/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/xf86misc.h,v 3.16 2002/11/20 04:04:56 dawes Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 The XFree86 Project, Inc */ /* THIS IS NOT AN X CONSORTIUM STANDARD */ #ifndef _XF86MISC_H_ #define _XF86MISC_H_ #include <X11/Xfuncproto.h> #define X_XF86MiscQueryVersion 0 #ifdef _XF86MISC_SAVER_COMPAT_ #define X_XF86MiscGetSaver 1 #define X_XF86MiscSetSaver 2 #endif #define X_XF86MiscGetMouseSettings 3 #define X_XF86MiscGetKbdSettings 4 #define X_XF86MiscSetMouseSettings 5 #define X_XF86MiscSetKbdSettings 6 #define X_XF86MiscSetGrabKeysState 7 #define X_XF86MiscSetClientVersion 8 #define X_XF86MiscGetFilePaths 9 #define X_XF86MiscPassMessage 10 #define XF86MiscNumberEvents 0 #define XF86MiscBadMouseProtocol 0 #define XF86MiscBadMouseBaudRate 1 #define XF86MiscBadMouseFlags 2 #define XF86MiscBadMouseCombo 3 #define XF86MiscBadKbdType 4 #define XF86MiscModInDevDisabled 5 #define XF86MiscModInDevClientNotLocal 6 #define XF86MiscNoModule 7 #define XF86MiscNumberErrors (XF86MiscNoModule + 1) /* Never renumber these */ #define MTYPE_MICROSOFT 0 #define MTYPE_MOUSESYS 1 #define MTYPE_MMSERIES 2 #define MTYPE_LOGITECH 3 #define MTYPE_BUSMOUSE 4 #define MTYPE_LOGIMAN 5 #define MTYPE_PS_2 6 #define MTYPE_MMHIT 7 #define MTYPE_GLIDEPOINT 8 #define MTYPE_IMSERIAL 9 #define MTYPE_THINKING 10 #define MTYPE_IMPS2 11 #define MTYPE_THINKINGPS2 12 #define MTYPE_MMANPLUSPS2 13 #define MTYPE_GLIDEPOINTPS2 14 #define MTYPE_NETPS2 15 #define MTYPE_NETSCROLLPS2 16 #define MTYPE_SYSMOUSE 17 #define MTYPE_AUTOMOUSE 18 #define MTYPE_ACECAD 19 #define MTYPE_EXPPS2 20 #define MTYPE_XQUEUE 127 #define MTYPE_OSMOUSE 126 #define MTYPE_UNKNOWN 125 #define KTYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define KTYPE_84KEY 1 #define KTYPE_101KEY 2 #define KTYPE_OTHER 3 #define KTYPE_XQUEUE 4 #define MF_CLEAR_DTR 1 #define MF_CLEAR_RTS 2 #define MF_REOPEN 128 #ifndef _XF86MISC_SERVER_ /* return values for XF86MiscSetGrabKeysState */ #define MiscExtGrabStateSuccess 0 /* No errors */ #define MiscExtGrabStateLocked 1 /* A client already requested that * grabs cannot be removed/killed */ #define MiscExtGrabStateAlready 2 /* Request for enabling/disabling * grab removeal/kill already done */ _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN typedef struct { char* device; int type; int baudrate; int samplerate; int resolution; int buttons; Bool emulate3buttons; int emulate3timeout; Bool chordmiddle; int flags; } XF86MiscMouseSettings; typedef struct { int type; int rate; int delay; Bool servnumlock; } XF86MiscKbdSettings; typedef struct { char* configfile; char* modulepath; char* logfile; } XF86MiscFilePaths; Bool XF86MiscQueryVersion( Display* /* dpy */, int* /* majorVersion */, int* /* minorVersion */ ); Bool XF86MiscQueryExtension( Display* /* dpy */, int* /* event_base */, int* /* error_base */ ); Bool XF86MiscSetClientVersion( Display *dpy /* dpy */ ); Status XF86MiscGetMouseSettings( Display* /* dpy */, XF86MiscMouseSettings* /* mouse info */ ); Status XF86MiscGetKbdSettings( Display* /* dpy */, XF86MiscKbdSettings* /* keyboard info */ ); Status XF86MiscSetMouseSettings( Display* /* dpy */, XF86MiscMouseSettings* /* mouse info */ ); Status XF86MiscSetKbdSettings( Display* /* dpy */, XF86MiscKbdSettings* /* keyboard info */ ); int XF86MiscSetGrabKeysState( Display* /* dpy */, Bool /* enabled */ ); Status XF86MiscGetFilePaths( Display* /* dpy */, XF86MiscFilePaths* /* file paths/locations */ ); Status XF86MiscPassMessage( Display* /* dpy */, int /* screen */, const char* /* message name/type */, const char* /* message contents/value */, char ** /* returned message */ ); _XFUNCPROTOEND #endif #endif