/* $XdotOrg: xc/lib/font/fontfile/fontfile.c,v 1.5 2005/07/09 06:36:13 keithp Exp $ */ /* $Xorg: fontfile.c,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:04:03 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1991, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* $XFree86: xc/lib/font/fontfile/fontfile.c,v 3.21 2003/12/02 19:50:40 dawes Exp $ */ /* * Author: Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium */ /* $NCDXorg: @(#)fontfile.c,v 1.6 1991/07/02 17:00:46 lemke Exp $ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <X11/fonts/fntfilst.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <ctype.h> #endif /* * Map FPE functions to renderer functions */ static int FontFileOpenBitmapNCF (FontPathElementPtr fpe, FontPtr *pFont, int flags, FontEntryPtr entry, fsBitmapFormat format, fsBitmapFormatMask fmask, FontPtr non_cachable_font); int FontFileNameCheck (char *name) { #ifndef NCD #if defined(__UNIXOS2__) || defined(WIN32) /* OS/2 uses D:/... as a path name for fonts, so accept this as a valid * path if it starts with a letter and a colon. Same applies for WIN32 */ if (isalpha(*name) && name[1]==':') return TRUE; #endif return *name == '/'; #else return ((strcmp(name, "built-ins") == 0) || (*name == '/')); #endif } int FontFileInitFPE (FontPathElementPtr fpe) { int status; FontDirectoryPtr dir; status = FontFileReadDirectory (fpe->name, &dir); if (status == Successful) { if (dir->nonScalable.used > 0) if (!FontFileRegisterBitmapSource (fpe)) { FontFileFreeFPE (fpe); return AllocError; } fpe->private = (pointer) dir; } return status; } /* ARGSUSED */ int FontFileResetFPE (FontPathElementPtr fpe) { FontDirectoryPtr dir; dir = (FontDirectoryPtr) fpe->private; /* * The reset must fail for bitmap fonts because they get cleared when * the path is set. */ if (FontFileDirectoryChanged (dir)) { /* can't do it, so tell the caller to close and re-open */ return FPEResetFailed; } else { if (dir->nonScalable.used > 0) if (!FontFileRegisterBitmapSource (fpe)) { return FPEResetFailed; } return Successful; } } int FontFileFreeFPE (FontPathElementPtr fpe) { FontFileUnregisterBitmapSource (fpe); FontFileFreeDir ((FontDirectoryPtr) fpe->private); return Successful; } static int transfer_values_to_alias(char *entryname, int entrynamelength, char *resolvedname, char **aliasName, FontScalablePtr vals) { static char aliasname[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; int nameok = 1, len; char lowerName[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; *aliasName = resolvedname; if ((len = strlen(*aliasName)) <= MAXFONTNAMELEN && (entrynamelength < MAXFONTNAMELEN) && FontFileCountDashes (*aliasName, len) == 14) { FontScalableRec tmpVals; FontScalableRec tmpVals2; tmpVals2 = *vals; /* If we're aliasing a scalable name, transfer values from the name into the destination alias, multiplying by matrices that appear in the alias. */ CopyISOLatin1Lowered (lowerName, entryname, entrynamelength); lowerName[entrynamelength] = '\0'; if (FontParseXLFDName(lowerName, &tmpVals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_NONE) && !tmpVals.values_supplied && FontParseXLFDName(*aliasName, &tmpVals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_NONE)) { double *matrix = 0, tempmatrix[4]; /* Use a matrix iff exactly one is defined */ if ((tmpVals.values_supplied & PIXELSIZE_MASK) == PIXELSIZE_ARRAY && !(tmpVals.values_supplied & POINTSIZE_MASK)) matrix = tmpVals.pixel_matrix; else if ((tmpVals.values_supplied & POINTSIZE_MASK) == POINTSIZE_ARRAY && !(tmpVals.values_supplied & PIXELSIZE_MASK)) matrix = tmpVals.point_matrix; /* If matrix given in the alias, compute new point and/or pixel matrices */ if (matrix) { /* Complete the XLFD name to avoid potential gotchas */ if (FontFileCompleteXLFD(&tmpVals2, &tmpVals2)) { tempmatrix[0] = matrix[0] * tmpVals2.point_matrix[0] + matrix[1] * tmpVals2.point_matrix[2]; tempmatrix[1] = matrix[0] * tmpVals2.point_matrix[1] + matrix[1] * tmpVals2.point_matrix[3]; tempmatrix[2] = matrix[2] * tmpVals2.point_matrix[0] + matrix[3] * tmpVals2.point_matrix[2]; tempmatrix[3] = matrix[2] * tmpVals2.point_matrix[1] + matrix[3] * tmpVals2.point_matrix[3]; tmpVals2.point_matrix[0] = tempmatrix[0]; tmpVals2.point_matrix[1] = tempmatrix[1]; tmpVals2.point_matrix[2] = tempmatrix[2]; tmpVals2.point_matrix[3] = tempmatrix[3]; tempmatrix[0] = matrix[0] * tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[0] + matrix[1] * tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[2]; tempmatrix[1] = matrix[0] * tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[1] + matrix[1] * tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[3]; tempmatrix[2] = matrix[2] * tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[0] + matrix[3] * tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[2]; tempmatrix[3] = matrix[2] * tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[1] + matrix[3] * tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[3]; tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[0] = tempmatrix[0]; tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[1] = tempmatrix[1]; tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[2] = tempmatrix[2]; tmpVals2.pixel_matrix[3] = tempmatrix[3]; tmpVals2.values_supplied = (tmpVals2.values_supplied & ~(PIXELSIZE_MASK | POINTSIZE_MASK)) | PIXELSIZE_ARRAY | POINTSIZE_ARRAY; } else nameok = 0; } CopyISOLatin1Lowered (aliasname, *aliasName, len + 1); if (nameok && FontParseXLFDName(aliasname, &tmpVals2, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_VALUE)) /* Return a version of the aliasname that has had the vals stuffed into it. To avoid memory leak, this alias name lives in a static buffer. The caller needs to be done with this buffer before this procedure is called again to avoid reentrancy problems. */ *aliasName = aliasname; } } return nameok; } /* ARGSUSED */ int FontFileOpenFont (pointer client, FontPathElementPtr fpe, Mask flags, char *name, int namelen, fsBitmapFormat format, fsBitmapFormatMask fmask, XID id, FontPtr *pFont, char **aliasName, FontPtr non_cachable_font) { FontDirectoryPtr dir; char lowerName[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; char fileName[MAXFONTFILENAMELEN*2 + 1]; FontNameRec tmpName; FontEntryPtr entry; FontScalableRec vals; FontScalableEntryPtr scalable; FontScaledPtr scaled; FontBitmapEntryPtr bitmap; int ret; Bool noSpecificSize; int nranges; fsRange *ranges; if (namelen >= MAXFONTNAMELEN) return AllocError; dir = (FontDirectoryPtr) fpe->private; /* Match non-scalable pattern */ CopyISOLatin1Lowered (lowerName, name, namelen); lowerName[namelen] = '\0'; ranges = FontParseRanges(lowerName, &nranges); tmpName.name = lowerName; tmpName.length = namelen; tmpName.ndashes = FontFileCountDashes (lowerName, namelen); if (!FontParseXLFDName(lowerName, &vals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_NONE)) bzero(&vals, sizeof(vals)); if (!(entry = FontFileFindNameInDir (&dir->nonScalable, &tmpName)) && tmpName.ndashes == 14 && FontParseXLFDName (lowerName, &vals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_ZERO)) { tmpName.length = strlen(lowerName); entry = FontFileFindNameInDir (&dir->nonScalable, &tmpName); } if (entry) { switch (entry->type) { case FONT_ENTRY_BITMAP: bitmap = &entry->u.bitmap; if (bitmap->pFont) { *pFont = bitmap->pFont; (*pFont)->fpe = fpe; ret = Successful; } else { ret = FontFileOpenBitmapNCF (fpe, pFont, flags, entry, format, fmask, non_cachable_font); if (ret == Successful && *pFont) (*pFont)->fpe = fpe; } break; case FONT_ENTRY_ALIAS: vals.nranges = nranges; vals.ranges = ranges; transfer_values_to_alias(entry->name.name, entry->name.length, entry->u.alias.resolved, aliasName, &vals); ret = FontNameAlias; break; #ifdef NOTYET case FONT_ENTRY_BC: bc = &entry->u.bc; entry = bc->entry; ret = (*scalable->renderer->OpenScalable) (fpe, pFont, flags, entry, &bc->vals, format, fmask, non_cachable_font); if (ret == Successful && *pFont) (*pFont)->fpe = fpe; break; #endif default: ret = BadFontName; } } else { ret = BadFontName; } if (ret != BadFontName) { if (ranges) xfree(ranges); return ret; } /* Match XLFD patterns */ CopyISOLatin1Lowered (lowerName, name, namelen); lowerName[namelen] = '\0'; tmpName.name = lowerName; tmpName.length = namelen; tmpName.ndashes = FontFileCountDashes (lowerName, namelen); if (!FontParseXLFDName (lowerName, &vals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_ZERO) || !(tmpName.length = strlen (lowerName), entry = FontFileFindNameInScalableDir (&dir->scalable, &tmpName, &vals))) { CopyISOLatin1Lowered (lowerName, name, namelen); lowerName[namelen] = '\0'; tmpName.name = lowerName; tmpName.length = namelen; tmpName.ndashes = FontFileCountDashes (lowerName, namelen); entry = FontFileFindNameInScalableDir (&dir->scalable, &tmpName, &vals); if (entry) { strcpy(lowerName, entry->name.name); tmpName.name = lowerName; tmpName.length = entry->name.length; tmpName.ndashes = entry->name.ndashes; } } if (entry) { noSpecificSize = FALSE; /* TRUE breaks XLFD enhancements */ if (entry->type == FONT_ENTRY_SCALABLE && FontFileCompleteXLFD (&vals, &entry->u.scalable.extra->defaults)) { scalable = &entry->u.scalable; if ((vals.values_supplied & PIXELSIZE_MASK) == PIXELSIZE_ARRAY || (vals.values_supplied & POINTSIZE_MASK) == POINTSIZE_ARRAY || (vals.values_supplied & ~SIZE_SPECIFY_MASK & ~CHARSUBSET_SPECIFIED)) scaled = 0; else scaled = FontFileFindScaledInstance (entry, &vals, noSpecificSize); /* * A scaled instance can occur one of two ways: * * Either the font has been scaled to this * size already, in which case scaled->pFont * will point at that font. * * Or a bitmap instance in this size exists, * which is handled as if we got a pattern * matching the bitmap font name. */ if (scaled) { if (scaled->pFont) { *pFont = scaled->pFont; (*pFont)->fpe = fpe; ret = Successful; } else if (scaled->bitmap) { entry = scaled->bitmap; bitmap = &entry->u.bitmap; if (bitmap->pFont) { *pFont = bitmap->pFont; (*pFont)->fpe = fpe; ret = Successful; } else { ret = FontFileOpenBitmapNCF (fpe, pFont, flags, entry, format, fmask, non_cachable_font); if (ret == Successful && *pFont) (*pFont)->fpe = fpe; } } else /* "cannot" happen */ { ret = BadFontName; } } else { ret = FontFileMatchBitmapSource (fpe, pFont, flags, entry, &tmpName, &vals, format, fmask, noSpecificSize); if (ret != Successful) { char origName[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; CopyISOLatin1Lowered (origName, name, namelen); origName[namelen] = '\0'; /* Pass the original XLFD name in the vals structure; the rasterizer is free to examine it for hidden meanings. This information will not be saved in the scaled-instances table. */ vals.xlfdName = origName; vals.ranges = ranges; vals.nranges = nranges; if (strlen(dir->directory) + strlen(scalable->fileName) >= sizeof(fileName)) { ret = BadFontName; } else { strcpy (fileName, dir->directory); strcat (fileName, scalable->fileName); ret = (*scalable->renderer->OpenScalable) (fpe, pFont, flags, entry, fileName, &vals, format, fmask, non_cachable_font); } /* In case rasterizer does something bad because of charset subsetting... */ if (ret == Successful && ((*pFont)->info.firstCol > (*pFont)->info.lastCol || (*pFont)->info.firstRow > (*pFont)->info.lastRow)) { (*(*pFont)->unload_font)(*pFont); ret = BadFontName; } /* Save the instance */ if (ret == Successful) { if (FontFileAddScaledInstance (entry, &vals, *pFont, (char *) 0)) ranges = 0; else (*pFont)->fpePrivate = (pointer) 0; (*pFont)->fpe = fpe; } } } } } else ret = BadFontName; if (ranges) xfree(ranges); return ret; } /* ARGSUSED */ void FontFileCloseFont (FontPathElementPtr fpe, FontPtr pFont) { FontEntryPtr entry; if ((entry = (FontEntryPtr) pFont->fpePrivate)) { switch (entry->type) { case FONT_ENTRY_SCALABLE: FontFileRemoveScaledInstance (entry, pFont); break; case FONT_ENTRY_BITMAP: entry->u.bitmap.pFont = 0; break; default: /* "cannot" happen */ break; } pFont->fpePrivate = 0; } (*pFont->unload_font) (pFont); } static int FontFileOpenBitmapNCF (FontPathElementPtr fpe, FontPtr *pFont, int flags, FontEntryPtr entry, fsBitmapFormat format, fsBitmapFormatMask fmask, FontPtr non_cachable_font) { FontBitmapEntryPtr bitmap; char fileName[MAXFONTFILENAMELEN*2+1]; int ret; FontDirectoryPtr dir; dir = (FontDirectoryPtr) fpe->private; bitmap = &entry->u.bitmap; if(!bitmap || !bitmap->renderer->OpenBitmap) return BadFontName; if (strlen(dir->directory) + strlen(bitmap->fileName) >= sizeof(fileName)) return BadFontName; strcpy (fileName, dir->directory); strcat (fileName, bitmap->fileName); ret = (*bitmap->renderer->OpenBitmap) (fpe, pFont, flags, entry, fileName, format, fmask, non_cachable_font); if (ret == Successful) { bitmap->pFont = *pFont; (*pFont)->fpePrivate = (pointer) entry; } return ret; } int FontFileOpenBitmap (FontPathElementPtr fpe, FontPtr *pFont, int flags, FontEntryPtr entry, fsBitmapFormat format, fsBitmapFormatMask fmask) { return FontFileOpenBitmapNCF (fpe, pFont, flags, entry, format, fmask, (FontPtr)0); } static int FontFileGetInfoBitmap (FontPathElementPtr fpe, FontInfoPtr pFontInfo, FontEntryPtr entry) { FontBitmapEntryPtr bitmap; char fileName[MAXFONTFILENAMELEN*2+1]; int ret; FontDirectoryPtr dir; dir = (FontDirectoryPtr) fpe->private; bitmap = &entry->u.bitmap; if (!bitmap || !bitmap->renderer->GetInfoBitmap) return BadFontName; if (strlen(dir->directory) + strlen(bitmap->fileName) >= sizeof(fileName)) return BadFontName; strcpy (fileName, dir->directory); strcat (fileName, bitmap->fileName); ret = (*bitmap->renderer->GetInfoBitmap) (fpe, pFontInfo, entry, fileName); return ret; } static void _FontFileAddScalableNames(FontNamesPtr names, FontNamesPtr scaleNames, FontNamePtr nameptr, char *zeroChars, FontScalablePtr vals, fsRange *ranges, int nranges, int *max) { int i; FontScalableRec zeroVals, tmpVals; for (i = 0; i < scaleNames->nnames; i++) { char nameChars[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; if (!*max) return; FontParseXLFDName (scaleNames->names[i], &zeroVals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_NONE); tmpVals = *vals; if (FontFileCompleteXLFD (&tmpVals, &zeroVals)) { --*max; strcpy (nameChars, scaleNames->names[i]); if ((vals->values_supplied & PIXELSIZE_MASK) || !(vals->values_supplied & PIXELSIZE_WILDCARD) || vals->y == 0) { tmpVals.values_supplied = (tmpVals.values_supplied & ~PIXELSIZE_MASK) | (vals->values_supplied & PIXELSIZE_MASK); tmpVals.pixel_matrix[0] = vals->pixel_matrix[0]; tmpVals.pixel_matrix[1] = vals->pixel_matrix[1]; tmpVals.pixel_matrix[2] = vals->pixel_matrix[2]; tmpVals.pixel_matrix[3] = vals->pixel_matrix[3]; } if ((vals->values_supplied & POINTSIZE_MASK) || !(vals->values_supplied & POINTSIZE_WILDCARD) || vals->y == 0) { tmpVals.values_supplied = (tmpVals.values_supplied & ~POINTSIZE_MASK) | (vals->values_supplied & POINTSIZE_MASK); tmpVals.point_matrix[0] = vals->point_matrix[0]; tmpVals.point_matrix[1] = vals->point_matrix[1]; tmpVals.point_matrix[2] = vals->point_matrix[2]; tmpVals.point_matrix[3] = vals->point_matrix[3]; } if (vals->width <= 0) tmpVals.width = 0; if (vals->x == 0) tmpVals.x = 0; if (vals->y == 0) tmpVals.y = 0; tmpVals.ranges = ranges; tmpVals.nranges = nranges; FontParseXLFDName (nameChars, &tmpVals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_VALUE); /* If we're marking aliases with negative lengths, we need to concoct a valid target name to follow it. Otherwise we're done. */ if (scaleNames->length[i] >= 0) { (void) AddFontNamesName (names, nameChars, strlen (nameChars)); /* If our original pattern matches the name from the table and that name doesn't duplicate what we just added, add the name from the table */ if (strcmp(nameChars, scaleNames->names[i]) && FontFileMatchName(scaleNames->names[i], scaleNames->length[i], nameptr) && *max) { --*max; (void) AddFontNamesName (names, scaleNames->names[i], scaleNames->length[i]); } } else { char *aliasName; vals->ranges = ranges; vals->nranges = nranges; if (transfer_values_to_alias(zeroChars, strlen(zeroChars), scaleNames->names[++i], &aliasName, vals)) { (void) AddFontNamesName (names, nameChars, strlen (nameChars)); names->length[names->nnames - 1] = -names->length[names->nnames - 1]; (void) AddFontNamesName (names, aliasName, strlen (aliasName)); /* If our original pattern matches the name from the table and that name doesn't duplicate what we just added, add the name from the table */ if (strcmp(nameChars, scaleNames->names[i - 1]) && FontFileMatchName(scaleNames->names[i - 1], -scaleNames->length[i - 1], nameptr) && *max) { --*max; (void) AddFontNamesName (names, scaleNames->names[i - 1], -scaleNames->length[i - 1]); names->length[names->nnames - 1] = -names->length[names->nnames - 1]; (void) AddFontNamesName (names, aliasName, strlen (aliasName)); } } } } } } /* ARGSUSED */ static int _FontFileListFonts (pointer client, FontPathElementPtr fpe, char *pat, int len, int max, FontNamesPtr names, int mark_aliases) { FontDirectoryPtr dir; char lowerChars[MAXFONTNAMELEN], zeroChars[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; FontNameRec lowerName; FontNameRec zeroName; FontNamesPtr scaleNames; FontScalableRec vals; fsRange *ranges; int nranges; int result = BadFontName; if (len >= MAXFONTNAMELEN) return AllocError; dir = (FontDirectoryPtr) fpe->private; CopyISOLatin1Lowered (lowerChars, pat, len); lowerChars[len] = '\0'; lowerName.name = lowerChars; lowerName.length = len; lowerName.ndashes = FontFileCountDashes (lowerChars, len); /* Match XLFD patterns */ strcpy (zeroChars, lowerChars); if (lowerName.ndashes == 14 && FontParseXLFDName (zeroChars, &vals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_ZERO)) { ranges = FontParseRanges(lowerChars, &nranges); result = FontFileFindNamesInScalableDir (&dir->nonScalable, &lowerName, max, names, (FontScalablePtr)0, (mark_aliases ? LIST_ALIASES_AND_TARGET_NAMES : NORMAL_ALIAS_BEHAVIOR) | IGNORE_SCALABLE_ALIASES, &max); zeroName.name = zeroChars; zeroName.length = strlen (zeroChars); zeroName.ndashes = lowerName.ndashes; /* Look for scalable names and aliases, adding scaled instances of them to the output */ /* Scalable names... */ scaleNames = MakeFontNamesRecord (0); if (!scaleNames) { if (ranges) xfree(ranges); return AllocError; } FontFileFindNamesInScalableDir (&dir->scalable, &zeroName, max, scaleNames, &vals, mark_aliases ? LIST_ALIASES_AND_TARGET_NAMES : NORMAL_ALIAS_BEHAVIOR, (int *)0); _FontFileAddScalableNames(names, scaleNames, &lowerName, zeroChars, &vals, ranges, nranges, &max); FreeFontNames (scaleNames); /* Scalable aliases... */ scaleNames = MakeFontNamesRecord (0); if (!scaleNames) { if (ranges) xfree(ranges); return AllocError; } FontFileFindNamesInScalableDir (&dir->nonScalable, &zeroName, max, scaleNames, &vals, mark_aliases ? LIST_ALIASES_AND_TARGET_NAMES : NORMAL_ALIAS_BEHAVIOR, (int *)0); _FontFileAddScalableNames(names, scaleNames, &lowerName, zeroChars, &vals, ranges, nranges, &max); FreeFontNames (scaleNames); if (ranges) xfree(ranges); } else { result = FontFileFindNamesInScalableDir (&dir->nonScalable, &lowerName, max, names, (FontScalablePtr)0, mark_aliases ? LIST_ALIASES_AND_TARGET_NAMES : NORMAL_ALIAS_BEHAVIOR, &max); if (result == Successful) result = FontFileFindNamesInScalableDir (&dir->scalable, &lowerName, max, names, (FontScalablePtr)0, mark_aliases ? LIST_ALIASES_AND_TARGET_NAMES : NORMAL_ALIAS_BEHAVIOR, (int *)0); } return result; } typedef struct _LFWIData { FontNamesPtr names; int current; } LFWIDataRec, *LFWIDataPtr; int FontFileListFonts (pointer client, FontPathElementPtr fpe, char *pat, int len, int max, FontNamesPtr names) { return _FontFileListFonts (client, fpe, pat, len, max, names, 0); } int FontFileStartListFontsWithInfo(pointer client, FontPathElementPtr fpe, char *pat, int len, int max, pointer *privatep) { LFWIDataPtr data; int ret; data = (LFWIDataPtr) xalloc (sizeof *data); if (!data) return AllocError; data->names = MakeFontNamesRecord (0); if (!data->names) { xfree (data); return AllocError; } ret = FontFileListFonts (client, fpe, pat, len, max, data->names); if (ret != Successful) { FreeFontNames (data->names); xfree (data); return ret; } data->current = 0; *privatep = (pointer) data; return Successful; } /* ARGSUSED */ static int FontFileListOneFontWithInfo (pointer client, FontPathElementPtr fpe, char **namep, int *namelenp, FontInfoPtr *pFontInfo) { FontDirectoryPtr dir; char lowerName[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; char fileName[MAXFONTFILENAMELEN*2 + 1]; FontNameRec tmpName; FontEntryPtr entry; FontScalableRec vals; FontScalableEntryPtr scalable; FontScaledPtr scaled; FontBitmapEntryPtr bitmap; int ret; Bool noSpecificSize; int nranges; fsRange *ranges; char *name = *namep; int namelen = *namelenp; if (namelen >= MAXFONTNAMELEN) return AllocError; dir = (FontDirectoryPtr) fpe->private; /* Match non-scalable pattern */ CopyISOLatin1Lowered (lowerName, name, namelen); lowerName[namelen] = '\0'; ranges = FontParseRanges(lowerName, &nranges); tmpName.name = lowerName; tmpName.length = namelen; tmpName.ndashes = FontFileCountDashes (lowerName, namelen); if (!FontParseXLFDName(lowerName, &vals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_NONE)) bzero(&vals, sizeof(vals)); if (!(entry = FontFileFindNameInDir (&dir->nonScalable, &tmpName)) && tmpName.ndashes == 14 && FontParseXLFDName (lowerName, &vals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_ZERO)) { tmpName.length = strlen(lowerName); entry = FontFileFindNameInDir (&dir->nonScalable, &tmpName); } if (entry) { switch (entry->type) { case FONT_ENTRY_BITMAP: bitmap = &entry->u.bitmap; if (bitmap->pFont) { *pFontInfo = &bitmap->pFont->info; ret = Successful; } else { ret = FontFileGetInfoBitmap (fpe, *pFontInfo, entry); } break; case FONT_ENTRY_ALIAS: vals.nranges = nranges; vals.ranges = ranges; transfer_values_to_alias(entry->name.name, entry->name.length, entry->u.alias.resolved, namep, &vals); *namelenp = strlen (*namep); ret = FontNameAlias; break; #ifdef NOTYET case FONT_ENTRY_BC: /* no LFWI for this yet */ bc = &entry->u.bc; entry = bc->entry; /* Make a new scaled instance */ if (strlen(dir->directory) + strlen(scalable->fileName) >= sizeof(fileName)) { ret = BadFontName; } else { strcpy (fileName, dir->directory); strcat (fileName, scalable->fileName); ret = (*scalable->renderer->GetInfoScalable) (fpe, *pFontInfo, entry, tmpName, fileName, &bc->vals); } break; #endif default: ret = BadFontName; } } else { ret = BadFontName; } if (ret != BadFontName) { if (ranges) xfree(ranges); return ret; } /* Match XLFD patterns */ CopyISOLatin1Lowered (lowerName, name, namelen); lowerName[namelen] = '\0'; tmpName.name = lowerName; tmpName.length = namelen; tmpName.ndashes = FontFileCountDashes (lowerName, namelen); if (!FontParseXLFDName (lowerName, &vals, FONT_XLFD_REPLACE_ZERO) || !(tmpName.length = strlen (lowerName), entry = FontFileFindNameInScalableDir (&dir->scalable, &tmpName, &vals))) { CopyISOLatin1Lowered (lowerName, name, namelen); lowerName[namelen] = '\0'; tmpName.name = lowerName; tmpName.length = namelen; tmpName.ndashes = FontFileCountDashes (lowerName, namelen); entry = FontFileFindNameInScalableDir (&dir->scalable, &tmpName, &vals); if (entry) { strcpy(lowerName, entry->name.name); tmpName.name = lowerName; tmpName.length = entry->name.length; tmpName.ndashes = entry->name.ndashes; } } if (entry) { noSpecificSize = FALSE; /* TRUE breaks XLFD enhancements */ if (entry && entry->type == FONT_ENTRY_SCALABLE && FontFileCompleteXLFD (&vals, &entry->u.scalable.extra->defaults)) { scalable = &entry->u.scalable; scaled = FontFileFindScaledInstance (entry, &vals, noSpecificSize); /* * A scaled instance can occur one of two ways: * * Either the font has been scaled to this * size already, in which case scaled->pFont * will point at that font. * * Or a bitmap instance in this size exists, * which is handled as if we got a pattern * matching the bitmap font name. */ if (scaled) { if (scaled->pFont) { *pFontInfo = &scaled->pFont->info; ret = Successful; } else if (scaled->bitmap) { entry = scaled->bitmap; bitmap = &entry->u.bitmap; if (bitmap->pFont) { *pFontInfo = &bitmap->pFont->info; ret = Successful; } else { ret = FontFileGetInfoBitmap (fpe, *pFontInfo, entry); } } else /* "cannot" happen */ { ret = BadFontName; } } else { #ifdef NOTDEF /* no special case yet */ ret = FontFileMatchBitmapSource (fpe, pFont, flags, entry, &vals, format, fmask, noSpecificSize); if (ret != Successful) #endif { char origName[MAXFONTNAMELEN]; CopyISOLatin1Lowered (origName, name, namelen); origName[namelen] = '\0'; vals.xlfdName = origName; vals.ranges = ranges; vals.nranges = nranges; /* Make a new scaled instance */ if (strlen(dir->directory) + strlen(scalable->fileName) >= sizeof(fileName)) { ret = BadFontName; } else { strcpy (fileName, dir->directory); strcat (fileName, scalable->fileName); ret = (*scalable->renderer->GetInfoScalable) (fpe, *pFontInfo, entry, &tmpName, fileName, &vals); } if (ranges) xfree(ranges); } } if (ret == Successful) return ret; } CopyISOLatin1Lowered (lowerName, name, namelen); tmpName.length = namelen; } else ret = BadFontName; if (ranges) xfree(ranges); return ret; } int FontFileListNextFontWithInfo(pointer client, FontPathElementPtr fpe, char **namep, int *namelenp, FontInfoPtr *pFontInfo, int *numFonts, pointer private) { LFWIDataPtr data = (LFWIDataPtr) private; int ret; char *name; int namelen; if (data->current == data->names->nnames) { FreeFontNames (data->names); xfree (data); return BadFontName; } name = data->names->names[data->current]; namelen = data->names->length[data->current]; ret = FontFileListOneFontWithInfo (client, fpe, &name, &namelen, pFontInfo); if (ret == BadFontName) ret = AllocError; *namep = name; *namelenp = namelen; ++data->current; *numFonts = data->names->nnames - data->current; return ret; } int FontFileStartListFontsAndAliases(pointer client, FontPathElementPtr fpe, char *pat, int len, int max, pointer *privatep) { LFWIDataPtr data; int ret; data = (LFWIDataPtr) xalloc (sizeof *data); if (!data) return AllocError; data->names = MakeFontNamesRecord (0); if (!data->names) { xfree (data); return AllocError; } ret = _FontFileListFonts (client, fpe, pat, len, max, data->names, 1); if (ret != Successful) { FreeFontNames (data->names); xfree (data); return ret; } data->current = 0; *privatep = (pointer) data; return Successful; } int FontFileListNextFontOrAlias(pointer client, FontPathElementPtr fpe, char **namep, int *namelenp, char **resolvedp, int *resolvedlenp, pointer private) { LFWIDataPtr data = (LFWIDataPtr) private; int ret; char *name; int namelen; if (data->current == data->names->nnames) { FreeFontNames (data->names); xfree (data); return BadFontName; } name = data->names->names[data->current]; namelen = data->names->length[data->current]; /* If this is a real font name... */ if (namelen >= 0) { *namep = name; *namelenp = namelen; ret = Successful; } /* Else if an alias */ else { /* Tell the caller that this is an alias... let him resolve it to see if it's valid */ *namep = name; *namelenp = -namelen; *resolvedp = data->names->names[++data->current]; *resolvedlenp = data->names->length[data->current]; ret = FontNameAlias; } ++data->current; return ret; } void FontFileRegisterLocalFpeFunctions (void) { RegisterFPEFunctions(FontFileNameCheck, FontFileInitFPE, FontFileFreeFPE, FontFileResetFPE, FontFileOpenFont, FontFileCloseFont, FontFileListFonts, FontFileStartListFontsWithInfo, FontFileListNextFontWithInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL, FontFileStartListFontsAndAliases, FontFileListNextFontOrAlias, FontFileEmptyBitmapSource); }