#!/bin/sh tmp=/tmp/gl.$$ nm $* | egrep '(Widget|Obj|Object)Class' | \ awk '{ if ($2 == "D" || $2 == "G") print $3; }' | sed -e 's/^_//' | \ (cat - ; echo "objectClass") | sort -u | egrep -v 'ClassRec$' | \ egrep -v 'vPanedWidgetClass$' | \ egrep -v 'ascii(Disk|String)WidgetClass$' | \ awk ' { printf "extern WidgetClass %s;\n", $1; printf "{ \"%s\", &%s },\n", $1, $1; }' | sed -e 's/WidgetClass"/"/' -e 's/ObjClass"/"/' \ -e 's/ObjectClass"/"/' -e 's/objectClass"/object"/' \ -e 's/widgetClass"/widget"/' >$tmp cat <<EOF /* * This file is generated by the genlist.sh script and contains an array of * all the widgets in Athena widget set. * * \$XConsortium\$ */ #include <X11/IntrinsicP.h> #include <X11/Xmu/WidgetNode.h> EOF egrep '^extern WidgetClass' $tmp echo "" cat <<EOF XmuWidgetNode XawWidgetArray[] = { EOF egrep '^{' $tmp cat <<EOF }; int XawWidgetCount = XtNumber(XawWidgetArray); EOF rm $tmp