XCOMM $XFree86: xc/lib/GL/mesa/src/SPARC/Imakefile,v 1.3 2002/11/22 22:55:58 tsi Exp $ XCOMM $XdotOrg: xc/lib/GL/mesa/sparc/Imakefile,v 1.3 2004/11/13 04:39:16 gisburn Exp $ /* * Need both shared and unshared Mesa objects in the following cases: * GlxDriverUsesMesa * GlxBuiltInXMesa * BuildOSMesaLib * * In other cases, only the shared version is needed to link in to loadable * driver modules. */ #if BuildOSMesaLib || (BuildXF86DRI && (GlxDriverUsesMesa || GlxBuiltInXMesa)) #define DoNormalLib (NormalLibGlx || SharedLibGlxWithoutPIC) #define DoSharedLib (SharedLibGlx && !SharedLibGlxWithoutPIC) #define DoExtraLib SharedLibGlx #define DoDebugLib DebugLibGlx #define DoProfileLib ProfileLibGlx #else #define DoNormalLib SharedLibGlxWithoutPIC #define DoSharedLib !SharedLibGlxWithoutPIC #define DoExtraLib NO #define DoDebugLib NO #define DoProfileLib NO #endif /* Large PIC tables needed for Solaris SPARC builds */ #if (defined(SunArchitecture) && defined(SparcArchitecture)) # define LargePICTable YES #endif #if Malloc0ReturnsNull ALLOC_DEFINES = -DMALLOC_0_RETURNS_NULL #endif #define MesaSPARCBuildDir /**/ #define NeedToLinkMesaSrc #include "Imakefile.inc" DEFINES = $(ALLOC_DEFINES) GlxDefines $(MESA_ASM_DEFINES) INCLUDES = -I$(INCLUDESRC) -I$(EXTINCSRC) -I$(MESASRCDIR)/src \ -I$(MESASRCDIR)/src/SPARC \ -I../../../include \ -I$(MESASRCDIR)/include \ -I$(GLXLIBSRC)/include \ -I$(MESASRCDIR)/src/mesa \ -I$(MESASRCDIR)/src/mesa/main \ -I$(MESASRCDIR)/src/mesa/sparc \ -I$(MESASRCDIR)/src/mesa/glapi SRCS = $(MESA_ASM_SRCS) OBJS = $(MESA_ASM_OBJS) #include <Library.tmpl> LibraryObjectRule() STD_CPP_DEFINES = StandardDefines $(PROJECT_DEFINES) SubdirLibraryRule($(OBJS)) NormalLintTarget($(SRCS)) ObjectFromAsmSource(xform, NullParameter) ObjectFromAsmSource(clip, NullParameter) ObjectFromAsmSource(norm, NullParameter) DependTarget()