/* * $XFree86: xc/lib/Xft1/xftdpy.c,v 1.2tsi Exp $ * * Copyright © 2000 Keith Packard, member of The XFree86 Project, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <X11/Xlibint.h> #include "xftint.h" XftDisplayInfo *_XftDisplayInfo; static int _XftCloseDisplay (Display *dpy, XExtCodes *codes) { XftDisplayInfo *info, **prev; for (prev = &_XftDisplayInfo; (info = *prev); prev = &(*prev)->next) if (info->codes == codes) break; if (!info) return 0; *prev = info->next; if (info->defaults) XftPatternDestroy (info->defaults); if (info->coreFonts) XftFontSetDestroy (info->coreFonts); free (info); return 0; } XftDisplayInfo * _XftDisplayInfoGet (Display *dpy) { XftDisplayInfo *info, **prev; for (prev = &_XftDisplayInfo; (info = *prev); prev = &(*prev)->next) { if (info->display == dpy) { /* * MRU the list */ if (prev != &_XftDisplayInfo) { *prev = info->next; info->next = _XftDisplayInfo; _XftDisplayInfo = info; } return info; } } info = (XftDisplayInfo *) malloc (sizeof (XftDisplayInfo)); if (!info) goto bail0; info->codes = XAddExtension (dpy); if (!info->codes) goto bail1; (void) XESetCloseDisplay (dpy, info->codes->extension, _XftCloseDisplay); info->display = dpy; info->defaults = 0; info->coreFonts = 0; info->hasRender = XRenderFindVisualFormat (dpy, DefaultVisual (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy))) != 0; info->glyphSets = 0; if (_XftFontDebug () & XFT_DBG_RENDER) { Visual *visual = DefaultVisual (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy)); XRenderPictFormat *format = XRenderFindVisualFormat (dpy, visual); printf ("XftDisplayInfoGet Default visual 0x%x ", (int) visual->visualid); if (format) { if (format->type == PictTypeDirect) { printf ("format %d,%d,%d,%d\n", format->direct.alpha, format->direct.red, format->direct.green, format->direct.blue); } else { printf ("format indexed\n"); } } else printf ("No Render format for default visual\n"); printf ("XftDisplayInfoGet initialized, hasRender set to \"%s\"\n", info->hasRender ? "True" : "False"); } info->next = _XftDisplayInfo; _XftDisplayInfo = info; return info; bail1: free (info); bail0: if (_XftFontDebug () & XFT_DBG_RENDER) { printf ("XftDisplayInfoGet failed to initialize, Xft unhappy\n"); } return 0; } Bool XftDefaultHasRender (Display *dpy) { #ifdef FREETYPE2 XftDisplayInfo *info = _XftDisplayInfoGet (dpy); if (!info) return False; return info->hasRender; #else return False; #endif } Bool XftDefaultSet (Display *dpy, XftPattern *defaults) { XftDisplayInfo *info = _XftDisplayInfoGet (dpy); if (!info) return False; if (info->defaults) XftPatternDestroy (info->defaults); info->defaults = defaults; return True; } int XftDefaultParseBool (char *v) { char c0, c1; c0 = *v; if (isupper (c0)) c0 = tolower (c0); if (c0 == 't' || c0 == 'y' || c0 == '1') return 1; if (c0 == 'f' || c0 == 'n' || c0 == '0') return 0; if (c0 == 'o') { c1 = v[1]; if (isupper (c1)) c1 = tolower (c1); if (c1 == 'n') return 1; if (c1 == 'f') return 0; } return -1; } static Bool _XftDefaultInitBool (Display *dpy, XftPattern *pat, char *option) { char *v; int i; v = XGetDefault (dpy, "Xft", option); if (v && (i = XftDefaultParseBool (v)) >= 0) return XftPatternAddBool (pat, option, i != 0); return True; } static Bool _XftDefaultInitDouble (Display *dpy, XftPattern *pat, char *option) { char *v, *e; double d; v = XGetDefault (dpy, "Xft", option); if (v) { d = strtod (v, &e); if (e != v) return XftPatternAddDouble (pat, option, d); } return True; } static Bool _XftDefaultInitInteger (Display *dpy, XftPattern *pat, char *option) { char *v, *e; int i; v = XGetDefault (dpy, "Xft", option); if (v) { if (XftNameConstant (v, &i)) return XftPatternAddInteger (pat, option, i); i = strtol (v, &e, 0); if (e != v) return XftPatternAddInteger (pat, option, i); } return True; } static XftPattern * _XftDefaultInit (Display *dpy) { XftPattern *pat; pat = XftPatternCreate (); if (!pat) goto bail0; if (!_XftDefaultInitBool (dpy, pat, XFT_CORE)) goto bail1; if (!_XftDefaultInitDouble (dpy, pat, XFT_SCALE)) goto bail1; if (!_XftDefaultInitDouble (dpy, pat, XFT_DPI)) goto bail1; if (!_XftDefaultInitBool (dpy, pat, XFT_RENDER)) goto bail1; if (!_XftDefaultInitInteger (dpy, pat, XFT_RGBA)) goto bail1; if (!_XftDefaultInitBool (dpy, pat, XFT_ANTIALIAS)) goto bail1; if (!_XftDefaultInitBool (dpy, pat, XFT_MINSPACE)) goto bail1; return pat; bail1: XftPatternDestroy (pat); bail0: return 0; } static XftResult _XftDefaultGet (Display *dpy, const char *object, int screen, XftValue *v) { XftDisplayInfo *info = _XftDisplayInfoGet (dpy); XftResult r; if (!info) return XftResultNoMatch; if (!info->defaults) { info->defaults = _XftDefaultInit (dpy); if (!info->defaults) return XftResultNoMatch; } r = XftPatternGet (info->defaults, object, screen, v); if (r == XftResultNoId && screen > 0) r = XftPatternGet (info->defaults, object, 0, v); return r; } Bool XftDefaultGetBool (Display *dpy, const char *object, int screen, Bool def) { XftResult r; XftValue v; r = _XftDefaultGet (dpy, object, screen, &v); if (r != XftResultMatch || v.type != XftTypeBool) return def; return v.u.b; } int XftDefaultGetInteger (Display *dpy, const char *object, int screen, int def) { XftResult r; XftValue v; r = _XftDefaultGet (dpy, object, screen, &v); if (r != XftResultMatch || v.type != XftTypeInteger) return def; return v.u.i; } double XftDefaultGetDouble (Display *dpy, const char *object, int screen, double def) { XftResult r; XftValue v; r = _XftDefaultGet (dpy, object, screen, &v); if (r != XftResultMatch || v.type != XftTypeDouble) return def; return v.u.d; } XftFontSet * XftDisplayGetFontSet (Display *dpy) { XftDisplayInfo *info = _XftDisplayInfoGet (dpy); if (!info) return 0; if (!info->coreFonts) { info->coreFonts = XftFontSetCreate (); if (info->coreFonts) { if (!XftCoreAddFonts (info->coreFonts, dpy, XftDefaultGetBool (dpy, XFT_SCALABLE, DefaultScreen (dpy), False))) { XftFontSetDestroy (info->coreFonts); info->coreFonts = 0; } } } return info->coreFonts; } void XftDefaultSubstitute (Display *dpy, int screen, XftPattern *pattern) { XftValue v; double size; double scale; if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_STYLE, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch) { if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_WEIGHT, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch ) { XftPatternAddInteger (pattern, XFT_WEIGHT, XFT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM); } if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_SLANT, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch) { XftPatternAddInteger (pattern, XFT_SLANT, XFT_SLANT_ROMAN); } } if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_ENCODING, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch) XftPatternAddString (pattern, XFT_ENCODING, "iso8859-1"); if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_RENDER, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch) { XftPatternAddBool (pattern, XFT_RENDER, XftDefaultGetBool (dpy, XFT_RENDER, screen, XftDefaultHasRender (dpy))); } if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_CORE, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch) { XftPatternAddBool (pattern, XFT_CORE, XftDefaultGetBool (dpy, XFT_CORE, screen, !XftDefaultHasRender (dpy))); } if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_ANTIALIAS, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch) { XftPatternAddBool (pattern, XFT_ANTIALIAS, XftDefaultGetBool (dpy, XFT_ANTIALIAS, screen, True)); } if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_RGBA, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch) { int subpixel = XFT_RGBA_NONE; #if RENDER_MAJOR > 0 || RENDER_MINOR >= 6 int render_order = XRenderQuerySubpixelOrder (dpy, screen); switch (render_order) { default: case SubPixelUnknown: subpixel = XFT_RGBA_NONE; break; case SubPixelHorizontalRGB: subpixel = XFT_RGBA_RGB; break; case SubPixelHorizontalBGR: subpixel = XFT_RGBA_BGR; break; case SubPixelVerticalRGB: subpixel = XFT_RGBA_VRGB; break; case SubPixelVerticalBGR: subpixel = XFT_RGBA_VBGR; break; case SubPixelNone: subpixel = XFT_RGBA_NONE; break; } #endif XftPatternAddInteger (pattern, XFT_RGBA, XftDefaultGetInteger (dpy, XFT_RGBA, screen, subpixel)); } if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_MINSPACE, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch) { XftPatternAddBool (pattern, XFT_MINSPACE, XftDefaultGetBool (dpy, XFT_MINSPACE, screen, False)); } if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, 0, &v) == XftResultNoMatch) { double pixels, mm, dpi; if (XftPatternGet (pattern, XFT_SIZE, 0, &v) != XftResultMatch) { size = 12.0; XftPatternAddDouble (pattern, XFT_SIZE, size); } else { switch (v.type) { case XftTypeInteger: size = (double) v.u.i; break; case XftTypeDouble: size = v.u.d; break; default: size = 12.0; break; } } scale = XftDefaultGetDouble (dpy, XFT_SCALE, screen, 1.0); size *= scale; pixels = DisplayHeight (dpy, screen); mm = DisplayHeightMM (dpy, screen); dpi = (pixels * 25.4) / mm; dpi = XftDefaultGetDouble (dpy, XFT_DPI, screen, dpi); size = size * dpi / 72.0; XftPatternAddDouble (pattern, XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, size); } }