/* $Xorg: do_char.c,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:46:24 cpqbld Exp $ */


Copyright 1989-1991, Bitstream Inc., Cambridge, MA.
You are hereby granted permission under all Bitstream propriety rights to
use, copy, modify, sublicense, sell, and redistribute the Bitstream Speedo
software and the Bitstream Charter outline font for any purpose and without
restrictions; provided, that this notice is left intact on all copies of such
software or font and that Bitstream's trademark is acknowledged as shown below
on all unmodified copies of such font.

BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc.


/* $XFree86: xc/lib/font/Speedo/do_char.c,v 1.3 2001/01/17 19:43:17 dawes Exp $ */

/***************************** D O - C H A R . C *****************************
 *                                                                           *
 * This is the top level module for processing one simple or composite       *
 * character.
 *                                                                           *

#include <config.h>
#include "spdo_prv.h"               /* General definitions for Speedo    */

#define   DEBUG   0

#include <stdio.h>
#define SHOW(X) printf("X = %d\n", X)
#define SHOW(X)

/***** GLOBAL VARIABLES *****/

/*****  GLOBAL FUNCTIONS *****/



/***** STATIC VARIABLES *****/

/***** STATIC FUNCTIONS *****/

static boolean sp_make_simp_char(PROTO_DECL2 ufix8 FONTFAR *pointer,ufix8 format);
static boolean sp_make_comp_char(PROTO_DECL2 ufix8 FONTFAR *pointer);
static ufix8 FONTFAR *sp_get_char_org(PROTO_DECL2 ufix16 char_index,boolean top_level);
static fix15 sp_get_posn_arg(PROTO_DECL2 ufix8 FONTFAR *STACKFAR *ppointer,ufix8 format);
static fix15 sp_get_scale_arg(PROTO_DECL2 ufix8 FONTFAR *STACKFAR *ppointer,ufix8 format);

FUNCTION ufix16 get_char_id(
ufix16 char_index)     /* Index to character in char directory */
 * Returns character id for specified character index in currently
 * selected font.
 * Reports Error 10 and returns 0 if no font selected.
 * Reports Error 12 and returns 0 if character data not available.
ufix8 FONTFAR  *pointer;      /* Pointer to character data */

if (!sp_globals.specs_valid)     /* Font specs not defined? */
    report_error(10);            /* Report font not specified */
    return (ufix16)0;            /* Return zero character id */

pointer = sp_get_char_org(char_index, TRUE); /* Get pointer to character data */
if (pointer == NULL)             /* Character data not available? */
    report_error(12);            /* Report character data not avail */
    return (ufix16)0;            /* Return zero character id */

return 0xffff & NEXT_WORD(pointer); /* Return character id */

FUNCTION fix31 get_char_width(
ufix16 char_index)     /* Index to character in char directory */
 * Returns character set width for specified character index in currently
 * selected font in units of 1/65536 em.
 * Reports Error 10 and returns 0 if no font selected.
 * Reports Error 12 and returns 0 if character data not available.
ufix8 FONTFAR  *pointer;      /* Pointer to character data */
fix31    set_width;    /* Set width of character */

if (!sp_globals.specs_valid)                /* Font specs not defined? */
    report_error(10);            /* Report font not specified */
    return (fix31)0;             /* Return zero character width */

pointer = sp_get_char_org(char_index, TRUE); /* Get pointer to character data */
if (pointer == NULL)             /* Character data not available? */
    report_error(12);            /* Report character data not avail */
    return (fix31)0;             /* Return zero character width */

pointer += 2;                    /* Skip over character id */
set_width = (fix31)NEXT_WORD(pointer); /* Read set width  and Convert units */
set_width = ((set_width << 16) + (sp_globals.metric_resolution >> 1)) / sp_globals.metric_resolution;
return set_width;                /* Return in 1/65536 em units */
FUNCTION fix15 get_track_kern(
fix15  track,          /* Track required (0 - 3) */
fix15  point_size)     /* Point size (units of whole points) */
 * Returns inter-character spacing adjustment in units of 1/256
 * points for the specified kerning track and point size.
 * If the specified point size is larger than the maximum point
 * size for the specified track, the adjustment for the maximum
 * point size is used.
 * If the specified point size is smaller than the minimum point
 * size for the specified track, the adjustment for the minimum
 * point size is used.
 * If the specified point size is between the minimum point size
 * and the maximum point size for the specified track, the 
 * adjustment is interpolated linearly between the minimum and
 * maximum adjustments.
 * Reports Error 10 and returns 0 if no font selected.
 * Reports Error 13 and returns 0 if track kerning data not in font.
ufix8 FONTFAR   *pointer;      /* Pointer to character data */
fix15    no_tracks;            /* Number of kerning tracks in font */
ufix8    format;               /* Track kerning format byte */
fix15    i;                    /* Track counter */
fix15    min_pt_size = 0;      /* Minimum point size for track */
fix15    max_pt_size = 0;      /* Maximum point size for track */
fix15    min_adj = 0;          /* Adjustment for min point size */
fix15    max_adj = 0;          /* Adjustment for max point size */
fix31    delta_pt_size;        /* Max point size - min point size */
fix31    delta_adj;            /* Min adjustment - max adjustment */
fix15    adj = 0;              /* Interpolated adjustment */

if (track == 0)                  /* Track zero selected? */
    return adj;                  /* Return zero track kerning adjustment */

if (!sp_globals.specs_valid)                /* Font specs not defined? */
    report_error(10);            /* Report font not specified */
    return adj;                  /* Return zero track kerning adjustment */

no_tracks = sp_globals.kern.no_tracks;      /* Number of kerning tracks */
if (track > no_tracks)           /* Required track not available? */
    report_error(13);            /* Report track kerning data not avail */
    return adj;                  /* Return zero track kerning adjustment */

pointer =  sp_globals.kern.tkorg;            /* Point to start of track kern data */
for (i = 0; i < track; i++)      /* Read until track required is read */
    format = NEXT_BYTE(pointer); /* Read track kerning format byte */
    min_pt_size = (format & BIT0)? 
    min_adj = (format & BIT1)? 
    max_pt_size = (format & BIT2)? 
    max_adj = (format & BIT3)? 

if (point_size <= min_pt_size)   /* Smaller than minimum point size? */
    return min_adj;              /* Return minimum adjustment (1/256 points) */

if (point_size >= max_pt_size)   /* Larger than maximum point size? */
    return max_adj;              /* Return maximum adjustment (1/256 points) */

delta_pt_size = (fix31)(max_pt_size - min_pt_size);
delta_adj = (fix31)(min_adj - max_adj);
adj = (fix15)(min_adj - 
       (((fix31)(point_size - min_pt_size) * delta_adj + 
         (delta_pt_size >> 1)) / delta_pt_size));
return adj;                      /* Return interpolated adjustment (1/256 points) */
FUNCTION fix31 get_pair_kern(
ufix16 char_index1,    /* Index to first character in char directory */
ufix16 char_index2)    /* Index to second character in char directory */
 * Returns inter-character spacing adjustment in units of 1/65536 em
 * for the specified pair of characters.
 * Reports Error 10 and returns 0 if no font selected.
 * Reports Error 14 and returns 0 if pair kerning data not in font.
ufix8 FONTFAR  *origin;       /* Pointer to first kerning pair record */
ufix8 FONTFAR  *pointer;      /* Pointer to character data */
ufix16   tmpufix16;    /* Temporary workspace */
fix15    no_pairs;     /* Number of kerning pairs in font */
ufix8    format;       /* Track kerning format byte */
boolean  long_id;      /* TRUE if 2-byte character ids */
fix15    rec_size;     /* Number of bytes in kern pair record */
fix15    n;            /* Number of remaining kern pairs */
fix15    nn;           /* Number of kern pairs in first partition */
fix15    base;         /* Index to first record in rem kern pairs */
fix15    i;            /* Index to kern pair being tested */
fix31    adj = 0;      /* Returned value of adjustment */
fix15    adj_base = 0; /* Adjustment base for relative adjustments */

if (!sp_globals.specs_valid)                /* Font specs not defined? */
    report_error(10);            /* Report font not specified */
    return adj;                  /* Return zero pair kerning adjustment */

no_pairs = sp_globals.kern.no_pairs;        /* Number of kerning pairs */
if (no_pairs == 0)               /* Pair kerning data not available? */
    report_error(14);            /* Report pair kerning data not avail */
    return adj;                  /* Return zero pair kerning adjustment */

pointer = sp_globals.kern.pkorg;            /* Point to start of pair kern data */
format = NEXT_BYTE(pointer);     /* Read pair kerning format byte */
if (!(format & BIT0))            /* One-byte adjustment values? */
    adj_base = NEXT_WORD(pointer); /* Read base adjustment */
origin = pointer;                /* First byte of kerning pair data */
rec_size = format + 3;           /* Compute kerning pair record size */
long_id = format & BIT1;         /* Set flag for 2-byte char index */

n = no_pairs;                    /* Consider all kerning pairs */
base = 0;                        /* Set base at first kern pair record */
while (n != 0)                   /* While 1 or more kern pairs remain ... */
    nn = n >> 1;                 /* Size of first partition */
    i = base + nn;               /* Index to record to be tested */
    pointer = origin + (i * rec_size);
    tmpufix16 = NEXT_CHNDX(pointer, long_id);
    if (char_index1 < tmpufix16)
        n = nn;                  /* Number remaining in first partition */
    if (char_index1 > tmpufix16)
        n -= nn + 1;             /* Number remaining in second partition */
        base = i + 1;            /* Base index for second partition */
    tmpufix16 = NEXT_CHNDX(pointer, long_id);
    if (char_index2 < tmpufix16)
        n = nn;                  /* Number remaining in first partition */
    if (char_index2 > tmpufix16)
        n -= nn + 1;             /* Number remaining in second partition */
        base = i + 1;            /* Base index for second partition */
    adj = (format & BIT0)? 
        (fix31)(adj_base + (fix15)NEXT_BYTE(pointer));
    adj = ((adj << 16) + (sp_globals.orus_per_em >> 1)) / sp_globals.orus_per_em; /* Convert units */
    n = 0;                       /* No more to consider */
return adj;                      /* Return pair kerning adjustment */

#ifdef old
FUNCTION boolean get_char_bbox(
ufix16 char_index,
bbox_t *bbox)
 *	returns true if character exists, false if it doesn't
 *	provides transformed character bounding box in 1/65536 pixels
 *	in the provided bbox_t structure.  Bounding box may be
 *	conservative in the event that the transformation is not
 *	normal or the character is compound.

ufix8 FONTFAR *pointer;
fix15 tmp;
point_t Pmin, Pmax;

plaid_t plaid;
sp_globals.plaid = &plaid;

if (!sp_globals.specs_valid)                /* Font specs not defined? */
    report_error(10);            /* Report font not specified */
    return FALSE;                /* Error return */

init_tcb();                      /* Initialize transformation control block */

pointer = sp_get_char_org(char_index, TRUE); /* Point to start of character data */
if (pointer == NULL)             /* Character data not available? */
    report_error(12);            /* Report character data not avail */
    return FALSE;                /* Error return */

pointer += 2;                    /* Skip over character id */
tmp = NEXT_WORD(pointer); /* Read set width */
tmp = NEXT_BYTE(pointer);
if (tmp & BIT1)               /* Optional data in header? */
    tmp = (ufix8)NEXT_BYTE(pointer); /* Read size of optional data */
    pointer += tmp;         /* Skip optional data */

pointer = plaid_tcb(pointer, tmp);              /* Process plaid data */
pointer = read_bbox(pointer, &Pmin, &Pmax,(boolean)FALSE);        /* Read bounding box */
bbox->xmin  = (fix31)Pmin.x << sp_globals.poshift;
bbox->xmax  = (fix31)Pmax.x << sp_globals.poshift;
bbox->ymin  = (fix31)Pmin.y << sp_globals.poshift;
bbox->ymax  = (fix31)Pmax.y << sp_globals.poshift;
return TRUE;

#else /* new code, 4/25/91 */

FUNCTION boolean get_char_bbox(
ufix16 char_index,
bbox_t *bbox)
 *	returns true if character exists, false if it doesn't
 *	provides transformed character bounding box in 1/65536 pixels
 *	in the provided bbox_t structure.  Bounding box may be
 *	conservative in the event that the transformation is not
 *	normal or the character is compound.

ufix8 FONTFAR *pointer;
fix15 tmp;
fix15 format;
ufix16 pix_adj;
point_t Pmin, Pmax;

plaid_t plaid;
sp_globals.plaid = &plaid;

if (!sp_globals.specs_valid)                /* Font specs not defined? */
    report_error(10);            /* Report font not specified */
    return FALSE;                /* Error return */

init_tcb();                      /* Initialize transformation control block */

pointer = sp_get_char_org(char_index, TRUE); /* Point to start of character data */
if (pointer == NULL)             /* Character data not available? */
    report_error(12);            /* Report character data not avail */
    return FALSE;                /* Error return */

pointer += 2;                    /* Skip over character id */
tmp = NEXT_WORD(pointer); /* Read set width */
format = NEXT_BYTE(pointer);
if (format & BIT1)               /* Optional data in header? */
    tmp = (ufix8)NEXT_BYTE(pointer); /* Read size of optional data */
    pointer += tmp;         /* Skip optional data */

if (format & BIT0)
    pix_adj = sp_globals.onepix << 1;          /* Allow 2 pixel expansion ... */
    pix_adj = 0;

pointer = plaid_tcb(pointer, format);              /* Process plaid data */
pointer = read_bbox(pointer, &Pmin, &Pmax,(boolean)FALSE);        /* Read bounding box */

Pmin.x -= pix_adj;                         /* ... of components of ... */
Pmin.y -= pix_adj;                         /* ... compound ... */
Pmax.x += pix_adj;                         /* ... character ... */
Pmax.y += pix_adj;                         /* ... bounding box. */

bbox->xmin  = (fix31)Pmin.x << sp_globals.poshift;
bbox->xmax  = (fix31)Pmax.x << sp_globals.poshift;
bbox->ymin  = (fix31)Pmin.y << sp_globals.poshift;
bbox->ymax  = (fix31)Pmax.y << sp_globals.poshift;
return TRUE;
#endif	/* new code */


FUNCTION boolean make_char_isw(
ufix16 char_index,
ufix32 imported_setwidth)
fix15   xmin;          /* Minimum X ORU value in font */
fix15   xmax;          /* Maximum X ORU value in font */
fix15   ymin;          /* Minimum Y ORU value in font */
fix15   ymax;          /* Maximum Y ORU value in font */
ufix16  return_value;

sp_globals.import_setwidth_act = TRUE;
/* convert imported width to orus */
sp_globals.imported_width = (sp_globals.metric_resolution * 
			    imported_setwidth) >> 16;
return_value = do_make_char(char_index);

if (sp_globals.isw_modified_constants)
    /* reset fixed point constants */
    xmin = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FXMIN);
    ymin = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FYMIN);
    ymax = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FYMAX);
    sp_globals.constr.data_valid = FALSE;
    xmax = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FXMAX);
    if (!setup_consts(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax))
        report_error(3);           /* Requested specs out of range */
        return FALSE;
return (return_value);

FUNCTION boolean make_char(
ufix16 char_index)     /* Index to character in char directory */
sp_globals.import_setwidth_act = FALSE;
return (do_make_char(char_index));

FUNCTION static boolean do_make_char(GDECL ufix16 char_index)
FUNCTION boolean make_char(GDECL ufix16 char_index)
 * Outputs specified character using the currently selected font and
 * scaling and output specifications.
 * Reports Error 10 and returns FALSE if no font specifications 
 * previously set.
 * Reports Error 12 and returns FALSE if character data not available.
ufix8 FONTFAR  *pointer;      /* Pointer to character data */
fix15    x_orus;
fix15    tmpfix15;
ufix8    format;

sp_globals.isw_modified_constants = FALSE;


plaid_t plaid;

intercepts_t intercepts;
sp_globals.intercepts = &intercepts;

sp_globals.plaid = &plaid;

if (!sp_globals.specs_valid)                /* Font specs not defined? */
    report_error(10);            /* Report font not specified */
    return FALSE;                /* Error return */

if (sp_globals.output_mode == MODE_OUTLINE && !sp_globals.outline_device_set)
	return FALSE;
	if (!sp_globals.bitmap_device_set)
		return FALSE;

init_tcb();                      /* Initialize transformation control block */

pointer = sp_get_char_org(char_index, TRUE); /* Point to start of character data */
if (pointer == NULL)             /* Character data not available? */
    report_error(12);            /* Report character data not avail */
    return FALSE;                /* Error return */

pointer += 2;                    /* Skip over character id */
x_orus = NEXT_WORD(pointer); /* Read set width */
sp_globals.setwidth_orus = x_orus;

if (sp_globals.import_setwidth_act)
    x_orus = sp_globals.imported_width;
sp_globals.Psw.x = (fix15)((fix31)
                   (((fix31)x_orus * (sp_globals.specs.xxmult>>16) + 
                  ( ((fix31)x_orus * (sp_globals.specs.xxmult&0xffffL) )>>16) 
                  ) << sp_globals.pixshift) / sp_globals.metric_resolution);

sp_globals.Psw.y = (fix15)(   
                 ((fix31)x_orus * (sp_globals.specs.yxmult>>16) + 
                ( ((fix31)x_orus * (sp_globals.specs.yxmult&0xffffL) )>>16) 
                  ) << sp_globals.pixshift) / sp_globals.metric_resolution);
format = NEXT_BYTE(pointer);
if (format & BIT1)               /* Optional data in header? */
    tmpfix15 = (ufix8)NEXT_BYTE(pointer); /* Read size of optional data */
    pointer += tmpfix15;         /* Skip optional data */
if (format & BIT0)
    return sp_make_comp_char(pointer); /* Output compound character */
    return sp_make_simp_char(pointer, format); /* Output simple character */
FUNCTION static boolean sp_make_simp_char(
ufix8 FONTFAR  *pointer,      /* Pointer to first byte of position argument */
ufix8    format)       /* Character format byte */
 * Called by sp_make_char() to output a simple (non-compound) character.
 * Returns TRUE on completion.
point_t Pmin, Pmax;    /* Transformed corners of bounding box */
ufix8 FONTFAR *save_pointer;
fix31   char_width;
fix31   isw_scale;

sp_globals.squeezing_compound = FALSE;
if ((sp_globals.pspecs->flags & SQUEEZE_LEFT) ||
    (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & SQUEEZE_RIGHT) ||
    (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & SQUEEZE_TOP) ||
    (sp_globals.pspecs->flags & SQUEEZE_BOTTOM) )
	/* get the bounding box data before processing the character */
    save_pointer = pointer;
    preview_bounding_box (pointer, format);
    pointer = save_pointer;
#if (INCL_ISW)
if (sp_globals.import_setwidth_act)
    save_pointer = pointer;
    preview_bounding_box (pointer, format);
    pointer = save_pointer;
        /* make sure I'm not going to get fixed point overflow */
    isw_scale = compute_isw_scale();
    if (sp_globals.bbox_xmin_orus < 0)
        char_width = SQUEEZE_MULT((sp_globals.bbox_xmax_orus - sp_globals.bbox_xmin_orus), isw_scale);
	char_width = SQUEEZE_MULT(sp_globals.bbox_xmax_orus, isw_scale);
    if (char_width >= sp_globals.isw_xmax)
        if (!reset_xmax(char_width))
              return FALSE;
pointer = plaid_tcb(pointer, format);              /* Process plaid data */
pointer = read_bbox(pointer, &Pmin, &Pmax, FALSE);      /* Read bounding box */
if (fn_begin_char(sp_globals.Psw, Pmin, Pmax))     /* Signal start of character output */
	    proc_outl_data(pointer);              /* Process outline data */
	while (!fn_end_char());                      /* Repeat if not done */
return TRUE;
FUNCTION static boolean sp_make_comp_char(
ufix8 FONTFAR  *pointer)      /* Pointer to first byte of position argument */
 * Called by sp_make_char() to output a compound character.
 * Returns FALSE if data for any sub-character is not available.
 * Returns TRUE if output completed with no error.
point_t  Pmin, Pmax;   /* Transformed corners of bounding box */
point_t  Pssw;         /* Transformed escapement vector */
ufix8 FONTFAR  *pointer_sav;  /* Saved pointer to compound character data */
ufix8 FONTFAR  *sub_pointer;  /* Pointer to sub-character data */
ufix8    format;       /* Format of DOCH instruction */
ufix16   sub_char_index; /* Index to sub-character in character directory */
fix15    x_posn;       /* X position of sub-character (outline res units) */
fix15    y_posn;       /* Y position of sub-character (outline res units) */
fix15    x_scale;      /* X scale factor of sub-character (scale units) */
fix15    y_scale;      /* Y scale factor of sub-character (scale units) */
fix15    tmpfix15;     /* Temporary workspace */
fix15    x_orus;       /* Set width in outline resolution units */
fix15    pix_adj;      /* Pixel adjustment to compound char bounding box */
fix31    x_factor, x_offset, top_scale, bottom_scale;
boolean  squeezed_x, squeezed_y;
fix15    x_offset_pix;
fix31   char_width;
fix31   isw_scale;

sp_globals.squeezing_compound = TRUE;
pointer = read_bbox(pointer, &Pmin, &Pmax, TRUE); /* Read bounding box data */
pix_adj = sp_globals.onepix << 1;          /* Allow 2 pixel expansion ... */
Pmin.x -= pix_adj;                         /* ... of components of ... */
Pmin.y -= pix_adj;                         /* ... compound ... */
Pmax.x += pix_adj;                         /* ... character ... */
Pmax.y += pix_adj;                         /* ... bounding box. */

/* scale the bounding box if necessary before calling begin_char */
squeezed_x = calculate_x_scale(&x_factor, &x_offset, 0);
squeezed_y = calculate_y_scale(&top_scale, &bottom_scale,0,0);

if (squeezed_x)
    { /* scale the x coordinates of the bbox */
    x_offset_pix = (fix15)(((x_offset >> 16) * sp_globals.tcb0.xppo)
                    >> sp_globals.mpshift);
    if ((x_offset_pix >0) && (x_offset_pix < sp_globals.onepix))
        x_offset_pix = sp_globals.onepix;
    Pmin.x = SQUEEZE_MULT (x_factor, Pmin.x) + x_offset_pix - pix_adj;
    Pmax.x = SQUEEZE_MULT (x_factor, Pmax.x) + x_offset_pix + pix_adj;
if (squeezed_y)
    { /* scale the y coordinates of the bbox */
    if ((Pmin.y) < 0)
        Pmin.y = SQUEEZE_MULT (bottom_scale, Pmin.y) - pix_adj;
        Pmin.y = SQUEEZE_MULT (top_scale, Pmin.y) - pix_adj;
    if ((Pmax.y) < 0)
        Pmax.y = SQUEEZE_MULT (bottom_scale, Pmax.y) + pix_adj;
        Pmax.y = SQUEEZE_MULT (top_scale, Pmax.y) + pix_adj;
#if (INCL_ISW)
if (sp_globals.import_setwidth_act)
        /* make sure I'm not going to get fixed point overflow */
    isw_scale = ((fix31)sp_globals.imported_width << 16)/
    char_width = SQUEEZE_MULT((sp_globals.bbox_xmax_orus - 
    if (char_width >= sp_globals.isw_xmax)
        if (!reset_xmax(char_width))
              return FALSE;

if (fn_begin_char(sp_globals.Psw, Pmin, Pmax)) /* Signal start of character data */
	pointer_sav = pointer;
	    pointer = pointer_sav;                 /* Point to next DOCH or END instruction */
	    while ((format = NEXT_BYTE(pointer)))  /* DOCH instruction? */
	        init_tcb();                        /* Initialize transformation control block */
	        x_posn = sp_get_posn_arg(&pointer, format);
	        y_posn = sp_get_posn_arg(&pointer, (ufix8)(format >> 2));
	        x_scale = sp_get_scale_arg(&pointer, (ufix8)(format & BIT4));
	        y_scale = sp_get_scale_arg(&pointer, (ufix8)(format & BIT5));
	        scale_tcb(&sp_globals.tcb, x_posn, y_posn, x_scale, y_scale); /* Scale for sub-char */
	        sub_char_index = (format & BIT6)?  /* Read sub-char index */
		    0xffff & NEXT_WORD(pointer):
		    0xffff & NEXT_BYTE(pointer);
	        sub_pointer = sp_get_char_org(sub_char_index, FALSE); /* Point to start of sub-char */
	        if (sub_pointer == NULL)           /* Character data not available? */
	            return FALSE;                  /* Abort character output */
	        sub_pointer += 2;                  /* Skip over character id */
	        x_orus = NEXT_WORD(sub_pointer);   /* Read set_width of sub-character */

			Pssw.x = (fix15)(   
                              ((fix31)x_orus * (sp_globals.specs.xxmult>>16) + 
                              ( ((fix31)x_orus * (sp_globals.specs.xxmult&0xffffL) )>>16) 
                             ) << sp_globals.pixshift) / sp_globals.metric_resolution);
			Pssw.y = (fix15)(   
                              ((fix31)x_orus * (sp_globals.specs.yxmult>>16) + 
                              ( ((fix31)x_orus * (sp_globals.specs.yxmult&0xffffL) )>>16) 
                             ) << sp_globals.pixshift) / sp_globals.metric_resolution);
	        format = NEXT_BYTE(sub_pointer);   /* Read sub-character format */
	        if (format & BIT1)                 /* Optional data in header? */
	            tmpfix15 = (ufix8)NEXT_BYTE(sub_pointer); /* Read size of optional data */
	            sub_pointer += tmpfix15;           /* Skip optional data */
	        sub_pointer = plaid_tcb(sub_pointer, format);   /* Process sub-character plaid data */
	        sub_pointer = read_bbox(sub_pointer, &Pmin, &Pmax, FALSE); /* Read bounding box */
	        fn_begin_sub_char(Pssw, Pmin, Pmax);  /* Signal start of sub-character data */
	        proc_outl_data(sub_pointer);       /* Process sub-character data */
	        fn_end_sub_char();                    /* Signal end of sub-character data */
	while (!fn_end_char());                       /* Signal end of character; repeat if required */
return TRUE;
#if INCL_LCD           /* Dynamic load character data supported? */
FUNCTION static ufix8 FONTFAR *sp_get_char_org(
ufix16   char_index,   /* Index of character to be accessed */
boolean  top_level)    /* Not a compound character element */
 * Called by sp_get_char_id(), sp_get_char_width(), sp_make_char() and
 * sp_make_comp_char() to get a pointer to the start of the character data
 * for the specified character index.
 * Version for configuration supporting dynamic character data loading.
 * Calls load_char_data() to load character data if not already loaded
 * as part of the original font buffer.
 * Returns NULL if character data not available
buff_t  *pchar_data;   /* Buffer descriptor requested */
ufix8 FONTFAR  *pointer;      /* Pointer into character directory */
ufix8    format;       /* Character directory format byte */
fix31    char_offset;  /* Offset of char data from start of font file */
fix31    next_char_offset; /* Offset of char data from start of font file */
fix15    no_bytes;     /* Number of bytes required for char data */

if (top_level)                        /* Not element of compound char? */
    if (char_index < sp_globals.first_char_idx)  /* Before start of character set? */
        return NULL;
    char_index -= sp_globals.first_char_idx;
    if (char_index >= sp_globals.no_chars_avail) /* Beyond end of character set? */
        return NULL;
    sp_globals.cb_offset = 0;                    /* Reset char buffer offset */

pointer = sp_globals.pchar_dir;
format = NEXT_BYTE(pointer);          /* Read character directory format byte */
pointer += char_index << 1;           /* Point to indexed character entry */
if (format)                           /* 3-byte entries in char directory? */
    pointer += char_index;            /* Adjust for 3-byte entries */
    char_offset = read_long(pointer); /* Read file offset to char data */
    next_char_offset = read_long(pointer + 3); /* Read offset to next char */
    char_offset = (fix31)(0xffff & NEXT_WORD(pointer)); /* Read file offset to char data */
    next_char_offset = (fix31)(0xffff & NEXT_WORD(pointer)); /* Read offset to next char */

no_bytes = next_char_offset - char_offset;
if (no_bytes == 0)                    /* Character not in directory? */
    return NULL;

if (next_char_offset <= sp_globals.font_buff_size)/* Character data already in font buffer? */
    return sp_globals.pfont->org + char_offset;  /* Return pointer into font buffer */

pchar_data = load_char_data(char_offset, no_bytes, sp_globals.cb_offset); /* Request char data load */
if (pchar_data->no_bytes < no_bytes)  /* Correct number of bytes loaded? */
    return NULL;

if (top_level)                        /* Not element of compound char? */
    sp_globals.cb_offset = no_bytes;

return pchar_data->org;               /* Return pointer into character data buffer */
#else                  /* Dynamic load character data not supported? */
FUNCTION static ufix8 FONTFAR *sp_get_char_org(
ufix16   char_index,   /* Index of character to be accessed */
boolean  top_level)    /* Not a compound character element */
 * Called by sp_get_char_id(), sp_get_char_width(), sp_make_char() and
 * sp_make_comp_char() to get a pointer to the start of the character data
 * for the specified character index.
 * Version for configuration not supporting dynamic character data loading.
 * Returns NULL if character data not available
ufix8   FONTFAR *pointer;      /* Pointer into character directory */
ufix8    format;       /* Character directory format byte */
fix31    char_offset;  /* Offset of char data from start of font file */
fix31    next_char_offset; /* Offset of char data from start of font file */
fix15    no_bytes;     /* Number of bytes required for char data */

if (top_level)                        /* Not element of compound char? */
    if (char_index < sp_globals.first_char_idx)  /* Before start of character set? */
        return NULL;
    char_index -= sp_globals.first_char_idx;
    if (char_index >= sp_globals.no_chars_avail) /* Beyond end of character set? */
        return NULL;

pointer = sp_globals.pchar_dir;
format = NEXT_BYTE(pointer);          /* Read character directory format byte */
pointer += char_index << 1;           /* Point to indexed character entry */
if (format)                           /* 3-byte entries in char directory? */
    pointer += char_index;            /* Adjust for 3-byte entries */
    char_offset = read_long(pointer); /* Read file offset to char data */
    next_char_offset = read_long(pointer + 3); /* Read offset to next char */
    char_offset = (fix31)(0xffff & NEXT_WORD(pointer)); /* Read file offset to char data */
    next_char_offset = (fix31)(0xffff & NEXT_WORD(pointer)); /* Read offset to next char */

no_bytes = next_char_offset - char_offset;
if (no_bytes == 0)                    /* Character not in directory? */
    return NULL;

return sp_globals.pfont->org + char_offset;      /* Return pointer into font buffer */

FUNCTION static fix15 sp_get_posn_arg(
ufix8 FONTFAR * STACKFAR *ppointer,     /* Pointer to first byte of position argument */
ufix8    format)       /* Format of DOCH arguments */
 * Called by sp_make_comp_char() to read a position argument from the
 * specified point in the font/char buffer.
 * Updates pointer to byte following position argument.
 * Returns value of position argument in outline resolution units
switch (format & 0x03)
case 1:
    return NEXT_WORD(*ppointer);

case 2:
    return (fix15)((fix7)NEXT_BYTE(*ppointer));

    return (fix15)0;
FUNCTION static fix15 sp_get_scale_arg(
ufix8 FONTFAR *STACKFAR *ppointer,     /* Pointer to first byte of position argument */
ufix8    format)       /* Format of DOCH arguments */
 * Called by sp_make_comp_char() to read a scale argument from the
 * specified point in the font/char buffer.
 * Updates pointer to byte following scale argument.
 * Returns value of scale argument in scale units (normally 1/4096)
if (format)
    return NEXT_WORD(*ppointer);
    return (fix15)ONE_SCALE;
FUNCTION static void preview_bounding_box(
ufix8 FONTFAR  *pointer,      /* Pointer to first byte of position argument */
ufix8    format)       /* Character format byte */
point_t  Pmin, Pmax;   /* Transformed corners of bounding box */

    sp_globals.no_X_orus = (format & BIT2)?
    sp_globals.no_Y_orus = (format & BIT3)?
    pointer = read_oru_table(pointer);

    /* Skip over control zone table */
    pointer = skip_control_zone(pointer,format);

    /* Skip over interpolation table */
    pointer = skip_interpolation_table(pointer,format);
    /* get_args has a pathological need for this value to be set */
    sp_globals.Y_edge_org = sp_globals.no_X_orus;
    pointer = read_bbox(pointer, &Pmin, &Pmax, TRUE);        /* Read bounding bo
x */

FUNCTION static boolean reset_xmax(
fix31   xmax)

fix15   xmin;          /* Minimum X ORU value in font */
fix15   ymin;          /* Minimum Y ORU value in font */
fix15   ymax;          /* Maximum Y ORU value in font */

sp_globals.isw_modified_constants = TRUE;
xmin = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FXMIN);
ymin = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FYMIN);
ymax = read_word_u(sp_globals.font_org + FH_FYMAX);

if (!setup_consts(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax))
    report_error(3);           /* Requested specs out of range */
    return FALSE;
sp_globals.constr.data_valid = FALSE;
/* recompute setwidth */
sp_globals.Psw.x = (fix15)((fix31)(
     ((fix31)sp_globals.imported_width * (sp_globals.specs.xxmult>>16) +
     ( ((fix31)sp_globals.imported_width *
          (sp_globals.specs.xxmult&0xffffL) )>>16)
     ) << sp_globals.pixshift) / sp_globals.metric_resolution);
sp_globals.Psw.y = (fix15)(   
                 ((fix31)sp_globals.imported_width * (sp_globals.specs.yxmult>>16) + 
                ( ((fix31)sp_globals.imported_width * (sp_globals.specs.yxmult&0xffffL) )>>16) 
                  ) << sp_globals.pixshift) / sp_globals.metric_resolution);
return TRUE;