/* * $XFree86: xc/lib/Xft1/xftxlfd.c,v Exp $ * * Copyright © 2000 Keith Packard, member of The XFree86 Project, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "xftint.h" static XftSymbolic XftXlfdWeights[] = { { "light", XFT_WEIGHT_LIGHT }, { "medium", XFT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM }, { "regular", XFT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM }, { "demibold", XFT_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD }, { "bold", XFT_WEIGHT_BOLD }, { "black", XFT_WEIGHT_BLACK }, }; #define NUM_XLFD_WEIGHTS (sizeof XftXlfdWeights/sizeof XftXlfdWeights[0]) static XftSymbolic XftXlfdSlants[] = { { "r", XFT_SLANT_ROMAN }, { "i", XFT_SLANT_ITALIC }, { "o", XFT_SLANT_OBLIQUE }, }; #define NUM_XLFD_SLANTS (sizeof XftXlfdSlants/sizeof XftXlfdSlants[0]) XftPattern * XftXlfdParse (const char *xlfd_orig, Bool ignore_scalable, Bool complete) { XftPattern *pat; const char *xlfd = xlfd_orig; const char *foundry; const char *family; const char *weight_name; const char *slant; const char *registry; char *save; char style[128]; int pixel; int point; int resx; int resy; int slant_value, weight_value; double dpixel; if (*xlfd != '-') return 0; if (!(xlfd = strchr (foundry = ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = strchr (family = ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = strchr (weight_name = ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = strchr (slant = ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = strchr (/* setwidth_name = */ ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = strchr (/* add_style_name = */ ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = _XftGetInt (++xlfd, &pixel))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = _XftGetInt (++xlfd, &point))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = _XftGetInt (++xlfd, &resx))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = _XftGetInt (++xlfd, &resy))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = strchr (/* spacing = */ ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = strchr (/* average_width = */ ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; if (!(xlfd = strchr (registry = ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; /* make sure no fields follow this one */ if ((xlfd = strchr (/* encoding = */ ++xlfd, '-'))) return 0; if (ignore_scalable && !pixel) return 0; pat = XftPatternCreate (); if (!pat) return 0; save = (char *) malloc (strlen (foundry) + 1); if (!save) return 0; if (!XftPatternAddString (pat, XFT_XLFD, xlfd_orig)) goto bail; _XftSplitStr (foundry, save); if (save[0] && strcmp (save, "*") != 0) if (!XftPatternAddString (pat, XFT_FOUNDRY, save)) goto bail; _XftSplitStr (family, save); if (save[0] && strcmp (save, "*") != 0) if (!XftPatternAddString (pat, XFT_FAMILY, save)) goto bail; weight_value = _XftMatchSymbolic (XftXlfdWeights, NUM_XLFD_WEIGHTS, _XftSplitStr (weight_name, save), XFT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM); if (!XftPatternAddInteger (pat, XFT_WEIGHT, weight_value)) goto bail; slant_value = _XftMatchSymbolic (XftXlfdSlants, NUM_XLFD_SLANTS, _XftSplitStr (slant, save), XFT_SLANT_ROMAN); if (!XftPatternAddInteger (pat, XFT_SLANT, slant_value)) goto bail; dpixel = (double) pixel; if (complete) { /* * Build a style name */ style[0] = '\0'; switch (weight_value) { case XFT_WEIGHT_LIGHT: strcat (style, "light"); break; case XFT_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD: strcat (style, "demibold"); break; case XFT_WEIGHT_BOLD: strcat (style, "bold"); break; case XFT_WEIGHT_BLACK: strcat (style, "black"); break; } if (slant_value != XFT_SLANT_ROMAN) { if (style[0]) strcat (style, " "); switch (slant_value) { case XFT_SLANT_ITALIC: strcat (style, "italic"); break; case XFT_SLANT_OBLIQUE: strcat (style, "oblique"); break; } } if (!style[0]) strcat (style, "Regular"); if (!XftPatternAddString (pat, XFT_STYLE, style)) goto bail; if (!XftPatternAddBool (pat, XFT_SCALABLE, pixel == 0)) goto bail; if (!XftPatternAddBool (pat, XFT_CORE, True)) goto bail; if (!XftPatternAddBool (pat, XFT_ANTIALIAS, False)) goto bail; } else { if (point > 0) { if (!XftPatternAddDouble (pat, XFT_SIZE, ((double) point) / 10.0)) goto bail; if (pixel <= 0 && resy > 0) { dpixel = (double) point * (double) resy / 720.0; } } } if (dpixel > 0) if (!XftPatternAddDouble (pat, XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, dpixel)) goto bail; _XftDownStr (registry, save); if (registry[0] && !strchr (registry, '*')) if (!XftPatternAddString (pat, XFT_ENCODING, save)) goto bail; free (save); return pat; bail: free (save); XftPatternDestroy (pat); return 0; } Bool XftCoreAddFonts (XftFontSet *set, Display *dpy, Bool ignore_scalable) { char **xlfds; int num; int i; XftPattern *font; Bool ret; xlfds = XListFonts (dpy, "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*", 10000, &num); if (!xlfds) return False; ret = True; for (i = 0; ret && i < num; i++) { font = XftXlfdParse (xlfds[i], ignore_scalable, True); if (font) { if (!XftFontSetAdd (set, font)) { XftPatternDestroy (font); ret = False; } } } XFreeFontNames (xlfds); return ret; } typedef struct _XftCoreFont { struct _XftCoreFont *next; int ref; XFontStruct *font; Display *display; char *xlfd; } XftCoreFont; static XftCoreFont *_XftCoreFonts; XFontStruct* XftCoreOpen (Display *dpy, XftPattern *pattern) { XftCoreFont *cf; char *xlfd; char *xlfd_pixel = 0; char *i, *o; int d; Bool scalable; double pixel_size; int pixel_int; XFontStruct *ret; #if 0 printf ("Core "); XftPatternPrint (pattern); #endif if (XftPatternGetString (pattern, XFT_XLFD, 0, &xlfd) != XftResultMatch) return 0; if (XftPatternGetBool (pattern, XFT_SCALABLE, 0, &scalable) != XftResultMatch) return 0; if (scalable) { if (XftPatternGetDouble (pattern, XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, 0, &pixel_size) != XftResultMatch) return 0; pixel_int = (int) (pixel_size + 0.5); if (pixel_int) { xlfd_pixel = (char *) malloc (strlen (xlfd) + 32); i = xlfd; o = xlfd_pixel; d = 0; while (d != 7 && *i) { if ((*o++ = *i++) == '-') d++; } if (*i) { sprintf (o, "%d", pixel_int); o += strlen (o); while (*i != '-') ++i; } while ((*o++ = *i++)); #if 0 printf ("original %s sized %s\n", xlfd, xlfd_pixel); #endif xlfd = xlfd_pixel; } } for (cf = _XftCoreFonts; cf; cf = cf->next) { if (cf->display == dpy && !_XftStrCmpIgnoreCase (cf->xlfd, xlfd)) { cf->ref++; if (_XftFontDebug () & XFT_DBG_REF) { printf ("Xlfd \"%s\" matches existing font (%d)\n", xlfd, cf->ref); } break; } } if (!cf) { ret = XLoadQueryFont (dpy, xlfd); if (!ret) return 0; cf = (XftCoreFont *) malloc (sizeof (XftCoreFont) + strlen (xlfd) + 1); if (!cf) { XFreeFont (dpy, ret); return 0; } if (_XftFontDebug () & XFT_DBG_REF) printf ("Xlfd \"%s\" matches new font\n", xlfd); cf->next = _XftCoreFonts; _XftCoreFonts = cf; cf->ref = 1; cf->font = ret; cf->xlfd = (char *) (cf + 1); strcpy (cf->xlfd, xlfd); } if (xlfd_pixel) free (xlfd_pixel); return cf->font; } void XftCoreClose (Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font) { XftCoreFont *cf, **prev; for (prev = &_XftCoreFonts; (cf = *prev); prev = &cf->next) { if (cf->display == dpy && cf->font == font) { if (--cf->ref == 0) { XFreeFont (dpy, cf->font); *prev = cf->next; free (cf); } break; } } }