XCOMM platform: $Xorg: sony.cf,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:48 cpqbld Exp $ #ifdef SonyBsdArchitecture #ifndef OSName #define OSName NEWS-OS 4.2.1C #endif #ifndef OSMajorVersion #define OSMajorVersion 4 #endif #ifndef OSMinorVersion #define OSMinorVersion 2 #endif #ifndef OSTeenyVersion #define OSTeenyVersion 1 #endif #define SetTtyGroup YES #define HasVoidSignalReturn NO #define HasNdbm YES #define DirFailPrefix - #define InstKmemFlags -g kmem -m 2711 #define DefaultUserPath :/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb:/usr/sony/bin: #define DefaultSystemPath /etc:/usr/etc:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb:/usr/sony/bin: #ifdef MipsArchitecture #define ExtraLibraries -lmld #define LintOpts -ax #define LintLibFlag -o #define DefaultCCOptions -Wf,-XNh2000,-XNd6000,-XNp10000 -Olimit 2000 #else #define HasFortran YES #endif #if OSMajorVersion >= 4 #define HasShm YES #define HasPutenv YES #define HasSecureRPC YES #define XdmDir /etc/xdm #if OSMinorVersion >= 1 #define HasBsearch YES #else #define HasBsearch NO #endif #else #define StandardDefines -DNOSTDHDRS #define HasBsearch NO #endif #else #ifndef OSName #define OSName DefaultOSName #endif #ifndef OSMajorVersion #define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion #endif #ifndef OSMinorVersion #define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion #endif #ifndef OSTeenyVersion #define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion #endif XCOMM operating system: OSName (OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion./**/OSTeenyVersion) #define BootstrapCFlags -Dsony #define SystemV4 YES #define HasVFork NO #define CcCmd /usr/bin/cc #define LdCmd /usr/bin/ld #if OSMajorVersion >= 6 #define DefaultCCOptions -Xa -Wf,-XNp9000,-XNd6000 #define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -G -rpath $(USRLIBDIRPATH) #define PositionIndependentCFlags -K PIC -Wx,-G 0 #define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -K PIC -Wx,-G 0 #define SharedXmuReqs $(LDPRELIBS) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) #define FixupLibReferences() /**/ #include <sv4Lib.rules> #else #define DefaultCCOptions -Wf,-XNp9000,-XNd6000 #endif #endif /* * SONY C++ compiler is based on vanilla cfront, which means it * refuses to compile files unless their names end in ".C". We * have to completely override .SUFFIXES to avoid using the builtin * .C to .o rule in cases where the link to foo.C is already there, * because the builtin rule doesn't use the right compilation flags. */ .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .o .c .y .l .s .sh .h .f .Y .L .cxx #define NormalLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) test -r $*.C || $(LN) $*.CCsuf $*.C @@\ $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) options $*.C XCOMM operating system: OSName #ifndef BuildServer #define BuildServer NO #endif