From 31322c2bd9be76493a5a04a23ea68e063fe3b7e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mike DePaulo <>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2015 21:03:33 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 07/40] CVE-2014-0210: unvalidated length in
 _fs_recv_conn_setup() from xorg/lib/libXfont commit

The connection setup reply from the font server can include a list
of alternate servers to contact if this font server stops working.

The reply specifies a total size of all the font server names, and
then provides a list of names. _fs_recv_conn_setup() allocated the
specified total size for copying the names to, but didn't check to
make sure it wasn't copying more data to that buffer than the size
it had allocated.

v2: use xfree() instead of free() for nx-libs 3.6.x (Mihai Moldovan)
 nx-X11/lib/font/fc/fserve.c | 21 ++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nx-X11/lib/font/fc/fserve.c b/nx-X11/lib/font/fc/fserve.c
index 0d792c7..86b5753 100644
--- a/nx-X11/lib/font/fc/fserve.c
+++ b/nx-X11/lib/font/fc/fserve.c
@@ -2985,7 +2985,7 @@ _fs_recv_conn_setup (FSFpePtr conn)
     int			ret;
     fsConnSetup		*setup;
     FSFpeAltPtr		alts;
-    int			i, alt_len;
+    unsigned int	i, alt_len;
     int			setup_len;
     char		*alt_save, *alt_names;
@@ -3012,9 +3012,9 @@ _fs_recv_conn_setup (FSFpePtr conn)
 	if (setup->num_alternates)
+	    size_t alt_name_len = setup->alternate_len << 2;
 	    alts = (FSFpeAltPtr) xalloc (setup->num_alternates * 
-					 sizeof (FSFpeAltRec) +
-					 (setup->alternate_len << 2));
+					 sizeof (FSFpeAltRec) + alt_name_len);
 	    if (alts)
 		alt_names = (char *) (setup + 1);
@@ -3023,10 +3023,25 @@ _fs_recv_conn_setup (FSFpePtr conn)
 		    alts[i].subset = alt_names[0];
 		    alt_len = alt_names[1];
+		    if (alt_len >= alt_name_len) {
+			/*
+			 * Length is longer than setup->alternate_len
+			 * told us to allocate room for, assume entire
+			 * alternate list is corrupted.
+			 */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "invalid alt list (length %lx >= %lx)\n",
+				 (long) alt_len, (long) alt_name_len);
+			xfree(alts);
+			return FSIO_ERROR;
+		    }
 		    alts[i].name = alt_save;
 		    memcpy (alt_save, alt_names + 2, alt_len);
 		    alt_save[alt_len] = '\0';
 		    alt_save += alt_len + 1;
+		    alt_name_len -= alt_len + 1;
 		    alt_names += _fs_pad_length (alt_len + 2);
 		conn->numAlts = setup->num_alternates;