/* * Code and supporting documentation (c) Copyright 1990 1991 Tektronix, Inc. * All Rights Reserved * * This file is a component of an X Window System-specific implementation * of Xcms based on the TekColor Color Management System. Permission is * hereby granted to use, copy, modify, sell, and otherwise distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee, provided * that this copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice is reproduced in * all copies of this software and in supporting documentation. TekColor * is a trademark of Tektronix, Inc. * * Tektronix makes no representation about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" and with all faults. * * TEKTRONIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL TEKTRONIX BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * * NAME * XcmsCvCols.c * * DESCRIPTION * Xcms API routine that converts between the * device-independent color spaces. * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "Xlibint.h" #include "Xcmsint.h" #include "Cv.h" /* * LOCAL DEFINES */ #define DD_FORMAT 0x01 #define DI_FORMAT 0x02 #define MIX_FORMAT 0x04 #ifndef MAX # define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif /************************************************************************ * * * PRIVATE ROUTINES * * * ************************************************************************/ /* * NAME * EqualCIEXYZ * * SYNOPSIS */ static int EqualCIEXYZ( XcmsColor *p1, XcmsColor *p2) /* * DESCRIPTION * Compares two XcmsColor structures that are in XcmsCIEXYZFormat * * RETURNS * Returns 1 if equal; 0 otherwise. * */ { if (p1->format != XcmsCIEXYZFormat || p2->format != XcmsCIEXYZFormat) { return(0); } if ((p1->spec.CIEXYZ.X != p2->spec.CIEXYZ.X) || (p1->spec.CIEXYZ.Y != p2->spec.CIEXYZ.Y) || (p1->spec.CIEXYZ.Z != p2->spec.CIEXYZ.Z)) { return(0); } return(1); } /* * NAME * XcmsColorSpace * * SYNOPSIS */ static XcmsColorSpace * ColorSpaceOfID( XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColorFormat id) /* * DESCRIPTION * Returns a pointer to the color space structure * (XcmsColorSpace) associated with the specified color space * ID. * * RETURNS * Pointer to matching XcmsColorSpace structure if found; * otherwise NULL. */ { XcmsColorSpace **papColorSpaces; if (ccc == NULL) { return(NULL); } /* * First try Device-Independent color spaces */ papColorSpaces = _XcmsDIColorSpaces; if (papColorSpaces != NULL) { while (*papColorSpaces != NULL) { if ((*papColorSpaces)->id == id) { return(*papColorSpaces); } papColorSpaces++; } } /* * Next try Device-Dependent color spaces */ papColorSpaces = ((XcmsFunctionSet *)ccc->pPerScrnInfo->functionSet)->DDColorSpaces; if (papColorSpaces != NULL) { while (*papColorSpaces != NULL) { if ((*papColorSpaces)->id == id) { return(*papColorSpaces); } papColorSpaces++; } } return(NULL); } /* * NAME * ValidDIColorSpaceID * * SYNOPSIS */ static int ValidDIColorSpaceID( XcmsColorFormat id) /* * DESCRIPTION * Determines if the specified color space ID is a valid * Device-Independent color space in the specified Color * Conversion Context. * * RETURNS * Returns zero if not valid; otherwise non-zero. */ { XcmsColorSpace **papRec; papRec = _XcmsDIColorSpaces; if (papRec != NULL) { while (*papRec != NULL) { if ((*papRec)->id == id) { return(1); } papRec++; } } return(0); } /* * NAME * ValidDDColorSpaceID * * SYNOPSIS */ static int ValidDDColorSpaceID( XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColorFormat id) /* * DESCRIPTION * Determines if the specified color space ID is a valid * Device-Dependent color space in the specified Color * Conversion Context. * * RETURNS * Returns zero if not valid; otherwise non-zero. */ { XcmsColorSpace **papRec; if (ccc->pPerScrnInfo->state != XcmsInitNone) { papRec = ((XcmsFunctionSet *)ccc->pPerScrnInfo->functionSet)->DDColorSpaces; while (*papRec != NULL) { if ((*papRec)->id == id) { return(1); } papRec++; } } return(0); } /* * NAME * ConvertMixedColors - Convert XcmsColor structures * * SYNOPSIS */ static Status ConvertMixedColors( XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColor *pColors_in_out, XcmsColor *pWhitePt, unsigned int nColors, XcmsColorFormat targetFormat, unsigned char format_flag) /* * DESCRIPTION * This routine will only convert the following types of * batches: * DI to DI * DD to DD * DD to CIEXYZ * In other words, it will not convert the following types of * batches: * DI to DD * DD to DI(not CIEXYZ) * * format_flag: * 0x01 : convert Device-Dependent only specifications to the * target format. * 0x02 : convert Device-Independent only specifications to the * target format. * 0x03 : convert all specifications to the target format. * * RETURNS * XcmsFailure if failed, * XcmsSuccess if none of the color specifications were * compressed in the conversion process * XcmsSuccessWithCompression if at least one of the * color specifications were compressed in the * conversion process. * */ { XcmsColor *pColor, *pColors_start; XcmsColorFormat format; Status retval_tmp; Status retval = XcmsSuccess; unsigned int iColors; unsigned int nBatch; /* * Convert array of mixed color specifications in batches of * contiguous formats to the target format */ iColors = 0; while (iColors < nColors) { /* * Find contiguous array of color specifications with the * same format */ pColor = pColors_start = pColors_in_out + iColors; format = pColors_start->format; nBatch = 0; while (iColors < nColors && pColor->format == format) { pColor++; nBatch++; iColors++; } if (format != targetFormat) { /* * Need to convert this batch from current format to target format. */ if (XCMS_DI_ID(format) && (format_flag & DI_FORMAT) && XCMS_DI_ID(targetFormat)) { /* * DI->DI * * Format of interest is Device-Independent, * This batch contains Device-Independent specifications, and * the Target format is Device-Independent. */ retval_tmp = _XcmsDIConvertColors(ccc, pColors_start, pWhitePt, nBatch, targetFormat); } else if (XCMS_DD_ID(format) && (format_flag & DD_FORMAT) && (targetFormat == XcmsCIEXYZFormat)) { /* * DD->CIEXYZ * * Format of interest is Device-Dependent, * This batch contains Device-Dependent specifications, and * the Target format is CIEXYZ. * * Since DD->CIEXYZ we can use NULL instead of pCompressed. */ if ((ccc->whitePtAdjProc != NULL) && !_XcmsEqualWhitePts(ccc, pWhitePt, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(ccc))) { /* * Need to call WhiteAdjustProc (Screen White Point to * White Point). */ retval_tmp = (*ccc->whitePtAdjProc)(ccc, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(ccc), pWhitePt, XcmsCIEXYZFormat, pColors_start, nBatch, (Bool *)NULL); } else { retval_tmp = _XcmsDDConvertColors(ccc, pColors_start, nBatch, XcmsCIEXYZFormat, (Bool *)NULL); } } else if (XCMS_DD_ID(format) && (format_flag & DD_FORMAT) && XCMS_DD_ID(targetFormat)) { /* * DD->DD(not CIEXYZ) * * Format of interest is Device-Dependent, * This batch contains Device-Dependent specifications, and * the Target format is Device-Dependent and not CIEXYZ. */ retval_tmp = _XcmsDDConvertColors(ccc, pColors_start, nBatch, targetFormat, (Bool *)NULL); } else { /* * This routine is called for the wrong reason. */ return(XcmsFailure); } if (retval_tmp == XcmsFailure) { return(XcmsFailure); } retval = MAX(retval, retval_tmp); } } return(retval); } /************************************************************************ * * * API PRIVATE ROUTINES * * * ************************************************************************/ /* * NAME * _XcmsEqualWhitePts * * SYNOPSIS */ int _XcmsEqualWhitePts(XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColor *pWhitePt1, XcmsColor *pWhitePt2) /* * DESCRIPTION * * RETURNS * Returns 0 if not equal; otherwise 1. * */ { XcmsColor tmp1, tmp2; memcpy((char *)&tmp1, (char *)pWhitePt1, sizeof(XcmsColor)); memcpy((char *)&tmp2, (char *)pWhitePt2, sizeof(XcmsColor)); if (tmp1.format != XcmsCIEXYZFormat) { if (_XcmsDIConvertColors(ccc, &tmp1, (XcmsColor *) NULL, 1, XcmsCIEXYZFormat)==0) { return(0); } } if (tmp2.format != XcmsCIEXYZFormat) { if (_XcmsDIConvertColors(ccc, &tmp2, (XcmsColor *) NULL, 1, XcmsCIEXYZFormat)==0) { return(0); } } return (EqualCIEXYZ(&tmp1, &tmp2)); } /* * NAME * _XcmsDIConvertColors - Convert XcmsColor structures * * SYNOPSIS */ Status _XcmsDIConvertColors( XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColor *pColors_in_out, XcmsColor *pWhitePt, unsigned int nColors, XcmsColorFormat newFormat) /* * DESCRIPTION * Convert XcmsColor structures to another Device-Independent * form. * * Here are some assumptions that this routine makes: * 1. The calling routine has already checked if * pColors_in_out->format == newFormat, therefore * there is no need to check again here. * 2. The calling routine has already checked nColors, * therefore this routine assumes nColors > 0. * 3. The calling routine may want to convert only between * CIExyY <-> CIEXYZ <-> CIEuvY * therefore, this routine allows pWhitePt to equal NULL. * * * RETURNS * XcmsFailure if failed, * XcmsSuccess if succeeded. * */ { XcmsColorSpace *pFrom, *pTo; XcmsDIConversionProc *src_to_CIEXYZ, *src_from_CIEXYZ; XcmsDIConversionProc *dest_to_CIEXYZ, *dest_from_CIEXYZ; XcmsDIConversionProc *to_CIEXYZ_stop, *from_CIEXYZ_start; XcmsDIConversionProc *tmp; /* * Allow pWhitePt to equal NULL. This appropriate when converting * anywhere between: * CIExyY <-> CIEXYZ <-> CIEuvY */ if (pColors_in_out == NULL || !ValidDIColorSpaceID(pColors_in_out->format) || !ValidDIColorSpaceID(newFormat)) { return(XcmsFailure); } /* * Get a handle on the function list for the current specification format */ if ((pFrom = ColorSpaceOfID(ccc, pColors_in_out->format)) == NULL) { return(XcmsFailure); } /* * Get a handle on the function list for the new specification format */ if ((pTo = ColorSpaceOfID(ccc, newFormat)) == NULL) { return(XcmsFailure); } src_to_CIEXYZ = pFrom->to_CIEXYZ; src_from_CIEXYZ = pFrom->from_CIEXYZ; dest_to_CIEXYZ = pTo->to_CIEXYZ; dest_from_CIEXYZ = pTo->from_CIEXYZ; if (pTo->inverse_flag && pFrom->inverse_flag) { /* * Find common function pointers */ for (to_CIEXYZ_stop = src_to_CIEXYZ; *to_CIEXYZ_stop; to_CIEXYZ_stop++){ for (tmp = dest_to_CIEXYZ; *tmp; tmp++) { if (*to_CIEXYZ_stop == *tmp) { goto Continue; } } } Continue: /* * Execute the functions to CIEXYZ, stopping short as necessary */ while (src_to_CIEXYZ != to_CIEXYZ_stop) { if ((*src_to_CIEXYZ++)(ccc, pWhitePt, pColors_in_out, nColors) == XcmsFailure) { return(XcmsFailure); } } /* * Determine where to start on the from_CIEXYZ path. */ from_CIEXYZ_start = dest_from_CIEXYZ; tmp = src_from_CIEXYZ; while ((*from_CIEXYZ_start == *tmp) && (*from_CIEXYZ_start != NULL)) { from_CIEXYZ_start++; tmp++; } } else { /* * The function in at least one of the Color Spaces are not * complementary, i.e., * for an i, 0 <= i < n elements * from_CIEXYZ[i] is not the inverse of to_CIEXYZ[i] * * Execute the functions all the way to CIEXYZ */ while (*src_to_CIEXYZ) { if ((*src_to_CIEXYZ++)(ccc, pWhitePt, pColors_in_out, nColors) == XcmsFailure) { return(XcmsFailure); } } /* * Determine where to start on the from_CIEXYZ path. */ from_CIEXYZ_start = dest_from_CIEXYZ; } /* * Execute the functions from CIEXYZ. */ while (*from_CIEXYZ_start) { if ((*from_CIEXYZ_start++)(ccc, pWhitePt, pColors_in_out, nColors) == XcmsFailure) { return(XcmsFailure); } } return(XcmsSuccess); } /* * NAME * _XcmsDDConvertColors - Convert XcmsColor structures * * SYNOPSIS */ Status _XcmsDDConvertColors( XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColor *pColors_in_out, unsigned int nColors, XcmsColorFormat newFormat, Bool *pCompressed) /* * DESCRIPTION * Convert XcmsColor structures: * * 1. From CIEXYZ to Device-Dependent formats (typically RGB and * RGBi), * or * 2. Between Device-Dependent formats (typically RGB and RGBi). * * Assumes that these specifications have already been white point * adjusted if necessary from Client White Point to Screen * White Point. Therefore, the white point now associated * with the specifications is the Screen White Point. * * pCompressed may be NULL. If so this indicates that the * calling routine is not interested in knowing exactly which * color was compressed, if any. * * * RETURNS * XcmsFailure if failed, * XcmsSuccess if none of the color specifications were * compressed in the conversion process * XcmsSuccessWithCompression if at least one of the * color specifications were compressed in the * conversion process. * */ { XcmsColorSpace *pFrom, *pTo; XcmsDDConversionProc *src_to_CIEXYZ, *src_from_CIEXYZ; XcmsDDConversionProc *dest_to_CIEXYZ, *dest_from_CIEXYZ; XcmsDDConversionProc *from_CIEXYZ_start, *to_CIEXYZ_stop; XcmsDDConversionProc *tmp; int retval; int hasCompressed = 0; if (ccc == NULL || pColors_in_out == NULL) { return(XcmsFailure); } if (nColors == 0 || pColors_in_out->format == newFormat) { /* do nothing */ return(XcmsSuccess); } if (((XcmsFunctionSet *)ccc->pPerScrnInfo->functionSet) == NULL) { return(XcmsFailure); /* hmm, an internal error? */ } /* * Its ok if pColors_in_out->format == XcmsCIEXYZFormat * or * if newFormat == XcmsCIEXYZFormat */ if ( !( ValidDDColorSpaceID(ccc, pColors_in_out->format) || (pColors_in_out->format == XcmsCIEXYZFormat)) || !(ValidDDColorSpaceID(ccc, newFormat) || newFormat == XcmsCIEXYZFormat)) { return(XcmsFailure); } if ((pFrom = ColorSpaceOfID(ccc, pColors_in_out->format)) == NULL){ return(XcmsFailure); } if ((pTo = ColorSpaceOfID(ccc, newFormat)) == NULL) { return(XcmsFailure); } src_to_CIEXYZ = (XcmsDDConversionProc *)pFrom->to_CIEXYZ; src_from_CIEXYZ = (XcmsDDConversionProc *)pFrom->from_CIEXYZ; dest_to_CIEXYZ = (XcmsDDConversionProc *)pTo->to_CIEXYZ; dest_from_CIEXYZ = (XcmsDDConversionProc *)pTo->from_CIEXYZ; if (pTo->inverse_flag && pFrom->inverse_flag) { /* * Find common function pointers */ for (to_CIEXYZ_stop = src_to_CIEXYZ; *to_CIEXYZ_stop; to_CIEXYZ_stop++){ for (tmp = dest_to_CIEXYZ; *tmp; tmp++) { if (*to_CIEXYZ_stop == *tmp) { goto Continue; } } } Continue: /* * Execute the functions */ while (src_to_CIEXYZ != to_CIEXYZ_stop) { retval = (*src_to_CIEXYZ++)(ccc, pColors_in_out, nColors, pCompressed); if (retval == XcmsFailure) { return(XcmsFailure); } hasCompressed |= (retval == XcmsSuccessWithCompression); } /* * Determine where to start on the from_CIEXYZ path. */ from_CIEXYZ_start = dest_from_CIEXYZ; tmp = src_from_CIEXYZ; while ((*from_CIEXYZ_start == *tmp) && (*from_CIEXYZ_start != NULL)) { from_CIEXYZ_start++; tmp++; } } else { /* * The function in at least one of the Color Spaces are not * complementary, i.e., * for an i, 0 <= i < n elements * from_CIEXYZ[i] is not the inverse of to_CIEXYZ[i] * * Execute the functions all the way to CIEXYZ */ while (*src_to_CIEXYZ) { retval = (*src_to_CIEXYZ++)(ccc, pColors_in_out, nColors, pCompressed); if (retval == XcmsFailure) { return(XcmsFailure); } hasCompressed |= (retval == XcmsSuccessWithCompression); } /* * Determine where to start on the from_CIEXYZ path. */ from_CIEXYZ_start = dest_from_CIEXYZ; } while (*from_CIEXYZ_start) { retval = (*from_CIEXYZ_start++)(ccc, pColors_in_out, nColors, pCompressed); if (retval == XcmsFailure) { return(XcmsFailure); } hasCompressed |= (retval == XcmsSuccessWithCompression); } return(hasCompressed ? XcmsSuccessWithCompression : XcmsSuccess); } /************************************************************************ * * * PUBLIC ROUTINES * * * ************************************************************************/ /* * NAME * XcmsConvertColors - Convert XcmsColor structures * * SYNOPSIS */ Status XcmsConvertColors(ccc, pColors_in_out, nColors, targetFormat, pCompressed) XcmsCCC ccc; XcmsColor *pColors_in_out; unsigned int nColors; XcmsColorFormat targetFormat; Bool *pCompressed; /* * DESCRIPTION * Convert XcmsColor structures to another format * * RETURNS * XcmsFailure if failed, * XcmsSuccess if succeeded without gamut compression, * XcmsSuccessWithCompression if succeeded with gamut * compression. * */ { XcmsColor clientWhitePt; XcmsColor Color1; XcmsColor *pColors_tmp; int callWhiteAdjustProc = 0; XcmsColorFormat format; Status retval; unsigned char contents_flag = 0x00; unsigned int iColors; if (ccc == NULL || pColors_in_out == NULL || !(ValidDIColorSpaceID(targetFormat) || ValidDDColorSpaceID(ccc, targetFormat))) { return(XcmsFailure); } /* * Check formats in color specification array */ format = pColors_in_out->format; for (pColors_tmp = pColors_in_out, iColors = nColors; iColors; pColors_tmp++, iColors--) { if (!(ValidDIColorSpaceID(pColors_tmp->format) || ValidDDColorSpaceID(ccc, pColors_tmp->format))) { return(XcmsFailure); } if (XCMS_DI_ID(pColors_tmp->format)) { contents_flag |= DI_FORMAT; } else { contents_flag |= DD_FORMAT; } if (pColors_tmp->format != format) { contents_flag |= MIX_FORMAT; } } /* * Check if we need the Client White Point. */ if ((contents_flag & DI_FORMAT) || XCMS_DI_ID(targetFormat)) { /* To proceed, we need to get the Client White Point */ memcpy((char *)&clientWhitePt, (char *)&ccc->clientWhitePt, sizeof(XcmsColor)); if (clientWhitePt.format == XcmsUndefinedFormat) { /* * Client White Point is undefined, therefore set to the Screen * White Point. * Since Client White Point == Screen White Point, WhiteAdjustProc * is not called. */ memcpy((char *)&clientWhitePt, (char *)&ccc->pPerScrnInfo->screenWhitePt, sizeof(XcmsColor)); } else if ((ccc->whitePtAdjProc != NULL) && !_XcmsEqualWhitePts(ccc, &clientWhitePt, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(ccc))) { /* * Client White Point != Screen White Point, and WhiteAdjustProc * is not NULL, therefore, will need to call it when * converting between DI and DD specifications. */ callWhiteAdjustProc = 1; } } /* * Make copy of array of color specifications */ if (nColors > 1) { pColors_tmp = (XcmsColor *) Xmalloc(nColors * sizeof(XcmsColor)); } else { pColors_tmp = &Color1; } memcpy((char *)pColors_tmp, (char *)pColors_in_out, nColors * sizeof(XcmsColor)); /* * zero out pCompressed */ if (pCompressed) { bzero((char *)pCompressed, nColors * sizeof(Bool)); } if (contents_flag == DD_FORMAT || contents_flag == DI_FORMAT) { /* * ENTIRE ARRAY IS IN ONE FORMAT. */ if (XCMS_DI_ID(format) && XCMS_DI_ID(targetFormat)) { /* * DI-to-DI only conversion */ retval = _XcmsDIConvertColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, &clientWhitePt, nColors, targetFormat); } else if (XCMS_DD_ID(format) && XCMS_DD_ID(targetFormat)) { /* * DD-to-DD only conversion * Since DD->DD there will be no compressed thus we can * pass NULL instead of pCompressed. */ retval = _XcmsDDConvertColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, nColors, targetFormat, (Bool *)NULL); } else { /* * Otherwise we have: * 1. Device-Independent to Device-Dependent Conversion * OR * 2. Device-Dependent to Device-Independent Conversion * * We need to go from oldFormat -> CIEXYZ -> targetFormat * adjusting for white points as necessary. */ if (XCMS_DI_ID(format)) { /* * 1. Device-Independent to Device-Dependent Conversion */ if (callWhiteAdjustProc) { /* * White Point Adjustment * Client White Point to Screen White Point */ retval = (*ccc->whitePtAdjProc)(ccc, &clientWhitePt, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(ccc), targetFormat, pColors_tmp, nColors, pCompressed); } else { if (_XcmsDIConvertColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, &clientWhitePt, nColors, XcmsCIEXYZFormat) == XcmsFailure) { goto Failure; } retval = _XcmsDDConvertColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, nColors, targetFormat, pCompressed); } } else { /* * 2. Device-Dependent to Device-Independent Conversion */ if (callWhiteAdjustProc) { /* * White Point Adjustment * Screen White Point to Client White Point */ retval = (*ccc->whitePtAdjProc)(ccc, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(ccc), &clientWhitePt, targetFormat, pColors_tmp, nColors, pCompressed); } else { /* * Since DD->CIEXYZ, no compression takes place therefore * we can pass NULL instead of pCompressed. */ if (_XcmsDDConvertColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, nColors, XcmsCIEXYZFormat, (Bool *)NULL) == XcmsFailure) { goto Failure; } retval = _XcmsDIConvertColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, &clientWhitePt, nColors, targetFormat); } } } } else { /* * ARRAY HAS MIXED FORMATS. */ if ((contents_flag == (DI_FORMAT | MIX_FORMAT)) && XCMS_DI_ID(targetFormat)) { /* * Convert from DI to DI in batches of contiguous formats * * Because DI->DI, WhiteAdjustProc not called. */ retval = ConvertMixedColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, &clientWhitePt, nColors, targetFormat, (unsigned char)DI_FORMAT); } else if ((contents_flag == (DD_FORMAT | MIX_FORMAT)) && XCMS_DD_ID(targetFormat)) { /* * Convert from DD to DD in batches of contiguous formats * * Because DD->DD, WhiteAdjustProc not called. */ retval = ConvertMixedColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, (XcmsColor *)NULL, nColors, targetFormat, (unsigned char)DD_FORMAT); } else if (XCMS_DI_ID(targetFormat)) { /* * We need to convert from DI-to-DI and DD-to-DI, therefore * 1. convert DD specifications to CIEXYZ, then * 2. convert all in batches to the target DI format. * * Note that ConvertMixedColors will call WhiteAdjustProc * as necessary. */ /* * Convert only DD specifications in batches of contiguous formats * to CIEXYZ * * Since DD->CIEXYZ, ConvertMixedColors will apply WhiteAdjustProc * if required. */ retval = ConvertMixedColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, &clientWhitePt, nColors, XcmsCIEXYZFormat, (unsigned char)DD_FORMAT); /* * Because at this point we may have a mix of DI formats * (e.g., CIEXYZ, CIELuv) we must convert the specs to the * target DI format in batches of contiguous source formats. */ retval = ConvertMixedColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, &clientWhitePt, nColors, targetFormat, (unsigned char)DI_FORMAT); } else { /* * We need to convert from DI-to-DD and DD-to-DD, therefore * 1. convert DI specifications to CIEXYZ, then * 2. convert all to the DD target format. * * This allows white point adjustment and gamut compression * to be applied to all the color specifications in one * swoop if those functions do in fact modify the entire * group of color specifications. */ /* * Convert in batches to CIEXYZ * * If DD->CIEXYZ, ConvertMixedColors will apply WhiteAdjustProc * if required. */ if ((retval = ConvertMixedColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, &clientWhitePt, nColors, XcmsCIEXYZFormat, (unsigned char)(DI_FORMAT | DD_FORMAT))) == XcmsFailure) { goto Failure; } /* * Convert all specifications (now in CIEXYZ format) to * the target DD format. * Since CIEXYZ->DD, compression MAY take place therefore * we must pass pCompressed. * Note that WhiteAdjustProc must be used if necessary. */ if (callWhiteAdjustProc) { /* * White Point Adjustment * Client White Point to Screen White Point */ retval = (*ccc->whitePtAdjProc)(ccc, &clientWhitePt, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(ccc), targetFormat, pColors_tmp, nColors, pCompressed); } else { retval = _XcmsDDConvertColors(ccc, pColors_tmp, nColors, targetFormat, pCompressed); } } } if (retval != XcmsFailure) { memcpy((char *)pColors_in_out, (char *)pColors_tmp, nColors * sizeof(XcmsColor)); } if (nColors > 1) { Xfree((char *)pColors_tmp); } return(retval); Failure: if (nColors > 1) { Xfree((char *)pColors_tmp); } return(XcmsFailure); } /* * NAME * XcmsRegFormatOfPrefix * * SYNOPSIS */ XcmsColorFormat _XcmsRegFormatOfPrefix( _Xconst char *prefix) /* * DESCRIPTION * Returns a color space ID associated with the specified * X Consortium registered color space prefix. * * RETURNS * The color space ID if found; * otherwise NULL. */ { XcmsRegColorSpaceEntry *pEntry = _XcmsRegColorSpaces; while (pEntry->prefix != NULL) { if (strcmp(prefix, pEntry->prefix) == 0) { return(pEntry->id); } pEntry++; } return(XcmsUndefinedFormat); }