XCOMM $Xorg: sv3Lib.tmpl,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:48 cpqbld Exp $

XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/sv3Lib.tmpl,v 3.2 2001/01/17 16:38:49 dawes Exp $
 * SVR3 shared library template
 * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 by Thomas Wolfram, Berlin, Germany
 * Author: Thomas Wolfram, thomas@aeon.in-berlin.de, wolf@prz.tu-berlin.de
 * Conception derived partially from work of Thomas Roell

#ifndef SharedXlibRev
#define SharedXlibRev 6.0.0
#ifndef SharedOldXRev
#define SharedOldXRev 6.0
#ifndef SharedXtRev
#define SharedXtRev 6.0
#ifndef SharedXawRev
#define SharedXawRev 6.0
#ifndef SharedXmuRev
#define SharedXmuRev 6.0
#ifndef SharedXextRev
#define SharedXextRev 6.0
#ifndef SharedXinputRev
#define SharedXinputRev 6.0

     SHLIBLDFLAGS = SharedLibraryLoadFlags
         PICFLAGS = PositionIndependentCFlags

 * and now a little bit of magic for using imake without source tree; if we
 * are using shared libraries, we really do not need to depend on anything
#if SharedLibXext
     EXTENSIONLIB = LoaderLibPrefix _Use(-lXext_s, $(DEPEXTENSIONLIB))
#if SharedLibX
          DEPXLIB = $(DEPEXTENSIONLIB) _UseCat($(USRLIBDIR),$(XLIBSRC),/libX11_s.a)
             XLIB = $(EXTENSIONLIB) LoaderLibPrefix _Use(-lX11_s,$(XLIBSRC)/libX11_s.a)
#if SharedLibXmu
        DEPXMULIB = _UseCat($(USRLIBDIR),$(XMUSRC),/libXmu_s.a)
           XMULIB = LoaderLibPrefix _Use(-lXmu_s,$(DEPXMULIB))
#if SharedOldLibX
       DEPOLDXLIB = _UseCat($(USRLIBDIR),$(OLDXLIBSRC),/liboldX_s.a)
          OLDXLIB = LoaderLibPrefix _Use(-loldX_s,$(DEPOLDXLIB))
#if SharedLibXt
      DEPXTOOLLIB = _UseCat($(USRLIBDIR),$(TOOLKITSRC),/libXt_s.a)
         XTOOLLIB = LoaderLibPrefix _Use(-lXt_s,$(DEPXTOOLLIB))
#if SharedLibXaw
        DEPXAWLIB = _UseCat($(USRLIBDIR),$(AWIDGETSRC),/libXaw_s.a)
           XAWLIB = LoaderLibPrefix _Use(-lXaw_s,$(DEPXAWLIB))
#if SharedLibXinput
         DEPXILIB = _UseCat($(USRLIBDIR),$(XILIBSRC),/libXi_s.a)
            XILIB = LoaderLibPrefix _Use(-lXi_s,$(DEPXILIB))