/* * $Id: xftglyphs.c,v 1.4 2005/07/03 07:00:57 daniels Exp $ * * Copyright © 2000 Keith Packard * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "xftint.h" #include <freetype/ftoutln.h> static const int filters[3][3] = { /* red */ #if 0 { 65538*4/7,65538*2/7,65538*1/7 }, /* green */ { 65536*1/4, 65536*2/4, 65537*1/4 }, /* blue */ { 65538*1/7,65538*2/7,65538*4/7 }, #endif { 65538*9/13,65538*3/13,65538*1/13 }, /* green */ { 65538*1/6, 65538*4/6, 65538*1/6 }, /* blue */ { 65538*1/13,65538*3/13,65538*9/13 }, }; /* * Validate the memory info for a font */ static void _XftFontValidateMemory (Display *dpy, XftFont *public) { XftFontInt *font = (XftFontInt *) public; unsigned long glyph_memory; FT_UInt glyphindex; XftGlyph *xftg; glyph_memory = 0; for (glyphindex = 0; glyphindex < font->num_glyphs; glyphindex++) { xftg = font->glyphs[glyphindex]; if (xftg) { glyph_memory += xftg->glyph_memory; } } if (glyph_memory != font->glyph_memory) printf ("Font glyph cache incorrect has %ld bytes, should have %ld\n", font->glyph_memory, glyph_memory); } void XftFontLoadGlyphs (Display *dpy, XftFont *pub, FcBool need_bitmaps, _Xconst FT_UInt *glyphs, int nglyph) { XftDisplayInfo *info = _XftDisplayInfoGet (dpy, True); XftFontInt *font = (XftFontInt *) pub; FT_Error error; FT_UInt glyphindex; FT_GlyphSlot glyphslot; XftGlyph *xftg; Glyph glyph; unsigned char bufLocal[4096]; unsigned char *bufBitmap = bufLocal; int bufSize = sizeof (bufLocal); int size, pitch; unsigned char bufLocalRgba[4096]; unsigned char *bufBitmapRgba = bufLocalRgba; int bufSizeRgba = sizeof (bufLocalRgba); int sizergba, pitchrgba, widthrgba; int width; int height; int left, right, top, bottom; int hmul = 1; int vmul = 1; FT_Bitmap ftbit; FT_Matrix matrix; FT_Vector vector; Bool subpixel = False; FT_Face face; if (!info) return; face = XftLockFace (&font->public); if (!face) return; matrix.xx = matrix.yy = 0x10000L; matrix.xy = matrix.yx = 0; if (font->info.antialias) { switch (font->info.rgba) { case FC_RGBA_RGB: case FC_RGBA_BGR: matrix.xx *= 3; subpixel = True; hmul = 3; break; case FC_RGBA_VRGB: case FC_RGBA_VBGR: matrix.yy *= 3; vmul = 3; subpixel = True; break; } } while (nglyph--) { glyphindex = *glyphs++; xftg = font->glyphs[glyphindex]; if (!xftg) continue; if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_CACHE) _XftFontValidateMemory (dpy, pub); /* * Check to see if this glyph has just been loaded, * this happens when drawing the same glyph twice * in a single string */ if (xftg->glyph_memory) continue; error = FT_Load_Glyph (face, glyphindex, font->info.load_flags); if (error) { /* * If anti-aliasing or transforming glyphs and * no outline version exists, fallback to the * bitmap and let things look bad instead of * missing the glyph */ if (font->info.load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP) error = FT_Load_Glyph (face, glyphindex, font->info.load_flags & ~FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP); if (error) continue; } #define FLOOR(x) ((x) & -64) #define CEIL(x) (((x)+63) & -64) #define TRUNC(x) ((x) >> 6) #define ROUND(x) (((x)+32) & -64) glyphslot = face->glyph; #if HAVE_FT_GLYPHSLOT_EMBOLDEN /* * Embolden if required */ if (font->info.embolden) FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden(glyphslot); #endif /* * Compute glyph metrics from FreeType information */ if(font->info.transform && glyphslot->format != ft_glyph_format_bitmap) { /* * calculate the true width by transforming all four corners. */ int xc, yc; left = right = top = bottom = 0; for(xc = 0; xc <= 1; xc ++) { for(yc = 0; yc <= 1; yc++) { vector.x = glyphslot->metrics.horiBearingX + xc * glyphslot->metrics.width; vector.y = glyphslot->metrics.horiBearingY - yc * glyphslot->metrics.height; FT_Vector_Transform(&vector, &font->info.matrix); if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_GLYPH) printf("Trans %d %d: %d %d\n", (int) xc, (int) yc, (int) vector.x, (int) vector.y); if(xc == 0 && yc == 0) { left = right = vector.x; top = bottom = vector.y; } else { if(left > vector.x) left = vector.x; if(right < vector.x) right = vector.x; if(bottom > vector.y) bottom = vector.y; if(top < vector.y) top = vector.y; } } } left = FLOOR(left); right = CEIL(right); bottom = FLOOR(bottom); top = CEIL(top); } else { left = FLOOR( glyphslot->metrics.horiBearingX ); right = CEIL( glyphslot->metrics.horiBearingX + glyphslot->metrics.width ); top = CEIL( glyphslot->metrics.horiBearingY ); bottom = FLOOR( glyphslot->metrics.horiBearingY - glyphslot->metrics.height ); } width = TRUNC(right - left); height = TRUNC( top - bottom ); /* * Clip charcell glyphs to the bounding box * XXX transformed? */ if (font->info.spacing >= FC_CHARCELL && !font->info.transform) { if (font->info.load_flags & FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT) { if (TRUNC(bottom) > font->public.max_advance_width) { int adjust; adjust = bottom - (font->public.max_advance_width << 6); if (adjust > top) adjust = top; top -= adjust; bottom -= adjust; height = font->public.max_advance_width; } } else { if (TRUNC(right) > font->public.max_advance_width) { int adjust; adjust = right - (font->public.max_advance_width << 6); if (adjust > left) adjust = left; left -= adjust; right -= adjust; width = font->public.max_advance_width; } } } if (font->info.antialias) pitch = (width * hmul + 3) & ~3; else pitch = ((width + 31) & ~31) >> 3; size = pitch * height * vmul; xftg->metrics.width = width; xftg->metrics.height = height; xftg->metrics.x = -TRUNC(left); xftg->metrics.y = TRUNC(top); if (font->info.spacing >= FC_MONO) { if (font->info.transform) { if (font->info.load_flags & FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT) { vector.x = 0; vector.y = -face->size->metrics.max_advance; } else { vector.x = face->size->metrics.max_advance; vector.y = 0; } FT_Vector_Transform (&vector, &font->info.matrix); xftg->metrics.xOff = vector.x >> 6; xftg->metrics.yOff = -(vector.y >> 6); } else { if (font->info.load_flags & FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT) { xftg->metrics.xOff = 0; xftg->metrics.yOff = -font->public.max_advance_width; } else { xftg->metrics.xOff = font->public.max_advance_width; xftg->metrics.yOff = 0; } } } else { xftg->metrics.xOff = TRUNC(ROUND(glyphslot->advance.x)); xftg->metrics.yOff = -TRUNC(ROUND(glyphslot->advance.y)); } /* * If the glyph is relatively large (> 1% of server memory), * don't send it until necessary */ if (!need_bitmaps && size > info->max_glyph_memory / 100) continue; /* * Make sure there's enough buffer space for the glyph */ if (size > bufSize) { if (bufBitmap != bufLocal) free (bufBitmap); bufBitmap = (unsigned char *) malloc (size); if (!bufBitmap) continue; bufSize = size; } memset (bufBitmap, 0, size); /* * Rasterize into the local buffer */ switch (glyphslot->format) { case ft_glyph_format_outline: ftbit.width = width * hmul; ftbit.rows = height * vmul; ftbit.pitch = pitch; if (font->info.antialias) ftbit.pixel_mode = ft_pixel_mode_grays; else ftbit.pixel_mode = ft_pixel_mode_mono; ftbit.buffer = bufBitmap; if (subpixel) FT_Outline_Transform (&glyphslot->outline, &matrix); FT_Outline_Translate ( &glyphslot->outline, -left*hmul, -bottom*vmul ); FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap( _XftFTlibrary, &glyphslot->outline, &ftbit ); break; case ft_glyph_format_bitmap: if (font->info.antialias) { unsigned char *srcLine, *dstLine; int height; int x; int h, v; srcLine = glyphslot->bitmap.buffer; dstLine = bufBitmap; height = glyphslot->bitmap.rows; while (height--) { for (x = 0; x < glyphslot->bitmap.width; x++) { /* always MSB bitmaps */ unsigned char a = ((srcLine[x >> 3] & (0x80 >> (x & 7))) ? 0xff : 0x00); if (subpixel) { for (v = 0; v < vmul; v++) for (h = 0; h < hmul; h++) dstLine[v * pitch + x*hmul + h] = a; } else dstLine[x] = a; } dstLine += pitch * vmul; srcLine += glyphslot->bitmap.pitch; } } else { unsigned char *srcLine, *dstLine; int h, bytes; srcLine = glyphslot->bitmap.buffer; dstLine = bufBitmap; h = glyphslot->bitmap.rows; bytes = (glyphslot->bitmap.width + 7) >> 3; while (h--) { memcpy (dstLine, srcLine, bytes); dstLine += pitch; srcLine += glyphslot->bitmap.pitch; } } break; default: if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_GLYPH) printf ("glyph %d is not in a usable format\n", (int) glyphindex); continue; } if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_GLYPH) { printf ("glyph %d:\n", (int) glyphindex); printf (" xywh (%d %d %d %d), trans (%d %d %d %d) wh (%d %d)\n", (int) glyphslot->metrics.horiBearingX, (int) glyphslot->metrics.horiBearingY, (int) glyphslot->metrics.width, (int) glyphslot->metrics.height, left, right, top, bottom, width, height); if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_GLYPHV) { int x, y; unsigned char *line; line = bufBitmap; for (y = 0; y < height * vmul; y++) { if (font->info.antialias) { static char den[] = { " .:;=+*#" }; for (x = 0; x < pitch; x++) printf ("%c", den[line[x] >> 5]); } else { for (x = 0; x < pitch * 8; x++) { printf ("%c", line[x>>3] & (1 << (x & 7)) ? '#' : ' '); } } printf ("|\n"); line += pitch; } printf ("\n"); } } /* * Use the glyph index as the wire encoding; it * might be more efficient for some locales to map * these by first usage to smaller values, but that * would require persistently storing the map when * glyphs were freed. */ glyph = (Glyph) glyphindex; if (subpixel) { int x, y; unsigned char *in_line, *out_line, *in; unsigned int *out; unsigned int red, green, blue; int rf, gf, bf; int s; int o, os; /* * Filter the glyph to soften the color fringes */ widthrgba = width; pitchrgba = (widthrgba * 4 + 3) & ~3; sizergba = pitchrgba * height; os = 1; switch (font->info.rgba) { case FC_RGBA_VRGB: os = pitch; case FC_RGBA_RGB: default: rf = 0; gf = 1; bf = 2; break; case FC_RGBA_VBGR: os = pitch; case FC_RGBA_BGR: bf = 0; gf = 1; rf = 2; break; } if (sizergba > bufSizeRgba) { if (bufBitmapRgba != bufLocalRgba) free (bufBitmapRgba); bufBitmapRgba = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizergba); if (!bufBitmapRgba) continue; bufSizeRgba = sizergba; } memset (bufBitmapRgba, 0, sizergba); in_line = bufBitmap; out_line = bufBitmapRgba; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { in = in_line; out = (unsigned int *) out_line; in_line += pitch * vmul; out_line += pitchrgba; for (x = 0; x < width * hmul; x += hmul) { red = green = blue = 0; o = 0; for (s = 0; s < 3; s++) { red += filters[rf][s]*in[x+o]; green += filters[gf][s]*in[x+o]; blue += filters[bf][s]*in[x+o]; o += os; } red = red / 65536; green = green / 65536; blue = blue / 65536; *out++ = (green << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue; } } xftg->glyph_memory = sizergba + sizeof (XftGlyph); if (font->format) { if (!font->glyphset) font->glyphset = XRenderCreateGlyphSet (dpy, font->format); if (ImageByteOrder (dpy) != XftNativeByteOrder ()) XftSwapCARD32 ((CARD32 *) bufBitmapRgba, sizergba >> 2); XRenderAddGlyphs (dpy, font->glyphset, &glyph, &xftg->metrics, 1, (char *) bufBitmapRgba, sizergba); } else { if (sizergba) { xftg->bitmap = malloc (sizergba); if (xftg->bitmap) memcpy (xftg->bitmap, bufBitmapRgba, sizergba); } else xftg->bitmap = 0; } } else { xftg->glyph_memory = size + sizeof (XftGlyph); if (font->format) { /* * swap bit order around; FreeType is always MSBFirst */ if (!font->info.antialias) { if (BitmapBitOrder (dpy) != MSBFirst) { unsigned char *line; unsigned char c; int i; line = (unsigned char *) bufBitmap; i = size; while (i--) { c = *line; c = ((c << 1) & 0xaa) | ((c >> 1) & 0x55); c = ((c << 2) & 0xcc) | ((c >> 2) & 0x33); c = ((c << 4) & 0xf0) | ((c >> 4) & 0x0f); *line++ = c; } } } if (!font->glyphset) font->glyphset = XRenderCreateGlyphSet (dpy, font->format); XRenderAddGlyphs (dpy, font->glyphset, &glyph, &xftg->metrics, 1, (char *) bufBitmap, size); } else { if (size) { xftg->bitmap = malloc (size); if (xftg->bitmap) memcpy (xftg->bitmap, bufBitmap, size); } else xftg->bitmap = 0; } } font->glyph_memory += xftg->glyph_memory; info->glyph_memory += xftg->glyph_memory; if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_CACHE) _XftFontValidateMemory (dpy, pub); if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_CACHEV) printf ("Caching glyph 0x%x size %ld\n", glyphindex, xftg->glyph_memory); } if (bufBitmap != bufLocal) free (bufBitmap); if (bufBitmapRgba != bufLocalRgba) free (bufBitmapRgba); XftUnlockFace (&font->public); } void XftFontUnloadGlyphs (Display *dpy, XftFont *pub, _Xconst FT_UInt *glyphs, int nglyph) { XftDisplayInfo *info = _XftDisplayInfoGet (dpy, False); XftFontInt *font = (XftFontInt *) pub; XftGlyph *xftg; FT_UInt glyphindex; Glyph glyphBuf[1024]; int nused; nused = 0; while (nglyph--) { glyphindex = *glyphs++; xftg = font->glyphs[glyphindex]; if (!xftg) continue; if (xftg->glyph_memory) { if (font->format) { if (font->glyphset) { glyphBuf[nused++] = (Glyph) glyphindex; if (nused == sizeof (glyphBuf) / sizeof (glyphBuf[0])) { XRenderFreeGlyphs (dpy, font->glyphset, glyphBuf, nused); nused = 0; } } } else { if (xftg->bitmap) free (xftg->bitmap); } font->glyph_memory -= xftg->glyph_memory; if (info) info->glyph_memory -= xftg->glyph_memory; } free (xftg); XftMemFree (XFT_MEM_GLYPH, sizeof (XftGlyph)); font->glyphs[glyphindex] = 0; } if (font->glyphset && nused) XRenderFreeGlyphs (dpy, font->glyphset, glyphBuf, nused); } FcBool XftFontCheckGlyph (Display *dpy, XftFont *pub, FcBool need_bitmaps, FT_UInt glyph, FT_UInt *missing, int *nmissing) { XftFontInt *font = (XftFontInt *) pub; XftGlyph *xftg; int n; if (glyph >= font->num_glyphs) return FcFalse; xftg = font->glyphs[glyph]; if (!xftg || (need_bitmaps && !xftg->glyph_memory)) { if (!xftg) { xftg = (XftGlyph *) malloc (sizeof (XftGlyph)); if (!xftg) return FcFalse; XftMemAlloc (XFT_MEM_GLYPH, sizeof (XftGlyph)); xftg->bitmap = 0; xftg->glyph_memory = 0; font->glyphs[glyph] = xftg; } n = *nmissing; missing[n++] = glyph; if (n == XFT_NMISSING) { XftFontLoadGlyphs (dpy, pub, need_bitmaps, missing, n); n = 0; } *nmissing = n; return FcTrue; } else return FcFalse; } FcBool XftCharExists (Display *dpy, XftFont *pub, FcChar32 ucs4) { if (pub->charset) return FcCharSetHasChar (pub->charset, ucs4); return FcFalse; } #define Missing ((FT_UInt) ~0) FT_UInt XftCharIndex (Display *dpy, XftFont *pub, FcChar32 ucs4) { XftFontInt *font = (XftFontInt *) pub; FcChar32 ent, offset; FT_Face face; if (!font->hash_value) return 0; ent = ucs4 % font->hash_value; offset = 0; while (font->hash_table[ent].ucs4 != ucs4) { if (font->hash_table[ent].ucs4 == (FcChar32) ~0) { if (!XftCharExists (dpy, pub, ucs4)) return 0; face = XftLockFace (pub); if (!face) return 0; font->hash_table[ent].ucs4 = ucs4; font->hash_table[ent].glyph = FcFreeTypeCharIndex (face, ucs4); XftUnlockFace (pub); break; } if (!offset) { offset = ucs4 % font->rehash_value; if (!offset) offset = 1; } ent = ent + offset; if (ent >= font->hash_value) ent -= font->hash_value; } return font->hash_table[ent].glyph; } /* * Pick a random glyph from the font and remove it from the cache */ void _XftFontUncacheGlyph (Display *dpy, XftFont *pub) { XftFontInt *font = (XftFontInt *) pub; unsigned long glyph_memory; FT_UInt glyphindex; XftGlyph *xftg; if (!font->glyph_memory) return; if (font->use_free_glyphs) { glyph_memory = rand() % font->glyph_memory; } else { if (font->glyphset) { XRenderFreeGlyphSet (dpy, font->glyphset); font->glyphset = 0; } glyph_memory = 0; } if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_CACHE) _XftFontValidateMemory (dpy, pub); for (glyphindex = 0; glyphindex < font->num_glyphs; glyphindex++) { xftg = font->glyphs[glyphindex]; if (xftg) { if (xftg->glyph_memory > glyph_memory) { if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_CACHEV) printf ("Uncaching glyph 0x%x size %ld\n", glyphindex, xftg->glyph_memory); XftFontUnloadGlyphs (dpy, pub, &glyphindex, 1); if (!font->use_free_glyphs) continue; break; } glyph_memory -= xftg->glyph_memory; } } if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_CACHE) _XftFontValidateMemory (dpy, pub); } void _XftFontManageMemory (Display *dpy, XftFont *pub) { XftFontInt *font = (XftFontInt *) pub; if (font->max_glyph_memory) { if (XftDebug() & XFT_DBG_CACHE) { if (font->glyph_memory > font->max_glyph_memory) printf ("Reduce memory for font 0x%lx from %ld to %ld\n", font->glyphset ? font->glyphset : (unsigned long) font, font->glyph_memory, font->max_glyph_memory); } while (font->glyph_memory > font->max_glyph_memory) _XftFontUncacheGlyph (dpy, pub); } _XftDisplayManageMemory (dpy); }