/* $Xorg: spinfo.c,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:04:00 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /* * Copyright 1990, 1991 Network Computing Devices; * Portions Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the names of Network Computing Devices or Digital * not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of * the software without specific, written prior permission. * * NETWORK COMPUTING DEVICES AND DIGITAL DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL NETWORK COMPUTING DEVICES OR DIGITAL BE * LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: Dave Lemke, Network Computing Devices, Inc */ /* Copyright 1987, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* $XFree86: xc/lib/font/Speedo/spinfo.c,v 1.12 2001/12/14 19:56:42 dawes Exp $ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <X11/fonts/fntfilst.h> #include <X11/fonts/fontutil.h> #include "spint.h" #ifndef FONTMODULE #include <math.h> #else #include "xf86_ansic.h" #endif /* percentage of pointsize used to specify ascent & descent */ #define STRETCH_FACTOR 120 enum scaleType { atom, truncate_atom, pixel_size, point_size, resolution_x, resolution_y, average_width }; typedef struct _fontProp { char *name; long atom; enum scaleType type; } fontProp; static fontProp fontNamePropTable[] = { { "FOUNDRY", 0, atom }, { "FAMILY_NAME", 0, atom }, { "WEIGHT_NAME", 0, atom }, { "SLANT", 0, atom }, { "SETWIDTH_NAME", 0, atom }, { "ADD_STYLE_NAME", 0, atom }, { "PIXEL_SIZE", 0, pixel_size }, { "POINT_SIZE", 0, point_size }, { "RESOLUTION_X", 0, resolution_x }, { "RESOLUTION_Y", 0, resolution_y }, { "SPACING", 0, atom }, { "AVERAGE_WIDTH", 0, average_width }, { "CHARSET_REGISTRY", 0, atom }, { "CHARSET_ENCODING", 0, truncate_atom } }; /* Warning: following array is closely related to the sequence of defines after it. */ static fontProp extraProps[] = { { "FONT", 0, }, { "COPYRIGHT", 0, }, { "RAW_PIXEL_SIZE", 0, }, { "RAW_POINT_SIZE", 0, }, { "RAW_ASCENT", 0, }, { "RAW_DESCENT", 0, }, { "RAW_AVERAGE_WIDTH", 0, }, { "FONT_TYPE", 0, }, { "RASTERIZER_NAME", 0, } }; /* this is a bit kludgy */ #define FONTPROP 0 #define COPYRIGHTPROP 1 #define RAWPIXELPROP 2 #define RAWPOINTPROP 3 #define RAWASCENTPROP 4 #define RAWDESCENTPROP 5 #define RAWWIDTHPROP 6 #define FONT_TYPEPROP 7 #define RASTERIZER_NAMEPROP 8 #define NNAMEPROPS (sizeof(fontNamePropTable) / sizeof(fontProp)) #define NEXTRAPROPS (sizeof(extraProps) / sizeof(fontProp)) #define NPROPS (NNAMEPROPS + NEXTRAPROPS) void sp_make_standard_props() { int i; fontProp *t; i = sizeof(fontNamePropTable) / sizeof(fontProp); for (t = fontNamePropTable; i; i--, t++) t->atom = MakeAtom(t->name, (unsigned) strlen(t->name), TRUE); i = sizeof(extraProps) / sizeof(fontProp); for (t = extraProps; i; i--, t++) t->atom = MakeAtom(t->name, (unsigned) strlen(t->name), TRUE); } void sp_make_header( SpeedoFontPtr spf, FontInfoPtr pinfo) { int pixel_size; SpeedoMasterFontPtr spmf = spf->master; pinfo->firstCol = spmf->first_char_id & 0xff; pinfo->firstRow = spmf->first_char_id >> 8; pinfo->lastCol = spmf->max_id & 0xff; pinfo->lastRow = spmf->max_id >> 8; /* XXX -- hackery here */ pinfo->defaultCh = 0; /* computed by FontComputeInfoAccelerators: * noOverlap * constantMetrics * terminalFont * constantWidth * inkInside */ pinfo->inkMetrics = 0; pinfo->allExist = 0; pinfo->drawDirection = LeftToRight; pinfo->cachable = 1; if (spf->specs.xxmult != spf->specs.yymult) pinfo->anamorphic = TRUE; else pinfo->anamorphic = FALSE; /* computed by sp_compute_bounds: * maxOverlap * maxbounds * minbounds * ink_maxbounds * ink_minbounds */ pixel_size = spf->vals.pixel_matrix[3] * STRETCH_FACTOR / 100; pinfo->fontAscent = pixel_size * 764 / 1000; /* 764 == EM_TOP */ pinfo->fontDescent = pixel_size - pinfo->fontAscent; } static void adjust_min_max( xCharInfo *minc, xCharInfo *maxc, xCharInfo *tmp) { #define MINMAX(field,ci) \ if (minc->field > (ci)->field) \ minc->field = (ci)->field; \ if (maxc->field < (ci)->field) \ maxc->field = (ci)->field; MINMAX(ascent, tmp); MINMAX(descent, tmp); MINMAX(leftSideBearing, tmp); MINMAX(rightSideBearing, tmp); MINMAX(characterWidth, tmp); if ((INT16)minc->attributes > (INT16)tmp->attributes) minc->attributes = tmp->attributes; if ((INT16)maxc->attributes < (INT16)tmp->attributes) maxc->attributes = tmp->attributes; #undef MINMAX } void sp_compute_bounds( SpeedoFontPtr spf, FontInfoPtr pinfo, unsigned long flags, long *sWidth) { int i, id, index, maxOverlap, overlap, total_width = 0; xCharInfo minchar, maxchar, tmpchar; bbox_t bbox; fix31 width; double pix_width; SpeedoMasterFontPtr spmf = spf->master; int firstChar; int num_chars = 0; firstChar = spmf->first_char_id; minchar.ascent = minchar.descent = minchar.leftSideBearing = minchar.rightSideBearing = minchar.characterWidth = minchar.attributes = 32767; maxchar.ascent = maxchar.descent = maxchar.leftSideBearing = maxchar.rightSideBearing = maxchar.characterWidth = maxchar.attributes = -32767; maxOverlap = -32767; *sWidth = 0; for (i = 0; i < spmf->num_chars; i++) { int j; int char_id; index = spmf->enc[i * 2 + 1]; char_id = spmf->enc[i * 2]; /* * See if this character is in the list of ranges specified in the * XLFD name */ for (j = 0; j < spf->vals.nranges; j++) if (char_id >= mincharno(spf->vals.ranges[j]) && char_id <= maxcharno(spf->vals.ranges[j])) break; if (spf->vals.nranges && j == spf->vals.nranges) continue; num_chars++; if (!(flags & ComputeBoundsOnly)) { width = sp_get_char_width(index); /* convert to pixel coords */ pix_width = (int)width * (spf->specs.xxmult / 65536L) + ((int) width * (spf->specs.xxmult % 65536L)) / 65536L; pix_width /= 65536L; (void) sp_get_char_bbox(index, &bbox); bbox.ymax = (bbox.ymax + 32768L) >> 16; bbox.ymin = (bbox.ymin + 32768L) >> 16; bbox.xmin = (bbox.xmin + 32768L) >> 16; bbox.xmax = (bbox.xmax + 32768L) >> 16; tmpchar.ascent = bbox.ymax; tmpchar.descent = -bbox.ymin; tmpchar.characterWidth = (int)(pix_width + /* round */ (pix_width > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)); tmpchar.rightSideBearing = bbox.xmax; tmpchar.leftSideBearing = bbox.xmin; if (!tmpchar.characterWidth && tmpchar.ascent == -tmpchar.descent && tmpchar.rightSideBearing == tmpchar.leftSideBearing) { /* Character appears non-existent, probably as a result of the transformation. Let's give it one pixel in the universe so it's not mistaken for non-existent. */ tmpchar.leftSideBearing = tmpchar.descent = 0; tmpchar.rightSideBearing = tmpchar.ascent = 1; } tmpchar.attributes = (int)((double)(int)width / 65.536 + .5); } else tmpchar = spf->encoding[char_id - firstChar].metrics; adjust_min_max(&minchar, &maxchar, &tmpchar); overlap = tmpchar.rightSideBearing - tmpchar.characterWidth; if (maxOverlap < overlap) maxOverlap = overlap; total_width += ((int)(INT16)tmpchar.attributes); *sWidth += abs((int)(INT16)tmpchar.attributes); if (flags & SaveMetrics) { id = spmf->enc[i * 2] - firstChar; assert(id <= spmf->max_id - firstChar); spf->encoding[id].metrics = tmpchar; } } if (num_chars > 0) { *sWidth = (int)(((double)*sWidth * 10.0 + (double)num_chars / 2.0) / num_chars); if (total_width < 0) { /* Predominant direction is R->L */ *sWidth = -*sWidth; } spf->vals.width = (int)((double)*sWidth * spf->vals.pixel_matrix[0] / 1000.0 + (spf->vals.pixel_matrix[0] > 0 ? .5 : -.5)); } else { spf->vals.width = 0; } pinfo->maxbounds = maxchar; pinfo->minbounds = minchar; pinfo->ink_maxbounds = maxchar; pinfo->ink_minbounds = minchar; pinfo->maxOverlap = maxOverlap; } void sp_compute_props( SpeedoFontPtr spf, char *fontname, FontInfoPtr pinfo, long sWidth) { FontPropPtr pp; int i, nprops; fontProp *fpt; char *is_str; char *ptr1 = NULL, *ptr2; char *ptr3; char tmpname[1024]; FontScalableRec tmpvals; nprops = pinfo->nprops = NPROPS; pinfo->isStringProp = (char *) xalloc(sizeof(char) * nprops); pinfo->props = (FontPropPtr) xalloc(sizeof(FontPropRec) * nprops); if (!pinfo->isStringProp || !pinfo->props) { xfree(pinfo->isStringProp); pinfo->isStringProp = (char *) 0; xfree(pinfo->props); pinfo->props = (FontPropPtr) 0; pinfo->nprops = 0; return; } bzero(pinfo->isStringProp, (sizeof(char) * nprops)); ptr2 = fontname; for (i = NNAMEPROPS, pp = pinfo->props, fpt = fontNamePropTable, is_str = pinfo->isStringProp; i; i--, pp++, fpt++, is_str++) { if (*ptr2) { ptr1 = ptr2 + 1; if (!(ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, '-'))) ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, '\0'); } pp->name = fpt->atom; switch (fpt->type) { case atom: *is_str = TRUE; pp->value = MakeAtom(ptr1, ptr2 - ptr1, TRUE); break; case truncate_atom: *is_str = TRUE; for (ptr3 = ptr1; *ptr3; ptr3++) if (*ptr3 == '[') break; pp->value = MakeAtom(ptr1, ptr3 - ptr1, TRUE); break; case pixel_size: pp->value = (int)(spf->vals.pixel_matrix[3] + (spf->vals.pixel_matrix[3] > 0 ? .5 : -.5)); break; case point_size: pp->value = (int)(spf->vals.point_matrix[3] * 10.0 + (spf->vals.point_matrix[3] > 0 ? .5 : -.5)); break; case resolution_x: pp->value = spf->vals.x; break; case resolution_y: pp->value = spf->vals.y; break; case average_width: pp->value = spf->vals.width; break; } } for (i = 0, fpt = extraProps; i < NEXTRAPROPS; i++, is_str++, pp++, fpt++) { pp->name = fpt->atom; switch (i) { case FONTPROP: *is_str = TRUE; strcpy(tmpname, fontname); FontParseXLFDName(tmpname, &tmpvals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_ZERO); FontParseXLFDName(tmpname, &spf->vals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_VALUE); pp->value = MakeAtom(tmpname, strlen(tmpname), TRUE); break; case COPYRIGHTPROP: *is_str = TRUE; pp->value = MakeAtom(spf->master->copyright, strlen(spf->master->copyright), TRUE); break; case FONT_TYPEPROP: *is_str = TRUE; pp->value = MakeAtom("Speedo", strlen("Speedo"), TRUE); break; case RASTERIZER_NAMEPROP: *is_str = TRUE; pp->value = MakeAtom("X Consortium Speedo Rasterizer", strlen("X Consortium Speedo Rasterizer"), TRUE); break; case RAWPIXELPROP: *is_str = FALSE; pp->value = 1000; break; case RAWPOINTPROP: *is_str = FALSE; pp->value = (long)(72270.0 / (double)spf->vals.y + .5); break; case RAWASCENTPROP: *is_str = FALSE; pp->value = STRETCH_FACTOR * 764 / 100; break; case RAWDESCENTPROP: *is_str = FALSE; pp->value = STRETCH_FACTOR * 236 / 100; break; case RAWWIDTHPROP: *is_str = FALSE; pp->value = sWidth; break; } } }