XCOMM $Xorg: sv4Lib.rules,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:41:48 cpqbld Exp $

 * SVR4 shared library rules

XCOMM $XFree86: xc/config/cf/sv4Lib.rules,v 3.8tsi Exp $

#ifndef HasSharedLibraries
# define HasSharedLibraries YES
#ifndef SharedDataSeparation
# define SharedDataSeparation NO
#ifndef HasGcc2ForCplusplus
# define HasGcc2ForCplusplus HasGcc2
#ifndef SharedCodeDef
# define SharedCodeDef /**/
#ifndef SharedLibraryDef
# define SharedLibraryDef /**/
#ifndef ShLibIncludeFile
# define ShLibIncludeFile <sv4Lib.tmpl>
#ifndef SharedLibraryLdCmd
# define SharedLibraryLdCmd $(LD)
#ifndef SharedLibraryLoadFlags
# define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -G -z text
#ifndef RpathLoadFlags
#define RpathLoadFlags /**/
#ifndef LibraryRpathLoadFlags
#define LibraryRpathLoadFlags RpathLoadFlags
#ifndef HardCodeLibdirFlag
#define HardCodeLibdirFlag RpathLoadFlags
#ifndef PositionIndependentCFlags
# if HasGcc2
#  define PositionIndependentCFlags -fPIC
# else
#  define PositionIndependentCFlags -K PIC
# endif
#ifndef PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags
# if HasGcc2ForCplusplus
#  define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -fPIC
# else
#  define PositionIndependentCplusplusFlags -K PIC
# endif
#ifndef UseExportLists
# define UseExportLists NO
#ifndef StripInstalledPrograms
# define StripInstalledPrograms NO

 * InstallSharedLibrary - generate rules to install the shared library.
#ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
#if StripInstalledPrograms
# define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest)				@@\
install:: Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) 					@@\
	MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest)						@@\
	$(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
	mcs -d Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so.rev)		@@\
	@if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \				@@\
	  $(RM) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so); \		@@\
	  cd $(DESTDIR)dest; \						@@\
	  $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so)); fi
# define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest)				@@\
install:: Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) 					@@\
	MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest)						@@\
	$(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTLIBFLAGS) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) $(DESTDIR)dest @@\
	@if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \				@@\
	  $(RM) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,libname.so); \		@@\
	  cd $(DESTDIR)dest; \						@@\
	  $(LN) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so)); fi

#endif /* InstallSharedLibrary */

 * InstallSharedLibraryData - generate rules to install the shared library data
#ifndef InstallSharedLibraryData
# define InstallSharedLibraryData(libname,rev,dest)
#endif /* InstallSharedLibraryData */

#ifndef LinkWithExports
# if UseExportLists
#  define LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) \
	(cd down; $(CCENVSETUP) SharedLibraryLdCmd -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -h $@ solist $(REQUIREDLIBS))	@@\
	if [ -f Concat(lib,libname.elist) ]; then \			@@\
	    $(RM) down/$@.exports $@.list; \				@@\
	    $(CPP) $(ALLINCLUDES) $(EXTRA_DEFINES) $(PROTO_DEFINES) $(THREADS_DEFINES) $(DEFINES) Concat(lib,libname.elist) | CppSedMagic >$@.list; \	@@\
	    $(EXPORTLISTGEN) $@~ $@.list > down/$@.exports; \		@@\
	    (cd down; $(CCENVSETUP) SharedLibraryLdCmd -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -h $@ ShlibExportListOpt($@.exports) solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)); \	@@\
	    $(RM) down/$@.exports $@.list; \				@@\
# else
#  define LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up) \
	(cd down; $(CCENVSETUP) SharedLibraryLdCmd -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) -h $@ solist $(REQUIREDLIBS))
# endif

 * SharedLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library;
 * build it into a different name so that we do not hose people by having
 * the library gone for long periods.
#ifndef SharedLibraryTarget
# define SharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up)		@@\
AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so.rev))					@@\
Concat(lib,libname.so.rev):  solist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS)			@@\
	$(RM) $@~							@@\
	LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up)			@@\
	$(RM) $@ 							@@\
	$(MV) $@~ $@							@@\
	@if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \				@@\
	  $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so); \				@@\
	  $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.so)); fi				@@\
	LinkBuildLibrary($@)						@@\
	LinkBuildLibraryMaybe(Concat(lib,libname.so),$(SOSYMLINK))	@@\
clean::									@@\
	$(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so)

#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */

 * SharedDepLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library.
#ifndef SharedDepLibraryTarget
# define SharedDepLibraryTarget(libname,rev,deplist,solist,down,up)	@@\
AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so.rev))					@@\
Concat(lib,libname.so.rev):  deplist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS)		@@\
	$(RM) $@~							@@\
	LinkWithExports(libname,rev,solist,down,up)			@@\
	$(RM) $@ 							@@\
	$(MV) $@~ $@							@@\
	@if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \				@@\
	  $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so); \				@@\
	  $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.so)); fi				@@\
	LinkBuildLibrary($@)						@@\
	LinkBuildLibraryMaybe(Concat(lib,libname.so),$(SOSYMLINK))	@@\
clean::									@@\
	$(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev) Concat(lib,libname.so)

#endif /* SharedDepLibraryTarget */

 * SharedDepCplusplusLibraryTarget - generate rules to create a shared library.
#ifndef SharedDepCplusplusLibraryTarget
#define SharedDepCplusplusLibraryTarget(libname,rev,deplist,solist,down,up) @@\
AllTarget(Concat(lib,libname.so.rev))					@@\
Concat(lib,libname.so.rev):  deplist $(EXTRALIBRARYDEPS)		@@\
	$(RM) $@~							@@\
	(cd down; $(CXX) -o up/$@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) solist $(REQUIREDLIBS)) @@\
	$(RM) $@ 							@@\
	$(MV) $@~ $@							@@\
	@if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \				@@\
	  $(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so); \				@@\
	  $(LN) $@ Concat(lib,libname.so)); fi				@@\
	LinkBuildLibrary($@)						@@\
	LinkBuildLibraryMaybe(Concat(lib,libname.so),$(SOSYMLINK))	@@\
clean::									@@\
	$(RM) Concat(lib,libname.so.rev)				
#endif /* SharedDepCplusplusLibraryTarget */

#ifndef SharedDepModuleTarget
#define SharedDepModuleTarget(name,deps,solist)				@@\
AllTarget(name)								@@\
name: deps								@@\
	$(RM) $@~							@@\
	SharedLibraryLdCmd -o $@~ $(SHLIBLDFLAGS) solist $(REQUIREDLIBS) @@\
	$(RM) $@							@@\
	$(MV) $@~ $@							@@\
clean::									@@\
	$(RM) name

#endif /* SharedDepModuleTarget */

 * SharedLibraryDataTarget - generate rules to create shlib data file;
#ifndef SharedLibraryDataTarget
# define SharedLibraryDataTarget(libname,rev,salist)
#endif /* SharedLibraryTarget */