XCOMM $XdotOrg: xc/config/cf/linux.cf,v 1.31 2005/10/21 19:10:27 ajax Exp $
XCOMM platform:  $Xorg: linux.cf,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:47 cpqbld Exp $

XCOMM platform:  $XFree86: xc/config/cf/linux.cf,v 3.220 2003/12/30 22:38:33 tsi Exp $

#ifndef LinuxElfDefault
# define LinuxElfDefault	YES

#ifndef UseElfFormat
# define UseElfFormat		LinuxElfDefault

#ifndef OSBinaryType
# if UseElfFormat
#  define OSBinaryType		[ELF]
# else
#  ifdef AlphaArchitecture
#   define OSBinaryType		[ECOFF]
#  else
#   define OSBinaryType		[a.out]
#  endif
# endif

#ifndef OSName
# define OSName			DefaultOSName OSBinaryType

#ifndef OSVendor
# define OSVendor		/**/
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
# define OSMajorVersion		DefaultOSMajorVersion
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
# define OSMinorVersion		DefaultOSMinorVersion
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
# define OSTeenyVersion		DefaultOSTeenyVersion

#ifndef LinuxDistribution
# define LinuxDistribution	DefaultLinuxDistribution
  Add "#define LinuxDistribution Linux<mumble>" to your site.def or host.def.
  Currently only LinuxSuSE, LinuxRedHat and LinuxDebian will be figured out
  Valid values are (from the list at www.linux.org in Oct. '97):
    LinuxUnknown    (0)
    LinuxSuSE       (1)
    LinuxCaldera    (2)
    LinuxCraftworks (3)
    LinuxDebian     (4)
    LinuxInfoMagic  (5)
    LinuxKheops     (6)
    LinuxPro        (7)
    LinuxRedHat     (8)
    LinuxSlackware  (9)
    LinuxTurbo      (10)
    LinuxWare       (11)
    LinuxYggdrasil  (12)
#ifndef LinuxDistName
# define LinuxDistName		DefaultLinuxDistName
#ifndef LinuxCLibMajorVersion
# define LinuxCLibMajorVersion	DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion
#ifndef LinuxCLibMinorVersion
# define LinuxCLibMinorVersion	DefaultLinuxCLibMinorVersion
#ifndef LinuxCLibTeenyVersion
# define LinuxCLibTeenyVersion	DefaultLinuxCLibTeenyVersion

#ifndef HasGhostScript
# define HasGhostScript YES
#ifndef BuildPDFdocs
# define BuildPDFdocs NO

#ifndef LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion
# define LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion	DefaultLinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion

XCOMM operating system:  OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion)
XCOMM libc:	(LinuxCLibMajorVersion./**/LinuxCLibMinorVersion./**/LinuxCLibTeenyVersion)
XCOMM binutils:	(LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion)

#if LinuxDistribution == LinuxDebian
# if !defined(NothingOutsideProjectRoot) || !NothingOutsideProjectRoot
#  define SystemManDirectory	/usr/share/man
# endif
# define HasPam			YES
/* un-comment this when it is un-broken */
/* # define JoystickSupport YES */
# if !defined(NothingOutsideProjectRoot) || !NothingOutsideProjectRoot
#  define XAppLoadDir		EtcX11Directory/app-defaults
# define XFileSearchPathDefault	Concat4(EtcX11Directory/%L/%T/%N%C,%S:EtcX11Directory/%l/%T/%N%C,%S:EtcX11Directory/%T/%N%C,%S:EtcX11Directory/%L/%T/%N%S:EtcX11Directory/%l/%T/%N%S:EtcX11Directory/%T/%N%S):Concat4($(LIBDIR)/%L/%T/%N%C,%S:$(LIBDIR)/%l/%T/%N%C,%S:$(LIBDIR)/%T/%N%C,%S:$(LIBDIR)/%L/%T/%N%S:$(LIBDIR)/%l/%T/%N%S:$(LIBDIR)/%T/%N%S)
/* the relative symlink created by this rule causes problems for us */
# if defined(InstallAppDefFiles) && InstallAppDefFiles
#  define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class)				@@\
# else
#  define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class)				@@\
# endif /* InstallAppDefFiles */
# endif /* !defined(NothingOutsideProjectRoot) || !NothingOutsideProjectRoot */
# define SharedLibXdmGreet	NO
# define LinkGLToUsrInclude	NO
# define LinkGLToUsrLib		NO
# define SharedLibFont		NO
# define SharedLibGlu		YES
# define NormalLibGlu		YES
# define FSUseSyslog		YES

# define BuildLibGlxWithoutPIC  NO

# define DriverManSuffix       4x
# define DriverManDir          $(MANSOURCEPATH)4

# define MiscManSuffix         7x
# define MiscManDir            $(MANSOURCEPATH)7

# define DebianMaintainer	YES

# ifdef DebianMaintainer
#  ifndef XorgCustomVersion
#   define XorgCustomVersion		"Debian"
#  endif
#  ifndef BuilderEMailAddr
#   define BuilderEMailAddr		"debian-x@lists.debian.org"
#  endif
#  define XFree86Devel			YES
#  define BuildAllSpecsDocs		YES
#  define InstallXinitConfig		YES
#  define InstallXdmConfig		YES
#  define InstallFSConfig		YES
#  define DebuggableLibraries		YES
#  define ForceNormalLib		YES
#  define BuildSpecsDocs		YES
#  define SpecsDocDirs			CTEXT GL ICCCM X11 Xext Xv i18n xterm
#  define BuildRman			NO
#  define BuildHtmlManPages		NO

/* we build-depend on libfreetype6-dev (FreeType 2.x) */
#   define BuildFreetype2Library	NO
#   define HasFreetype2			YES
/* m68k has no 2.4 kernel yet */
#   ifndef Mc68020Architecture
#    define HasLinuxInput		YES
#   endif
#   define HasXdmAuth			YES
#   define HasLatex			YES
/* at present, glide2 only works on i386 */
#   if defined(__linux__) && defined(i386Architecture)
#    define HasGlide2			YES
#    define Glide2IncDir		/usr/include/glide
#   endif /* __linux__ && i386Architecture */
/* at present, glide3 only works on alpha, amd64, i386 and ia64 */
#   if defined(__linux__) && (defined(i386Architecture) || \
       defined(AlphaArchitecture) || defined(ia64Architecture) || \
#    define HasGlide3			YES
#    define Glide3IncDir		/usr/include/glide3
#   endif /* __linux__ && (i386Architecture || AlphaArchitecture || \
             ia64Architecture || AMD64Architecture) */
/* extended instruction set support */
#   ifdef i386Architecture
#   define HasX86Support		YES
#    define HasMMXSupport		YES
#    define Has3DNowSupport		YES
/* 2.4 is not yet the official (or predominant) kernel in unstable */
#    define HasSSESupport		NO
#   endif /* i386Architecture */
# endif /* DebianMaintainer */
#endif /* LinuxDebian */

#if LinuxDistribution == LinuxRedHat
#define FSUseSyslog		YES

#ifndef HasDevRandom
# define HasDevRandom YES
# ifndef RandomDeviceName
#  define RandomDeviceName /dev/urandom
# endif

 * The Linux BinUtils major version.  25 => 2.5.x, which is what is included
 * with Slackware 3.0
 * This remains for compatibility only.
#ifndef BinUtilsMajorVersion
# define BinUtilsMajorVersion	LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion

#if (LinuxCLibMajorVersion >= 6 || LinuxDistribution == LinuxSuSE)
# define LinuxLocaleDefines	/**/
# define LinuxLocaleDefines	-DX_LOCALE

#ifndef  LinuxAdditionalIncludes
# define LinuxAdditionalIncludes	/**/

#ifndef LinuxGnuSourceDefines
# ifdef UseInstalled
#  define LinuxGnuSourceDefines	/**/
# else
#  define LinuxGnuSourceDefines	-D_GNU_SOURCE
# endif

#if LinuxCLibMajorVersion >= 6
# define LinuxSourceDefines	-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L \
                                -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 \
				LinuxAdditionalIncludes LinuxGnuSourceDefines \
# define XawI18nDefines		-DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_WCTYPE_H -DNO_WIDEC_H
# define HasPosixThreads	YES
# define ThreadedX		YES
# define HasThreadSafeAPI	YES
# define ThreadsLibraries	-lpthread
# define SystemMTDefines	-D_REENTRANT
# ifndef HasLibCrypt
#  define HasLibCrypt		YES
# endif
/* netscape wraps select but not poll as of communicator 4.72 */
# ifndef HasPoll
#  define HasPoll		NO
# endif
# define LinuxSourceDefines	-D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=2 \
				LinuxGnuSourceDefines LinuxLocaleDefines
# ifndef HasLibCrypt
#  define HasLibCrypt		NO
# endif
# ifndef HasBasename
#  define HasBasename		NO
# endif
  /* Proliferation of C99isms makes -ansi unpalatable... */
# if !defined(DefaultCCOptions) && !defined(UseInstalled) && HasGcc
#  define DefaultCCOptions	GccWarningOptions
# endif

#ifndef InstallXloadSetGID
#define InstallXloadSetGID	NO

 * XXX Check which versions of Linux really have IPv6.  glibc 2.0 on
 * Red Hat 5.2 doesn't.
#if LinuxCLibMajorVersion < 6 || \
    (LinuxCLibMajorVersion == 6 && LinuxCLibMinorVersion == 0)
#define BuildIPv6		NO

/* <linux/input.h> support mainly for USB support */
#ifndef HasLinuxInput
# if defined(__linux__) && (OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 4))
#  define HasLinuxInput YES
# else
#  define HasLinuxInput NO
# endif

#ifndef JoystickSupport
# define JoystickSupport	NO	/* joystick driver is broken */

/* <linux/joystick.h> appeared in 2.1.45 (officially) */
#ifndef HasLinuxSupport
# if defined(__linux__) && (JoystickSupport || \
     (OSMajorVersion > 2) || \
     ((OSMajorVersion == 2) && (OSMinorVersion > 1)) || \
     ((OSMajorVersion == 2) && (OSMinorVersion == 1) && (OSTeenyVersion >= 45)))
#  define HasLinuxJoystick	YES
# else
#  define HasLinuxJoystick	NO
# endif

/* Libtool on linux always uses minor numbers */
#define LibtoolMinorVersions	YES

/* On x86, determine whether to build with MTRR support */
#ifndef HasMTRRSupport
# if defined (i386Architecture) || defined (AMD64Architecture)
#  if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion > 1) || \
      (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion == 1 && OSTeenyVersion >= 99)
#   define HasMTRRSupport	YES
#  else
#   define HasMTRRSupport	NO
#  endif
# else
#  define HasMTRRSupport	NO	/* no for non-ix86 */
# endif

#ifndef XF86INT10_BUILD
# if defined(__linux__) && defined(i386Architecture)
#  define XF86INT10_BUILD	X86VM
# elif defined(__linux__) && defined(AMD64Architecture)
#  define XF86INT10_BUILD	X86EMU_OS
# else
# endif

 * Let the OS restore console fonts instead of the generic VGA
 * layer. This exists for Linux only at the moment so put it
 * here.
#ifndef DoOSFontRestore
# define DoOSFontRestore YES

/* Should we check the OS version to determine if the kernel supports it? */
#if DoOSFontRestore
# ifndef FontRestoreCheckOsVersion
#  define FontRestoreCheckOsVersion YES
# endif

/* The DRM module requires kernel services that appeared in late 2.1.x
   kernels and are known to be present in 2.2.x kernels. */
#ifndef BuildXF86DRI
#  if defined(AlphaArchitecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	YES
#  elif defined(Arm32Architecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	NO
#  elif defined(HPArchitecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	YES
#  elif defined(i386Architecture)
#    if (defined(__linux__) && (OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && \
        OSMinorVersion >= 2))) || \
#      define BuildXF86DRI	YES
#    else
#      define BuildXF86DRI	NO
#    endif
#  elif defined(ia64Architecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	YES
#  elif defined(Mc68020Architecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	NO
#  elif defined(MipsArchitecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	NO
#  elif defined(PpcArchitecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	YES
#  elif defined(Ppc64Architecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	NO
#  elif defined(s390Architecture) || defined(s390xArchitecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	NO
#  elif defined(SparcArchitecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	YES
#  elif defined(SuperHArchitecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	NO
#  elif defined(AMD64Architecture)
#    define BuildXF86DRI	YES
#  else
#    define BuildXF86DRI	NO
#  endif

 * Build shared libGL and the DRI modules without -fPIC on some architectures.
 * This improves performance.
#ifndef BuildLibGlxWithoutPIC
# if BuildXF86DRI
#  if defined(i386Architecture)
#   define BuildLibGlxWithoutPIC	YES
#  endif
# endif

#ifndef HasAgpGart
#  if defined(i386Architecture) || defined(ia64Architecture) || defined(AMD64Architecture)
     /* The AGPGART header file is included in os-support/linux, which
        allows all drivers that depend on AGP to build properly. */
#    define HasAgpGart	YES
#  else
#    define HasAgpGart	NO
#  endif

 * Support for Intel's SSE Native Instructions, also known as the
 * Streaming SIMD Extensions, was introduced in the 2.4.x kernels.
#ifndef HasSSESupport
#  if defined(i386Architecture)
#    if OSMajorVersion > 2 || (OSMajorVersion == 2 && OSMinorVersion >= 4)
#      define HasSSESupport		YES
#    else
#      define HasSSESupport		NO
#    endif
#  else
#    define HasSSESupport		NO
#  endif

 * Support for MMX isn't present in the Assembler used in Red Hat 4.2, so
 * don't enable it for libc5 as a reasonable default.
#ifndef HasMMXSupport
#  if defined(i386Architecture)
#    if (LinuxCLibMajorVersion > 5)
#      define HasMMXSupport		YES
#    else
#      define HasMMXSupport		NO
#    endif
#  else
#    define HasMMXSupport		NO
#  endif

 * Support for 3DNow isn't present in the Assembler used in Red Hat 4.2, so
 * don't enable it for libc5 as a reasonable default.
 * XXX This is preliminary.
#ifndef Has3DNowSupport
#  if defined(i386Architecture)
#    if (LinuxCLibMajorVersion > 5)
#      define Has3DNowSupport		YES
#    else
#      define Has3DNowSupport		NO
#    endif
#  else
#    define Has3DNowSupport		NO
#  endif

 * The Rush extension support.
#ifndef BuildXF86RushExt
# define BuildXF86RushExt	YES

#if defined(__linux__) && !defined(LinuxFBDevSupport)
# define LinuxFBDevSupport	YES

/* For compatibility */
#define SourceDefines		LinuxSourceDefines

#define BuildLibPathVar		LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#define GccUsesGas		YES
#define UseGas			YES
#define GnuCpp			YES
#if UseElfFormat
# ifndef HasDlopen
#  define HasDlopen		YES
# endif
#define HasWeakSymbols		UseElfFormat
#ifndef HasShadowPasswd
# if UseElfFormat
#  define HasShadowPasswd	YES
# else
#  define HasShadowPasswd	NO
# endif
#define HasPutenv		YES
#ifndef HasShm
# define HasShm			YES

/* Use SecureRPC (used for SUN-DES-1 auth. and other goodies) when
 * glibc has support for it */
#ifndef HasSecureRPC
# if !(LinuxCLibMajorVersion < 6 || \
       (LinuxCLibMajorVersion == 6 && LinuxCLibMinorVersion < 3))
#  define HasSecureRPC          YES
# endif

#define HasSockets		YES
#if UseElfFormat || defined(AlphaArchitecture)
#ifndef HasSnprintf
#define HasSnprintf		YES
#define HasMkstemp		YES
/* getresuid() appeared in 2.1.4, and getresgid in 2.1.44 */
#if !defined(HasGetresuid) && \
 (((OSMajorVersion*100000) + (OSMinorVersion*1000) + OSTeenyVersion) >= 201044)
#define HasGetresuid		YES
#if OSMajorVersion >= 2
#define HasUsableFileMmap	YES
#ifndef HasNCurses
#define HasNCurses		YES

#ifndef HasGroff
#define HasGroff		YES

#ifndef HasZlib
#define HasZlib			YES

#ifndef HasLibpng
#define HasLibpng		YES

#ifndef HasExpat
# define HasExpat		YES

#ifndef HasFreetype2
# define HasFreetype2		YES

#define AvoidNullMakeCommand	YES
#ifndef DebuggableLibraries
#define DebuggableLibraries	NO
#define CompressAllFonts	YES
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull	YES
#define NeedConstPrototypes	YES
#define NeedFunctionPrototypes	YES
#define NeedNestedPrototypes	YES
#define NeedVarargsPrototypes	YES
#ifndef NeedWidePrototypes
#define NeedWidePrototypes	NO
#define SetTtyGroup		YES

#ifndef UseStaticTermcapLib
#define UseStaticTermcapLib	NO

#ifndef HasCookieMaker
#define HasCookieMaker		YES
#define MkCookieCmd		mcookie

#ifndef BourneShell
 * This will cause builds/installs to terminate on errors, as on other
 * platforms.
#define BourneShell		/bin/sh -e

#define MkdirHierCmd		mkdir -p

#ifndef HaveLib64
# if defined (AMD64Architecture) || defined (s390xArchitecture) || defined (Ppc64Architecture)
#  define HaveLib64	YES
# else
#  define HaveLib64	NO
# endif

#if UseElfFormat
# ifndef DoLoadableServer
#  if defined(MipsArchitecture) || defined(SuperHArchitecture)
#   define DoLoadableServer	NO
#  else
#   define DoLoadableServer	YES
#  endif
# endif

#if LinuxElfDefault
# if UseElfFormat
#  ifdef MipsArchitecture
#   ifndef AsCmd
#     define AsCmd		gcc -c -x assembler-with-cpp
#   endif
#   ifndef MakeDllModules
#     define MakeDllModules	YES
#   endif
#  endif /* MipsArchitecure */
#  if defined (i386Architecture) && ((GccMajorVersion >3) \
   || ((GccMajorVersion == 3) &&  (GccMinorVersion >= 1)))
#   ifndef CcCmd
#    define CcCmd		gcc -m32
#   endif
#   ifndef CplusplusCmd
#    define CplusplusCmd	c++ -m32
#   endif
#  endif
#  if defined (Ppc64Architecture)
#   ifndef CcCmd
#    define CcCmd		gcc -m64
#   endif
#   ifndef CplusplusCmd
#    define CplusplusCmd	c++ -m64
#   endif
#  endif
#  ifndef CcCmd
#   define CcCmd		gcc
#   define CplusplusCmd		c++
#  endif
#  ifndef AsCmd
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#  endif
#  define AsmDefines		-D__ELF__
#  ifndef LdCmd
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib
#  endif
#  ifndef LinuxUsesNcurses
#   if LinuxCLibMajorVersion >= 6 || (LinuxDistribution == LinuxSuSE)
#    define LinuxUsesNcurses	YES
#   else
#    define LinuxUsesNcurses	NO
#   endif
#  endif
#  ifndef TermcapLibrary
#   if UseStaticTermcapLib
#    if LinuxUsesNcurses
#     if !HaveLib64
#      define TermcapLibrary	StaticLibrary(/usr/lib,ncurses)
#     else
#      define TermcapLibrary	StaticLibrary(/usr/lib64,ncurses)
#     endif
#    else
#     if !HaveLib64
#      define TermcapLibrary	StaticLibrary(/usr/lib/termcap,termcap)
#     else
#      define TermcapLibrary	StaticLibrary(/usr/lib64/termcap,termcap)
#     endif
#    endif
#   else
#    if LinuxUsesNcurses
#     define TermcapLibrary	-lncurses
#    else
#     define TermcapLibrary	-ltermcap
#    endif
#   endif
#  endif
# else /* UseElfFormat */
#  ifdef AlphaArchitecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc -b alpha-linuxecoff
#   define CplusplusCmd		g++ -b alpha-linuxecoff
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib -Wl,"-m alpha"
#   define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS -U__ELF__
#  endif /* AlphaArchitecture */
#  ifdef HPArchitecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc
#   define CplusplusCmd		g++
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib
#   define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS -U__ELF__
#  endif /* HPArchitecture */
#  ifdef i386Architecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc -b i486-linuxaout
#   define CplusplusCmd		g++ -b i486-linuxaout
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib -Wl,"-m i386linux"
#   define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS -U__ELF__
#  endif /* i386Architecture */
#  ifdef ia64Architecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc
#   define CplusplusCmd		g++
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib
#   define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS -U__ELF__
#  endif /* ia64Architecture */
#  ifdef Mc68020Architecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc -b m68k-linuxaout
#   define CplusplusCmd		g++ -b m68k-linuxaout
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib -Wl,"-m m68klinux"
#   define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS -U__ELF__
#  endif /* Mc68020Architecture */
#  ifdef AMD64Architecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc
#   define CplusplusCmd		g++
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib
#   define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS -U__ELF__
#  endif /* AMD64Architecture */
# endif /* UseElfFormat */
# if UseElfFormat
#  ifdef AlphaArchitecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc -b alpha-linux
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib -Wl,"-m elf64alpha"
#   define AsmDefines		-D__ELF__
#   define CplusplusCmd		c++ -b alpha-linux
#  endif /* AlphaArchitecture */
#  ifdef HPArchitecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc
#   define CplusplusCmd		g++
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib
#   define AsmDefines		-D__ELF__
#   define SharedLibXau		YES
#  endif /* HPArchitecture */
#  ifdef i386Architecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc -b i486-linux
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nosdlib -Wl,"-m elf_i386"
#   define AsmDefines		-D__ELF__
#   define CplusplusCmd		c++ -b i486-linux
#  endif /* i386Architecture */
#  ifdef ia64Architecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc
#   define CplusplusCmd		g++
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib
#   define AsmDefines		-D__ELF__
#  endif /* ia64Architecture */
#  ifdef Mc68020Architecture
#   define CcCmd		gcc -b m68k-linux
#   define AsCmd		CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd		CcCmd -nostdlib -W,l"-m m68kelf"
#   define AsmDefines		-D__ELF__
#   define CplusplusCmd		c++ -b m68k-linux
#  endif /* Mc68020Architecture */
#  ifdef AMD64Architecture
#   define CcCmd                 gcc
#   define CplusplusCmd          g++
#   define AsCmd                 CcCmd -c -x assembler
#   define LdCmd                 CcCmd -nostdlib
#   define AsmDefines            -D__ELF__
#  endif /* AMD64Architecture */
# else
#  define CcCmd			gcc
#  define AsCmd			CcCmd -c -x assembler
#  define LdCmd			CcCmd -nostdlib
#  define AsmDefines		-DUSE_GAS
# endif

 * Some older distros still need /lib/cpp.  There's probably a better
 * test, but this handles the older Red Hat releases at least.
#ifndef CppCmd
# if (LinuxDistribution == LinuxRedHat) && \
     ((LinuxCLibMajorVersion < 6) || \
      (LinuxCLibMajorVersion == 6 && LinuxCLibMinorVersion < 1))
#  define CppCmd		/lib/cpp
# else
#  define CppCmd		cpp
# endif

/* Some Linux distributions have yacc, some don't. All have bison. */
#define YaccCmd			bison -y
#define LexCmd			flex -l
#define HasFlex			YES
#define LexLib			-lfl
#define PreProcessCmd		CcCmd -E
#define PostIncDir		DefaultGccIncludeDir
#define LdCombineFlags		-r
#ifndef LdPostLib
# define LdPostLib		/* Never needed */
#define HasWChar32		YES
#define StandardCppOptions	-traditional
#define StandardCppDefines	StandardDefines

#define HasVarRun		YES
#ifndef VarDbDirectory
# define VarDbDirectory		$(VARDIR)/lib

#ifndef XF86OSCardDrivers
# ifdef __linux__
#  define XF86OSCardDrivers	fbdev v4l sisusb
# else
#  define XF86OSCardDrivers	/**/
# endif

#ifndef OSXInputDrivers
# if HasLinuxJoystick
#  define OSXInputDrivers1	ur98
# else
#  define OSXInputDrivers1	/**/
# endif
# if HasLinuxInput
#  define OSXInputDrivers2	aiptek evdev
# else
#  define OSXInputDrivers2	/**/
# endif
# define OSXInputDrivers	OSXInputDrivers1 OSXInputDrivers2

#if UseElfFormat
# define HasPlugin			YES
# define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext	YES	/* XC or XFree86 >= 3.3.1 */

#ifdef AlphaArchitecture
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	DefaultGcc2AxpOpt
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__alpha__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64 -DJENSEN_SUPPORT
# ifdef UseCompaqMathLibrary
#  define MathLibrary		-lcpml -lm
# endif
#endif /* AlphaArchitecture */

#ifdef Arm32Architecture
# define DefaultCCOptions
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O3
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__arm__ -D__arm32__ -U__arm -Uarm
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
#endif /* Arm32Achitecture */

#ifdef HPArchitecture
# define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2  GccAliasingArgs
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__hppa__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines

#ifdef i386Architecture
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	DefaultGcc2i386Opt
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__i386__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
#endif /* i386Architecture */

#ifdef ia64Architecture
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2  GccAliasingArgs
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__ia64__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
#endif /* ia64Architecture */

#ifdef Mc68020Architecture
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2  GccAliasingArgs
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__mc68000__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
#endif /* Mc68020Architecture */

#ifdef MipsArchitecture
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	DefaultGcc2MipsOpt
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__mips__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines

#ifdef Ppc64Architecture
# define DefaultCCOptions	-mminimal-toc
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	DefaultGcc2Ppc64Opt
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__powerpc64__ -D__powerpc__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DPART_NET
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
#endif /* Ppc64Architecture */

#ifdef PpcArchitecture
# define DefaultCCOptions	
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	DefaultGcc2PpcOpt
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__powerpc__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
#endif /* PpcArchitecture */

#ifdef s390Architecture
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer GccAliasingArgs
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__s390__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
#endif /* s390Architecture */

#ifdef s390xArchitecture
/*#define DefaultCCOptions	-fsigned-char */
#define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
#define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__s390x__
#define ServerOSDefines		XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
#define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
#endif /* s390xArchitecture */

#ifdef SparcArchitecture
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2  GccAliasingArgs
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__sparc__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
# define AsVISOption		-Av9a
# ifdef Sparc64Architecture
#  define AsOutputArchSize	64
# else
#  define AsOutputArchSize	32
# endif

#ifdef SuperHArchitecture
# ifndef SuperHArchOptFlags
#  ifdef SuperH4Architecture
#   define SuperHArchOptFlags	-m4
#  elif defined(SuperH4NOFPUArchitecture)
#   define SuperHArchOptFlags	-m4-nofpu
#  else
#   define SuperHArchOptFlags	-m3
#  endif
# endif 
# ifndef SuperHebArchitecture
#  ifdef SuperHebArchitecture
#   define SuperHEndianFlags	-mb
#  else
#   define SuperHEndianFlags	-ml
#  endif
# endif
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2 SuperHArchOptFlags SuperHEndianFlags  GccAliasingArgs
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines	-D__sh__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
# ifndef DoLoadableServer
#  define DoLoadableServer NO
# endif

#ifdef AMD64Architecture
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	DefaultGcc2AMD64Opt
# endif
# define LinuxMachineDefines   -D__amd64__
# define ServerOSDefines	XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
# define ServerExtraDefines	-DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
#endif /* AMD64Architecture */

#ifndef StandardDefines
# ifdef __linux__
#  define StandardDefines	-Dlinux LinuxMachineDefines LinuxSourceDefines
# else
#  define StandardDefines	LinuxMachineDefines LinuxSourceDefines
# endif

#if UseElfFormat
# define DlLibrary		-rdynamic -ldl
# define DlLibrary		/**/

#define ServerExtraSysLibs	/**/

#ifndef PamLibraries
#define PamLibraries		-lpam DlLibrary

#ifndef PamMiscLibraries
#define PamMiscLibraries	-lpam_misc

#ifndef HasDECnet
#define HasDECnet		NO
#if HasDECnet
# define ConnectionFlags	-DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN -DDNETCONN
# define ExtraLibraries		-ldnet
# define ConnectionFlags	-DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN

/* Some of these man page defaults are overriden in the above OS sections */
#ifndef ManSuffix
# define ManSuffix	1x
#ifndef ManDir
# define ManDir		$(MANSOURCEPATH)1
#ifndef LibManSuffix
# define LibManSuffix	3x
#ifndef LibmanDir
# define LibmanDir	$(MANSOURCEPATH)3
#ifndef FileManSuffix
# define FileManSuffix	5x
#ifndef FileManDir
# define FileManDir	$(MANSOURCEPATH)5

#ifndef StaticLibrary
# define StaticLibrary(libpath,libname) -Wl,-Bstatic Concat(-L,libpath) Concat(-l,libname) -Wl,-Bdynamic

#ifndef LinkGLToUsrLib
# define LinkGLToUsrLib		YES
# ifndef LinkGLToUsrInclude
# define LinkGLToUsrInclude	YES

#define HasGnuMake		YES

#define MakeNamedTargetSubdir(dir,flags,subname)\
	$(MAKE) -C dir $(MFLAGS) $(PARALLELMFLAGS) flags subname

#define ArchitectureDefines	-DLINUX_ARCHITECTURE

#define TtClientLibs $(TTLIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
#define TtClientDepLibs $(DEPTTLIB) $(DEPXTOOLLIB) $(DEPXLIB)

#if HaveLib64
# ifndef LibDirName
#  define LibDirName		lib64
# endif
# ifndef SystemUsrLibDir
#  define SystemUsrLibDir	/usr/lib64
# endif
# ifndef TkLibDir
#  define TkLibDir		/usr/lib64
# endif

#ifndef BuildDmx
#define BuildDmx	YES

#include <lnxLib.rules>
# include <xorg.cf>

#ifndef XFree86ServerOSDefines
# define XFree86ServerOSDefines