/* $Xorg: XpNotifyPdm.c,v 1.4 2000/08/17 19:46:07 cpqbld Exp $ */ /****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ** ** Description: XpNotifyPdm is used to engage a Page Dialog Manager ** (PDM). Though the PDM is not a formal part of the ** Print Extension, the concept and likely usage of ** PDM's is strong enough that this routine is being ** provided as a sample standard mechanism for engaging ** PDM's from the Print Extension. ** ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company ** (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp. ** (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. ** (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc. ** (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corp. ** (c) Copyright 1996 Fujitsu Limited ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi, Ltd. ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ** of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ** in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ** to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ** copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ** furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ** all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ** ** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ** COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER ** IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN ** CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ** ** Except as contained in this notice, the names of the copyright holders shall ** not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other ** dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from said ** copyright holders. ** ****************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ /* $XFree86: xc/lib/Xp/XpNotifyPdm.c,v 1.7tsi Exp $ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <X11/extensions/Print.h> #include <X11/Xlibint.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/Xauth.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <X11/Xos.h> /* * Alternate selection environment variables. */ #define ALT_PDM_SELECTION_ENV_VAR "XPDMSELECTION" #define ALT_PMD_DISPLAY_ENV_VAR "XPDMDISPLAY" /* * X-Authority file for authorization tickets. */ #define PDM_XAUTHORITY_ENV_VAR "XPDMXAUTHORITY" /* * str_dup using Xmalloc */ char *_xpstrdup(char * str) { int len; char *newstr; if (!str) return( (char *) NULL ); len = strlen(str) + 1; newstr = (char *) Xmalloc( len ); memcpy( newstr, str, len ); return( newstr ); } /****************************************************************************** * * _XpGetSelectionServer * * Routine that considers print_display, video_display, and alt * environment variables, and figures out the selection_display * and selection_atom. * * selection_display can be one of print_display, video_display, * or a brand new display connection that the caller will later * have to close. */ static Display * _XpGetSelectionServer ( Display *print_display, Display *video_display, Atom *sel_atom /* return value */ ) { char *tstr1, *tstr2, *tstr3, *tstrptr; char *sel_displaystr; Display *sel_display; char *selectionstr; /* * Possibly tickle a selection on an alternate display. */ if ( (sel_displaystr = getenv( ALT_PMD_DISPLAY_ENV_VAR )) != NULL ) { if ( !strcmp(sel_displaystr, "print") ) { /* * Explicitly use the Print display. */ sel_display = print_display; } else if ( !strcmp(sel_displaystr, "video") ) { /* * Explicitly use the Video display. */ sel_display = video_display; } else { /* * Do more work to determine the selection server connection. * The following is not clever enough to handle host aliases. */ tstr1 = _xpstrdup( sel_displaystr ); tstr2 = _xpstrdup( XDisplayString(print_display) ); tstr3 = _xpstrdup( XDisplayString(video_display) ); /* * remove ".scr" portion from "host:disp.scr" strings. * Use strrchr to find : separating host from display * to allow IPv6 numeric addresses with embedded colons. */ if (( tstrptr = strrchr( tstr1, ':' ) )) if (( tstrptr = strchr( tstrptr, '.' ) )) *tstrptr = '\0'; if (( tstrptr = strrchr( tstr2, ':' ) )) if (( tstrptr = strchr( tstrptr, '.' ) )) *tstrptr = '\0'; if (( tstrptr = strrchr( tstr3, ':' ) )) if (( tstrptr = strchr( tstrptr, '.' ) )) *tstrptr = '\0'; if ( !strcmp( tstr1, tstr2 ) ) { /* * Explicitly use the Print display. */ sel_display = print_display; } else if ( !strcmp( tstr1, tstr3 ) ) { /* * Explicitly use the Print display. */ sel_display = video_display; } else { /* * Create a new display connection to a server * never previously contacted. The caller will * have to realize this is a new display handle * (ie, its not equal to print_display or * video_display) when done. */ sel_display = XOpenDisplay(sel_displaystr); } XFree( tstr3 ); XFree( tstr2 ); XFree( tstr1 ); } } else { /* * If no alt selection server, use the print server. */ sel_display = print_display; } if (sel_display) { /* * Tickle (possibly alternate) PDM_MANAGER selection */ if ( (selectionstr = getenv( ALT_PDM_SELECTION_ENV_VAR )) == NULL ) selectionstr = "PDM_MANAGER"; *sel_atom = XInternAtom( sel_display, selectionstr, False ); } return( sel_display ); } /****************************************************************************** * * XpGetPdmStartParams */ Status XpGetPdmStartParams ( Display *print_display, Window print_window, XPContext print_context, Display *video_display, Window video_window, Display **selection_display, /* return value */ Atom *selection, /* return value */ Atom *type, /* return value */ int *format, /* return value */ unsigned char **data, /* return value */ int *nelements /* return value */ ) { XTextProperty text_prop; int status; char str1[128], str2[128], str3[128]; char *list[6]; *selection_display = _XpGetSelectionServer( print_display, video_display, selection ); if (*selection_display == NULL) { /* * Error - cannot determine or establish a selection_display. */ return( (Status) NULL ); } /* * Create a property that can be included in the PDM_MANAGER * selection to communicate information. * * video_display host:display[.anyScreen] * video_window * print_display host:display[.anyScreen] * print_window * print_context use to derive host:display.properScreen and other * locale_hint */ list[0] = XDisplayString( video_display ); sprintf( str1, "0x%lx", (long)video_window ); list[1] = str1; list[2] = XDisplayString( print_display ); sprintf( str2, "0x%lx", (long)print_window ); list[3] = str2; sprintf( str3, "0x%lx", (long)print_context ); list[4] = str3; list[5] = XpGetLocaleNetString(); status = XSupportsLocale(); if ( ! status ) { /* * Error. */ if ( (*selection_display != print_display) && (*selection_display != video_display) ) { XCloseDisplay( *selection_display ); *selection_display = (Display *) NULL; } return( (Status) NULL ); } status = XmbTextListToTextProperty( *selection_display, list, 6, XStdICCTextStyle, &text_prop ); if ( status < 0 ) { /* * Error. */ if ( (*selection_display != print_display) && (*selection_display != video_display) ) { XCloseDisplay( *selection_display ); *selection_display = (Display *) NULL; } return( (Status) NULL ); } *type = text_prop.encoding; *format = text_prop.format; *data = text_prop.value; *nelements = text_prop.nitems; XFree(list[5]); return( (Status) 1 ); } /****************************************************************************** * * XpSendOneTicket * * The ticket transfer protocol is as follows: * unsigned short ticket_state; * - 0 means NULL ticket, terminating ticket * - 1 means non-NULL ticket, terminating ticket * - 2 means non-NULL ticket, and more tickets to send * unsigned short address_length; * unsigned short number_length; * unsigned short name_length; * unsigned short data_length; * unsigned short family; * * char *address; * char *number; * char *name; * char *data; * */ Status XpSendOneTicket( Display *display, Window window, Xauth *ticket, Bool more ) { XClientMessageEvent ev; int bigstrlen, left, gofor; char *bigstr, *tptr; Status status; /* * Fixed portion of event. */ ev.type = ClientMessage; ev.display = display; ev.window = window; ev.message_type = XInternAtom( display, "PDM_MAIL", False ); /* * Special build the first ClientMessage to carry the * ticket transfer header. */ ev.format = 16; if (!ticket) { ev.data.s[0] = 0; } else { if (more) ev.data.s[0] = 2; else ev.data.s[0] = 1; ev.data.s[1] = (short) ticket->address_length; ev.data.s[2] = (short) ticket->number_length; ev.data.s[3] = (short) ticket->name_length; ev.data.s[4] = (short) ticket->data_length; ev.data.s[5] = (short) ticket->family; } status = XSendEvent( display, window, False, 0L, (XEvent *) &ev ); if (!status) return( (Status) 0 ); if (!ticket) return( (Status) 1 );; /* * Break down the remaining ticket data and build the * second thru N ClientMessages. */ ev.format = 8; bigstrlen = (int) ticket->address_length + (int) ticket->number_length + (int) ticket->name_length + (int) ticket->data_length; bigstr = Xmalloc( bigstrlen ); tptr = bigstr; memcpy( tptr, ticket->address, ticket->address_length ); tptr += ticket->address_length; memcpy( tptr, ticket->number, ticket->number_length ); tptr += ticket->number_length; memcpy( tptr, ticket->name, ticket->name_length ); tptr += ticket->name_length; memcpy( tptr, ticket->data, ticket->data_length ); left = bigstrlen; tptr = bigstr; while ( left ) { if (left > 20) gofor = 20; else gofor = left; memcpy( ev.data.b, tptr, gofor ); tptr += gofor; left -= gofor; status = XSendEvent( display, window, False, 0L, (XEvent *) &ev ); if (!status) { Xfree( bigstr ); return( (Status) 0 ); } } Xfree( bigstr ); return( (Status) 1 ); } Status XpSendAuth( Display *display, Window window ) { FILE *auth_file; char *auth_name; Xauth *entry; if ( !(auth_name = getenv( PDM_XAUTHORITY_ENV_VAR )) ) { return( (Status) 0 ); /* auth_name = XauFileName (); */ } if (access (auth_name, R_OK) != 0) /* checks REAL id */ return( (Status) 0 ); auth_file = fopen (auth_name, "r"); if (!auth_file) return( (Status) 0 ); for (;;) { entry = XauReadAuth (auth_file); if (!entry) break; /* * NOTE: in and around this area, an optimization can * be made. Rather than sending all the tickets in * .Xauthority, just pull out the *one* that is needed * by the PDM. */ XpSendOneTicket( display, window, entry, True ); XauDisposeAuth (entry); } XpSendOneTicket( display, window, (Xauth *) NULL, False ); (void) fclose (auth_file); return( (Status) 1 ); } /****************************************************************************** * * */ Status XpGetAuthParams ( Display *print_display, Display *video_display, Display **sel_display, /* return value */ Atom *sel_atom, /* return value */ Atom *sel_target_atom /* return value */ ) { *sel_display = _XpGetSelectionServer( print_display, video_display, sel_atom ); if (*sel_display == NULL) { /* * Error - cannot determine or establish a selection_display. */ return (Status)0; } /* * Create property and transfer data to. */ *sel_target_atom = XInternAtom( *sel_display, "PDM_MBOX", False ); return (Status)1; } /****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ** ** UNSUPPORTED ROUTINES used for testing and debugging. ** **/ /****************************************************************************** * * Predicate routines to dig out events from the users event queue. */ /* * client_data structures to use with XIfEvent() */ typedef struct { Window requestor; Atom selection; Atom target; } Dosnrec; typedef struct { Window window; Atom atom; } Dopnrec, Docmrec; /* * Dig out a selection notify from the users event * queue. */ static Bool digOutSelectionNotify( Display *display, XEvent *event, char *arg ) { Dosnrec *t; if (event->type == SelectionNotify) { t = (Dosnrec *) arg; /* * Selection complete because of good reply. */ if ( ( t->requestor == event->xselection.requestor ) && ( t->selection == event->xselection.selection ) && ( t->target == event->xselection.target ) ) { return( True ); } /* * Selection complete because of problem, and X-Server * had to generate the event. */ if ( ( t->requestor == event->xselection.requestor ) && ( t->selection == event->xselection.selection ) && ( None == event->xselection.property ) ) { return( True ); } } return( False ); } /* * Dig out a property notify event for the XpNotifyPdm * selection mechanism from the users event queue. */ static Bool digOutPropertyNotify( Display *display, XEvent *event, char *arg ) { Dopnrec *t; if (event->type == PropertyNotify) { t = (Dopnrec *) arg; if ( ( t->window == event->xproperty.window ) && ( t->atom == event->xproperty.atom ) ) { return( True ); } } return( False ); } #ifdef UNUSED /* * Dig out a ClientMessage of type PDM_REPLY. */ static Bool digOutClientMessage( Display *display, XEvent *event, char *arg ) { Docmrec *t; if (event->type == ClientMessage) { t = (Docmrec *) arg; if ( ( t->window == event->xclient.window ) && ( t->atom == event->xclient.message_type ) ) { return( True ); } } return( False ); } #endif /****************************************************************************** * * XpCookieToPdm */ static char * XpCookieToPdm ( Display *print_display, Display *video_display, Window sel_window ) { Display *sel_display; Atom prop_atom, sel_atom, pdm_mbox_atom, ttype; Dosnrec dosnrec; Dopnrec dopnrec; XEvent tevent; int tformat; unsigned long nitems, bytes_after; unsigned char *return_data; char *sel_str; char cdata[2048]; Window tmpw; if ( !getenv(PDM_XAUTHORITY_ENV_VAR) ) { /* * short cut for lack of cookie file. */ return( (char *) NULL ); } if (! XpGetAuthParams( print_display, video_display, &sel_display, &sel_atom, &pdm_mbox_atom ) ) { sprintf(cdata, "XpCookieToPdm: XpGetAuthParams failed"); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } prop_atom = XInternAtom( sel_display, "PDM_MBOX_PROP", False ); XConvertSelection( sel_display, sel_atom, pdm_mbox_atom, prop_atom, sel_window, CurrentTime ); /* * Hang out waiting for a SelectionNotify. Dig out from * event queue when it arrives. */ dosnrec.requestor = sel_window; dosnrec.selection = sel_atom; dosnrec.target = pdm_mbox_atom; XIfEvent( sel_display, &tevent, digOutSelectionNotify, (char *) &dosnrec ); /* * See if selection was successful. */ if ( tevent.xselection.property == None ) { /* * The selection failed. */ sel_str = XGetAtomName( sel_display, sel_atom ); sprintf(cdata, "XpCookieToPdm: Unable to make selection on %s", sel_str); XFree(sel_str); XDeleteProperty( sel_display, sel_window, prop_atom ); if ((sel_display != print_display) && (sel_display != video_display)) XCloseDisplay( sel_display ); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } /* * Read property content for status. */ XGetWindowProperty( sel_display, sel_window, prop_atom, 0, 100000, True, AnyPropertyType, &ttype, &tformat, &nitems, &bytes_after, &return_data ); /* * So that the client won't see how XpCookieToPdm is implemented, * run through the event queue, dig out, and destroy all * PropertyNotify events related to this call. */ dopnrec.window = sel_window; dopnrec.atom = prop_atom; while ( XCheckIfEvent( sel_display, &tevent, digOutPropertyNotify, (char *) &dopnrec ) ); if ((sel_display != print_display) && (sel_display != video_display)) XCloseDisplay( sel_display ); if ((ttype != XA_WINDOW) && (tformat != 32) && (nitems != 1)) { /* * Unable to read SelectionNotify property. */ sprintf(cdata, "XpCookieToPdm: Unable to read SelectionNotify property" ); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } tmpw = *((Window *) return_data); Xfree( return_data ); /* * Now send cookie information. */ XpSendAuth( sel_display, tmpw ); return( (char *) NULL ); } /****************************************************************************** * * XpNotifyPdm */ char * XpNotifyPdm ( Display *print_display, Window print_window, XPContext print_context, Display *video_display, Window video_window, Bool auth_flag ) { enum { XA_PDM_CLIENT_PROP, XA_PDM_START, XA_PDM_START_OK, XA_PDM_START_VXAUTH, XA_PDM_START_PXAUTH, XA_PDM_START_ERROR, NUM_ATOMS }; static char *atom_names[] = { "PDM_CLIENT_PROP", "PDM_START", "PDM_START_OK", "PDM_START_VXAUTH", "PDM_START_PXAUTH", "PDM_START_ERROR" }; char cdata[2048]; char *tptr; Dosnrec dosnrec; Dopnrec dopnrec; XEvent tevent; Display *sel_display; int sel_screen; Atom sel_atom; char *sel_str; Window sel_window; Atom prop_type; int prop_format; unsigned char *prop_data; int prop_nelements; Atom ttype; int tformat; unsigned long nitems, bytes_after; unsigned char *return_data; int tmpi; Atom atoms[NUM_ATOMS]; if ( ! XpGetPdmStartParams( print_display, print_window, print_context, video_display, video_window, &sel_display, &sel_atom, &prop_type, &prop_format, &prop_data, &prop_nelements ) ) { sprintf(cdata, "XpNotifyPdm: XpGetPdmStartParams failed" ); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } sel_screen = DefaultScreen( sel_display ); sel_window = XCreateSimpleWindow( sel_display, DefaultRootWindow( sel_display ), 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, BlackPixel(sel_display, sel_screen), WhitePixel(sel_display, sel_screen) ); /* * Possibly send over authorization cookies first. */ if (auth_flag) { tptr = XpCookieToPdm ( print_display, video_display, sel_window ); if (tptr) return( tptr ); } /* * Create property and transfer data to. */ XInternAtoms( sel_display, atom_names, NUM_ATOMS, False, atoms ); XChangeProperty( sel_display, sel_window, atoms[XA_PDM_CLIENT_PROP], prop_type, prop_format, PropModeReplace, prop_data, prop_nelements ); XFree( prop_data ); /* * Tickle PDM_MANAGER selection with PDM_START target */ XConvertSelection( sel_display, sel_atom, atoms[XA_PDM_START], atoms[XA_PDM_CLIENT_PROP], sel_window, CurrentTime ); /* * Hang out waiting for a SelectionNotify. Dig out from * event queue when it arrives. */ dosnrec.requestor = sel_window; dosnrec.selection = sel_atom; dosnrec.target = atoms[XA_PDM_START]; XIfEvent( sel_display, &tevent, digOutSelectionNotify, (char *) &dosnrec ); /* * See if selection was successful. */ if ( tevent.xselection.property == None ) { /* * The selection failed. */ sel_str = XGetAtomName( sel_display, sel_atom ); sprintf(cdata, "XpNotifyPdm: Unable to make selection on %s", sel_str); XFree(sel_str); XDeleteProperty( sel_display, sel_window, atoms[XA_PDM_CLIENT_PROP] ); XDestroyWindow( sel_display, sel_window ); if ((sel_display != print_display) && (sel_display != video_display)) XCloseDisplay( sel_display ); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } /* * Read property content for status. */ XGetWindowProperty( sel_display, sel_window, atoms[XA_PDM_CLIENT_PROP], 0, 100000, True, AnyPropertyType, &ttype, &tformat, &nitems, &bytes_after, &return_data ); /* * So that the client won't see how XpNotifyPdm is implemented, * run through the event queue, dig out, and destroy all * PropertyNotify events related to this call. */ dopnrec.window = sel_window; dopnrec.atom = atoms[XA_PDM_CLIENT_PROP]; while ( XCheckIfEvent( sel_display, &tevent, digOutPropertyNotify, (char *) &dopnrec ) ); XDestroyWindow( sel_display, sel_window ); if ((sel_display != print_display) && (sel_display != video_display)) XCloseDisplay( sel_display ); if ((ttype != XA_ATOM) && (tformat != 32) && (nitems != 1)) { /* * Unable to read SelectionNotify property. */ sprintf(cdata, "XpNotifyPdm: Unable to read SelectionNotify property" ); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } tmpi = *((Atom *) return_data); Xfree( return_data ); if ( tmpi == atoms[XA_PDM_START_OK] ) { return( (char *) NULL ); } else if ( tmpi == atoms[XA_PDM_START_VXAUTH] ) { sprintf(cdata, "XpNotifyPdm: PDM not authorized to connect to video display." ); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } else if ( tmpi == atoms[XA_PDM_START_PXAUTH] ) { sprintf(cdata, "XpNotifyPdm: PDM not authorized to connect to print display." ); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } else if ( tmpi == atoms[XA_PDM_START_ERROR] ) { sprintf(cdata, "XpNotifyPdm: PDM encountered an error. See PDM log file." ); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } else { sprintf(cdata, "XpNotifyPdm: unknown PDM error." ); return( _xpstrdup( cdata ) ); } }