Fontconfig Developers Reference, Version 2.3.2 Keith Packard HP Cambridge Research Lab _________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. DESCRIPTION 2. FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW 2.1. FONT CONFIGURATION 2.2. FONT PROPERTIES 3. Datatypes 3.1. FcChar8, FcChar16, FcChar32, FcBool 3.2. FcMatrix 3.3. FcCharSet 3.4. FcType 3.5. FcValue 3.6. FcPattern 3.7. FcFontSet 3.8. FcStrSet, FcStrList 3.9. FcObjectSet 3.10. FcObjectType 3.11. FcConstant 3.12. FcBlanks 3.13. FcFileCache 3.14. FcConfig 3.15. FcSetName 3.16. FcResult 3.17. FcAtomic 4. FUNCTIONS 4.1. Initialization FcInitLoadConfig -- load configuration FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts -- load configuration and font data FcInit -- initialize fontconfig library FcFini -- finalize fonconfig library FcGetVersion -- library version number FcInitReinitialize -- re-initialize library FcInitBringUptoDate -- reload configuration files if needed 4.2. FcPattern FcPatternCreate -- Create a pattern FcPatternDestroy -- Destroy a pattern FcPatternEqual -- Compare patterns FcPatternEqualSubset -- Compare portions of patterns FcPatternHash -- Compute a pattern hash value FcPatternAdd -- Add a value to a pattern FcPatternAddWeak -- Add a value to a pattern with weak binding FcPatternAdd-Type -- Add a typed value to a pattern FcPatternGet -- Return a value from a pattern FcPatternGet-Type -- Return a typed value from a pattern FcPatternBuild -- Create patterns from arguments FcPatternDel -- Delete a property from a pattern FcPatternRemove -- Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern FcPatternPrint -- Print a pattern for debugging FcDefaultSubstitute -- Perform default substitutions in a pattern FcNameParse -- Parse a pattern string FcNameUnparse -- Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed 4.3. FcFontSet FcFontSetCreate -- Create a font set FcFontSetDestroy -- Destroy a font set FcFontSetAdd -- Add to a font set 4.4. FcObjectSet FcObjectSetCreate -- Create an object set FcObjectSetAdd -- Add to an object set FcObjectSetDestroy -- Destroy an object set FcObjectSetBuild -- Build object set from args 4.5. FreeType specific functions FcFreeTypeCharIndex -- map Unicode to glyph id FcFreeTypeCharSet -- compute unicode coverage FcFreeTypeQuery -- compute font file pattern 4.6. FcValue FcValueDestroy -- Free a value FcValueSave -- Copy a value 4.7. FcCharSet FcCharSetCreate -- Create an empty character set FcCharSetDestroy -- Destroy a character set FcCharSetAddChar -- Add a character to a charset FcCharSetCopy -- Copy a charset FcCharSetEqual -- Compare two charsets FcCharSetIntersect -- Intersect charsets FcCharSetUnion -- Add charsets FcCharSetSubtract -- Subtract charsets FcCharSetHasChar -- Check a charset for a char FcCharSetCount -- Count entries in a charset FcCharSetIntersectCount -- Intersect and count charsets FcCharSetSubtractCount -- Subtract and count charsets FcCharSetIsSubset -- Test for charset inclusion FcCharSetFirstPage -- Start enumerating charset contents FcCharSetNextPage -- Continue enumerating charset contents 4.8. FcMatrix FcMatrixInit -- initialize an FcMatrix structure FcMatrixCopy -- Copy a matrix FcMatrixEqual -- Compare two matrices FcMatrixMultiply -- Multiply matrices FcMatrixRotate -- Rotate a matrix FcMatrixScale -- Scale a matrix FcMatrixShear -- Shear a matrix 4.9. FcConfig FcConfigCreate -- Create a configuration FcConfigDestroy -- Destroy a configuration FcConfigSetCurrent -- Set configuration as default FcConfigGetCurrent -- Return current configuration FcConfigUptoDate -- Check timestamps on config files FcConfigBuildFonts -- Build font database FcConfigGetConfigDirs -- Get config directories FcConfigGetFontDirs -- Get font directories FcConfigGetConfigFiles -- Get config files FcConfigGetCache -- Get cache filename FcConfigGetFonts -- Get config font set FcConfigGetBlanks -- Get config blanks FcConfigGetRescanInverval -- Get config rescan interval FcConfigSetRescanInverval -- Set config rescan interval FcConfigAppFontAddFile -- Add font file to font database FcConfigAppFontAddDir -- Add fonts from directory to font database FcConfigAppFontClear -- Remove all app fonts from font database FcConfigSubstituteWithPat -- Execute substitutions FcConfigSubstitute -- Execute substitutions FcFontMatch -- Return best font FcFontSort -- Return list of matching fonts FcFontRenderPrepare -- Prepare pattern for loading font file FcFontList -- List fonts FcConfigFilename -- Find a config file FcConfigParseAndLoad -- load a configuration file 4.10. FcObjectType FcNameRegisterObjectTypes -- Register object types FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes -- Unregister object types FcNameGetObjectType -- Lookup an object type 4.11. FcConstant FcNameRegisterConstants -- Register symbolic constants FcNameUnregisterConstants -- Unregister symbolic constants FcNameGetConstant -- Lookup symbolic constant FcNameConstant -- Get the value for a symbolic constant 4.12. FcBlanks FcBlanksCreate -- Create an FcBlanks FcBlanksDestroy -- Destroy and FcBlanks FcBlanksAdd -- Add a character to an FcBlanks FcBlanksIsMember -- Query membership in an FcBlanks 4.13. FcAtomic FcAtomicCreate -- create an FcAtomic object FcAtomicLock -- lock a file FcAtomicNewFile -- return new temporary file name FcAtomicOrigFile -- return original file name FcAtomicReplaceOrig -- replace original with new FcAtomicDeleteNew -- delete new file FcAtomicUnlock -- unlock a file FcAtomicDestroy -- destroy an FcAtomic object 4.14. File and Directory routines FcFileScan -- scan a font file FcDirScan -- scan a font directory FcDirSave -- save a directory cache FcDirCacheValid -- check directory cache timestamp 4.15. FcStrSet and FcStrList FcStrSetCreate -- create a string set FcStrSetMember -- check set for membership FcStrSetAdd -- add to a string set FcStrSetAddFilename -- add a filename to a string set FcStrSetDel -- delete from a string set FcStrSetDestroy -- destroy a string set FcStrListCreate -- create a string iterator FcStrListNext -- get next string in iteration FcStrListDone -- destroy a string iterator 4.16. String utilities FcUtf8ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-8 to UCS4 FcUcs4ToUtf8 -- convert UCS4 to UTF-8 FcUtf8Len -- count UTF-8 encoded chars FcUtf16ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-16 to UCS4 FcUtf16Len -- count UTF-16 encoded chars FcStrCopy -- duplicate a string FcStrDowncase -- create a lower case translation of a string FcStrCopyFilename -- copy a string, expanding '~' FcStrCmpIgnoreCase -- compare UTF-8 strings ignoring ASCII case FcStrStr -- locate UTF-8 substring FcStrStrIgnoreCase -- locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case FcStrDirname -- directory part of filename FcStrBasename -- last component of filename 1. DESCRIPTION Fontconfig is a library designed to provide system-wide font configuration, customization and application access. _________________________________________________________ 2. FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW Fontconfig contains two essential modules, the configuration module which builds an internal configuration from XML files and the matching module which accepts font patterns and returns the nearest matching font. _________________________________________________________ 2.1. FONT CONFIGURATION The configuration module consists of the FcConfig datatype, libexpat and FcConfigParse which walks over an XML tree and ammends a configuration with data found within. From an external perspective, configuration of the library consists of generating a valid XML tree and feeding that to FcConfigParse. The only other mechanism provided to applications for changing the running configuration is to add fonts and directories to the list of application-provided font files. The intent is to make font configurations relatively static, and shared by as many applications as possible. It is hoped that this will lead to more stable font selection when passing names from one application to another. XML was chosen as a configuration file format because it provides a format which is easy for external agents to edit while retaining the correct structure and syntax. Font configuration is separate from font matching; applications needing to do their own matching can access the available fonts from the library and perform private matching. The intent is to permit applications to pick and choose appropriate functionality from the library instead of forcing them to choose between this library and a private configuration mechanism. The hope is that this will ensure that configuration of fonts for all applications can be centralized in one place. Centralizing font configuration will simplify and regularize font installation and customization. _________________________________________________________ 2.2. FONT PROPERTIES While font patterns may contain essentially any properties, there are some well known properties with associated types. Fontconfig uses some of these properties for font matching and font completion. Others are provided as a convenience for the applications rendering mechanism. Property Definitions Property CPP Symbol Type Description ---------------------------------------------------- family FC_FAMILY String Font family names familylang FC_FAMILYLANG String Language cooresponding to each family name style FC_STYLE String Font style. Overrides w eight and slant stylelang FC_STYLELANG String Language cooresponding to each style name fullname FC_FULLNAME String Font face full name whe re different from family a nd family + style fullnamelang FC_FULLNAMELANG String Language cooresponding to each fullname slant FC_SLANT Int Italic, oblique or roma n weight FC_WEIGHT Int Light, medium, demibold , bold or black size FC_SIZE Double Point size width FC_WIDTH Int Condensed, normal or ex panded aspect FC_ASPECT Double Stretches glyphs horizo ntally before hinting pixelsize FC_PIXEL_SIZE Double Pixel size spacing FC_SPACING Int Proportional, dual-widt h, monospace or charcell foundry FC_FOUNDRY String Font foundry name antialias FC_ANTIALIAS Bool Whether glyphs can be antialiased hinting FC_HINTING Bool Whether the rasterizer should use hinting hintstyle FC_HINT_STYLE Int Automatic hinting style verticallayout FC_VERTICAL_LAYOUT Bool Use vertical layout autohint FC_AUTOHINT Bool Use autohinter instead of normal hinter globaladvance FC_GLOBAL_ADVANCE Bool Use font global advance data file FC_FILE String The filename holding th e font index FC_INDEX Int The index of the font w ithin the file ftface FC_FT_FACE FT_Face Use the specified FreeT ype face object rasterizer FC_RASTERIZER String Which rasterizer is in use outline FC_OUTLINE Bool Whether the glyphs are outlines scalable FC_SCALABLE Bool Whether glyphs can be s caled scale FC_SCALE Double Scale factor for point- >pixel conversions dpi FC_DPI Double Target dots per inch rgba FC_RGBA Int unknown, rgb, bgr, vrgb , vbgr, none - subpixel g eometry minspace FC_MINSPACE Bool Eliminate leading from line spacing charset FC_CHARSET CharSet Unicode chars encoded b y the font lang FC_LANG String List of RFC-3066-style languages this font sup ports fontversion FC_FONTVERSION Int Version number of the f ont capability FC_CAPABILITY String List of layout capabili ties in the font embolden FC_EMBOLDEN Bool Rasterizer should synthetically embolden the font _________________________________________________________ 3. Datatypes Fontconfig uses abstract datatypes to hide internal implementation details for most data structures. A few structures are exposed where appropriate. _________________________________________________________ 3.1. FcChar8, FcChar16, FcChar32, FcBool These are primitive datatypes; the FcChar* types hold precisely the number of bits stated (if supported by the C implementation). FcBool holds one of two CPP symbols: FcFalse or FcTrue. _________________________________________________________ 3.2. FcMatrix An FcMatrix holds an affine transformation, usually used to reshape glyphs. A small set of matrix operations are provided to manipulate these. typedef struct _FcMatrix { double xx, xy, yx, yy; } FcMatrix; _________________________________________________________ 3.3. FcCharSet An FcCharSet is an abstract type that holds the set of encoded unicode chars in a font. Operations to build and compare these sets are provided. _________________________________________________________ 3.4. FcType Tags the kind of data stored in an FcValue. _________________________________________________________ 3.5. FcValue An FcValue object holds a single value with one of a number of different types. The 'type' tag indicates which member is valid. typedef struct _FcValue { FcType type; union { const FcChar8 *s; int i; FcBool b; double d; const FcMatrix *m; const FcCharSet *c; } u; } FcValue; FcValue Members Type Union member Datatype -------------------------------- FcTypeVoid (none) (none) FcTypeInteger i int FcTypeDouble d double FcTypeString s char * FcTypeBool b b FcTypeMatrix m FcMatrix * FcTypeCharSet c FcCharSet * _________________________________________________________ 3.6. FcPattern holds a set of names with associated value lists; each name refers to a property of a font. FcPatterns are used as inputs to the matching code as well as holding information about specific fonts. Each property can hold one or more values; conventionally all of the same type, although the interface doesn't demand that. _________________________________________________________ 3.7. FcFontSet typedef struct _FcFontSet { int nfont; int sfont; FcPattern **fonts; } FcFontSet; An FcFontSet contains a list of FcPatterns. Internally fontconfig uses this data structure to hold sets of fonts. Externally, fontconfig returns the results of listing fonts in this format. 'nfont' holds the number of patterns in the 'fonts' array; 'sfont' is used to indicate the size of that array. _________________________________________________________ 3.8. FcStrSet, FcStrList FcStrSet holds a list of strings that can be appended to and enumerated. Its unique characteristic is that the enumeration works even while strings are appended during enumeration. FcStrList is used during enumeration to safely and correctly walk the list of strings even while that list is edited in the middle of enumeration. _________________________________________________________ 3.9. FcObjectSet typedef struct _FcObjectSet { int nobject; int sobject; const char **objects; } FcObjectSet; holds a set of names and is used to specify which fields from fonts are placed in the the list of returned patterns when listing fonts. _________________________________________________________ 3.10. FcObjectType typedef struct _FcObjectType { const char *object; FcType type; } FcObjectType; marks the type of a pattern element generated when parsing font names. Applications can add new object types so that font names may contain the new elements. _________________________________________________________ 3.11. FcConstant typedef struct _FcConstant { const FcChar8 *name; const char *object; int value; } FcConstant; Provides for symbolic constants for new pattern elements. When 'name' is seen in a font name, an 'object' element is created with value 'value'. _________________________________________________________ 3.12. FcBlanks holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to be blank; unexpectedly blank chars are assumed to be invalid and are elided from the charset associated with the font. _________________________________________________________ 3.13. FcFileCache holds the per-user cache information for use while loading the font database. This is built automatically for the current configuration when that is loaded. Applications must always pass '0' when one is requested. _________________________________________________________ 3.14. FcConfig holds a complete configuration of the library; there is one default configuration, other can be constructed from XML data structures. All public entry points that need global data can take an optional FcConfig* argument; passing 0 uses the default configuration. FcConfig objects hold two sets of fonts, the first contains those specified by the configuration, the second set holds those added by the application at run-time. Interfaces that need to reference a particulat set use one of the FcSetName enumerated values. _________________________________________________________ 3.15. FcSetName Specifies one of the two sets of fonts available in a configuration; FcSetSystem for those fonts specified in the configuration and FcSetApplication which holds fonts provided by the application. _________________________________________________________ 3.16. FcResult Used as a return type for functions manipulating FcPattern objects. FcResult Values Result Code Meaning ----------------------------------------------------------- FcResultMatch Object exists with the specified ID FcResultNoMatch Object doesn't exist at all FcResultTypeMismatch Object exists, but the type doesn't mat ch FcResultNoId Object exists, but has fewer values than specified FcResultOutOfMemory Malloc failed _________________________________________________________ 3.17. FcAtomic Used for locking access to config files. Provides a safe way to update configuration files. _________________________________________________________ 4. FUNCTIONS These are grouped by functionality, often using the main datatype being manipulated. _________________________________________________________ 4.1. Initialization Table of Contents FcInitLoadConfig -- load configuration FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts -- load configuration and font data FcInit -- initialize fontconfig library FcFini -- finalize fonconfig library FcGetVersion -- library version number FcInitReinitialize -- re-initialize library FcInitBringUptoDate -- reload configuration files if needed These functions provide some control over how the library is initialized. FcInitLoadConfig Name FcInitLoadConfig -- load configuration Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcConfig * FcInitLoadConfig(void); Description Loads the default configuration file and returns the resulting configuration. Does not load any font information. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts Name FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts -- load configuration and font data Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcConfig * FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts(void); Description Loads the default configuration file and builds information about the available fonts. Returns the resulting configuration. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcInit Name FcInit -- initialize fontconfig library Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcInit(void); Description Loads the default configuration file and the fonts referenced therein and sets the default configuration to that result. Returns whether this process succeeded or not. If the default configuration has already been loaded, this routine does nothing and returns FcTrue. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcFini Name FcFini -- finalize fonconfig library Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcFini(void); Description Frees all data structures allocated by previous calls to fontconfig functions. Fontconfig returns to an uninitialized state, requiring a new call to one of the FcInit functions before any other fontconfig function may be called. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcGetVersion Name FcGetVersion -- library version number Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> int FcGetVersion(void); Description Returns the version number of the library. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcInitReinitialize Name FcInitReinitialize -- re-initialize library Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcInitReinitialize(void); Description Forces the default configuration file to be reloaded and resets the default configuration. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcInitBringUptoDate Name FcInitBringUptoDate -- reload configuration files if needed Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcInitBringUptoDate(void); Description Checks the rescan interval in the default configuration, checking the configuration if the interval has passed and reloading the configuration if when any changes are detected. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.2. FcPattern Table of Contents FcPatternCreate -- Create a pattern FcPatternDestroy -- Destroy a pattern FcPatternEqual -- Compare patterns FcPatternEqualSubset -- Compare portions of patterns FcPatternHash -- Compute a pattern hash value FcPatternAdd -- Add a value to a pattern FcPatternAddWeak -- Add a value to a pattern with weak binding FcPatternAdd-Type -- Add a typed value to a pattern FcPatternGet -- Return a value from a pattern FcPatternGet-Type -- Return a typed value from a pattern FcPatternBuild -- Create patterns from arguments FcPatternDel -- Delete a property from a pattern FcPatternRemove -- Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern FcPatternPrint -- Print a pattern for debugging FcDefaultSubstitute -- Perform default substitutions in a pattern FcNameParse -- Parse a pattern string FcNameUnparse -- Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed An FcPattern is an opaque type that holds both patterns to match against the available fonts, as well as the information about each font. FcPatternCreate Name FcPatternCreate -- Create a pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcPattern * FcPatternCreate(void); Description Creates a pattern with no properties; used to build patterns from scratch. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternDestroy Name FcPatternDestroy -- Destroy a pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcPatternDestroy(FcPattern *p); Description Destroys a pattern, in the process destroying all related values. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternEqual Name FcPatternEqual -- Compare patterns Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcPatternEqual(const FcPattern *pa, const FcPattern *pb); Description Returns whether pa and pb are exactly alike. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternEqualSubset Name FcPatternEqualSubset -- Compare portions of patterns Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcPatternEqualSubset(const FcPattern *pa, const FcPattern *pb, const FcObjectSet *os); Description Returns whether pa and pb have exactly the same values for all of the objects in os. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternHash Name FcPatternHash -- Compute a pattern hash value Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar32 FcPatternHash(const FcPattern *p); Description Returns a 32-bit number which is the same for any two patterns which are equal. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternAdd Name FcPatternAdd -- Add a value to a pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcPatternAdd(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcValuevalue, FcBoolappend); Description Adds a single value to the list of values associated with the property named `object. If `append is FcTrue, the value is added at the end of any existing list, otherwise it is inserted at the begining. `value' is saved (with FcValueSave) when inserted into the pattern so that the library retains no reference to any application-supplied data structure. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternAddWeak Name FcPatternAddWeak -- Add a value to a pattern with weak binding Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcPatternAddWeak(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcValuevalue, FcBoolappend); Description FcPatternAddWeak is essentially the same as FcPatternAdd except that any values added to the list have binding weak instead of strong. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternAdd-Type Name FcPatternAddInteger, FcPatternAddDouble, FcPatternAddString, FcPatternAddMatrix, FcPatternAddCharSet, FcPatternAddBool -- Add a typed value to a pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcPatternAddInteger(FcPattern *p, const char *object, inti); FcBool FcPatternAddDouble(FcPattern *p, const char *object, doubled); FcBool FcPatternAddString(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const char *s); FcBool FcPatternAddMatrix(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcMatrix *m); FcBool FcPatternAddCharSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcCharSet *c); FcBool FcPatternAddBool(FcPattern *p, const char *object, FcBoolb); Description These are all convenience functions that insert objects of the specified type into the pattern. Use these in preference to FcPatternAdd as they will provide compile-time typechecking. These all append values to any existing list of values. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternGet Name FcPatternGet -- Return a value from a pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcResult FcPatternGet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, intid, FcValue *v); Description Returns in v the id'th value associated with the property object. The value returned is not a copy, but rather refers to the data stored within the pattern directly. Applications must not free this value. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternGet-Type Name FcPatternGetInteger, FcPatternGetDouble, FcPatternGetString, FcPatternGetMatrix, FcPatternGetCharSet, FcPatternGetBool -- Return a typed value from a pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcResult FcPatternGetInteger(FcPattern *p, const char *object, intn, int *i); FcResult FcPatternGetDouble(FcPattern *p, const char *object, intn, double *d); FcResult FcPatternGetString(FcPattern *p, const char *object, intn, char **consts); FcResult FcPatternGetMatrix(FcPattern *p, const char *object, intn, FcMatrix **s); FcResult FcPatternGetCharSet(FcPattern *p, const char *object, intn, FcCharSet **c); FcResult FcPatternGetBool(FcPattern *p, const char *object, intn, FcBool *b); Description These are convenience functions that call FcPatternGet and verify that the returned data is of the expected type. They return FcResultTypeMismatch if this is not the case. Note that these (like FcPatternGet) do not make a copy of any data structure referenced by the return value. Use these in preference to FcPatternGet to provide compile-time typechecking. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternBuild Name FcPatternBuild, FcPatternVaBuild -- Create patterns from arguments Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcPattern * FcPatternBuild(FcPattern *orig, ...); FcPattern * FcPatternVaBuild(FcPattern *orig, va_listva); Description Builds a pattern using a list of objects, types and values. Each value to be entered in the pattern is specified with three arguments: 1. Object name, a string describing the property to be added. 2. Object type, one of the FcType enumerated values 3. Value, not an FcValue, but the raw type as passed to any of the FcPatternAdd<type> functions. Must match the type of the second argument. The argument list is terminated by a null object name, no object type nor value need be passed for this. The values are added to `pattern', if `pattern' is null, a new pattern is created. In either case, the pattern is returned. Example pattern = FcPatternBuild (0, FC_FAMILY, FtTypeString, "Times", (char *) 0); FcPatternVaBuild is used when the arguments are already in the form of a varargs value. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternDel Name FcPatternDel -- Delete a property from a pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcPatternDel(FcPattern *p, const char *object); Description Deletes all values associated with the property `object', returning whether the property existed or not. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternRemove Name FcPatternRemove -- Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcPatternRemove(FcPattern *p, const char *object, intid); Description Removes the value associated with the property `object' at position `id', returning whether the property existed and had a value at that position or not. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcPatternPrint Name FcPatternPrint -- Print a pattern for debugging Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcPatternPrint(const FcPattern *p); Description Prints an easily readable version of the pattern to stdout. There is no provision for reparsing data in this format, it's just for diagnostics and debugging. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcDefaultSubstitute Name FcDefaultSubstitute -- Perform default substitutions in a pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcDefaultSubstitute(FcPattern *pattern); Description Supplies default values for underspecified font patterns: * Patterns without a specified style or weight are set to Medium * Patterns without a specified style or slant are set to Roman * Patterns without a specified pixel size are given one computed from any specified point size (default 12), dpi (default 75) and scale (default 1). Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcNameParse Name FcNameParse -- Parse a pattern string Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcPattern * FcNameParse(const char *name); Description Converts name from the standard text format described above into a pattern. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcNameUnparse Name FcNameUnparse -- Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcNameUnparse(FcPattern *pat); Description Converts the given pattern into the standard text format described above. The return value is not static, but instead refers to newly allocated memory which should be freed by the caller. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.3. FcFontSet Table of Contents FcFontSetCreate -- Create a font set FcFontSetDestroy -- Destroy a font set FcFontSetAdd -- Add to a font set An FcFontSet simply holds a list of patterns; these are used to return the results of listing available fonts. FcFontSetCreate Name FcFontSetCreate -- Create a font set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcFontSet * FcFontSetCreate(void); Description Creates an empty font set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcFontSetDestroy Name FcFontSetDestroy -- Destroy a font set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcFontSetDestroy(FcFontSet *s); Description Destroys a font set. Note that this destroys any referenced patterns as well. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcFontSetAdd Name FcFontSetAdd -- Add to a font set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcFontSetAdd(FcFontSet *s, FcPattern *font); Description Adds a pattern to a font set. Note that the pattern is not copied before being inserted into the set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.4. FcObjectSet Table of Contents FcObjectSetCreate -- Create an object set FcObjectSetAdd -- Add to an object set FcObjectSetDestroy -- Destroy an object set FcObjectSetBuild -- Build object set from args An FcObjectSet holds a list of pattern property names; it is used to indiciate which properties are to be returned in the patterns from FcFontList. FcObjectSetCreate Name FcObjectSetCreate -- Create an object set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetCreate(void); Description Creates an empty set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcObjectSetAdd Name FcObjectSetAdd -- Add to an object set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcObjectSetAdd(FcObjectSet *os, const char *object); Description Adds a proprety name to the set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcObjectSetDestroy Name FcObjectSetDestroy -- Destroy an object set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcObjectSetDestroy(FcObjectSet *os); Description Destroys an object set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcObjectSetBuild Name FcObjectSetBuild, FcObjectSetVaBuild -- Build object set from args Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetBuild(const char *first, ...); FcObjectSet * FcObjectSetVaBuild(const char *first, va_listva); Description These build an object set from a null-terminated list of property names. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.5. FreeType specific functions Table of Contents FcFreeTypeCharIndex -- map Unicode to glyph id FcFreeTypeCharSet -- compute unicode coverage FcFreeTypeQuery -- compute font file pattern While the fontconfig library doesn't insist that FreeType be used as the rasterization mechanism for fonts, it does provide some convenience functions. FcFreeTypeCharIndex Name FcFreeTypeCharIndex -- map Unicode to glyph id Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> #include <fcfreetype.h> FT_UInt FcFreeTypeCharIndex(FT_Faceface, FcChar32ucs4); Description Maps a Unicode char to a glyph index. This function uses information from several possible underlying encoding tables to work around broken fonts. As a result, this function isn't designed to be used in performance sensitive areas; results from this function are intended to be cached by higher level functions. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcFreeTypeCharSet Name FcFreeTypeCharSet -- compute unicode coverage Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> #include <fcfreetype.h> FcCharSet * FcFreeTypeCharSet(FT_Faceface, FcBlanks *blanks); Description Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars. This scans several encoding tables to build as complete a list as possible. If 'blanks' is not 0, the glyphs in the font are examined and any blank glyphs not in 'blanks' are not placed in the returned FcCharSet. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcFreeTypeQuery Name FcFreeTypeQuery -- compute font file pattern Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> #include <fcfreetype.h> FcPattern * FcFreeTypeQuery(const char *file, intid, FcBlanks *blanks, int *count); Description Constructs a pattern representing the 'id'th font in 'file'. The number of fonts in 'file' is returned in 'count'. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.6. FcValue Table of Contents FcValueDestroy -- Free a value FcValueSave -- Copy a value FcValue is a structure containing a type tag and a union of all possible datatypes. The tag is an enum of type FcType and is intended to provide a measure of run-time typechecking, although that depends on careful programming. FcValueDestroy Name FcValueDestroy -- Free a value Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcValueDestroy(FcValuev); Description Frees any memory referenced by v. Values of type FcTypeString, FcTypeMatrix and FcTypeCharSet reference memory, the other types do not. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcValueSave Name FcValueSave -- Copy a value Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcValue FcValueSave(FcValuev); Description Returns a copy of v duplicating any object referenced by it so that v may be safely destroyed without harming the new value. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.7. FcCharSet Table of Contents FcCharSetCreate -- Create an empty character set FcCharSetDestroy -- Destroy a character set FcCharSetAddChar -- Add a character to a charset FcCharSetCopy -- Copy a charset FcCharSetEqual -- Compare two charsets FcCharSetIntersect -- Intersect charsets FcCharSetUnion -- Add charsets FcCharSetSubtract -- Subtract charsets FcCharSetHasChar -- Check a charset for a char FcCharSetCount -- Count entries in a charset FcCharSetIntersectCount -- Intersect and count charsets FcCharSetSubtractCount -- Subtract and count charsets FcCharSetIsSubset -- Test for charset inclusion FcCharSetFirstPage -- Start enumerating charset contents FcCharSetNextPage -- Continue enumerating charset contents An FcCharSet is a boolean array indicating a set of unicode chars. Those associated with a font are marked constant and cannot be edited. FcCharSets may be reference counted internally to reduce memory consumption; this may be visible to applications as the result of FcCharSetCopy may return it's argument, and that CharSet may remain unmodifiable. FcCharSetCreate Name FcCharSetCreate -- Create an empty character set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcCharSet * FcCharSetCreate(void); Description FcCharSetCreate allocates and initializes a new empty character set object. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetDestroy Name FcCharSetDestroy -- Destroy a character set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcCharSetDestroy(FcCharSet *fcs); Description FcCharSetDestroy decrements the reference count fcs. If the reference count becomes zero, all memory referenced is freed. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetAddChar Name FcCharSetAddChar -- Add a character to a charset Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcCharSetAddChar(FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32ucs4); Description FcCharSetAddChar adds a single unicode char to the set, returning FcFalse on failure, either as a result of a constant set or from running out of memory. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetCopy Name FcCharSetCopy -- Copy a charset Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcCharSet * FcCharSetCopy(FcCharSet *src); Description Makes a copy of src; note that this may not actually do anything more than increment the reference count on src. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetEqual Name FcCharSetEqual -- Compare two charsets Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcCharSetEqual(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); Description Returns whether a and b contain the same set of unicode chars. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetIntersect Name FcCharSetIntersect -- Intersect charsets Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcCharSet * FcCharSetIntersect(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); Description Returns a set including only those chars found in both a and b. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetUnion Name FcCharSetUnion -- Add charsets Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcCharSet * FcCharSetUnion(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); Description Returns a set including only those chars found in either a or b. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetSubtract Name FcCharSetSubtract -- Subtract charsets Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcCharSet * FcCharSetSubtract(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); Description Returns a set including only those chars found in a but not b. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetHasChar Name FcCharSetHasChar -- Check a charset for a char Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcCharSetHasChar(const FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32ucs4); Description Returns whether fcs contains the char ucs4. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetCount Name FcCharSetCount -- Count entries in a charset Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar32 FcCharSetCount(const FcCharSet *a); Description Returns the total number of unicode chars in a. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetIntersectCount Name FcCharSetIntersectCount -- Intersect and count charsets Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar32 FcCharSetIntersectCount(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); Description Returns the number of chars that are in both a and b. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetSubtractCount Name FcCharSetSubtractCount -- Subtract and count charsets Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar32 FcCharSetSubtractCount(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); Description Returns the number of chars that are in a but not in b. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetIsSubset Name FcCharSetIsSubset -- Test for charset inclusion Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcCharSetIsSubset(const FcCharSet *a, const FcCharSet *b); Description Returns whether a is a subset of b. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetFirstPage Name FcCharSetFirstPage -- Start enumerating charset contents Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar32 FcCharSetFirstPage(const FcCharSet *a, FcChar32[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE]map, FcChar32 *next); Description Builds an array of bits marking the first page of Unicode coverage of a. Returns the base of the array. next contains the next page in the font. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcCharSetNextPage Name FcCharSetNextPage -- Continue enumerating charset contents Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar32 FcCharSetNextPage(const FcCharSet *a, FcChar32[FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE]map, FcChar32 *next); Description Builds an array of bits marking the Unicode coverage of a for page *next. Returns the base of the array. next contains the next page in the font. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.8. FcMatrix Table of Contents FcMatrixInit -- initialize an FcMatrix structure FcMatrixCopy -- Copy a matrix FcMatrixEqual -- Compare two matrices FcMatrixMultiply -- Multiply matrices FcMatrixRotate -- Rotate a matrix FcMatrixScale -- Scale a matrix FcMatrixShear -- Shear a matrix FcMatrix structures hold an affine transformation in matrix form. FcMatrixInit Name FcMatrixInit -- initialize an FcMatrix structure Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcMatrixInit(FcMatrix *matrix); Description FcMatrixInit initializes matrix to the identity matrix. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcMatrixCopy Name FcMatrixCopy -- Copy a matrix Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcMatrixCopy(const FcMatrix *matrix); Description FcMatrixCopy allocates a new FcMatrix and copies mat into it. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcMatrixEqual Name FcMatrixEqual -- Compare two matrices Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcMatrixEqual(const FcMatrix *matrix1, const FcMatrix *matrix2); Description FcMatrixEqual compares matrix1 and matrix2 returning FcTrue when they are equal and FcFalse when they are not. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcMatrixMultiply Name FcMatrixMultiply -- Multiply matrices Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcMatrixMultiply(FcMatrix *result, const FcMatrix *matrix1, const FcMatrix *matrix2); Description FcMatrixMultiply multiplies matrix1 and matrix2 storing the result in result. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcMatrixRotate Name FcMatrixRotate -- Rotate a matrix Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcMatrixRotate(FcMatrix *matrix, doublecos, doublesin); Description FcMatrixRotate rotates matrix by the angle who's sine is sin and cosine is cos. This is done by multiplying by the matrix: cos -sin sin cos Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcMatrixScale Name FcMatrixScale -- Scale a matrix Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcMatrixScale(FcMatrix *matrix, doublesx, doubledy); Description FcMatrixScale multiplies matrix x values by sx and y values by sy. This is done by multiplying by the matrix: sx 0 0 sy Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcMatrixShear Name FcMatrixShear -- Shear a matrix Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcMatrixShear(FcMatrix *matrix, doublesh, doublesv); Description FcMatrixShare shears matrix horizontally by sh and vertically by sv. This is done by multiplying by the matrix: 1 sh sv 1 Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.9. FcConfig Table of Contents FcConfigCreate -- Create a configuration FcConfigDestroy -- Destroy a configuration FcConfigSetCurrent -- Set configuration as default FcConfigGetCurrent -- Return current configuration FcConfigUptoDate -- Check timestamps on config files FcConfigBuildFonts -- Build font database FcConfigGetConfigDirs -- Get config directories FcConfigGetFontDirs -- Get font directories FcConfigGetConfigFiles -- Get config files FcConfigGetCache -- Get cache filename FcConfigGetFonts -- Get config font set FcConfigGetBlanks -- Get config blanks FcConfigGetRescanInverval -- Get config rescan interval FcConfigSetRescanInverval -- Set config rescan interval FcConfigAppFontAddFile -- Add font file to font database FcConfigAppFontAddDir -- Add fonts from directory to font database FcConfigAppFontClear -- Remove all app fonts from font database FcConfigSubstituteWithPat -- Execute substitutions FcConfigSubstitute -- Execute substitutions FcFontMatch -- Return best font FcFontSort -- Return list of matching fonts FcFontRenderPrepare -- Prepare pattern for loading font file FcFontList -- List fonts FcConfigFilename -- Find a config file FcConfigParseAndLoad -- load a configuration file An FcConfig object holds the internal representation of a configuration. There is a default configuration which applications may use by passing 0 to any function using the data within an FcConfig. FcConfigCreate Name FcConfigCreate -- Create a configuration Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcConfig * FcConfigCreate(void); Description Creates an empty configuration. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigDestroy Name FcConfigDestroy -- Destroy a configuration Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcConfigDestroy(FcConfig *config); Description Destroys a configuration and any data associated with it. Note that calling this function with the return from FcConfigGetCurrent will place the library in an indeterminate state. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigSetCurrent Name FcConfigSetCurrent -- Set configuration as default Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcConfigSetCurrent(FcConfig *config); Description Sets the current default configuration to config. Implicitly calls FcConfigBuildFonts if necessary, returning FcFalse if that call fails. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigGetCurrent Name FcConfigGetCurrent -- Return current configuration Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcConfig * FcConfigGetCurrent(void); Description Returns the current default configuration. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigUptoDate Name FcConfigUptoDate -- Check timestamps on config files Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcConfigUptoDate(FcConfig *config); Description Checks all of the files related to config and returns whether the in-memory version is in sync with the disk version. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigBuildFonts Name FcConfigBuildFonts -- Build font database Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcConfigBuildFonts(FcConfig *config); Description Builds the set of available fonts for the given configuration. Note that any changes to the configuration after this call have indeterminate effects. Returns FcFalse if this operation runs out of memory. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigGetConfigDirs Name FcConfigGetConfigDirs -- Get config directories Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcStrList * FcConfigGetConfigDirs(FcConfig *config); Description Returns the list of font directories specified in the configuration files for config. Does not include any subdirectories. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigGetFontDirs Name FcConfigGetFontDirs -- Get font directories Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcStrList * FcConfigGetFontDirs(FcConfig *config); Description Returns the list of font directories in config. This includes the configured font directories along with any directories below those in the filesystem. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigGetConfigFiles Name FcConfigGetConfigFiles -- Get config files Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcStrList * FcConfigGetConfigFiles(FcConfig *config); Description Returns the list of known configuration files used to generate config. Note that this will not include any configuration done with FcConfigParse. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigGetCache Name FcConfigGetCache -- Get cache filename Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> char * FcConfigGetCache(FcConfig *config); Description Returns the name of the file used to store per-user font information. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigGetFonts Name FcConfigGetFonts -- Get config font set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcFontSet * FcConfigGetFonts(FcConfig *config, FcSetNameset); Description Returns one of the two sets of fonts from the configuration as specified by set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigGetBlanks Name FcConfigGetBlanks -- Get config blanks Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBlanks * FcConfigGetBlanks(FcConfig *config); Description Returns the FcBlanks object associated with the given configuration, if no blanks were present in the configuration, this function will return 0. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigGetRescanInverval Name FcConfigGetRescanInverval -- Get config rescan interval Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> int FcConfigGetRescanInverval(FcConfig *config); Description Returns the interval between automatic checks of the configuration (in seconds) specified in config. The configuration is checked during a call to FcFontList when this interval has passed since the last check. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigSetRescanInverval Name FcConfigSetRescanInverval -- Set config rescan interval Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcConfigSetRescanInverval(FcConfig *config, intrescanInterval); Description Sets the rescan interval; returns FcFalse if an error occurred. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigAppFontAddFile Name FcConfigAppFontAddFile -- Add font file to font database Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddFile(FcConfig *config, const char *file); Description Adds an application-specific font to the configuration. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigAppFontAddDir Name FcConfigAppFontAddDir -- Add fonts from directory to font database Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddDir(FcConfig *config, const char *); Description Scans the specified directory for fonts, adding each one found to the application-specific set of fonts. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigAppFontClear Name FcConfigAppFontClear -- Remove all app fonts from font database Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcConfigAppFontClear(FcConfig *config); Description Clears the set of application-specific fonts. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigSubstituteWithPat Name FcConfigSubstituteWithPat -- Execute substitutions Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcConfigSubstituteWithPat(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcPattern *p_pat, FcMatchKindkind); Description Performs the sequence of pattern modification operations, if kind is FcMatchPattern, then those tagged as pattern operations are applied, else if kind is FcMatchFont, those tagged as font operations are applied and p_pat is used for <test> elements with target=pattern. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigSubstitute Name FcConfigSubstitute -- Execute substitutions Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcConfigSubstitute(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcMatchKindkind); Description Calls FcConfigSubstituteWithPat setting p_pat to NULL. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcFontMatch Name FcFontMatch -- Return best font Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcPattern * FcFontMatch(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcResult *result); Description Returns the font in config most close matching p. This function should be called only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have been called for p; otherwise the results will not be correct. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcFontSort Name FcFontSort -- Return list of matching fonts Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcFontSet * FcFontSort(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcBooltrim, FcCharSet **csp, FcResult *result); Description Returns the list of fonts sorted by closeness to p. If trim is FcTrue, elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided by earlier elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of all of the fonts is returned in csp, if csp is not NULL. This function should be called only after FcConfigSubstitute and FcDefaultSubstitute have been called for p; otherwise the results will not be correct. The returned FcFontSet references FcPattern structures which may be shared by the return value from multiple FcFontSort calls, applications must not modify these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with p to FcFontRenderPrepare which combines them into a complete pattern. The FcFontSet returned by FcFontSort is destroyed by caling FcFontSetDestroy. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcFontRenderPrepare Name FcFontRenderPrepare -- Prepare pattern for loading font file Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcPattern * FcFontRenderPrepare(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *pat, FcPattern *font); Description Creates a new pattern consisting of elements of font not appearing in pat, elements of pat not appearing in font and the best matching value from pat for elements appearing in both. The result is passed to FcConfigSubstitute with kind FcMatchFont and then returned. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcFontList Name FcFontList -- List fonts Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcFontSet * FcFontList(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcObjectSet *os); Description Selects fonts matching p, creates patterns from those fonts containing only the objects in os and returns the set of unique such patterns. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigFilename Name FcConfigFilename -- Find a config file Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> char * FcConfigFilename(const char *name); Description Given the specified external entity name, return the associated filename. This provides applications a way to convert various configuration file references into filename form. A null or empty name indicates that the default configuration file should be used; which file this references can be overridden with the FC_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. Next, if the name starts with ~, it refers to a file in the current users home directory. Otherwise if the name doesn't start with '/', it refers to a file in the default configuration directory; the built-in default directory can be overridden with the FC_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcConfigParseAndLoad Name FcConfigParseAndLoad -- load a configuration file Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcConfigParseAndLoad(FcConfig *config, const FcChar8 *file); Description Walks the configuration in 'file' and constructs the internal representation in 'config'. Any include files referenced from within 'file' will be loaded with FcConfigLoad and also parsed. If 'complain' is FcFalse, no warning will be displayed if 'file' does not exist. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.10. FcObjectType Table of Contents FcNameRegisterObjectTypes -- Register object types FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes -- Unregister object types FcNameGetObjectType -- Lookup an object type Provides for applcation-specified font name object types so that new pattern elements can be generated from font names. FcNameRegisterObjectTypes Name FcNameRegisterObjectTypes -- Register object types Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcNameRegisterObjectTypes(const FcObjectType *types, intntype); Description Register ntype new object types. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes Name FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes -- Unregister object types Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes(const FcObjectType *types, intntype); Description Unregister ntype object types. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcNameGetObjectType Name FcNameGetObjectType -- Lookup an object type Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> const FcObjectType * FcNameGetObjectType(const char *object); Description Return the object type for the pattern element named object. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.11. FcConstant Table of Contents FcNameRegisterConstants -- Register symbolic constants FcNameUnregisterConstants -- Unregister symbolic constants FcNameGetConstant -- Lookup symbolic constant FcNameConstant -- Get the value for a symbolic constant Provides for application-specified symbolic constants for font names. FcNameRegisterConstants Name FcNameRegisterConstants -- Register symbolic constants Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcNameRegisterConstants(const FcConstant *consts, intnconsts); Description Register nconsts new symbolic constants. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcNameUnregisterConstants Name FcNameUnregisterConstants -- Unregister symbolic constants Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcNameUnregisterConstants(const FcConstant *consts, intnconsts); Description Unregister nconsts symbolic constants. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcNameGetConstant Name FcNameGetConstant -- Lookup symbolic constant Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> const FcConstant * FcNameGetConstant(FcChar8 *string); Description Return the FcConstant structure related to symbolic constant string. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcNameConstant Name FcNameConstant -- Get the value for a symbolic constant Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcNameConstant(FcChar8 *string, int *result); Description Returns whether a symbolic constant with name string is registered, placing the value of the constant in result if present. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.12. FcBlanks Table of Contents FcBlanksCreate -- Create an FcBlanks FcBlanksDestroy -- Destroy and FcBlanks FcBlanksAdd -- Add a character to an FcBlanks FcBlanksIsMember -- Query membership in an FcBlanks An FcBlanks object holds a list of Unicode chars which are expected to be blank when drawn. When scanning new fonts, any glyphs which are empty and not in this list will be assumed to be broken and not placed in the FcCharSet associated with the font. This provides a significantly more accurate CharSet for applications. FcBlanksCreate Name FcBlanksCreate -- Create an FcBlanks Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBlanks * FcBlanksCreate(void); Description Creates an empty FcBlanks object. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcBlanksDestroy Name FcBlanksDestroy -- Destroy and FcBlanks Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcBlanksDestroy(FcBlanks *b); Description Destroys an FcBlanks object, freeing any associated memory. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcBlanksAdd Name FcBlanksAdd -- Add a character to an FcBlanks Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcBlanksAdd(FcBlanks *b, FcChar32ucs4); Description Adds a single character to an FcBlanks object, returning FcFalse if this process ran out of memory. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcBlanksIsMember Name FcBlanksIsMember -- Query membership in an FcBlanks Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcBlanksIsMember(FcBlanks *b, FcChar32ucs4); Description Returns whether the specified FcBlanks object contains the indicated Unicode value. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.13. FcAtomic Table of Contents FcAtomicCreate -- create an FcAtomic object FcAtomicLock -- lock a file FcAtomicNewFile -- return new temporary file name FcAtomicOrigFile -- return original file name FcAtomicReplaceOrig -- replace original with new FcAtomicDeleteNew -- delete new file FcAtomicUnlock -- unlock a file FcAtomicDestroy -- destroy an FcAtomic object These functions provide a safe way to update config files, allowing ongoing reading of the old config file while locked for writing and ensuring that a consistent and complete version of the config file is always available. FcAtomicCreate Name FcAtomicCreate -- create an FcAtomic object Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcAtomic * FcAtomicCreate(const FcChar8 *file); Description Creates a data structure containing data needed to control access to file. Writing is done to a separate file. Once that file is complete, the original configuration file is atomically replaced so that reading process always see a consistent and complete file without the need to lock for reading. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcAtomicLock Name FcAtomicLock -- lock a file Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcAtomicLock(FcAtomic *atomic); Description Attempts to lock the file referenced by atomic. Returns FcFalse if the file is locked by another process, else returns FcTrue and leaves the file locked. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcAtomicNewFile Name FcAtomicNewFile -- return new temporary file name Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcAtomicNewFile(FcAtomic *atomic); Description Returns the filename for writing a new version of the file referenced by atomic. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcAtomicOrigFile Name FcAtomicOrigFile -- return original file name Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcAtomicOrigFile(FcAtomic *atomic); Description Returns the file refernced by atomic. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcAtomicReplaceOrig Name FcAtomicReplaceOrig -- replace original with new Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcAtomicReplaceOrig(FcAtomic *atomic); Description Replaces the original file referenced by atomic with the new file. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcAtomicDeleteNew Name FcAtomicDeleteNew -- delete new file Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcAtomicDeleteNew(FcAtomic *atomic); Description Deletes the new file. Used in error recovery to back out changes. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcAtomicUnlock Name FcAtomicUnlock -- unlock a file Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcAtomicUnlock(FcAtomic *atomic); Description Unlocks the file. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcAtomicDestroy Name FcAtomicDestroy -- destroy an FcAtomic object Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcAtomicDestroy(FcAtomic *atomic); Description Destroys atomic. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.14. File and Directory routines Table of Contents FcFileScan -- scan a font file FcDirScan -- scan a font directory FcDirSave -- save a directory cache FcDirCacheValid -- check directory cache timestamp These routines work with font files and directories, including font directory cache files. FcFileScan Name FcFileScan -- scan a font file Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcFileScan(FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, FcFileCache *cache, FcBlanks *blanks, const char *file, FcBoolforce); Description Scans a single file and adds all fonts found to set. If force is FcTrue, then the file is scanned even if associated information is found in cache. If file is a directory, it is added to dirs. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcDirScan Name FcDirScan -- scan a font directory Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcDirScan(FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, FcFileCache *cache, FcBlanks *blanks, const char *dir, FcBoolforce); Description Scans an entire directory and adds all fonts found to set. If force is FcTrue, then the directory and all files within it are scanned even if information is present in the per-directory cache file or cache. Any subdirectories found are added to dirs. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcDirSave Name FcDirSave -- save a directory cache Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcDirSave(FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, const char *dir); Description Creates the per-directory cache file for dir and populates it with the fonts in set and subdirectories in dirs. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcDirCacheValid Name FcDirCacheValid -- check directory cache timestamp Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcDirCacheValid(const FcChar8 *cache_file); Description Returns FcTrue if cache_file is no older than the directory containing it, else FcFalse. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.15. FcStrSet and FcStrList Table of Contents FcStrSetCreate -- create a string set FcStrSetMember -- check set for membership FcStrSetAdd -- add to a string set FcStrSetAddFilename -- add a filename to a string set FcStrSetDel -- delete from a string set FcStrSetDestroy -- destroy a string set FcStrListCreate -- create a string iterator FcStrListNext -- get next string in iteration FcStrListDone -- destroy a string iterator A data structure for enumerating strings, used to list directories while scanning the configuration as directories are added while scanning. FcStrSetCreate Name FcStrSetCreate -- create a string set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcStrSet * FcStrSetCreate(void); Description Create an empty set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrSetMember Name FcStrSetMember -- check set for membership Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcStrSetMember(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); Description Returns whether s is a member of set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrSetAdd Name FcStrSetAdd -- add to a string set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcStrSetAdd(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); Description Adds a copy of s to set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrSetAddFilename Name FcStrSetAddFilename -- add a filename to a string set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcStrSetAddFilename(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); Description Adds a copy s to set, The copy is created with FcStrCopyFilename so that leading '~' values are replaced with the value of the HOME environment variable. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrSetDel Name FcStrSetDel -- delete from a string set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcStrSetDel(FcStrSet *set, const FcChar8 *s); Description Removes s from set, returning FcTrue if s was a member else FcFalse. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrSetDestroy Name FcStrSetDestroy -- destroy a string set Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcStrSetDestroy(FcStrSet *set); Description Destroys set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrListCreate Name FcStrListCreate -- create a string iterator Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcStrList * FcStrListCreate(FcStrSet *set); Description Creates an iterator to list the strings in set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrListNext Name FcStrListNext -- get next string in iteration Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrListNext(FcStrList *list); Description Returns the next string in set. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrListDone Name FcStrListDone -- destroy a string iterator Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> void FcStrListDone(FcStrList *list); Description Destroys the enumerator list. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 _________________________________________________________ 4.16. String utilities Table of Contents FcUtf8ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-8 to UCS4 FcUcs4ToUtf8 -- convert UCS4 to UTF-8 FcUtf8Len -- count UTF-8 encoded chars FcUtf16ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-16 to UCS4 FcUtf16Len -- count UTF-16 encoded chars FcStrCopy -- duplicate a string FcStrDowncase -- create a lower case translation of a string FcStrCopyFilename -- copy a string, expanding '~' FcStrCmpIgnoreCase -- compare UTF-8 strings ignoring ASCII case FcStrStr -- locate UTF-8 substring FcStrStrIgnoreCase -- locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case FcStrDirname -- directory part of filename FcStrBasename -- last component of filename Fontconfig manipulates many UTF-8 strings represented with the FcChar8 type. These functions are exposed to help applications deal with these UTF-8 strings in a locale-insensitive manner. FcUtf8ToUcs4 Name FcUtf8ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-8 to UCS4 Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> int FcUtf8ToUcs4(FcChar8 *src, FcChar32 *dst, intlen); Description Converts the next Unicode char from src into dst and returns the number of bytes containing the char. src nust be at least len bytes long. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcUcs4ToUtf8 Name FcUcs4ToUtf8 -- convert UCS4 to UTF-8 Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> int FcUcs4ToUtf8(FcChar32src, FcChar8dst[FC_UTF8_MAX_LEN]); Description Converts the Unicode char from src into dst and returns the number of bytes needed to encode the char. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcUtf8Len Name FcUtf8Len -- count UTF-8 encoded chars Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcUtf8Len(FcChar8 *src, intlen, int *nchar, int *wchar); Description Counts the number of Unicode chars in len bytes of src. Places that count in nchar. wchar contains 1, 2 or 4 depending on the number of bytes needed to hold the largest unicode char counted. The return value indicates whether src is a well-formed UTF8 string. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcUtf16ToUcs4 Name FcUtf16ToUcs4 -- convert UTF-16 to UCS4 Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> int FcUtf16ToUcs4(FcChar8 *src, FcEndianendian, FcChar32 *dst, intlen); Description Converts the next Unicode char from src into dst and returns the number of bytes containing the char. src must be at least len bytes long. Bytes of src are combined into 16-bit units according to endian. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcUtf16Len Name FcUtf16Len -- count UTF-16 encoded chars Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcBool FcUtf16Len(FcChar8 *src, FcEndianendian, intlen, int *nchar, int *wchar); Description Counts the number of Unicode chars in len bytes of src. Bytes of src are combined into 16-bit units according to endian. Places that count in nchar. wchar contains 1, 2 or 4 depending on the number of bytes needed to hold the largest unicode char counted. The return value indicates whether string is a well-formed UTF16 string. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrCopy Name FcStrCopy -- duplicate a string Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrCopy(const FcChar8 *s); Description Allocates memory, copies s and returns the resulting buffer. Yes, this is strdup, but that function isn't available on every platform. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrDowncase Name FcStrDowncase -- create a lower case translation of a string Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrDowncase(const FcChar8 *s); Description Allocates memory, copies s, converting upper case letters to lower case and returns the allocated buffer. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrCopyFilename Name FcStrCopyFilename -- copy a string, expanding '~' Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrCopyFilename(const FcChar8 *s); Description Just like FcStrCopy except that it converts any leading '~' characters in s to the value of the HOME environment variable. Returns NULL if '~' is present in s and HOME is unset. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrCmpIgnoreCase Name FcStrCmpIgnoreCase -- compare UTF-8 strings ignoring ASCII case Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> int FcStrCmpIgnoreCase(const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2); Description Returns the usual <0, 0, >0 result of comparing s1 and s2. This test is case-insensitive in the ASCII range and will operate properly with UTF8 encoded strings, although it does not check for well formed strings. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrStr Name FcStrStr -- locate UTF-8 substring Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrStr(const char *s1, const char *s2); Description Returns the location of s2 in s1. Returns NULL if s2 is not present in s1. This test will operate properly with UTF8 encoded strings, although it does not check for well formed strings. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrStrIgnoreCase Name FcStrStrIgnoreCase -- locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrStrIgnoreCase(const char *s1, const char *s2); Description Returns the location of s2 in s1, ignoring ASCII case. Returns NULL if s2 is not present in s1. This test is case-insensitive in the ASCII range and will operate properly with UTF8 encoded strings, although it does not check for well formed strings. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrDirname Name FcStrDirname -- directory part of filename Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrDirname(const FcChar8 *file); Description Returns the directory containing file. This is returned in newly allocated storage which should be freed when no longer needed. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2 FcStrBasename Name FcStrBasename -- last component of filename Synopsis #include <fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrBasename(const FcChar8 *file); Description Returns the filename of file stripped of any leading directory names. This is returned in newly allocated storage which should be freed when no longer needed. Version Fontconfig version 2.3.2