/* * FontSBP.h * * (c) Copyright 1991-1994 Adobe Systems Incorporated. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sublicense this software * and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notices appear in all copies and that * both those copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation and that the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated * not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the * software without specific, written prior permission. No trademark license * to use the Adobe trademarks is hereby granted. If the Adobe trademark * "Display PostScript"(tm) is used to describe this software, its * functionality or for any other purpose, such use shall be limited to a * statement that this software works in conjunction with the Display * PostScript system. Proper trademark attribution to reflect Adobe's * ownership of the trademark shall be given whenever any such reference to * the Display PostScript system is made. * * ADOBE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE FOR * ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. * ADOBE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON- INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ADOBE BE LIABLE * TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ADOBE WILL NOT * PROVIDE ANY TRAINING OR OTHER SUPPORT FOR THE SOFTWARE. * * Adobe, PostScript, and Display PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems * Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions * * Author: Adobe Systems Incorporated */ /* $XFree86$ */ #ifndef _FontSelectionBoxP_H #define _FontSelectionBoxP_H #include <DPS/FontSB.h> /* Typedefs used in private fields */ #define MAX_AXES 4 #define MAX_BLENDS 16 /* = 2**MAX_AXES */ typedef struct _BlendRec { char *blend_name; char *font_name; XmString CS_blend_name; XmString CS_space_blend_name; float data[MAX_AXES]; struct _BlendRec *next; } BlendRec; typedef struct { int num_axes, num_designs; int min[MAX_AXES], max[MAX_AXES]; String name[MAX_AXES]; int internal_points[MAX_AXES]; int *internal_break[MAX_AXES]; float *internal_value[MAX_AXES]; float *design_positions; BlendRec *blends; } BlendDataRec; typedef struct _FontRec { char *font_name; char *face_name; XmString CS_face_name; char *full_name; Boolean resident; Boolean temp_resident; struct _FontRec *pending_delete_next; struct _FontRec *next; int blend_count; Boolean in_font_creator; BlendDataRec *blend_data; } FontRec; typedef struct _FontFamilyRec { char *family_name; char *sort_key; FontRec *fonts; int font_count; struct _FontFamilyRec *next; int blend_count; } FontFamilyRec; typedef struct { DPSContext context; String preview_string; float *sizes; int size_count; String default_resource_path; String resource_path_override; String font_name; String font_family; String font_face; float font_size; Boolean use_font_name; Boolean font_name_multiple; Boolean font_family_multiple; Boolean font_face_multiple; Boolean font_size_multiple; Boolean get_server_fonts; Boolean get_afm; Boolean auto_preview; Boolean preview_on_change; Boolean undef_unused_fonts; Boolean make_fonts_shared; Boolean show_sampler; Boolean show_sampler_button; Cardinal max_pending_deletes; XtCallbackList ok_callback; XtCallbackList apply_callback; XtCallbackList reset_callback; XtCallbackList cancel_callback; XtCallbackList validate_callback; XtCallbackList face_select_callback; XtCallbackList create_sampler_callback; Widget pane_child; Widget preview_child; Widget panel_child; Widget family_label_child; Widget family_multiple_label_child; Widget family_scrolled_list_child; Widget face_label_child; Widget face_multiple_label_child; Widget face_scrolled_list_child; Widget size_label_child; Widget size_text_field_child; Widget size_option_menu_child; Widget size_multiple_label_child; Widget sampler_button_child; Widget preview_button_child; Widget separator_child; Widget ok_button_child; Widget apply_button_child; Widget reset_button_child; Widget cancel_button_child; /* Private fields */ DPSGState gstate; Widget other_size; Widget size_menu; Widget sampler; FontFamilyRec *known_families; int family_count; Boolean preview_fixed; Boolean current_family_multiple, current_face_multiple; Boolean current_size_multiple; FontRec *pending_delete_font; int pending_delete_count; FontRec *currently_previewed; FontRec *currently_selected_face; FontFamilyRec *currently_selected_family; float currently_previewed_size; float currently_selected_size; /* New resource fields */ String font_blend; Boolean typographic_sort; XtCallbackList create_creator_callback; XtCallbackList value_changed_callback; Widget multiple_master_button_child; /* New private fields */ Widget creator, creator_shell; BlendRec *currently_previewed_blend; BlendRec *currently_selected_blend; Boolean blends_changed; Boolean old_server; } FontSelectionBoxPart; typedef struct _FontSelectionBoxRec { CorePart core; CompositePart composite; ConstraintPart constraint; XmManagerPart manager; FontSelectionBoxPart fsb; } FontSelectionBoxRec; #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* Note use of Bool and double in prototypes: this makes the library work correctly when linked with no-prototype compiled objects */ typedef void (*FSBSetFontNameProc) (Widget w, String font_name, Bool font_name_multiple); typedef void (*FSBSetFontFamilyFaceProc) (Widget w, String font_family, String font_face, Bool font_family_multiple, Bool font_face_multiple); typedef void (*FSBSetFontSizeProc) (Widget w, double font_size, Bool font_size_multiple); typedef void (*FSBRefreshFontListProc) (Widget w); typedef void (*FSBGetFamilyListProc) (Widget w, int *count_return, String **family_return); typedef void (*FSBGetFaceListProc) (Widget w, String family, int *count_return, String **face_return, String **font_return); typedef void (*FSBUndefUnusedFontsProc) (Widget w); typedef Boolean (*FSBDownloadFontNameProc) (Widget w, String font_name); typedef Boolean (*FSBMatchFontFaceProc) (Widget w, String old_face, String new_family, String *new_face); typedef void (*FSBFontNameToFamilyFaceProc) (Widget w, String font_name, String *family, String *face); typedef void (*FSBFontFamilyFaceToNameProc) (Widget w, String family, String face, String *font_name); typedef String (*FSBFindAFMProc) (Widget w, String font_name); typedef String (*FSBFindFontFileProc) (Widget w, String font_name); typedef void (*FSBGetTextDimensionsProc) (Widget w, String text, String font, double size, double x, double y, float *dx, float *dy, float *left, float *right, float *top, float *bottom); typedef void (*FSBSetFontFamilyFaceBlendProc) (Widget w, String font_family, String font_face, String font_blend, Bool font_family_multiple, Bool font_face_multiple); typedef void (*FSBFontNameToFamilyFaceBlendProc) (Widget w, String font_name, String *family, String *face, String *blend); typedef void (*FSBFontFamilyFaceBlendToNameProc) (Widget w, String family, String face, String blend, String *font_name); typedef void (*FSBGetBlendListProc) (Widget w, String name, int *count_return, String **blend_return, String **font_name_return, float **axis_values_return); typedef void (*FSBGetBlendInfoProc) (Widget w, String name, int *num_axes_return, int *num_designs_return, String **axis_names_return, float **blend_positions_return, int **blend_map_count_return, int **blend_design_coords_return, float **blend_normalized_coords_return); typedef Boolean (*FSBChangeBlendsProc) (Widget w, String base_name, String blend_name, FSBBlendAction action, int *axis_values, float *axis_percents); #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } #endif #define InheritSetFontName ((FSBSetFontNameProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritSetFontFamilyFace ((FSBSetFontFamilyFaceProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritSetFontSize ((FSBSetFontSizeProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritRefreshFontList ((FSBRefreshFontListProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritGetFamilyList ((FSBGetFamilyListProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritGetFaceList ((FSBGetFaceListProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritUndefUnusedFonts ((FSBUndefUnusedFontsProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritDownloadFontName ((FSBDownloadFontNameProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritMatchFontFace ((FSBMatchFontFaceProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritFontNameToFamilyFace ((FSBFontNameToFamilyFaceProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritFontFamilyFaceToName ((FSBFontFamilyFaceToNameProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritFindAFM ((FSBFindAFMProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritFindFontFile ((FSBFindFontFileProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritGetTextDimensions ((FSBGetTextDimensionsProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritSetFontFamilyFaceBlend \ ((FSBSetFontFamilyFaceBlendProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritFontNameToFamilyFaceBlend \ ((FSBFontNameToFamilyFaceBlendProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritFontFamilyFaceBlendToName \ ((FSBFontFamilyFaceBlendToNameProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritGetBlendList ((FSBGetBlendListProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritGetBlendInfo ((FSBGetBlendInfoProc) _XtInherit) #define InheritChangeBlends ((FSBChangeBlendsProc) _XtInherit) typedef struct { FSBSetFontNameProc set_font_name; FSBSetFontFamilyFaceProc set_font_family_face; FSBSetFontSizeProc set_font_size; FSBRefreshFontListProc refresh_font_list; FSBGetFamilyListProc get_family_list; FSBGetFaceListProc get_face_list; FSBUndefUnusedFontsProc undef_unused_fonts; FSBDownloadFontNameProc download_font_name; FSBMatchFontFaceProc match_font_face; FSBFontNameToFamilyFaceProc font_name_to_family_face; FSBFontFamilyFaceToNameProc font_family_face_to_name; FSBFindAFMProc find_afm; FSBFindFontFileProc find_font_file; FSBGetTextDimensionsProc get_text_dimensions; FSBSetFontFamilyFaceBlendProc set_font_family_face_blend; FSBFontNameToFamilyFaceBlendProc font_name_to_family_face_blend; FSBFontFamilyFaceBlendToNameProc font_family_face_blend_to_name; FSBGetBlendListProc get_blend_list; FSBGetBlendInfoProc get_blend_info; FSBChangeBlendsProc change_blends; XtPointer extension; } FontSelectionBoxClassPart; typedef struct _FontSelectionBoxClassRec { CoreClassPart core_class; CompositeClassPart composite_class; ConstraintClassPart constraint_class; XmManagerClassPart manager_class; FontSelectionBoxClassPart fsb_class; } FontSelectionBoxClassRec, *FontSelectionBoxWidgetClass; extern FontSelectionBoxClassRec fontSelectionBoxClassRec; #endif /* _FontSelectionBoxP_H */ /* DON'T ADD ANYTHING AFTER THIS #endif */