/* Copyright 1996, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* * Copyright 1995 by FUJITSU LIMITED * This is source code modified by FUJITSU LIMITED under the Joint * Development Agreement for the CDE/Motif PST. * * Modifier: Takanori Tateno FUJITSU LIMITED * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <locale.h> #include <Xlib.h> #include <Xlibint.h> #include <Xlcint.h> #include <XlcPubI.h> #include <XlcGeneric.h> #include <XomGeneric.h> /* external symbols */ extern FontData read_EncodingInfo(); extern int _xudc_get_codeset(); extern int _xudc_utyderror ; extern int _xudc_utyerror ; extern unsigned long _xudc_utyerrno ; #define _XUDC_ERROR -1 /* UDC structure define */ typedef struct __XUDCGlyphRegion { unsigned long start; unsigned long end; } _XUDCGlyphRegion ; /* * "code" no jyoui "i" byte me wo "unsigned char" toshite kaesu. */ static unsigned char getbyte(code,i) unsigned long code; int i; { unsigned long byteL; unsigned char byte; byteL = code >> (8*(3-i)); byte = (unsigned char)(0x000000ff & byteL); return(byte); } /* get codeset which described by charset_str and locale. for examples ... locale : ja_JP charset_str : JISX0208.1983-0 */ _xudc_get_codeset(locale,charset_str,codeset,num_codeset) char *locale; char *charset_str; int **codeset; int *num_codeset; { XLCdRec lcdrec; XLCd lcd; XLCdPublicRec xlcdp; XPointer rdb; int num = 0,count,num_ret=0,i,*ret; char **value,buf[128],*ptr; _xudc_utyderror = 0; _xudc_utyerror = 0; if((locale == NULL) || (charset_str == NULL)){ _xudc_utyerror = 5; _xudc_utyderror = 1; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x04 ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } if(codeset == NULL){ _xudc_utyerror = 5; _xudc_utyderror = 2; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x04 ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } /* create XLCd */ xlcdp.pub.siname = locale; lcdrec.core = (XLCdCore)&xlcdp; lcd = &lcdrec; /* create X RDB (X NLS DB) */ rdb = _XlcCreateLocaleDataBase(lcd); if(rdb == NULL){ _xudc_utyerror = 1; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x15 ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } for(num=0;;num++){ /* XLC_FONTSET */ sprintf(buf, "fs%d.font.primary", num); _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(lcd, "XLC_FONTSET", buf, &value, &count); if(count < 1){ break ; } for(i=0;i<count;i++){ if (strlen(value[i]) >= sizeof(buf)) continue; strcpy(buf,value[i]); ptr = (char *)strchr(buf,(int)':'); *ptr = 0; if(!_XlcCompareISOLatin1(charset_str,buf)){ num_ret += 1; if(num_ret == 1){ ret = (int *)Xmalloc(sizeof(int)); } else { int *prev_ret = ret; ret = (int *)Xrealloc(ret,num_ret*sizeof(int)); if (ret == NULL){ Xfree(prev_ret); } } if(ret == NULL){ _xudc_utyerrno = 0x03 ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } ret[num_ret-1]=num; break ; } } } if(num_ret == 0){ *num_codeset = 0; *codeset = NULL; return (0xff); } *num_codeset = num_ret; *codeset = ret; return 0; } static Bool gi_to_vgi(gi,vgi,scope) unsigned long gi,*vgi; FontScope scope; { if(scope->shift_direction == (unsigned long)'+'){ gi -= scope->shift; } else { gi += scope->shift; } if(gi >= scope->start && gi <= scope->end){ *vgi = gi; return(True); } return(False); } static void shift_area(udc,scope) _XUDCGlyphRegion *udc; FontScope scope; { if(scope->shift_direction == (unsigned long)'+'){ udc->start += scope->shift; udc->end += scope->shift; } else { udc->start -= scope->shift; udc->end -= scope->shift; } } /* get UDC area with glyph index. for examples ... locale : ja_JP charset_str : JISX0208.1983-0 */ _XUDCGetUDCGIArea(locale,codeset,charset_str,gr,num_gr) char *locale; int codeset; char *charset_str; _XUDCGlyphRegion **gr; int *num_gr; { XLCdRec lcdrec; XLCd lcd; XLCdPublicRec xlcdp; XPointer rdb; _XUDCGlyphRegion *udc; int num = 0,count,num_ret=0; int i,j,k; char **value,buf[128],ptr; FontData font_data; _xudc_utyderror = 0; _xudc_utyerror = 0; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x00 ; if((locale == NULL) || (charset_str == NULL)){ _xudc_utyerror = 5; _xudc_utyderror = 1; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x04; _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0b<<8) ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } if(gr == NULL){ _xudc_utyerror = 5; _xudc_utyderror = 1; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x04; _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0b<<8) ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } if(num_gr == NULL){ _xudc_utyerror = 5; _xudc_utyderror = 2; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x04; _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0b<<8) ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } /* create XLCd */ xlcdp.pub.siname = locale; lcdrec.core = (XLCdCore)&xlcdp; lcd = &lcdrec; /* create X RDB (X NLS DB) */ rdb = _XlcCreateLocaleDataBase(lcd); if(rdb == NULL){ _xudc_utyerror = 1; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x15 ; _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0b<<8) ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } udc = NULL; /* XLC_FONTSET */ sprintf(buf, "fs%d.charset.udc_area", codeset-1); _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(lcd, "XLC_FONTSET", buf, &value, &count); if(count > 0){ udc = (_XUDCGlyphRegion *)Xmalloc(count * sizeof(_XUDCGlyphRegion)); if(udc == NULL){ _xudc_utyerrno = 0x03 ; _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0b<<8) ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } for(i=0;i<count;i++){ sscanf(value[i],"\\x%lx,\\x%lx", &(udc[i].start), &(udc[i].end)); } } *num_gr = count; sprintf(buf, "fs%d.font.primary", codeset-1); _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(lcd, "XLC_FONTSET", buf, &value, &count); if(count > 0){ font_data = read_EncodingInfo(count,value); for(i=0;i<count;i++){ if( !_XlcCompareISOLatin1(font_data[i].name,charset_str)){ for(j=0;j<(*num_gr);j++){ for(k=0;k<font_data[i].scopes_num;k++){ if(udc[j].start == font_data[i].scopes[k].start && font_data[i].scopes[k].shift){ shift_area(&udc[j],&(font_data[i].scopes[k])); } } } } } } *gr = udc; return 0; } /* * Code convert wo tomonau UDC area no kakutoku * GetUDCCPArea() / glyph_to_code() * */ static int _xudc_gi_to_vgi(lcd,locale,charset_str,codeset,gi,vgi,charsetname,size) XLCd lcd; char *locale; char *charset_str; int codeset; unsigned long gi; unsigned long *vgi; char *charsetname; int size; { _XUDCGlyphRegion *udc; int num = 0,count,num_ret=0; int i,j,k; char **value,buf[128],ptr; FontData font_data; sprintf(buf, "fs%d.charset.name", codeset-1); _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(lcd, "XLC_FONTSET", buf, &value, &count); if(count > 0){ strcpy(charsetname,value[0]); } if (count >= size) return False; sprintf(buf, "fs%d.font.primary", codeset-1); _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(lcd, "XLC_FONTSET", buf, &value, &count); if(count > 0){ font_data = read_EncodingInfo(count,value); for(i=0;i<count;i++){ if( !_XlcCompareISOLatin1(font_data[i].name,charset_str)){ for(k=0;k<font_data[i].scopes_num;k++){ if( gi_to_vgi(gi,vgi,&(font_data[i].scopes[k])) == True){ return(True); } } } } } /* free_fontdata(font_data); */ *vgi = gi; return(True); } Bool non_standard(lcd,charset) XLCd lcd; XlcCharSet charset; { char buf[256]; int count,i; char **value; if(charset->ct_sequence == NULL){ return(False); } for(i=0;;i++){ sprintf(buf, "csd%d.charset_name", i); _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(lcd, "XLC_CHARSET_DEFINE", buf, &value, &count); if(count > 0){ if(!_XlcNCompareISOLatin1(value[0], charset->name,strlen(value[0])) ){ return(True); } } else { return(False); } } } static Bool make_none_standard(from,charset,src,size) char *from; XlcCharSet charset; char *src; int size; { int name_len,seq_len,rest_len,i; name_len = 2 + strlen(charset->encoding_name) + 1; seq_len = strlen(charset->ct_sequence); rest_len = strlen(charset->encoding_name) + 1 + strlen(src); if (name_len + seq_len + strlen(src) >= size || rest_len >= 0x4000) return False; strcpy(from,charset->ct_sequence); from[seq_len] = (rest_len >> 7) + 128; from[seq_len+1] = (rest_len & 0x7f) + 128; strcpy(&from[seq_len + 2],charset->encoding_name); from[seq_len+name_len-1] = 0x02; /* STX */ strcpy(&from[seq_len + name_len],src); return True; } int _xudc_glyph_to_code(locale,charset_str,codeset,glyph_index,codepoint) char *locale; char *charset_str; int codeset; unsigned long glyph_index; unsigned long *codepoint; { XLCd lcd; unsigned char *from; int from_left; unsigned char *to ; int to_left = 10; unsigned char *dst; unsigned char byte; unsigned long from32[25]; unsigned long to32[25]; int i,j; char charsetname[256],src[10]; XlcConv conv; XlcCharSet charset; XPointer args[2]; from = (unsigned char *)from32; to = (unsigned char *)to32; dst = (unsigned char *)to32; memset(dst,0,25); lcd = (XLCd)_XlcGenericLoader(locale); if (!_xudc_gi_to_vgi(lcd,locale,charset_str,codeset, glyph_index,&glyph_index,charsetname,sizeof(charsetname))) return(_XUDC_ERROR); for(i=0,j=0;i<4;i++){ byte = getbyte(glyph_index,i); if(byte){ src[j] = byte; j ++; } } src[j] = 0; /* get charset */ /* sprintf(tmp,"%s%s",charset_str,":GL"); charset_name = strdup(tmp); */ charset = _XlcGetCharSet(charsetname); if(charset == NULL){ _xudc_utyerrno = 0x16 ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } /* make ct */ if( non_standard(lcd,charset)) { if (!make_none_standard(from,charset,src,sizeof(from32))) return(_XUDC_ERROR); } else if(charset->ct_sequence){ if (strlen(charset->ct_sequence) + strlen(src) >= sizeof(from32)) return(_XUDC_ERROR); sprintf((char *)from,"%s%s",charset->ct_sequence,src); } else { sprintf((char *)from,"%s\0",src); } /* compound text -> multi byte */ conv = _XlcOpenConverter(lcd, XlcNCompoundText, lcd, XlcNMultiByte); from_left = strlen((char *)from); _XlcConvert(conv,(XPointer *)&from,&from_left, (XPointer *)&to, &to_left,args,0); _XlcCloseConverter(conv); _XlcDestroyLC(lcd); *codepoint = 0; for(i=0;dst[i];i++){ *codepoint = ((*codepoint << 8) | dst[i]) ; } return(0); } typedef struct __XUDCCodeRegion { unsigned long start,end; } _XUDCCodeRegion ; int _XUDCGetUDCCPArea(locale,codeset,charset_str,cr,num_cr) char *locale; int codeset; char *charset_str; _XUDCCodeRegion **cr; int *num_cr; { int i,num_gr,ret; _XUDCGlyphRegion *gr; _XUDCCodeRegion *crr; _xudc_utyerror = 0; _xudc_utyderror = 0; if(cr == NULL){ _xudc_utyerror = 5; _xudc_utyderror = 1; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x04 ; _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0a<<8) ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } if(num_cr == NULL){ _xudc_utyerror = 5; _xudc_utyderror = 2; _xudc_utyerrno = 0x04 ; _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0a<<8) ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } ret = _XUDCGetUDCGIArea(locale,codeset,charset_str,&gr,&num_gr); if(ret == _XUDC_ERROR){ _xudc_utyerrno &= 0xff ; _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0a<<8) ; return(ret); } crr = (_XUDCCodeRegion *)Xmalloc(num_gr*sizeof(_XUDCCodeRegion)); if(crr == NULL){ Xfree(gr); _xudc_utyerrno = 0x03 ; _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0a<<8) ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } for(i=0;i<num_gr;i++){ ret = _xudc_glyph_to_code(locale,charset_str,codeset, gr[i].start, &(crr[i].start)); if(ret == _XUDC_ERROR){ _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0a<<8) ; Xfree(gr); Xfree(crr); return(ret); } ret = _xudc_glyph_to_code(locale,charset_str,codeset, gr[i].end, &(crr[i].end)); if(ret == _XUDC_ERROR){ _xudc_utyerrno |= (0x0a<<8) ; Xfree(gr); Xfree(crr); return(ret); } } Xfree(gr); *cr = crr; *num_cr = num_gr; return(0); } /* * code_to_glyph() * */ typedef struct __XUDCGIInf { char *charset_str; unsigned long glyph_index; } _XUDCGIInf ; /* * * */ static Bool vgi_to_gi(gi,vgi,scope) unsigned long *gi,vgi; FontScope scope; { if(vgi >= scope->start && vgi <= scope->end){ if(scope->shift_direction == (unsigned long)'+'){ *gi = vgi + scope->shift; } else { *gi = vgi - scope->shift; } return(True); } return(False); } /* * * */ static Bool _xudc_vgi_to_gi(lcd,locale,vglyph,glyph,charset,charsetname,size) XLCd lcd; char *locale; unsigned long vglyph; unsigned long *glyph; XlcCharSet charset; char *charsetname; int size; { int num = 0,count,num_ret=0; int i,j,k; char **value,buf[128],ptr; FontData font_data; CodeSet cs; for(i=0;;i++){ sprintf(buf, "fs%d.charset.name",i); _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(lcd, "XLC_FONTSET", buf, &value, &count); if(count > 0){ if(!_XlcNCompareISOLatin1(charset->name,value[0], strlen(charset->name))){ break; } } else { _xudc_utyerrno = 0x17 ; return(False); } } /* sprintf(buf, "fs%d.charset.name", codeset-1); _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(lcd, "XLC_FONTSET", buf, &value, &count); if(count > 0){ strcpy(charsetname,value[0]); } */ sprintf(buf, "fs%d.font.primary", i); _XlcGetLocaleDataBase(lcd, "XLC_FONTSET", buf, &value, &count); if(count > 0){ font_data = read_EncodingInfo(count,value); for(i=0;i<count;i++){ for(k=0;k<font_data[i].scopes_num;k++){ if( vgi_to_gi(glyph,vglyph,&(font_data[i].scopes[k])) == True){ if (strlen(font_data[i].name) >= size) return(False); strcpy(charsetname,font_data[i].name); return(True); } } } } *glyph = vglyph; return(True); } int _xudc_code_to_glyph(locale,codepoint,gi,num_gi) char *locale; unsigned long codepoint; _XUDCGIInf **gi; int *num_gi; { XLCd lcd; unsigned char *from; int from_left; unsigned char *to ; int to_left = 10; unsigned char *dst; unsigned char byte; unsigned int from32[25]; unsigned int to32[25]; int i,j; char charsetname[256],src[10]; XlcConv conv; XlcCharSet charset; XPointer args[2]; unsigned long glyph,vglyph; from = (unsigned char *)from32; to = (unsigned char *)to32; dst = (unsigned char *)to32; memset(dst,0,25); lcd = (XLCd)_XlcGenericLoader(locale); for(i=0,j=0;i<4;i++){ byte = getbyte(codepoint,i); if(byte){ src[j] = byte; j ++; } } src[j] = 0; sprintf((char *)from,"%s\0",src); /* multi byte -> vgi */ conv = _XlcOpenConverter(lcd, XlcNMultiByte, lcd, XlcNCharSet); from_left = strlen((char *)from); args[0] = (XPointer) &charset; _XlcConvert(conv,(XPointer *)&from,&from_left, (XPointer *)&to, &to_left,args,1); /* vgi -> gi */ vglyph = 0; for(i=0;dst[i];i++){ vglyph = ((vglyph << 8) | dst[i]) ; } if(_xudc_vgi_to_gi(lcd,locale,vglyph,&glyph,charset,charsetname, sizeof(charsetname))==False){ _XlcCloseConverter(conv); _XlcDestroyLC(lcd); *num_gi = 0; return(0); } _XlcCloseConverter(conv); _XlcDestroyLC(lcd); *gi = Xmalloc(sizeof(_XUDCGIInf)); if(*gi == NULL){ _xudc_utyerrno = 0x03 ; return(_XUDC_ERROR); } (*gi)->charset_str = Xmalloc(strlen(charsetname)+1); strcpy((*gi)->charset_str,charsetname); (*gi)->glyph_index = glyph; *num_gi = 1; return(0); }