XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/sco5.cf,v 3.15 2003/12/19 02:05:37 dawes Exp $
XCOMM $XdotOrg: xc/config/cf/sco5.cf,v 1.9 2005/12/20 22:30:48 alanc Exp $

 * This is for SCO Open Server 5.0.6A or later. You must have the
 * Execution Environment update (OSS646) installed on 5.0.6 (it
 * ships standard in 5.0.7 and later), as well as the Graphics,
 * Web and X11 (gwxlibs) package OSS631 installed, which also ships
 * standard with 5.0.7 and later.
 * It is suggested that you use the GNU Development Tools for compiling
 * XFree86. Almost no testing has been done with the native development
 * system.

#ifndef OSName
#define OSName			UNIX System V/386 Open Server Release 5
#ifndef OSVendor
#define OSVendor		SCO-Group
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
#define OSMajorVersion		5
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
#define OSMinorVersion		0
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
#define OSTeenyVersion		7

 * Note: We define FD_SETSIZE here (as opposed to in ConnectionFlags) to
 * guarantee that the same FD_SETSIZE is used. Havoc abounds if we do not
 * do this, as some files which include sys/socket.h and sys/types.h will
 * have different values for FD_SETSIZE.
 * Note 2: We also define _SVID3, as this seems to enable more Streams
 * based options which are closer to the "desired" state for X11. A by-
 * product of this is that we get better signals too.

#ifndef HasGcc2
# define HasGcc2		YES
#ifndef HasGcc3
# define HasGcc3		NO
#ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
# define HasGcc2ForCplusplus	YES

#ifndef HasGcc
# if HasGcc2 || HasGcc3
#  define HasGcc		YES
# endif

 * Although OpenServer does not currently have threads, there are plans
 * for it in the near future, and libc/libsocket are already thread
 * safe, so use -D_REENTRANT when compiling libraries so that if an
 * app that has either the new forthcoming threads, or one that uses
 * GNU PTH or FSU pthreads is linked against X, that the libraries are
 * safe at least with regards to things like errno and various _r functions.
#ifndef LibraryCCOptions
# define LibraryCCOptions	-D_REENTRANT -DFD_SETSIZE=11000 -D_NO_STATIC -DMAXPATHLEN=1024

#ifndef UseExportLists
# define UseExportLists		NO

#define StandardDefines		-DSYSV -Di386 -DSCO325 -D__SCO__
#if HasGcc
# define DefaultCCOptions	GccWarningOptions
# ifndef CcCmd
#  define CcCmd			gcc
# endif
# ifndef DefaultCDebugFlags
#  define DefaultCDebugFlags	-O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=i586 -mcpu=i586
# endif
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=i586 -mcpu=i586
# endif
# ifndef CcCmd
#  define CcCmd			cc -belf
# endif
# define DefaultCCOptions	-dy
# ifndef DefaultCDebugFlags
#  define DefaultCDebugFlags	-O2
# endif
# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	-O2
# endif

#define BuildLibPathVar		LD_LIBRARY_PATH

#ifndef HasNCurses
# define HasNCurses		YES
#ifndef NCursesLibName
# define NCursesLibName		-lcurses
#ifndef TermcapLibrary
# define TermcapLibrary		-lcurses

#ifndef BuildXterm
# define BuildXterm		BuildClients

#ifndef UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver
#define UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver	NO

#ifndef LogDirectory
# define LogDirectory		/var/adm

#ifndef DoLoadableServer
# define DoLoadableServer	YES

#if DoLoadableServer
# if HasGcc
#  define SCODynamicFlags	-rdynamic
# else
#  define SCODynamicFlags	-Wl,-Bexport
# endif
# define SCODynamicFlags	/**/

#ifndef BuildFreetypeDlModule
# define BuildFreetypeDlModule	NO

#ifndef AsmDefines
# define AsmDefines		-D__ELF__ -D__PIC__

#ifndef XawI18nDefines

#ifndef ServerExtraSysLibs
# define ServerExtraSysLibs	$(CBRT) -lm SCODynamicFlags

#ifndef ExtraLibraries
# define ExtraLibraries		-lsocket

#ifndef NeedWidePrototypes
# define NeedWidePrototypes	YES

#define SCOBuildFlags		-DFD_SETSIZE=11000 -DMAXPATHLEN=1024 -DPATH_MAX=1024

#define ServerExtraDefines	-D_REENTRANT SCOBuildFlags -DDDXTIME XFree86ServerDefines

#ifndef ThreadedX
# define ThreadedX		NO

#ifndef HasThreadSafeAPI
# define HasThreadSafeAPI	NO

#define HasNdbm			YES
#define HasVFork		YES
#define HasPutenv		YES
#define HasSnprintf		NO
#define ToolkitStringsABIOptions -intelabi
#define HasSetenv		NO
#define HasMkstemp		YES
#define ExecableScripts		YES
#define HasShadowPasswd         YES

#define HasSymLinks		YES
#define HasDlopen		YES
#define HasShm			YES
#define HasStrcasecmp		YES
#define HasLdRunPath		YES
#define HasPoll			YES

#ifndef HasGnuMake
# define HasGnuMake		YES

# define HasExpat		YES
# define HasFreetype2		YES
# define HasLibpng		YES
# define HasZlib		YES
# define HasFontconfig		YES

#define InstallHardcopyDocs	NO

#define HasPerl			YES
#define HasPerl5		YES

#ifndef ManSourcePath
# define ManSourcePath		$(MANPATH)/man

#define Malloc0ReturnsNull	YES
#define RemoveDSDENroffMacros	NO

#ifndef CompressManPages
# define CompressManPages	NO
#ifndef HasLibCrypt
# define HasLibCrypt		YES
# define SpecialLibCrypt	-lcrypt

#ifndef PosixLibraries
# define PosixLibraries          /**/

#ifndef ForceNormalLib
# define ForceNormalLib		NO 

#define SharedLibXmu		YES
#define SystemV			YES
#define LdCombineFlags		-r 

#define AvoidNullMakeCommand	YES
#define PatheticCpp		YES

#define MesaUseX86Asm		NO

#define MakeNamedTargetSubdir(dir,flags,subname)\
	$(MAKE) -C dir $(MFLAGS) $(PARALLELMFLAGS) flags subname

#define ArCmdBase		ar

#ifndef AsCmd
# define AsCmd			CcCmd

#ifndef CppCmd
# define CppCmd			/lib/cpp

#ifndef PreProcessCmd
# define PreProcessCmd		CppCmd

#ifndef RawCppCmd
# define RawCppCmd		CppCmd

#ifndef LdCmd
# define LdCmd			CcCmd

#ifdef HasGcc2
# ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
#  define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared
# endif
# undef LdCombineFlags
# define LdCombineFlags		-nostdlib -r

#ifndef LexCmd
# define LexCmd			/usr/gnu/bin/flex

#ifndef MakeCmd
# define MakeCmd                /usr/gnu/bin/gmake

#ifndef YaccCmd
# define YaccCmd		/usr/gnu/bin/bison -y

#ifndef InstallCmd
# define InstallCmd		/usr/gnu/bin/ginstall

#ifndef UseSeparateConfDir
# define UseSeparateConfDir	NO

#ifndef BuildHtmlManPages
# define BuildHtmlManPages	NO

#ifndef DefaultUserPath
# define DefaultUserPath	/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/bin/X11:/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/local/bin:/etc

#ifndef DefaultSystemPath
# define DefaultSystemPath	/etc:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/bin/X11

#define ConnectionFlags		-DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN 

#define ExportListGenSource	elistgen.usl
#define ShlibExportListOpt(filename)	Concat(-Bexport:,filename)

 * These settings control the interdependence of the shared libraries.
 * Mostly borrowed from darwinLib.tmpl.
#ifndef FixupLibReferences
#define FixupLibReferences()						@@\
XMULIBONLY = -lXmu							@@\

#ifndef XawClientLibs

#define SharedXlibi18nReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIBONLY)

#define SharedXfontReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(FONTSTUBLIB) GzipLibrary $(FREETYPE2LIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedFontencReqs	$(LDPRELIB) GzipLibrary
#define SharedGLReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedGLUReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB) $(GLXLIB)
#define SharedOSMesaReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB) $(GLXLIB)
#define SharedSMReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(ICELIB)
#define SharedX11Reqs		$(LDPRELIB) -lsocket
#define SharedXaw7Reqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XPMLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXaw6Reqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXcursorReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XRENDERLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXextReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedXiReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXmuReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXmuuReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedXpReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXpmReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXrandrReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XRENDERLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXrenderReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXtReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB)
#define SharedXtstReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXvReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedDPSReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedOldXReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedpsresReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXResReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXfontcacheReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXineramaReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXssReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXvMCReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXxf86miscReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXxf86vmReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedxkbfileReqs	$(LDPRELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedxkbuiReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XKBFILELIB) $(XONLYLIB)
#define SharedXReqs		$(XTOOLLIB) $(XPLIB) $(XLIB)
#define SharedXmReqs		$(LDPRELIB) SharedXReqs
#define SharedMrmReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs
#define SharedUilReqs		$(LDPRELIB) $(XMLIB) SharedXReqs

#define ObjectFromAsmSource(src,flags)					@@\
src.o: src.S								@@\
	RemoveFile(src.o)						@@\
	$(CC) -c AsmDefines $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) flags src.S

#include <scoLib.rules>		/* minor changes to sv4Lib.rules */
#include <sv4Lib.rules>

#include <xorg.cf>