/* * pswsemantics.c * * (c) Copyright 1988-1994 Adobe Systems Incorporated. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sublicense this software * and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notices appear in all copies and that * both those copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation and that the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated * not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the * software without specific, written prior permission. No trademark license * to use the Adobe trademarks is hereby granted. If the Adobe trademark * "Display PostScript"(tm) is used to describe this software, its * functionality or for any other purpose, such use shall be limited to a * statement that this software works in conjunction with the Display * PostScript system. Proper trademark attribution to reflect Adobe's * ownership of the trademark shall be given whenever any such reference to * the Display PostScript system is made. * * ADOBE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE FOR * ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. * ADOBE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON- INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ADOBE BE LIABLE * TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ADOBE WILL NOT * PROVIDE ANY TRAINING OR OTHER SUPPORT FOR THE SOFTWARE. * * Adobe, PostScript, and Display PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems * Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions * * Author: Adobe Systems Incorporated */ /***********/ /* Imports */ /***********/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #ifdef XENVIRONMENT #include <X11/Xos.h> #else #include <string.h> #endif #include "pswdict.h" #include "pswpriv.h" #include "pswsemantics.h" /***********************/ /* Module-wide globals */ /***********************/ char *currentPSWName = NULL; int reportedPSWName = 0; static PSWDict currentDict = NULL; /*************************************************/ /* Procedures called by the parser's annotations */ /*************************************************/ static boolean IsCharType(Type t) { return (t == T_CHAR || t == T_UCHAR); } static boolean IsNumStrType(Type t) { return (t == T_NUMSTR || t == T_FLOATNUMSTR || t == T_LONGNUMSTR || t == T_SHORTNUMSTR); } void PSWName(char *s) { currentPSWName = psw_malloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(currentPSWName, s); reportedPSWName = 0; } /* Generate the code for this wrap now */ void FinalizePSWrapDef(Header hdr, Body body) { if (header && ! hdr->isStatic) EmitPrototype(hdr); printf("#line %d \"%s\"\n", ++outlineno, ofile); EmitBodyHeader(hdr); printf("{\n"); outlineno++; EmitBody(body, hdr); printf("}\n"); outlineno++; printf("#line %d \"%s\"\n", yylineno, ifile); outlineno++; /* release storage for this wrap */ /* Omit if you have lots of memory and want pswrap lean and mean */ if (bigFile) { register Arg arg, nextarg; register Item item, nextitem; for(arg = hdr->inArgs; arg; arg = nextarg) { nextarg = arg->next; for(item = arg->items; item; item = nextitem) { nextitem = item->next; if (item->subscripted) { if (!item->subscript->constant) free(item->subscript->name); free(item->subscript); if(item->scaled) { if (!item->scale->constant) free(item->scale->name); free(item->scale); } } free(item->name); free(item); } free(arg); } for(arg = hdr->outArgs; arg; arg = nextarg) { nextarg = arg->next; for(item = arg->items; item; item = nextitem) { nextitem = item->next; if (item->subscripted) { if (!item->subscript->constant) free(item->subscript->name); free(item->subscript); } free(item->name); free(item); } free(arg); } free(hdr->name); free(hdr); FreeBody(body); } DestroyPSWDict(currentDict); currentDict = NULL; currentPSWName = NULL; reportedPSWName = 0; } /* Complete construction of the Header tree and make some semantic checks */ Header PSWHeader(boolean isStatic, Args inArgs, Args outArgs) { char *name = currentPSWName; register Arg arg, prevArg; register Item item, prevItem; int nextTag = 0; Header hdr = (Header)psw_calloc(sizeof(HeaderRec), 1); hdr->isStatic = isStatic; hdr->name = name; currentDict = CreatePSWDict(511); prevArg = NULL; for (arg = inArgs; arg; arg = arg->next) { /* foreach input arg */ prevItem = NULL; for (item = arg->items; item; item = item->next) { if (IsCharType(arg->type) && !(item->starred || item->subscripted)) { ErrIntro(item->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr, "char input parameter %s must be starred or subscripted\n", item->name); /* remove item from list */ if (prevItem) {prevItem->next = item->next;} else if (item == arg->items) {arg->items = item->next;}; /* free(item); XXX? */ continue; } if(item->scaled && !IsNumStrType(arg->type)) { ErrIntro(item->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr,"only numstring parameters may be scaled\n"); } if (IsNumStrType(arg->type) && (item->starred || !item->subscripted)) { ErrIntro(item->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr, "numstring parameter %s may only be subscripted\n", item->name); /* remove item from list */ if (prevItem) {prevItem->next = item->next;} else if (item == arg->items) {arg->items = item->next;}; /* free(item); XXX? */ continue; } if (arg->type != T_CONTEXT) { if (PSWDictLookup(currentDict, item->name) != -1) { ErrIntro(item->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr,"parameter %s reused\n", item->name); if (prevItem) {prevItem->next = item->next;} else if (item == arg->items) {arg->items = item->next;}; /* free this ? */ continue; } PSWDictEnter(currentDict, item->name, (PSWDictValue) item); item->isoutput = false; item->type = arg->type; prevItem = item; } } if (arg->items == NULL) { if (prevArg) { prevArg->next = arg->next;} else if (arg == inArgs) {inArgs = arg->next;} continue; } prevArg = arg; } prevArg = NULL; for (arg = outArgs; arg; arg = arg->next) { /* foreach output arg */ prevItem = NULL; for (item = arg->items; item; item = item->next) { if (arg->type == T_USEROBJECT) { ErrIntro(item->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr,"output parameter %s can not be of type userobject\n", item->name); /* remove item from list */ if (prevItem) {prevItem->next = item->next;} else if (item == arg->items) {arg->items = item->next;}; /* free(item); XXX */ continue; } if (arg->type == T_NUMSTR || arg->type == T_FLOATNUMSTR || arg->type == T_LONGNUMSTR || arg->type == T_SHORTNUMSTR) { ErrIntro(item->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr,"output parameter %s can not be of type numstring\n", item->name); /* remove item from list */ if (prevItem) {prevItem->next = item->next;} else if (item == arg->items) {arg->items = item->next;}; /* free(item); XXX */ continue; } if (!(item->starred || item->subscripted)) { ErrIntro(item->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr,"output parameter %s must be starred or subscripted\n", item->name); /* remove item from list */ if (prevItem) {prevItem->next = item->next;} else if (item == arg->items) {arg->items = item->next;}; /* free(item); XXX */ continue; } if (PSWDictLookup(currentDict, item->name) != -1) { ErrIntro(item->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr,"parameter %s reused\n", item->name); /* remove item from list */ if (prevItem) {prevItem->next = item->next;} else if (item == arg->items) {arg->items = item->next;}; /* free the storage? XXX */ continue; } PSWDictEnter(currentDict, item->name, (PSWDictValue) item); item->isoutput = true; item->type = arg->type; item->tag = nextTag++; prevItem = item; } /* inside for loop */ if (arg->items == NULL) { if (prevArg) { prevArg->next = arg->next; } else if (arg == outArgs) { outArgs = arg->next; } continue; } prevArg = arg; } /* outside for loop */ /* now go looking for subscripts that name an input arg */ for (arg = inArgs; arg; arg = arg->next) { /* foreach input arg */ for (item = arg->items; item; item = item->next) { if (item->subscripted && !item->subscript->constant) { PSWDictValue v = PSWDictLookup(currentDict, item->subscript->name); if (v != -1) { Item subItem = (Item)v; if (subItem->isoutput) { ErrIntro(subItem->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr,"output parameter %s used as a subscript\n", subItem->name); continue; } if (subItem->type != T_INT) { ErrIntro(subItem->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr, "input parameter %s used as a subscript is not an int\n", subItem->name); continue; } } } } } for (arg = outArgs; arg; arg = arg->next) { /* foreach output arg */ for (item = arg->items; item; item = item->next) { if (item->subscripted && !item->subscript->constant) { PSWDictValue v = PSWDictLookup(currentDict, item->subscript->name); if (v != -1) { Item subItem = (Item)v; if (subItem->isoutput) { ErrIntro(subItem->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr,"output parameter %s used as a subscript\n", subItem->name); continue; } if (subItem->type != T_INT) { ErrIntro(subItem->sourceLine); fprintf(stderr, "input parameter %s used as a subscript is not an int\n", subItem->name); continue; } } } } } hdr->inArgs = inArgs; hdr->outArgs = outArgs; return hdr; } Token PSWToken(Type type, char *val) { register Token token = (Token)psw_calloc(sizeof(TokenRec), 1); token->next = NULL; token->type = type; token->val = val; token->sourceLine = yylineno; switch (type) { case T_STRING: case T_NAME: case T_LITNAME: { Item dictVal = (Item) PSWDictLookup(currentDict, (char *)val); if ((PSWDictValue) dictVal != -1) { if ((type != T_NAME) && (dictVal->isoutput)) { ErrIntro(yylineno); fprintf(stderr,"output parameter %s used as %s\n", dictVal->name, (type == T_STRING) ? "string": "literal name"); } else if ((type != T_NAME) && !IsCharType(dictVal->type)) { ErrIntro(yylineno); fprintf(stderr,"non-char input parameter %s used as %s\n", dictVal->name, (type == T_STRING) ? "string": "literal name"); } else token->namedFormal = dictVal; /* ok, so assign a value */ } break; } default: break; } return token; } Token PSWToken2(Type type, char *val, char *ind) { register Token token = (Token)psw_calloc(sizeof(TokenRec), 1); Item dictVal = (Item) PSWDictLookup(currentDict, val); Item dvi; token->next = NULL; token->type = type; token->val = val; token->sourceLine = yylineno; /* Assert(type == T_SUBSCRIPTED); */ if (((PSWDictValue) dictVal == -1) || (dictVal->isoutput)) { ErrIntro(yylineno); fprintf(stderr,"%s not an input parameter\n", val); } else if (!dictVal->subscripted) { ErrIntro(yylineno); fprintf(stderr,"%s not an array\n", val); } else if (dictVal->type >= T_NUMSTR) { ErrIntro(yylineno); fprintf(stderr,"cannot subscript numstring %s\n", val); } else if (IsCharType(dictVal->type)) { ErrIntro(yylineno); fprintf(stderr,"%s not a scalar type\n", val); } else { dvi = (Item) PSWDictLookup(currentDict, (char *)ind); if (((PSWDictValue) dvi != -1) && ((dvi->isoutput) || IsCharType(dvi->type))) { ErrIntro(yylineno); fprintf(stderr,"%s wrong type\n",(char *) ind); } else { token->body.var = (char *) ind; token->namedFormal = dictVal; /* ok, so assign a value */ return token; } } /* ERRORS fall through */ free(token); return (PSWToken(T_NAME,val)); } Arg PSWArg(Type type, Items items) { register Arg arg = (Arg)psw_calloc(sizeof(ArgRec), 1); arg->next = NULL; arg->type = type; arg->items = items; return arg; } Item PSWItem(char *name) { register Item item = (Item)psw_calloc(sizeof(ItemRec), 1); item->next = NULL; item->name = name; item->sourceLine = yylineno; return item; } Item PSWStarItem(char *name) { register Item item = (Item)psw_calloc(sizeof(ItemRec), 1); item->next = NULL; item->name = name; item->starred = true; item->sourceLine = yylineno; return item; } Item PSWSubscriptItem(char *name, Subscript subscript) { register Item item = (Item)psw_calloc(sizeof(ItemRec), 1); item->next = NULL; item->name = name; item->subscript = subscript; item->subscripted = true; item->sourceLine = yylineno; return item; } Item PSWScaleItem(char *name, Subscript subscript, char *nameval, int val) { Item item; Scale scale = (Scale)psw_calloc(sizeof(ScaleRec), 1); item = PSWSubscriptItem(name, subscript); item->scaled = true; if(nameval) scale->name = nameval; else { scale->constant = true; scale->val = val; } item->scale = scale; return(item); } Subscript PSWNameSubscript(char *name) { Subscript subscript = (Subscript)psw_calloc(sizeof(SubscriptRec), 1); subscript->name = name; return subscript; } Subscript PSWIntegerSubscript(int val) { Subscript subscript = (Subscript)psw_calloc(sizeof(SubscriptRec), 1); subscript->constant = true; subscript->val = val; return subscript; } Args ConsPSWArgs(Arg arg, Args args) { arg->next = args; return arg; } Tokens AppendPSWToken(Token token, Tokens tokens) { register Token t; static Token firstToken, lastToken; /* cache ptr to last */ if ((token->type == T_NAME) && (token->namedFormal)) { if( token->namedFormal->isoutput) { Token oldtoken; char *pos = "printobject"; char *ss = psw_malloc(strlen(pos) + 1); strcpy(ss, pos); free(token->val); oldtoken = token; token = PSWToken(T_INT, (char *) token->namedFormal->tag); free((char *)oldtoken); token->next = PSWToken(T_NAME, ss); } else if (token->namedFormal->type == T_USEROBJECT) { char *pos = "execuserobject"; char *ss = psw_malloc(strlen(pos) + 1); strcpy(ss, pos); token->next = PSWToken(T_NAME, ss); } } if (tokens == NULL) { firstToken = lastToken = token; return token; } if (tokens != firstToken) firstToken = lastToken = tokens; for (t = lastToken; t->next; t = t->next); lastToken = t->next = token; return tokens; } Args AppendPSWArgs(Arg arg, Args args) { register Arg a; arg->next = NULL; if (args == NULL) return arg; for (a = args; a->next; a = a->next); a->next = arg; return args; } Items AppendPSWItems(Item item, Items items) { register Item t; item->next = NULL; if (items == NULL) return item; for (t = items; t->next; t = t->next); t->next = item; return items; }