/* * dpsXclient.h -- XDPS extension interface to the Display Postscript Library. * * (c) Copyright 1989-1994 Adobe Systems Incorporated. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sublicense this software * and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notices appear in all copies and that * both those copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation and that the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated * not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the * software without specific, written prior permission. No trademark license * to use the Adobe trademarks is hereby granted. If the Adobe trademark * "Display PostScript"(tm) is used to describe this software, its * functionality or for any other purpose, such use shall be limited to a * statement that this software works in conjunction with the Display * PostScript system. Proper trademark attribution to reflect Adobe's * ownership of the trademark shall be given whenever any such reference to * the Display PostScript system is made. * * ADOBE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE FOR * ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. * ADOBE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON- INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ADOBE BE LIABLE * TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ADOBE WILL NOT * PROVIDE ANY TRAINING OR OTHER SUPPORT FOR THE SOFTWARE. * * Adobe, PostScript, and Display PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems * Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions * * Author: Adobe Systems Incorporated */ #ifndef DPSXCLIENT_H #define DPSXCLIENT_H #ifdef VMS #include #include #include #else /* VMS */ #include #include #include #endif /* VMS */ #include #include #include /* Codes 2000 thru 2099 reserved for XDPS extension error codes */ /* dps_err_invalidAccess was promoted to a general error code; maintain its old value for compatibility */ #undef dps_err_invalidAccess #define dps_err_invalidAccess 2000 #define dps_err_encodingCheck 2001 #define dps_err_closedDisplay 2002 #define dps_err_deadContext 2003 #define dps_err_warning 2004 #define dps_err_fatal 2005 #define dps_err_recursiveWait 2006 /* The above definitions specify additional error conditions: dps_err_invalidAccess: signaled when expecting output from a context created by another client. Such contexts send their output only to the original creator and attempting to receive output from them would cause indefinite blocking. dps_err_encodingCheck: signaled when changing name encoding for a context created by another client or a context created in a space which was created by another client. Such contexts can only accept string name encoding. This error is also generated when an attempt is made to change name or program encoding to other than acceptable values. dps_err_closedDisplay: when sending PostScript code to a context that has had its 'display' closed. dps_err_deadContext: signaled when expecting output from a context which has died in the server but still has its X resources active (a zombie context). Attempting to receive output from such a context would cause indefinite blocking. dps_err_warning: a recoverable error has been found by the Client Library. The error proc should display the message (text string passed through arg1) and then simply return. dps_err_fatal: a non-recoverable error has been found by the Client Library. The error proc should display the message (text string passed through arg1), and then call abort() or should otherwise exit the application. The error proc should not return. dps_err_recursiveWait: a client has called a wrap that returns a value from a status or output handler, and this handler was invoked while waiting for the results of another value-returning wrap. Such a recursive wait would cause indefinite blocking. This error will usually cause both wraps to return incorrect values and will often trigger further errors. */ extern long int DPSLastUserObjectIndex; typedef enum {dps_event_pass_through, dps_event_internal_dispatch, dps_event_query} DPSEventDelivery; /* Event delivery types for XDPSSetEventDelivery */ #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif extern DPSContext XDPSCreateContext(Display *dpy, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int eventmask, XStandardColormap *grayramp, XStandardColormap *ccube, int actual, DPSTextProc textProc, DPSErrorProc errorProc, DPSSpace space); /* Checks to see if 'dpy' supports the DPS extension. If not, NULL is returned. If so, a context associated with 'dpy', 'drawable' and 'gc' is created. 'x' and 'y' are offsets from the drawable's origin to the PostScript device's origin in X coordinates. 'eventmask' is currently ignored. 'grayramp', 'ccube', and 'actual' collectively define the colormap that will be associated with the new context. 'textProc' is called to dispose of text sent by the context. 'errorProc' is called to handle errors reported by the context. 'space' determines the execution space of the new context. A null space causes a new one to be created. */ extern DPSContext XDPSCreateSimpleContext(Display *dpy, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, DPSTextProc textProc, DPSErrorProc errorProc, DPSSpace space); /* Does the same thing as XDPSCreateContext (above) but uses the standard colormap information for the new context. */ extern DPSContext DPSCreateTextContext(DPSTextProc textProc, DPSErrorProc errorProc); /* Create a new DPSContext whose PostScript is converted to text and sent to 'textProc' (rather than the interpreter). 'errorProc' can be used by the implementation of 'textProc' to report any i/o errors. */ extern DPSContext XDPSCreateSecureContext(Display *dpy, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int eventmask, XStandardColormap *grayramp, XStandardColormap *ccube, int actual, DPSTextProc textProc, DPSErrorProc errorProc, DPSSpace space); /* Identical to XDPSCreateContext, but creates a secure context. */ extern DPSContext DPSContextFromContextID(DPSContext ctxt, ContextPSID cid, DPSTextProc textProc, DPSErrorProc errorProc); /* Returns a DPSContext that is bound to the PostScript context created when the "fork" operator was executed by 'ctxt', resulting in the integer value 'cid'. If a DPSContext has already been created for cid, that DPSContext is returned. Otherwise, a new one is created, as follows: If 'textProc' or 'errorProc' are NULL, the new DPSContext will inherit the respective procs from 'ctxt', otherwise the the new context gets the 'textProc' and/or 'errorProc' passed in. The new DPSContext inherits everything else from 'ctxt', except its chaining properties, which are set to NULL. DPSContextFromContextID will return NULL if it is unable to create the context. */ extern DPSContext XDPSFindContext(Display *dpy, ContextPSID cid); /* Find a known context based on its PostScript id, return its DPSContext. */ extern void DPSDefaultTextBackstop(DPSContext ctxt, char *buf, long unsigned int count); /* This is the text backstop proc automatically installed by the client library. Since it is a DPSTextProc, you may use it as your context textProc. Writes text to stdout and flushes stdout. */ extern void DPSChangeEncoding(DPSContext ctxt, DPSProgramEncoding newProgEncoding, DPSNameEncoding newNameEncoding); /* Change one or more of the context's 2 encoding parameters. If the formats and encodings for the system on which the client library is built are different than the formats and encodings specified by 'ctxt', DPSWritePostScript (as well as the operations BinObjSeqWrite and WriteTypedObjectArray defined above, but not WriteData) will convert the bytes of code from the former to the latter before sending them on to 'ctxt'. */ typedef void (*XDPSStatusProc)(DPSContext ctxt, int code); extern XDPSStatusProc XDPSRegisterStatusProc(DPSContext ctxt, XDPSStatusProc proc); /* Register a procedure to be called when a XDPSLStatusEvent is received by the client. The procedure will be called with two parameters: the context it was registered with, and the status code derived from the event. The proc may be called at any time that the client processes events. Overwrites any previously registered routine and returns it. See XDPS.h */ extern int XDPSGetContextStatus(DPSContext ctxt); /* Returns the status of 'ctxt' as defined in XDPS.h. */ extern long int DPSNewUserObjectIndex(void); /* Returns a new user object index. The Client Library is the sole allocator of new user object indices. User object indices are dynamic, and should not be used for computation or stored in long term storage, such as a file. */ /* ============================= */ /* The following items are provided for lower level access to the DPS X library extension. */ extern DPSContext XDPSContextFromSharedID(Display *dpy, ContextPSID cid, DPSTextProc textProc, DPSErrorProc errorProc); /* Create a context record for PostScript "cid" shared by another client. */ extern DPSSpace XDPSSpaceFromSharedID(Display *dpy, SpaceXID sxid); /* Create a space record for a "sxid" shared by another client. */ extern XID XDPSXIDFromContext(Display **Pdpy, DPSContext ctxt); /* Get the XID for the given context record. Return its 'dpy' */ extern XID XDPSXIDFromSpace(Display **Pdpy, DPSSpace spc); /* Get the XID for the given space record. Retunr its 'dpy' */ extern DPSContext XDPSContextFromXID (Display *dpy, XID xid); /* Get the context record for the given XID on 'dpy'*/ extern DPSSpace XDPSSpaceFromXID (Display *dpy, XID xid); /* Get the space record for the given XID on 'dpy'*/ extern void XDPSUnfreezeContext(DPSContext ctxt); /* Notify a context that is in "frozen" mode to continue with execution. */ extern void XDPSSetStatusMask(DPSContext ctxt, unsigned long enableMask, unsigned long disableMask, unsigned long nextMask); /* Set the status reporting mask for the client. The enableMask specifies the events the client wants to receive, the disableMask specifies the events the client no longer wants to receive, and the nextMask specifies the events that the client wishes to receive only the next instance of. The mask values are specified in XDPS.h */ /* ============================= */ /* New event dispatching procedures */ extern DPSEventDelivery XDPSSetEventDelivery(Display *dpy, DPSEventDelivery newMode); /* Set or query the event delivery mode */ extern Bool XDPSIsStatusEvent(XEvent *event, DPSContext *ctxt, int *status); /* Check if an event is a DPS status event; return the context and status if so. */ extern Bool XDPSIsOutputEvent(XEvent *event); /* Check if an event is a DPS output event. */ extern Bool XDPSIsReadyEvent(XEvent *event, DPSContext *ctxt, int *val); /* Check if an event is a DPS ready event; return the context and data if so. */ extern Bool XDPSIsDPSEvent(XEvent *event); /* Check if an event is a DPS event. */ extern Bool XDPSDispatchEvent(XEvent *event); /* Check if an event is a DPS event; call the status or output handler if so. */ extern void XDPSSyncGCClip(Display *dpy, GC gc); /* This procedure guarantees that changes made to the GC clip are recognized by the DPS contexts associated with them. This is particularly important whenever XClipRectangles or XSetRegion is used. */ extern void XDPSReconcileRequests(DPSContext ctxt); /* This procedure guarantees that any X requests sent prior to the call are processed before any DPS requests sent after the call are processed, without doing a round-trip. */ extern Status XDPSNXSetClientArg(int arg, void *value); /* Set arguments that alter the behavior of the Client Library when using DPS NX. Arguments are detailed in dpsNXargs.h. It is assumed that val is of the correct type. Return value is Success only if argument is set successfully, or if the results are a no-op because DPS NX is not being used. */ extern Status XDPSNXSetAgentArg(Display *dpy, int arg, int value); /* Set arguments that alter the behavior of a DPS NX agent associated with the X server specified by dpy. Arguments are detailed in dpsNXargs.h. It is assumed that val is of the correct type. Return value is Success only if argument is set successfully, or if the results are a no-op because DPS NX is not being used. */ /* L2 DPS/PROTO 9 */ extern void XDPSNotifyWhenReady(DPSContext ctxt, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4); /* Send a ready event with that data */ typedef void (*XDPSReadyProc)(DPSContext ctxt, int data[4]); extern XDPSReadyProc XDPSRegisterReadyProc(DPSContext ctxt, XDPSReadyProc proc); /* Register a procedure to be called when a XDPSLReadyEvent is received by the client. The procedure will be called with two parameters: the context it was registered with, and the Ready data derived from the event. The proc may be called at any time that the client processes events. Overwrites any previously registered routine and returns it. See XDPS.h */ extern int XDPSGetProtocolVersion(Display *dpy); /* Returns the protocol version for that display */ extern Status XDPSCreateStandardColormaps( Display *dpy, Drawable drawable, Visual *visual, int reds, int greens, int blues, int grays, XStandardColormap *colorCube, XStandardColormap *grayRamp, Bool retain); /* Create a color cube and gray ramp in a colormap, using ICCCM properties if present and optionally setting them */ extern void XDPSGetDefaultColorMaps(Display *dpy, Screen *screen, Drawable drawable, XStandardColormap *colorcube, XStandardColormap *grayramp); /* Get the default color maps for the screen, such as they are. If screen is NULL, use the drawable to find out which screen. Either colorcube or grayramp may be NULL to indicate that you don't want that colormap. */ /* DPS NX 2.0 */ extern void XDPSFlushGC(Display *dpy, GC gc); /* Update the interpreter's copy of the GC, flushing all changes. Whenever the GC associated with a context is changed (either the values of the GC are changed, or the entire GC is to be changed with setXgcdrawable or setgstate), XDPSFlushGC should be called on the changed GC before any PostScript language that depends on the change is sent to the interpreter. */ #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } #endif #endif /* DPSXCLIENT_H */