XCOMM platform:  $Xorg: hp.cf,v 1.5 2000/08/17 19:41:47 cpqbld Exp $

#ifndef OSName
# define OSName		DefaultOSName
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
# define OSMajorVersion	DefaultOSMajorVersion
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
# define OSMinorVersion	DefaultOSMinorVersion
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
# define OSTeenyVersion	DefaultOSTeenyVersion
XCOMM operating system:  OSName (OSMajorVersion.OSMinorVersion.OSTeenyVersion)

/* The default yacc options are too small for Uil.y. */
#define YaccFlags -Nm15000

 * C++ compiler setup.  This file knows what options to use with 
 * certain compilers, including HP C++ and CenterLine C++.
 * For HP C++, define HasHPCplusplus to YES in site.def.  
 * For CenterLine C++, define HasCenterLineCplusplus to YES in site.def.
 * For other compilers, define HasCplusplus to YES in site.def, and 
 *    check to see if you need to provide values for CplusplusOptions
 *    and/or DefaultCplusplusOptions.
 * In any case, you may also need to set CplusplusDependIncludes.

#if HasHPCplusplus
# ifndef  HasCplusplus
#  define HasCplusplus YES
# endif
# ifndef  DefaultCplusplusOptions
#  define DefaultCplusplusOptions	-Aa
# endif
# ifndef  CplusplusOptions
#  define CplusplusOptions		-Aa
# endif
# ifndef  CplusplusCmd
#  define CplusplusCmd 			/opt/CC/bin/CC
# endif
# ifndef  CplusplusDependIncludes 
#  define CplusplusDependIncludes	-I/opt/CC/include/CC
# endif

#ifndef  CcCmd
# define CcCmd			/opt/ansic/bin/cc
#ifndef  YaccCmd
# define YaccCmd		/opt/langtools/bin/yacc
#ifndef  LexCmd
# define LexCmd			/opt/langtools/bin/lex
#ifndef  LintCmd
# define LintCmd		/opt/ansic/bin/lint

#if HasCenterLineCplusplus
# ifndef HasCplusplus
#  define HasCplusplus			YES
# endif
# ifndef OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags	-O
# endif
# ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes 
#  define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/local/CenterLine/clc++/pa-hpux8/incl
# endif

#define SystemV				YES
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull		YES
#if OSMajorVersion > 9
# define AllocateLocalDefines		-DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H
# define AllocateLocalDefines		-DNO_ALLOCA

#ifdef __hp9000s800
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags		+O1
# endif
# ifndef DefaultCCOptions
#  define DefaultCCOptions		-Ae +ESlit
# endif
# ifndef SharedLibraryCCOptions
#  define SharedLibraryCCOptions	-Ae
# endif
# define StandardDefines		-Dhpux -DSYSV

# if OSMajorVersion > 9
#  include <hpLib.rules>
# endif

#else /* __hp9000s800 */
# define StandardDefines	-Dhpux -DSYSV
# if OSMajorVersion < 8
#  define DefaultCCOptions	-Wc,-Nd4000,-Ns4100,-Ne700,-Np200,-Nw300
# else
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	+O1
# endif
# define LintOpts		-ax -Nd4000 -Ns8000 -Ne700 -Np200 -Na25000
#define MvCmd			mv -f
#define LdCombineFlags		-r
#define ExecableScripts		YES
#define HasVFork		YES
#define HasPoll			YES
#define RemoveTargetProgramByMoving	YES
#define ExpandManNames		YES
#define HasPutenv		YES
#define HasNdbm			YES
#define DBMLibrary		/usr/lib/libdbm.a
#define PrimaryScreenResolution	91
#define ExtensionOSDefines	-DHPINPUT -DXTESTEXT1
#define XhpServer		YES
#define ServerExtraSysLibs	-ldld
#ifndef BuildXInputExt
# define BuildXInputExt		YES
#define HPFastScrolling		YES
#ifndef BuildServer
# define BuildServer		__hp9000s700
#if OSMajorVersion < 10
#define NeedBerklib		(BuildServer|BuildFontServer)
#define XawI18nDefines		-DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS

#if OSMajorVersion < 6 || (OSMajorVersion == 6 && OSMinorVersion < 2)
# define ConnectionFlags	-DTCPCONN	/* no unix sockets */

#if OSMajorVersion > 8
#define HasWChar32             YES
#define HasPlugin              YES

#ifdef __hp9000s300
# ifndef CompatabilityDefines
#  define CompatabilityDefines -D__hp9000s300 -Dhp9000s300
# endif
#elif defined(__hp9000s700)
# ifndef CompatabilityDefines
#  define CompatabilityDefines -D__hp9000s800 -Dhp9000s800 -D__hp9000s700
# endif
# ifndef CompatabilityDefines
#  define CompatabilityDefines -D__hp9000s800 -Dhp9000s800
# endif

#ifndef OsDefines
# if OSMajorVersion > 9
#  define OsDefines	-DhpV4 -DHPUX
# else
#  define OsDefines	-DHPUX
# endif

#if OSMajorVersion > 9
# if ThreadedX
# endif
# ifndef CppCmd
#  define CppCmd			/usr/ccs/lbin/cpp
# endif

/* CC does not recognize -Ae, and has a different meaning for +e. */
/* +e also confuses cpp. */
#define AnsiDefines		-Ae -D_HPUX_SOURCE
#define CplusplusAnsiDefines	-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE

#define BuildLibPathVar	SHLIB_PATH

#define CdeBaseProjectDefines \
	CompatabilityDefines OsDefines

#define CdeProjectDefines	CdeBaseProjectDefines AnsiDefines
#define CdeCplusplusProjectDefines	\
				CdeBaseProjectDefines CplusplusAnsiDefines

#define DtSearchDefines		-DI18N_MSG DtSvcDefines
#define DtWidgetDefines		DtSearchDefines
#define DtPrintDefines		DtSearchDefines
#if OSMajorVersion > 9
#define DtMailDefines		\
#define DtMailDefines		\

#define ArchitectureDefines	-DHP_ARCHITECTURE

#define ExportListGenSource	elistgen.hp