/*********************************************************************** Copyright 1993 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, Copyright 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED Copyright 1994 by Sony Corporation All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital, FUJITSU LIMITED and Sony Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL, FUJITSU LIMITED AND SONY CORPORATION DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL, FUJITSU LIMITED AND SONY CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Author: Hiroyuki Miyamoto Digital Equipment Corporation miyamoto@jrd.dec.com Modifier: Takashi Fujiwara FUJITSU LIMITED fujiwara@a80.tech.yk.fujitsu.co.jp Makoto Wakamatsu Sony Corporation makoto@sm.sony.co.jp ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "Xlibint.h" #include "Xlcint.h" #include "Ximint.h" #include "XlcPubI.h" #ifdef X_LOCALE #define mblen(a,b) _Xmblen(a,b) extern int _Xmblen (); #endif #define sz_CARD8 1 #define sz_INT8 1 #define sz_CARD16 2 #define sz_INT16 2 #define sz_BITMASK16 sz_CARD16 #define sz_CARD32 4 #define sz_INT32 4 #define sz_BITMASK32 sz_CARD32 #define sz_XIMID sizeof(XIMID) #define sz_XICID sizeof(XICID) #define sz_XIMATTRID sizeof(XIMATTRID) #define sz_XICATTRID sizeof(XICATTRID) #define sz_ximPacketHeader (XIM_HEADER_SIZE + sz_XIMID + sz_XICID) #define sz_ximGeometry 0 #define sz_ximStrConversion (sz_CARD32 + sz_CARD32 + sz_CARD32 + sz_CARD32) #define sz_ximPreeditStart 0 #define sz_ximPreeditStartReply sz_INT32 #define sz_ximPreeditCaret (sz_INT32 + sz_CARD32 + sz_CARD32) #define sz_ximPreeditCaretReply sz_CARD32 #define sz_ximPreeditDone 0 #define sz_ximStatusStart 0 #define sz_ximStatusDone 0 typedef enum { XimCbSuccess, XimCbNoCallback, XimCbError, XimCbQueued, XimCbBadContextID, XimCbBadOpcode } XimCbStatus; typedef XimCbStatus (*XimCb)( Xim, Xic, char*, int ); #define PACKET_TO_MAJOROPCODE(p) (*(CARD8*)((CARD8*)(p))) #define PACKET_TO_MINOROPCODE(p) (*(CARD8*)((CARD8*)(p) + sz_CARD8)) #define PACKET_TO_LENGTH(p) (*(CARD16*)((CARD8*)(p) + sz_CARD8 + sz_CARD8)) #define PACKET_TO_IMID(p) (*(XIMID*)((CARD8*)(p) + XIM_HEADER_SIZE)) #define PACKET_TO_ICID(p) (*(XICID*)((CARD8*)(p) + XIM_HEADER_SIZE + sz_XIMID)) #define _XimWriteData(im,len,data) \ (im->private.proto.write((im),(len),(XPointer)(data))) #define _XimReadData(im,buf,buf_len,len) \ (im->private.proto.read((im),(XPointer)(buf),(buf_len),&(len))) #define _XimFlushData(im) im->private.proto.flush((im)) static XimCbStatus _XimGeometryCallback(Xim, Xic, char*, int); static XimCbStatus _XimStrConversionCallback(Xim, Xic, char*, int); static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditStartCallback(Xim, Xic, char*, int); static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditDoneCallback(Xim, Xic, char*, int); static void _free_memory_for_text(XIMText*); static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditDrawCallback(Xim, Xic, char*, int); static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditCaretCallback(Xim, Xic, char*, int); static XimCbStatus _XimStatusStartCallback(Xim, Xic, char*, int); static XimCbStatus _XimStatusDoneCallback(Xim, Xic, char*, int); static XimCbStatus _XimStatusDrawCallback(Xim, Xic, char*, int); static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditStateNotifyCallback(Xim, Xic, char *, int); #if defined(__STDC__) && ((defined(sun) && defined(SVR4)) || defined(WIN32)) #define RConst /**/ #else #define RConst const #endif /* NOTE: * the table below depends on the protocol number * defined in the IM Protocol document. */ static RConst XimCb callback_table[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* #000-009 */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* #010-019 */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* #020-029 */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* #030-039 */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* #040-049 */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* #050-059 */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* #060-069 */ _XimGeometryCallback, /* #070 */ _XimStrConversionCallback, /* #071 */ NULL, /* #072 */ _XimPreeditStartCallback, /* #073 */ NULL, /* #074 */ _XimPreeditDrawCallback, /* #075 */ _XimPreeditCaretCallback, /* #076 */ NULL, /* #077 */ _XimPreeditDoneCallback, /* #078 */ _XimStatusStartCallback, /* #079 */ _XimStatusDrawCallback, /* #080 */ _XimStatusDoneCallback, /* #081 */ _XimPreeditStateNotifyCallback /* #082 */ }; static Bool _XimIsReadyForProcess(Xic ic) { return(!ic->private.proto.waitCallback); /* check HM */ } static void _XimProcessPendingCallbacks(Xic ic) { XimPendingCallback pcbq; while (((pcbq = ic->private.proto.pend_cb_que) != (XimPendingCallback)NULL) && _XimIsReadyForProcess(ic)) { (void) (*callback_table[pcbq->major_opcode])(pcbq->im, pcbq->ic, pcbq->proto, pcbq->proto_len); ic->private.proto.pend_cb_que = pcbq->next; Xfree(pcbq->proto); /* free memory of XimPendingCallback */ Xfree(pcbq); } } static void _XimPutCbIntoQueue(Xic ic, XimPendingCallback call_data) { XimPendingCallback pcbq = ic->private.proto.pend_cb_que; /* Queuing is FIFO */ while (pcbq != (XimPendingCallback)NULL) { if (pcbq->next == (XimPendingCallback)NULL) { break; } pcbq = pcbq->next; } if (pcbq == (XimPendingCallback)NULL) { ic->private.proto.pend_cb_que = call_data; } else { pcbq->next = call_data; } } Bool _XimCbDispatch(Xim xim, INT16 len, XPointer data, XPointer call_data) { /* `data' points to the beginning of the packet defined in IM Protocol doc. */ int major_opcode = PACKET_TO_MAJOROPCODE(data); XIMID imid = PACKET_TO_IMID(data); XICID icid = PACKET_TO_ICID(data); Xim im = (Xim)call_data; /* check HM */ Xic ic = _XimICOfXICID(im, icid); char* proto; int proto_len; /* check validity of im/ic */ if ((imid != im->private.proto.imid) || !ic) { return False; /* status = XimCbBadContextID; */ } /* process pending callbacks */ _XimProcessPendingCallbacks(ic); /* check if the protocol should be processed here */ if (major_opcode > 82) { return False; /* status = XimCbBadOpcode; */ } if (!callback_table[major_opcode]) { return False; /* status = XimCbBadOpcode; */ } /* move the pointer ahead by the IM Protocol packet header size */ proto = (char*)data + sz_ximPacketHeader; proto_len = (int)len - sz_ximPacketHeader; /* check if it can be processed right away * and if no, queue the protocol, otherwise invoke a callback */ if (!_XimIsReadyForProcess(ic)) { /* queue the protocol */ XimPendingCallback pcb; char *proto_buf = (proto_len > 0) ? Xmalloc(proto_len) : NULL; pcb = Xmalloc(sizeof(XimPendingCallbackRec)); if (pcb && (proto_len <= 0 || proto_buf)) { if (proto_len > 0) memcpy(proto_buf, proto, proto_len); pcb->major_opcode = major_opcode; pcb->im = im; pcb->ic = ic; pcb->proto = proto_buf; pcb->proto_len = proto_len; pcb->next = (XimPendingCallback)NULL; /* queue is FIFO */ _XimPutCbIntoQueue(ic, pcb); /* status = XimCbQueued; */ } else { /* status = XimCbError; */ Xfree(pcb); Xfree(proto_buf); } } else { /* invoke each callback according to the major opcode. * `proto' points to the next address of IM-ID and IC-ID. * `proto_len' specifies the packet length. */ (void) (*callback_table[major_opcode])(im, ic, proto, proto_len); } return True; } static XimCbStatus _XimGeometryCallback(Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len) { XICCallback* cb = &ic->core.geometry_callback; /* invoke the callack */ if (cb && cb->callback) { (*cb->callback)((XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)NULL); } else { /* no callback registered */ return XimCbNoCallback; } return XimCbSuccess; } static XimCbStatus _XimStrConversionCallback(Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len) { XICCallback* cb = &ic->core.string_conversion_callback; /* check HM */ XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct cbrec; /* invoke the callback */ if (cb && cb->callback) { int p = XIM_HEADER_SIZE; cbrec.position = (XIMStringConversionPosition) *(CARD32*)&proto[p]; p += sz_CARD32; cbrec.direction = (XIMCaretDirection) *(CARD32*)&proto[p]; p += sz_CARD32; cbrec.operation = (XIMStringConversionOperation) *(CARD32*)&proto[p]; p += sz_CARD32; cbrec.factor = (unsigned short) *(CARD32*)&proto[p]; (*cb->callback)((XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)&cbrec); } else { /* no callback registered */ _XimError(im, ic, (CARD16)XIM_BadSomething, (INT16)len, (CARD16)XIM_STR_CONVERSION, (char*)proto); /* send XIM_ERROR */ return XimCbNoCallback; } /* send a reply */ { CARD8 *buf; INT16 buf_len; int p, length_in_bytes, i; /* Assumption: * `cbrec.text->length' means the string length in characters */ { length_in_bytes = (cbrec.text->encoding_is_wchar)? sizeof(wchar_t) * cbrec.text->length: /* wchar */ strlen(cbrec.text->string.mbs); /* mb */ buf_len = XIM_HEADER_SIZE + sz_CARD16 + 2 + length_in_bytes + XIM_PAD(2 + length_in_bytes) + 2 + 2 + sz_CARD32 * cbrec.text->length; buf = Xmalloc(buf_len); } _XimSetHeader((XPointer)buf, XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY, 0, &buf_len); buf_len -= XIM_HEADER_SIZE; /* added by _XimSetHeader (HACK) */ p = XIM_HEADER_SIZE; *(CARD16*)&buf[p] = (CARD16)im->private.proto.imid; p += sz_CARD16; *(CARD16*)&buf[p] = (CARD16)ic->private.proto.icid; p += sz_CARD16; *(CARD16*)&buf[p] = (CARD16)cbrec.text->length; p += sz_CARD16; memcpy(&buf[p],&cbrec.text->string.mbs,length_in_bytes); p += length_in_bytes; *(CARD16*)&buf[p] = (CARD16)(sz_CARD32*cbrec.text->length); p += XIM_PAD(2); for (i = 0; i < (int)cbrec.text->length; i++) { *(CARD32*)&buf[p] = (CARD32)cbrec.text->feedback[i]; p += sz_CARD32; } if (!(_XimWriteData(im, buf_len, buf))) { return XimCbError; } _XimFlushData(im); Xfree(buf); } return XimCbSuccess; } static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditStartCallback(Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len) { XICCallback* cb = &ic->core.preedit_attr.start_callback; int ret; /* invoke the callback */ if (cb && cb->callback){ ret = (*(cb->callback))((XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)NULL); } else { /* no callback registered */ _XimError(im, ic, (CARD16)XIM_BadSomething, (INT16)len, (CARD16)XIM_PREEDIT_START, (char*)proto); /* send XIM_ERROR */ return XimCbNoCallback; } /* send a reply */ { CARD32 buf32[(sz_ximPacketHeader + sz_ximPreeditStartReply) / 4]; CARD8 *buf = (CARD8 *)buf32; INT16 buf_len = sz_XIMID + sz_XICID + sz_ximPreeditStartReply; int p; _XimSetHeader((XPointer)buf, XIM_PREEDIT_START_REPLY, 0, &buf_len); p = XIM_HEADER_SIZE; *(CARD16*)&buf[p] = (CARD16)im->private.proto.imid; p += sz_CARD16; *(CARD16*)&buf[p] = (CARD16)ic->private.proto.icid; p += sz_CARD16; *(INT32*)&buf[p] = (INT32)ret; if (!(_XimWriteData(im, buf_len, buf))) { return XimCbError; } _XimFlushData(im); } return XimCbSuccess; } static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditDoneCallback(Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len) { XICCallback* cb = &ic->core.preedit_attr.done_callback; /* invoke the callback */ if (cb && cb->callback) { (*cb->callback)((XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)NULL); } else { /* no callback registered */ return XimCbNoCallback; } return XimCbSuccess; } static void _read_text_from_packet(Xim im, char* buf, XIMText** text_ptr) { int status; XIMText* text; int tmp_len; char* tmp_buf; Status s = 0; status = (int)*(BITMASK32*)buf; buf += sz_BITMASK32; /* string part */ if (status & 0x00000001) /* "no string" bit on */ { buf += sz_CARD16; /* skip "length of preedit string" */ buf += 2; /* pad */ *text_ptr = (XIMText*)NULL; return; } *text_ptr = text = Xmalloc(sizeof(XIMText)); if (text == (XIMText*)NULL) return; tmp_len = (int)*(CARD16*)buf; buf += sz_CARD16; if ((tmp_buf = Xmalloc(tmp_len + 1))) { memcpy(tmp_buf, buf, tmp_len); tmp_buf[tmp_len] = '\0'; text->encoding_is_wchar = False; text->length = im->methods->ctstombs((XIM)im, tmp_buf, tmp_len, NULL, 0, &s); /* CT? HM */ if (s != XLookupNone) { #ifndef NO_DEC_I18N_FIX /* Allow for NULL-terminated */ if ((text->string.multi_byte = Xmalloc(text->length * XLC_PUBLIC(im->core.lcd,mb_cur_max) + 1))) { #else if (text->string.multi_byte = Xmalloc(text->length+1)) { #endif int tmp; #ifndef NO_DEC_I18N_FIX char *char_tmp; int char_len; #endif tmp = im->methods->ctstombs((XIM)im, tmp_buf, tmp_len, #ifndef NO_DEC_I18N_FIX text->string.multi_byte, text->length * XLC_PUBLIC(im->core.lcd,mb_cur_max) + 1, #else text->string.multi_byte, text->length, #endif &s); text->string.multi_byte[tmp] = '\0'; #ifndef NO_DEC_I18N_FIX text->length = 0; char_tmp = text->string.multi_byte; while (*char_tmp != '\0') { char_len = mblen(char_tmp, strlen(char_tmp)); char_tmp = char_tmp + char_len; (text->length)++; } #endif } } else { text->length = 0; text->string.multi_byte = NULL; } Xfree(tmp_buf); } buf += tmp_len; buf += XIM_PAD(sz_CARD16 + tmp_len); /* pad */ /* feedback part */ if (status & 0x00000002) /* "no feedback" bit on */ { text->feedback = (XIMFeedback*)NULL; } else { int i, j; i = (int)*(CARD16*)buf; buf += sz_CARD16; buf += sz_CARD16; /* skip `unused' */ text->feedback = Xmalloc(i*(sizeof(XIMFeedback)/sizeof(CARD32))); j = 0; while (i > 0) { text->feedback[j] = (XIMFeedback)*(CARD32*)buf; buf += sz_CARD32; i -= sz_CARD32; j++; } /* * text->length tells how long both the status string and * the feedback array are. If there's "no string" the * text->length was set to zero previously. See above. * But if there is feedback (i.e. not "no feedback") then * we need to convey the length of the feedback array. * It might have been better if the protocol sent two * different values, one for the length of the status * string and one for the length of the feedback array. */ if (status & 0x00000001) /* "no string" bit on */ { text->length = j; } } } static void _free_memory_for_text(XIMText* text) { if (text) { if (text->string.multi_byte) Xfree(text->string.multi_byte); if (text->feedback) Xfree(text->feedback); Xfree(text); } } static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditDrawCallback(Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len) { XICCallback* cb = &ic->core.preedit_attr.draw_callback; XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct cbs; /* invoke the callback */ if (cb && cb->callback) { cbs.caret = (int)*(INT32*)proto; proto += sz_INT32; cbs.chg_first = (int)*(INT32*)proto; proto += sz_INT32; cbs.chg_length = (int)*(INT32*)proto; proto += sz_INT32; _read_text_from_packet(im, proto, &cbs.text); (*cb->callback)((XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)&cbs); _free_memory_for_text((XIMText*)cbs.text); } else { /* no callback registered */ return XimCbNoCallback; } return XimCbSuccess; } static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditCaretCallback(Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len) { XICCallback* cb = &ic->core.preedit_attr.caret_callback; XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct cbs; /* invoke the callback */ if (cb && cb->callback) { cbs.position = (int)*(INT32*)proto; proto += sz_INT32; cbs.direction = (XIMCaretDirection)*(CARD32*)proto; proto += sz_CARD32; cbs.style = (XIMCaretStyle)*(CARD32*)proto; proto += sz_CARD32; (*cb->callback)((XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)&cbs); } else { /* no callback registered */ _XimError(im, ic, (CARD16)XIM_BadSomething, (INT16)len, (CARD16)XIM_PREEDIT_CARET, (char*)proto); /* send XIM_ERROR */ return XimCbNoCallback; } /* Send a reply */ { CARD8 buf[sz_ximPacketHeader + sz_ximPreeditCaretReply]; INT16 len = sz_XIMID + sz_XICID + sz_ximPreeditCaretReply; int p; _XimSetHeader((XPointer)buf, XIM_PREEDIT_CARET_REPLY, 0, &len); p = XIM_HEADER_SIZE; *(CARD16*)&buf[p] = (CARD16)im->private.proto.imid; p += sz_CARD16; *(CARD16*)&buf[p] = (CARD16)ic->private.proto.icid; p += sz_CARD16; *(CARD32*)&buf[p] = (CARD32)cbs.position; if (!(_XimWriteData(im, len, buf))) { return XimCbError; } _XimFlushData(im); } return XimCbSuccess; } static XimCbStatus _XimStatusStartCallback(Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len) { XICCallback* cb = &ic->core.status_attr.start_callback; /* invoke the callback */ if (cb && cb->callback) { (*cb->callback)((XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)NULL); } else { /* no callback registered */ return XimCbNoCallback; } return XimCbSuccess; } static XimCbStatus _XimStatusDoneCallback(Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len) { XICCallback* cb = &ic->core.status_attr.done_callback; /* invoke the callback */ if (cb && cb->callback) { (*cb->callback)((XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)NULL); } else { /* no callback registered */ return XimCbNoCallback; } return XimCbSuccess; } static XimCbStatus _XimStatusDrawCallback(Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len) { XICCallback* cb = &ic->core.status_attr.draw_callback; XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct cbs; /* invoke the callback */ if (cb && cb->callback) { cbs.type = (XIMStatusDataType)*(CARD32*)proto; proto += sz_CARD32; if (cbs.type == XIMTextType) { _read_text_from_packet(im, proto, &cbs.data.text); } else if (cbs.type == XIMBitmapType) { cbs.data.bitmap = (Pixmap)*(CARD32*)proto; } (*cb->callback)((XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)&cbs); if (cbs.type == XIMTextType) _free_memory_for_text((XIMText *)cbs.data.text); } else { /* no callback registered */ return XimCbNoCallback; } return XimCbSuccess; } static XimCbStatus _XimPreeditStateNotifyCallback( Xim im, Xic ic, char* proto, int len ) { XICCallback *cb = &ic->core.preedit_attr.state_notify_callback; /* invoke the callack */ if( cb && cb->callback ) { XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct cbrec; cbrec.state = *(BITMASK32 *)proto; (*cb->callback)( (XIC)ic, cb->client_data, (XPointer)&cbrec ); } else { /* no callback registered */ return XimCbNoCallback; } return XimCbSuccess; }