Current stable release: 6.4.2
Primary download site: SourceForge
Mesa is distributed in several parts:
If you're not interested in running the demos, you'll only need the first package.
The packages are available in .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 and .zip formats. Other organizations might offer additional package formats.
All the packages should be in the same directory prior to unpacking.
tar zxf MesaLib-X.Y.tar.gz tar zxf MesaDemos-X.Y.tar.gz tar zxf MesaGLUT-X.Y.tar.gzor
gzcat MesaLib-X.Y.tar.gz | tar xf - gzcat MesaDemos-X.Y.tar.gz | tar xf - gzcat MesaGLUT-X.Y.tar.gz | tar xf -or
gunzip MesaLib-X.Y.tar.gz ; tar xf MesaLib-X.Y.tar gunzip MesaDemos-X.Y.tar.gz ; tar xf MesaDemos-X.Y.tar gunzip MesaGLUT-X.Y.tar.gz ; tar xf MesaGLUT-X.Y.tar
bunzip2 -c MesaLib-X.Y.tar.gz | tar xf - bunzip2 -c MesaDemos-X.Y.tar.gz | tar xf - bunzip2 -c MesaGLUT-X.Y.tar.gz | tar xf -
unzip unzip unzip
After unpacking you'll have these directories:
Makefile - top-level Makefile for most systems configs/ - makefile parameter files for various systems include/ - GL header (include) files bin/ - shell scripts for making shared libraries, etc docs/ - documentation src/ - source code for libraries src/mesa - sources for the main Mesa library and device drivers src/glu - libGLU source code src/glw - Xt/Motif/OpenGL widget codeIf you downloaded and unpacked the MesaDemos.X.Y package:
progs/demos - original Mesa demos progs/xdemos - GLX OpenGL/Mesa demos progs/redbook - examples from the OpenGL Programming Guide progs/samples - examples from SGI progs/images/ - image filesIf you downloaded and unpacked the MesaGLUT.X.Y package:
src/glut - GLUT library source code
Proceed to the compilation and installation instructions.