($i + 1))
+ if CheckIfDisplayIsInUse $i ; then
+ true
+ else
+ echo "$i"
+ echo "$i" >"${lastdisplaynumreturned_store}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ # Using "magic" value of 189 here due lack of a better solution
+ echo "189"
+ echo "189" >"${lastdisplaynumreturned_store}"
+ return 0
+XCOMM Check if a process exists or not
+ [ "$1" = "" ] && return 1;
+ # Use of /proc would be better but not all platforms (like AIX) have procfs
+ [ "$(ps -p $1 | fgrep $1)" != "" ] && return 0;
+ return 1
+XCOMM Check if there is a spooler running...
+ # This covers Linux lpd, CUPS, Solaris and AIX 4.x - but what about
+ # AIX 5.x, HP-UX and IRIX ?
+ [ "$(ps -A | egrep 'lpd|lpsched|cupsd|qdaemon' | fgrep -v 'grep')" != "" ] && return 0;
+ return 1
+XCOMM Wait until the spooler system has been started (but not more than 30secs)
+ for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ; do
+ is_spooler_running && return 0;
+ sleep 3
+ done
+ return 0
+ lock_counter=0 # counts in 1/100s
+ waiting_for_lock_msg_send="false"
+ while ! mkdir "${XP_SERVERS}.lock" 2>/dev/null ; do
+ # print notice after 2 seconds
+ if [ ${lock_counter} -gt 200 -a "${waiting_for_lock_msg_send}" != "true" ] ; then
+ echo "${0}: waiting for lock(=${XP_SERVERS}.lock)..."
+ waiting_for_lock_msg_send="true"
+ fi
+ # tread the lock as "broken" after 20 seconds
+ if [ ${lock_counter} -gt 2000 ] ; then
+ echo "${0}: WARNING: lock timeout for lock(=${XP_SERVERS}.lock)."
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ -x /bin/usleep ] ; then
+ /bin/usleep 200000
+ lock_counter=$((${lock_counter} + 20)) # 20/100s
+ else
+ sleep 1
+ lock_counter=$((${lock_counter} + 100)) # 100/100s
+ fi
+ done
+ rmdir "${XP_SERVERS}.lock"
+XCOMM Kill dead registry locks (silently!)
+ rm -Rf "${XP_SERVERS}.lock"
+XCOMM Start Xprint servers
+ # Write registry "intro" ...
+ lock_server_registry
+ echo "# Xprint server list" >>"${XP_SERVERS}"
+ echo "# File is for private use for ${0}." >>"${XP_SERVERS}"
+ echo "# Do not edit, rely on the content or file format." >>"${XP_SERVERS}"
+ unlock_server_registry
+ hostname="$(hostname)"
+ default_fontpath="$(get_system_fontlist | fontlist2fontpath)"
+ default_fontpath_acceptpattern=".*";
+ default_fontpath_rejectpattern="_No_Match_"; # Match nothing
+ curr=0
+ while [ $curr -lt $num_xpstart ] ; do
+ if [ "${xpstart_remote_server[$curr]}" != "" ] ; then
+ # Remote Xprt, just put the entry into the registry
+ lock_server_registry
+ echo "display=${xpstart_remote_server[$curr]}" >>"${XP_SERVERS}"
+ unlock_server_registry
+ else
+ # Run block in seperate process to avoid that changes to the
+ # xpstart_* variables affect the next cycle
+ (
+ # Use defaults if there are no special options
+ [ "${xpstart_fontpath[$curr]}" = "" ] && xpstart_fontpath[$curr]="${default_fontpath}";
+ [ "${xpstart_fontpath_acceptpattern[$curr]}" = "" ] && xpstart_fontpath_acceptpattern[$curr]="$default_fontpath_acceptpattern";
+ [ "${xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[$curr]}" = "" ] && xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[$curr]="$default_fontpath_rejectpattern";
+ [ "${xpstart_displayid[$curr]}" = "" ] && xpstart_displayid[$curr]="$(FindFreeXDisplayNum)"
+ [ "${xpstart_logger[$curr]}" = "" ] && xpstart_logger[$curr]="logger -p lpr.notice -t Xprt_${xpstart_displayid[$curr]}";
+ [ "${xpstart_logfile[$curr]}" = "" ] && xpstart_logfile[$curr]="/dev/null";
+ [ "${xpstart_xprt_binary[$curr]}" = "" ] && xpstart_xprt_binary[$curr]="${XPRT_BIN}";
+ if [ "${xpstart_xprt_binary[$curr]}" = "/usr/openwin/bin/Xprt" -o "$(uname -s)" = "SunOS" ] ; then
+ # Solaris /usr/openwin/bin/Xprt does not support "-nolisten tcp"
+ # yet nor is it possible to run a Xserver on a unix socket only
+ # in Solaris since access to the unix domain sockets in
+ # /tmp/.X11-pipe and /tmp/.X11-unix is restricted to applications
+ # with group-id "root" (e.g. the Xprt server would need to be
+ # setgid "root" that plain users can start it listening on a unix
+ # socket only)
+ [ "${xpstart_options[$curr]}" = "" ] && xpstart_options[$curr]="-ac -pn"
+ else
+ [ "${xpstart_options[$curr]}" = "" ] && xpstart_options[$curr]="-ac -pn -nolisten tcp"
+ fi
+ # Check if the Xprt binary is available
+ if [ ! -x "${xpstart_xprt_binary[$curr]}" ] ; then
+ error_echo "Can't find \"${xpstart_xprt_binary[$curr]}\"."
+ exit 1 # exit block
+ fi
+ # Verify and set location of font encodings directory file
+ if [ "${xpstart_font_encodings_dir[$curr]}" = "" ] ; then
+ if [ -f "${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/xf86encodings/encodings.dir" ] ; then
+ xpstart_font_encodings_dir[$curr]="${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/xf86encodings/encodings.dir"
+ else
+ xpstart_font_encodings_dir[$curr]="${XPROJECTROOT}/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir";
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${xpstart_font_encodings_dir[$curr]}" ] ; then
+ warning_echo "Can't find \"${xpstart_font_encodings_dir[$curr]}\", TrueType font support may not work."
+ fi
+ export FONT_ENCODINGS_DIRECTORY="${xpstart_font_encodings_dir[$curr]}"
+ # Generate font path (containing only valid font path elements)
+ # from input font path and filter expressions
+ curr_fp=$(echo "${xpstart_fontpath[$curr]}" |
+ fontpath2fontlist |
+ filter_fontlist "${xpstart_fontpath_acceptpattern[$curr]}" "${xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[$curr]}" |
+ filter_unsupported_fonts |
+ sort_scaleable_fonts_first |
+ validate_fontlist |
+ fontlist2fontpath)
+ # Set Xserver auditing level option
+ unset curr_audit
+ if [ "${xpstart_auditlevel[$curr]}" != "" ] ; then
+ curr_audit="-audit ${xpstart_auditlevel[$curr]}"
+ fi
+ # Set Xprt -XpFile option
+ unset curr_xpfile
+ if [ "${xpstart_xpfile[$curr]}" != "" ] ; then
+ curr_xpfile="-XpFile ${xpstart_xpfile[$curr]}"
+ fi
+ # Set custom XPCONFIGDIR (if there is one)
+ if [ "${xpstart_xpconfigdir[$curr]}" != "" ] ; then
+ export XPCONFIGDIR="${xpstart_xpconfigdir[$curr]}"
+ fi
+ # If someone uses "-nolisten tcp" make sure we do not add a hostname to force local transport
+ if [ "$(echo "${xpstart_options[$curr]}" | egrep "nolisten.*tcp")" != "" ] ; then
+ xp_display=":${xpstart_displayid[$curr]}"
+ else
+ xp_display="${hostname}:${xpstart_displayid[$curr]}"
+ fi
+ (
+ (
+ "${xpstart_xprt_binary[$curr]}" \
+ ${xpstart_options[$curr]} \
+ ${curr_xpfile} ${curr_audit} \
+ -fp ${curr_fp} \
+ :${xpstart_displayid[$curr]} &
+ server_pid="$!"
+ # Append the new server to the registry
+ lock_server_registry
+ echo "display=${xp_display} display_id=${xpstart_displayid[$curr]} pid=${server_pid}" >>"${XP_SERVERS}"
+ unlock_server_registry
+ wait
+ echo "Xprint server pid=${server_pid} done, exitcode=$?."
+ # Remove the dead server from the registry
+ # (only if the registry still exists - if /etc/init.d/xprint stop" gets called the registry
+ # will be removed - and we should not re-create it afterwards...)
+ lock_server_registry
+ if [ -f "${XP_SERVERS}" ] ; then
+ x="$(cat "${XP_SERVERS}")" # Store content of file "${XP_SERVERS}" in var "x"
+ echo "${x}" | fgrep -v "display_id=${xpstart_displayid[$curr]} pid=${server_pid}" >"${XP_SERVERS}"
+ fi
+ unlock_server_registry
+ ) 2>&1 | while read i ; do echo "$i" | tee -a "${xpstart_logfile[$curr]}" | ${xpstart_logger[$curr]} ; done
+ ) &
+ )
+ fi
+ curr=$(($curr + 1))
+ done
+ # Remove tmp. file created by |FindFreeXDisplayNum()|
+ rm -f "${lastdisplaynumreturned_store}"
+ # Done.
+ lock_server_registry
+ echo "# EOF." >>"${XP_SERVERS}"
+ unlock_server_registry
+ return 0
+XCOMM Convenience function to check setup and start Xprt server(s)
+ if [ -f "${XP_SERVERS}" ] ; then
+ numservers="$(do_get_xpserverlist | wc -l)"
+ if [ ${numservers} -gt 0 ] ; then
+ verbose_echo "Xprint servers are already running."
+ return 0
+ else
+ verbose_echo "Old server registry found, cleaning-up..."
+ do_stop
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Check if we can write the registry file
+ touch "${XP_SERVERS}" 2>/dev/null
+ if [ ! -f "${XP_SERVERS}" ] ; then
+ error_echo "Cannot create \"${XP_SERVERS}\"."
+ # exit code 4 = user had insufficient privilege (LSB)
+ exit 4
+ fi
+ if ! setup_config ; then
+ error_echo "setup_config failed."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Provide two paths here - one which simply starts the Xprt servers,
+ # assuming that there is a print spooler already running (or that
+ # ${XPCONFIG}/C/print/Xprinters provides static print queue entries
+ # (like for the PSspooldir print model)) and a 2nd path which
+ # explicitly checks if the print queue daemons are running
+ if true ; then
+ msg "Starting Xprint servers: Xprt."
+ start_servers
+ else
+ # Continue in the background if there is no spooler running yet (that
+ # we don't hold off the boot process nor run in a possible race-condition
+ # when /etc/init.d/lpd was not called yet but the runlevel script waits
+ # for us to finish first ...
+ if is_spooler_running ; then
+ msg "Starting Xprint servers: Xprt."
+ start_servers
+ else
+ msg "Starting Xprint servers (in the background): Xprt."
+ (wait_for_print_spooler ; start_servers) &
+ sleep 5
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "${CURRLOGNAME}" = "root" -a -d /var/lock/subsys/ ] ; then
+ touch /var/lock/subsys/xprint
+ fi
+XCOMM Convenience function to stop Xprt server(s)
+ msg "Stopping Xprint servers: Xprt."
+ lock_server_registry
+ if [ -f "${XP_SERVERS}" ] ; then
+ reglist="$(cat "${XP_SERVERS}")"
+ rm -f "${XP_SERVERS}"
+ fi
+ unlock_server_registry
+ if [ "${reglist}" != "" ] ; then
+ echo "${reglist}" |
+ grep "^display=.*:.* pid=[0-9]*$" |
+ while read i ; do
+ (
+ eval ${i}
+ if pexists ${pid} ; then
+ kill ${pid}
+ fi
+ # Remove the X sockets/pipes which are not in use anymore
+ # (It would be better if the Xservers would cleanup this
+ # automatically, but most Xservers do not do that... ;-(
+ # Note that this will not work on Solaris where applications
+ # must run with groupid="root" if they want to write into
+ # /tmp/.X11-unix/ and/or /tmp/.X11-pipe/)
+ if [ "${display_id}" != "" ] ; then
+ rm -f "/tmp/.X${display_id}-lock" 2>/dev/null
+ rm -f "/tmp/.X11-unix/X${display_id}" 2>/dev/null
+ rm -f "/tmp/.X11-pipe/X${display_id}" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ )
+ done
+ fi
+ if [ "${CURRLOGNAME}" = "root" -a -d /var/lock/subsys/ ] ; then
+ rm -f /var/lock/subsys/xprint
+ fi
+ # Remove any outstanding (dead) locks and cleanup
+ rm -f "${XP_SERVERS}"
+ kill_dead_registry_locks
+XCOMM Convenience function to obtain a list of available Xprint servers
+ if [ -f "${XP_PER_USER_SERVERS}" -o -f "${XP_GLOBAL_SERVERS}" ] ; then
+ xpserverlist=$(
+ # Enumerate both per-user and global servers (in that order)
+ (
+ [ -f "${XP_PER_USER_SERVERS}" ] && cat "${XP_PER_USER_SERVERS}"
+ [ -f "${XP_GLOBAL_SERVERS}" ] && cat "${XP_GLOBAL_SERVERS}"
+ ) |
+ egrep "^display=.*:.* pid=[0-9]*$|^display=.*:[0-9]*$" |
+ while read i ; do
+ (
+ pid="none"
+ eval ${i}
+ # Check if the Xprt process exists (if possible)
+ if [ "$pid" != "none" ] ; then
+ if pexists ${pid} ; then
+ echo ${display}
+ fi
+ else
+ echo ${display}
+ fi
+ )
+ done | tr "\n" " "
+ )
+ # Only produce output if we have some entries...
+ [ "${xpserverlist}" != "" ] && echo "${xpserverlist}"
+ fi
+ msg "Restarting Xprint server(s): Xprt."
+ do_stop
+ sleep 1
+ do_start
+ echo "##### Diag start $(date)."
+ # General info
+ echo "## General info start."
+ (
+ echo "PATH=\"${PATH}\""
+ echo "TZ=\"${TZ}\""
+ echo "LANG=\"${LANG}\""
+ echo "uname -a=\"$(uname -a)\""
+ echo "uname -s=\"$(uname -s)\""
+ echo "uname -p=\"$(uname -p)\""
+ echo "uname -i=\"$(uname -i)\""
+ echo "uname -m=\"$(uname -m)\""
+ echo "has /etc/SuSE-release ... $([ -f "/etc/SuSE-release" ] && echo "yes" || echo "no")"
+ echo "has /etc/redhat-release ... $([ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ] && echo "yes" || echo "no")"
+ echo "has /etc/debian_version ... $([ -f "/etc/debian_version" ] && echo "yes" || echo "no")"
+ echo "how many Xprt servers are running ...$(ps -ef | fgrep Xprt | fgrep -v "grep" | wc -l)"
+ ) 2>&1 | while read i ; do echo " $i" ; done
+ echo "## General info end."
+ # Testing font paths
+ echo "## Testing font paths start."
+ (
+ get_system_fontlist |
+ filter_unsupported_fonts |
+ sort_scaleable_fonts_first |
+ validate_fontlist | while read d ; do
+ echo "#### Testing \"${d}\" ..."
+ if [ ! -d "$d" ] ; then
+ echo "# Error: $d does not exists."
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ ! -r "$d" ] ; then
+ echo "# Error: $d not readable."
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${d}/fonts.dir" ] ; then
+ echo "# Error: ${d}/fonts.dir not found."
+ continue
+ else
+ if [ ! -r "${d}/fonts.dir" ] ; then
+ echo "# Error: ${d}/fonts.dir not readable."
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${d}/fonts.alias" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -r "${d}/fonts.alias" ] ; then
+ echo "# Error: ${d}/fonts.alias not readable."
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$(cat "${d}/fonts.dir" | fgrep 'cursor')" != "" ] ; then
+ echo "${d}/fonts.dir has cursor font."
+ fi
+ if [ "$(cat "${d}/fonts.dir" | fgrep 'fixed')" != "" ] ; then
+ echo "${d}/fonts.dir has fixed font."
+ fi
+ if [ -r "${d}/fonts.alias" ] ; then
+ if [ "$(cat "${d}/fonts.alias" | fgrep 'cursor')" != "" ] ; then
+ echo "${d}/fonts.alias has cursor font."
+ fi
+ if [ "$(cat "${d}/fonts.alias" | fgrep 'fixed')" != "" ] ; then
+ echo "${d}/fonts.alias has fixed font."
+ fi
+ fi
+ linenum=0
+ cat "${d}/fonts.dir" | while read i1 i2 i3 i4 ; do
+ linenum=$((${linenum} + 1))
+ [ ${linenum} -eq 1 ] && continue
+ if [ ! -f "${d}/${i1}" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: ${d}/fonts.dir line ${linenum} has non-exististant font \"${i1}\" (=\"${i1} ${i2} ${i3} ${i4}\")"
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ ) 2>&1 | while read i ; do echo " $i" ; done
+ echo "## Testing font paths end."
+ echo "##### Diag End $(date)."
+XCOMM Set platform-defaults for setup_config()
+ curr_num_xpstart="${1}"
+ #### Defaults for Linux/Solaris
+ # Start Xprt using builtin XPCONFIGDIR at a free display numer
+ # (Solaris(=SunOS5.x)'s /usr/openwin/bin/Xprt supports TrueType fonts,
+ # therefore we don't need to filter them)
+ xpstart_fontpath[${curr_num_xpstart}]="";
+ xpstart_fontpath_acceptpattern[${curr_num_xpstart}]=".*";
+ xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/Speedo|/F3bitmaps|/F3";
+ xpstart_displayid[${curr_num_xpstart}]="";
+ xpstart_xpconfigdir[${curr_num_xpstart}]="";
+ xpstart_xpfile[${curr_num_xpstart}]="";
+ xpstart_auditlevel[${curr_num_xpstart}]="4";
+ xpstart_options[${curr_num_xpstart}]="";
+ xpstart_logger[${curr_num_xpstart}]="";
+ # Check whether we have /dev/stderr (needed for old AIX + old Debian)
+ if [ -w "/dev/stderr" ] ; then
+ xpstart_logfile[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/dev/stderr";
+ else
+ xpstart_logfile[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/dev/tty";
+ fi
+ xpstart_xprt_binary[${curr_num_xpstart}]="";
+ # Custom rules for the GISWxprintglue package on Solaris
+ # (which uses Solaris's /usr/openwin/bin/Xprt but a custom config)
+ if [ "${XPCUSTOMGLUE}" = "GISWxprintglue" ] ; then
+ xpstart_xpconfigdir[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/opt/GISWxprintglue/server/etc/XpConfig"
+ xpstart_xprt_binary[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/usr/openwin/bin/Xprt"
+ fi
+ # Custom rules for the GISWxprint package on Solaris
+ # (which uses both it's own Xprt and a custom config)
+ if [ "${XPCUSTOMGLUE}" = "GISWxprint" ] ; then
+ xpstart_xpconfigdir[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/opt/GISWxprint/server/etc/XpConfig"
+ xpstart_xprt_binary[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/opt/GISWxprint/bin/Xprt"
+ xpstart_font_encodings_dir[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/opt/GISWxprint/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir"
+ fi
+ #######################################################
+ ###
+ ### Debian Xprint package default configuration
+ ###
+ if [ "${XPCUSTOMGLUE}" = "DebianGlue" ] ; then
+ # Set XPCONFIGDIR=/usr/share/Xprint/xserver
+ xpstart_xpconfigdir[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/usr/share/Xprint/xserver";
+ # Use fixed display ID (":64"), or else all client programs will have to be
+ # restarted simply to update XPSERVERLIST to the latest ID when upgrading,
+ # which would be a nightmare.
+ xpstart_displayid[${curr_num_xpstart}]=64;
+ # Do not send any messages to console
+ xpstart_logfile[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/dev/null";
+ # By default use binary provided by Debian's "xprt-xprintorg" package
+ # (=/usr/bin/Xprt), otherwise leave blank (e.g. use script's default
+ # (=/usr/X11R6/bin/Xprt))
+ if [ -x "/usr/bin/Xprt" ] ; then
+ xpstart_xprt_binary[${curr_num_xpstart}]="/usr/bin/Xprt";
+ fi
+ fi
+ ###
+ ### End Debian default configuration
+ ###
+ #######################################################
+ curr_num_xpstart="${1}"
+ ## Process some $ETC_INITD_XPRINT_* vars after all which may be used by
+ # a user to override the hardcoded values here when starting Xprt per-user
+ # (a more flexible way is to provide an own setup config script in
+ # "~./Xprint_per_user_startup" - see above)
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XPRT_PATH}" != "" ] ; then
+ xpstart_xprt_binary[${curr_num_xpstart}]="${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XPRT_PATH}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XPCONFIGDIR}" != "" ] ; then
+ xpstart_xpconfigdir[${curr_num_xpstart}]="${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XPCONFIGDIR}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XPFILE}" != "" ] ; then
+ xpstart_xpfile[${curr_num_xpstart}]="${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XPFILE}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_LOGFILE}" != "" ] ; then
+ xpstart_logfile[${curr_num_xpstart}]="${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_LOGFILE}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_DISPLAYID}" != "" ] ; then
+ xpstart_displayid[${curr_num_xpstart}]="${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_DISPLAYID}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_FONTPATH}" != "" ] ; then
+ xpstart_fontpath[${curr_num_xpstart}]="${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_FONTPATH}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XPRT_OPTIONS}" != "" ] ; then
+ xpstart_options[${curr_num_xpstart}]="${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XPRT_OPTIONS}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_AUDITLEVEL}" != "" ] ; then
+ xpstart_auditlevel[${curr_num_xpstart}]="${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_AUDITLEVEL}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XF86ENCODINGSDIR}" != "" ] ; then
+ xpstart_font_encodings_dir[${curr_num_xpstart}]="${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_XF86ENCODINGSDIR}"
+ fi
+XCOMM setup_config() sets the configuration parameters used to start one
+XCOMM or more Xprint servers ("Xprt").
+XCOMM The following variables are used:
+XCOMM - "num_xpstart" - number of servers to start
+XCOMM - "xpstart_fontpath[index]" - custom font path. Leave blank if you want
+XCOMM the platform-specific default
+XCOMM - "xpstart_fontpath_acceptpattern[index]" - extended regular expression
+XCOMM (see egrep(1)) used to filter the font path - items only pass this
+XCOMM filter if they match the pattern (leave blank if you want to filter
+XCOMM nothing)
+XCOMM - "xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[index]" - extended regular expression
+XCOMM (see egrep(1)) used to filter the font path - items only pass this
+XCOMM filter if they do not match the pattern (leave blank if you want to
+XCOMM filter nothing)
+XCOMM - "xpstart_font_encodings_dir[index]" - location of "encodings.dir".
+XCOMM Leave blank to use the default.
+XCOMM - "xpstart_displayid[index]" - display id to use for the Xprint server
+XCOMM (leave blank to choose the next available free display id)
+XCOMM - "xpstart_xpconfigdir[index]" - value for custom XPCONFIGDIR (leave blank
+XCOMM if you don not want that that XPCONFIGDIR is set at Xprt startup)
+XCOMM - "xpstart_xpfile[index]" - value used for Xprt's "-XpFile" option (leave
+XCOMM blank if you do not want to set this option)
+XCOMM - "xpstart_auditlevel[index]" - set Xserver auditing level (leave blank to
+XCOMM use no auditing)
+XCOMM - "xpstart_options[index]" - set further Xprt options (leave blank to set
+XCOMM no further options)
+XCOMM - "xpstart_logger[index]" - utility which gets stderr/stdout messages from
+XCOMM Xprt and sends them to a logging daemon. Leave blank to use /usr/bin/logger
+XCOMM to send such messages to the lpr.notice syslog)
+XCOMM - "xpstart_logfile[index]" - log file to append stderr/stdout messages from
+XCOMM Xprt to. Leave blank to send messages to /dev/null
+XCOMM - "xpstart_xprt_binary[index]" - set custom Xprt binary (leave blank to use
+XCOMM the platform-specifc default)
+ num_xpstart=0;
+ if [ "${ETC_INITD_XPRINT_CUSTOM_SETUP_CONFIG}" != "" ] ; then
+ else
+ user_cfg="${HOME}/.Xprint_per_user_startup"
+ fi
+ # Source per-user ~/.Xprint_per_user_startup file if there is one
+ # (and do not use the script's defaults below)
+ if [ -r "${user_cfg}" ] ; then
+ # Define API version which should be checked by ${HOME}/.Xprint_per_user_startup
+ # ${HOME}/.Xprint_per_user_startup should bail-out if the version differ
+ etc_initd_xprint_api_version=2
+ # Source per-user settings script
+ . "${user_cfg}"
+ # done with setting the config for per-user Xprt instances
+ return 0;
+ else
+ # Use /etc/init.d/xprint's builtin config
+ # Each entry should start with |setup_config_defaults| to pull the
+ # platform defaults and finish with |num_xpstart=$(($num_xpstart + 1))|
+ # to end the entry
+ # Set platform-defaults
+ setup_config_defaults "${num_xpstart}"
+ ## -- snip --
+ # Admins can put their stuff "in" here...
+ ## -- snip --
+ # Override script's builtin values with those a user may set via the
+ # $ETC_INIITD_XPRINT_* env vars
+ fetch_etc_initd_xprint_envvars "${num_xpstart}"
+ num_xpstart=$((${num_xpstart} + 1))
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ #### Sample 1:
+ # # Start Xprt on a free display ID with custom XPCONFIGDIR and without
+ # # Speedo and TrueType fonts
+ # xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[$num_xpstart]="/Speedo|/TrueType|/TT(/$|$)|/TTF(/$|$)";
+ # xpstart_xpconfigdir[$num_xpstart]="/home/gisburn/cwork/Xprint/Xprt_config/XpConfig";
+ # xpstart_auditlevel[$num_xpstart]="4";
+ # xpstart_options[$num_xpstart]="-ac -pn";
+ #num_xpstart=$(($num_xpstart + 1))
+ #### Sample 2:
+ # # Start Xprt without TrueType fonts on a display 55 with custom
+ # xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[$num_xpstart]="/TrueType|/TT(/$|$)|/TTF(/$|$)";
+ # xpstart_displayid[$num_xpstart]=55;
+ # xpstart_xpconfigdir[$num_xpstart]="/home/gisburn/cwork/Xprint/Xprt_config/XpConfig";
+ # xpstart_auditlevel[$num_xpstart]=4;
+ # xpstart_options[$num_xpstart]="-ac -pn";
+ #num_xpstart=$(($num_xpstart + 1))
+ #### Sample 3:
+ # # Start Xprt without TrueType fonts on a display 56 with custom
+ # # XPCONFIGDIR and alternate "Xprinters" file
+ # xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[$num_xpstart]="/TrueType|/TT(/$|$)|/TTF(/$|$)";
+ # xpstart_displayid[$num_xpstart]=56;
+ # xpstart_xpconfigdir[$num_xpstart]="/etc/XpConfig/default";
+ # xpstart_xpfile[$num_xpstart]="/etc/XpConfig/default/Xprinters_test2"
+ # xpstart_auditlevel[$num_xpstart]="4";
+ # xpstart_options[$num_xpstart]="-ac -pn";
+ # xpstart_xprt_binary[$num_xpstart]="";
+ #num_xpstart=$(($num_xpstart + 1))
+ #### Sample 4:
+ # # Start Xprt with Solaris ISO-8859-7 (greek(="el") locale) fonts on
+ # # display 57
+ # xpstart_fontpath[$num_xpstart]="/usr/openwin/lib/locale/iso_8859_7/X11/fonts/75dpi,/usr/openwin/lib/locale/iso_8859_7/X11/fonts/Type1,/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/misc/";
+ # xpstart_fontpath_acceptpattern[$num_xpstart]="";
+ # xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[$num_xpstart]="_No_Match_";
+ # xpstart_displayid[$num_xpstart]="57";
+ # xpstart_auditlevel[$num_xpstart]="4";
+ # xpstart_options[$num_xpstart]="-ac -pn";
+ #num_xpstart=$(($num_xpstart + 1))
+ #### Sample 5:
+ # # Start Xprt with the font list of an existing Xserver (excluding Speedo fonts) on
+ # # display 58
+ # # Note that this only works within a X session. At system boot time
+ # # there will be no $DISPLAY to fetch the information from!!
+ # xpstart_fontpath[$num_xpstart]="$(get_fontlist_from_display ${DISPLAY} | fontlist2fontpath)";
+ # xpstart_fontpath_acceptpattern[$num_xpstart]="";
+ # xpstart_fontpath_rejectpattern[$num_xpstart]="";
+ # xpstart_displayid[$num_xpstart]="58";
+ # xpstart_xpconfigdir[$num_xpstart]="";
+ # xpstart_auditlevel[$num_xpstart]="4";
+ # xpstart_options[$num_xpstart]="-ac -pn";
+ # xpstart_xprt_binary[$num_xpstart]="";
+ #num_xpstart=$(($num_xpstart + 1))
+ #### Sample 6:
+ # # List remote Xprt's here
+ # # (note that there is no test to check whether these DISPLAYs are valid!)
+ # xpstart_remote_server[$num_xpstart]="sera:12" ; num_xpstart=$(($num_xpstart + 1))
+ # xpstart_remote_server[$num_xpstart]="gandalf:19" ; num_xpstart=$(($num_xpstart + 1))
+case "$1" in
+ ## Start Xprint servers
+ 'start')
+ do_start
+ ;;
+ ## Stop Xprint servers
+ # Note that this does _not_ kill Xprt instances started using this script
+ # by non-root users
+ 'stop')
+ do_stop
+ ;;
+ ## Restart Xprint servers
+ 'restart'|'force-reload')
+ do_restart
+ ;;
+ ## Reload configuration without stopping and restarting
+ 'reload')
+ # not supported
+ msg "reload not supported, use 'restart' or 'force-reload'"
+ exit 3
+ ;;
+ ## Restart Xprint only if it is already running
+ 'condrestart'|'try-restart')
+ # only restart if it is already running
+ [ -f /var/lock/subsys/xprint ] && do_restart || :
+ ;;
+ ## Get list of all Xprint servers for this user
+ # (incl. per-user and system-wide instances)
+ 'get_xpserverlist')
+ do_get_xpserverlist
+ ;;
+ ## Get status of Xprint servers, RedHat-style
+ 'status')
+ x="$(do_get_xpserverlist)"
+ if [ "${x}" != "" ] ; then
+ msg "Xprint (${x}) is running..."
+ exit 0
+ else
+ msg "Xprint is stopped"
+ exit 3
+ fi
+ ;;
+ ## Wrapper
+ 'wrapper')
+ cmd="${2}"
+ [ "${cmd}" = "" ] && fatal_error "No command given."
+ shift ; shift
+ export XPSERVERLIST="$(do_get_xpserverlist)"
+ [ "${XPSERVERLIST}" = "" ] && fatal_error "No Xprint servers found."
+ exec "${cmd}" "$@"
+ ;;
+ ## Wrapper for "xplsprinters"
+ 'lsprinters')
+ [ "${cmd}" = "" -a "${XPCUSTOMGLUE}" = "GISWxprintglue" ] && cmd="/opt/GISWxprintglue/bin/xplsprinters"
+ [ "${cmd}" = "" -a "${XPCUSTOMGLUE}" = "GISWxprint" ] && cmd="/opt/GISWxprint/bin/xplsprinters"
+ [ "${cmd}" = "" -a "${XPROJECTROOT}" != "" ] && cmd="${XPROJECTROOT}/bin/xplsprinters"
+ [ "${cmd}" = "" ] && cmd="xplsprinters"
+ shift
+ export XPSERVERLIST="$(do_get_xpserverlist)"
+ [ "${XPSERVERLIST}" = "" ] && fatal_error "No Xprint servers found."
+ exec "${cmd}" "$@"
+ ;;
+ ## Diagnostics
+ 'diag')
+ do_diag
+ ;;
+ ## Print usage
+ *)
+ msg "Usage: $0 { start | stop | restart | reload | force-reload | status | condrestart | try-restart | wrapper | lsprinters | get_xpserverlist | diag }"
+ exit 2
+exit 0