XCOMM $Xorg: sv3Lib.rules,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:48 cpqbld Exp $ XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/sv3Lib.rules,v 3.5 2002/11/22 22:55:56 tsi Exp $ /* * SVR3 shared library rules * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 by Thomas Wolfram, Berlin, Germany * Author: Thomas Wolfram, thomas@aeon.in-berlin.de, wolf@prz.tu-berlin.de * Conception derived partially from work of Thomas Roell */ #ifndef HasSharedLibraries #define HasSharedLibraries NO /* JUST FOR NOW */ #endif #ifndef ForceNormalLib #define ForceNormalLib YES #endif #ifndef SharedLibSM #define SharedLibSM HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibXau #define SharedLibXau HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibXdmcp #define SharedLibXdmcp HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibXi #define SharedLibXi HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibXtst #define SharedLibXtst HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibICE #define SharedLibICE HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibFS #define SharedLibFS HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibX11 #define SharedLibX11 HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedOldX #define SharedOldX NO /* it's obsolete */ #endif #ifndef SharedLibXt #define SharedLibXt HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibXaw #define SharedLibXaw HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibXmu #define SharedLibXmu HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedLibXext #define SharedLibXext HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef SharedDataSeparation #define SharedDataSeparation NO #endif #ifndef SharedCodeDef #define SharedCodeDef /**/ #endif #ifndef SharedLibraryDef #define SharedLibraryDef -DSVR3SHLIB #endif #ifndef ShLibIncludeFile #define ShLibIncludeFile <sv3Lib.tmpl> #endif #ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags #define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -q #endif #ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags # if HasGcc2 # define PositionIndependentCFlags -msvr3-shlib # else # define PositionIndependentCFlags /**/ # endif #endif #ifndef PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags # if HasGcc2 # define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -msvr3-shlib # else # define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags /**/ # endif #endif #ifndef StripInstalledPrograms # define StripInstalledPrograms NO #endif #if 0 /* * LibCleanDir - helper for cleaning library object subdirectories */ #ifndef LibCleanDir #define LibCleanDir(dir) -@if [ -d dir ]; then \ @@\ (set -x; cd dir; $(RM) *.o *.sd); else exit 0; fi #endif /* * SharedLibObjCompile - compile fragment for shared objects */ #ifndef SharedLibObjCompile #define SharedLibObjCompile(options) $(RM) shared/$@ @@\ cat import.h $*.c >_$*.c @@\ $(CC) -c $(ANSICCOPTIONS) $(CCOPTIONS) $(ALLDEFINES) options \ @@\ $(SHLIBDEF) $(SHAREDCODEDEF) $(PICFLAGS) $(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CLIBDEBUGFLAGS) \@@\ _$*.c @@\ $(MV) _$*.o shared/$@ @@\ $(RM) _$*.c #endif /* * NormalSharedLibObjCompile - compile fragment for shared object when * a normal library is not being built */ #ifndef NormalSharedLibObjCompile #define NormalSharedLibObjCompile(options) $(RM) $@ @@\ cat import.h $*.c >_$*.c @@\ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) options $(SHLIBDEF) $(SHAREDCODEDEF) $(PICFLAGS) _$*.c @@\ $(MV) _$*.o $@ @@\ $(RM) _$*.c #endif #ifndef LibraryObjectRule #define LibraryObjectRule() @@\ all:: @@\ _DebuggedLibMkdir() @@\ _ProfiledLibMkdir() @@\ _SharedLibMkdir() @@\ @@\ includes:: @@\ _DebuggedLibMkdir() @@\ _ProfiledLibMkdir() @@\ _SharedLibMkdir() @@\ @@\ .c.o: @@\ _DebuggedObjCompile($(_NOOP_)) @@\ _ProfiledObjCompile($(_NOOP_)) @@\ _SharedObjCompile($(_NOOP_)) @@\ _NormalObjCompile($(_NOOP_)) @@\ @@\ .SUFFIXES: .sd @@\ .c.sd: @@\ _SharedDatCompile(-DSVR3SHDAT) @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ _DebuggedCleanDir() @@\ _ProfiledCleanDir() @@\ _SharedCleanDir() @@\ #endif /* LibraryObjectRule */ /* * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library. */ #ifndef InstallSharedLibrary #if StripInstalledPrograms #define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\ install:: Concat(lib,libname.rev) @@\ MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\ $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\ MakeDir($(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/shlib) @@\ $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTPGMFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.rev) \ @@\ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/shlib @@\ strip Concat($(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/shlib/lib,libname.rev) @@\ mcs -d Concat($(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/shlib/lib,libname.rev) #else #define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest) @@\ install:: Concat(lib,libname.rev) @@\ MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest) @@\ $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\ MakeDir($(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/shlib) @@\ $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTPGMFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.rev) \ @@\ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/shlib #endif #endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */ /* * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data */ #ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData #define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest) #endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */ /* * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library; * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having * the library gone for long periods. */ #ifndef SharedLibraryTarget #define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\ AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.rev)) @@\ @@\ Concat(lib,libname.rev): solist @@\ $(RM) $@ Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) @@\ $(CPP) -DDOWN=down ConnectionFlags ShlibDefines Concat(lib,libname.def) | \ @@\ sed -e '/^# *[0-9][0-9]* *.*$$/d; /^$$/d' >spec.cpp @@\ sed -e '1,/#libraries/d; /#externals/,$$d' spec.cpp | \ @@\ nawk '{ system("ar x " $$1 " " $$2 )}' @@\ echo "#target " Concat($(LIBDIR)/shlib/lib,libname.rev) >spec @@\ sed -e '/#libraries/,$$d' spec.cpp >>spec @@\ mkshlib -s spec -t $@ -h Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) @@\ ar rulv Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) `sed -e '1,/#externals/d' spec.cpp` @@\ $(RM) spec.cpp spec @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.rev) Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) #endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */ /* * SharedDepLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library. */ #ifndef SharedDepLibraryTarget #define SharedDepLibraryTarget(libname,rev,deplist,solist,down,up) @@\ AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.rev)) @@\ @@\ Concat(lib,libname.rev): deplist @@\ $(RM) $@ Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) @@\ $(CPP) -DDOWN=down ConnectionFlags ShlibDefines Concat(lib,libname.def) | \ @@\ sed -e '/^# *[0-9][0-9]* *.*$$/d; /^$$/d' >spec.cpp @@\ sed -e '1,/#libraries/d; /#externals/,$$d' spec.cpp | \ @@\ nawk '{ system("ar x " $$1 " " $$2 )}' @@\ echo "#target " Concat($(LIBDIR)/shlib/lib,libname.rev) >spec @@\ sed -e '/#libraries/,$$d' spec.cpp >>spec @@\ mkshlib -s spec -t $@ -h Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) @@\ ar rulv Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) `sed -e '1,/#externals/d' spec.cpp` @@\ $(RM) spec.cpp spec @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.rev) Concat3(lib,libname,_s.a) #endif /* SharedDepLibraryTarget */ /* * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file; */ #ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget #define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist) #endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */ #endif