XCOMM site:  $TOG: site.sample /main/r64_final/1 1998/02/05 16:28:49 kaleb $

 *                                                                         *
 *			   SITE-SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS                       *
 *                                                                         *
 * This file contains two halves, one included before the vendor-specific  *
 * configuration file (.cf file), and one included after the .cf file.     *
 * The before-half should be protected by #ifdef BeforeVendorCF, and the   *
 * after-half should be protected by #ifdef AfterVendorCF.                 *
 *                                                                         *
 * The before-half should only set things that the .cf file depends on.    *
 * For the .cf files shipped in this release, the main variables in this   *
 * category are HasGcc, HasGcc2, HasCplusplus, OSMajorVersion,             *
 * OSMinorVersion, and OSTeenyVersion.                                     *
 *                                                                         *
 * The after-half should contain all other definitions.  For example,      *
 * place your ProjectRoot definition here.                                 *
 *                                                                         *
 * OS Major and Minor version numbers should be changed directly in the    *
 * .cf file, not overridden in site.def.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
XCOMM site:  $XFree86: xc/config/cf/site.def,v 3.24 2000/06/25 20:17:29 dawes Exp $

/* if you want host-specific customization, this is one way to do it */
#ifndef SiteIConfigFiles
#define SiteIConfigFiles $(IRULESRC)/host.def
#define LocalConfigFiles host.def

#ifdef BeforeVendorCF

 * Include this for easy XFree86 customisations
#ifndef SiteIConfigFiles
#define SiteIConfigFiles $(IRULESRC)/xorgsite.def $(IRULESRC)/host.def

#include <host.def>

#include <xorgsite.def>

/* On systems where cpp doesn't correctly expand macros in include directives
 * the two following macros need to be defined directly (where "X11" is
 * really whatever the TopLevelProject macro is defined to be).
# if defined(AIXArchitecture) || defined(SVR4Architecture) || \
     defined(SCOArchitecture) || defined(Win32Architecture) || \
     defined(UXPArchitecture) || defined(SunArchitecture) || \
     defined(DynixPtxArchitecture) || defined(i386IscArchitecture)
#  ifndef ProjectRulesFile
#   define ProjectRulesFile	<X11.rules>
#  endif
#  ifndef ProjectTmplFile
#   define ProjectTmplFile	<X11.tmpl>
#  endif
# endif

#ifndef HasGcc2
#define HasGcc2 YES

#endif /* BeforeVendorCF */

#ifdef AfterVendorCF

#ifndef ProjectRoot
#define ProjectRoot /usr/local

 * On some platforms, some things may be installed outside of ProjectRoot
 * by default.  To disable this, uncomment the following line.
#define NothingOutsideProjectRoot YES

 * Set EtcX11Directory if you want config file links installed under
 * ProjectRoot rather than in /etc/X11.  See also HasVarDirectory,
 * UseEtcX11 and UseSeparateConfDir.
#define EtcX11Directory /etc/nx

/* Only set HasXdmAuth to YES if you have a Wraphelp.c file. */
/* #define HasXdmAuth YES */

#if defined(SunArchitecture) && defined(SparcArchitecture)
#define HasCodeCenter	YES
#ifndef SVR4Architecture
#define HasTestCenter	YES

#ifdef __hp9000s800
#define HasCodeCenter	YES

#if defined(SunArchitecture) && defined(SparcArchitecture) && !defined(SVR4Architecture)
#define HasPurify	YES

#define HasSentinel	YES

#undef DefaultUserPath
#define DefaultUserPath /bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb:/usr/local/bin

/* You do NOT need SetUID if you only run the server under xdm */
/* You MAY need SetUID if users run the server by hand or under xinit */
/* Consult your system administrator before making the X server setuid */
#if defined(SunArchitecture) && OSMajorVersion > 4
#define InstallXserverSetUID YES

/* You do NOT need SetUID if you only run the server under xdm */
/* You MAY need SetUID if users run the server by hand or under xinit */
/* Consult your system administrator before making the X server setuid */
#if defined(XFree86Version) || defined (XorgVersion)
#define InstallXserverSetUID YES

#include <host.def>

#endif /* AfterVendorCF */